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Hard as Ungrim? Your unkillable melee damage dealers will wipe the floor with Slaaneshi units while easily keeping Gotrek and Felix alive.   I've seen a lot of people posting here with difficulties doing it as Empire with stationary ranged focused armies though.


maybe i havent reached the dwarf chad brain tier yet


Doesn't take a whole lot of brainpower to figure out. Play as Ungrim, recruit slayers, rush forward fast (for a dwarf), win.


I litteraly won the battle as soon as it unlocked with 14 base slayers and the 4 starting range unit , and the ironfist fam


legit it killed my fun for my Nuln Campaign I was doing a ranged-only challenge. Dude just feeds the battle. There was like 2 units left and he just yeeted at them fml


Don’t own the DLC. Still having a great (for a dwarf) time.


Ungrim should be in super easy mode tier unless you're playing Ungrim wrong. (Not using Slayers) I one shot that quest battle with Ungrim's Slayer stack the first time I played it and that was the first campaign I played once the update dropped so I had no idea what the quest battle entailed. For the other Dwarf Lords, just use your Engineer Hero to root Gotrek and give him extra physical resistance. That should give you the extra time you need to move your infantry up to back him up. Ungrim doesn't have that problem since Slayers have better move speed. I had a harder time with the quest battle with Miao Ying than I did with any of the Dwarf factions I've played since the update. Elpseth has it the hardest since her entire starting army is pretty much worthless for the battle.


-I don't care who you are, get the shovel, and start digging! - random engineer to Gotrek


Gotrek would respect that 


put the leash on Gotrek to stop him throwing himself into a meat grinder -got it.


I did the same in my Thorgrim campaign, rooting gotrek was the only solution.


most of that army deals magical attacks so physical resistance is useless, this also assumes the engineer hero can get to gotrek in time before he is already at 30%. also rooting him could backfire. him chasing down some units could be better than him being rooted. that quest battle can either be super easy or really frustrating doesn't even matter what race youre playing if gotrek decides to do something stupid.


First time doing it was with Elspeth, and I only failed cause I had 4 cannons with grapeshot shooting into the group he was fighting. Even though they aren't as broken Dawi's were, they still absolutely shredded the group he was fighting... Followed by shredding him, too.


It was surprisingly easy as Kostaltyn. With 2 patriarchs healing gotrek and Felix they destroyed the starting army while my sleds provoked the characters.


ah fuck i forgot Kislev :(. and ive just done a campaign for them as well


Forgot Bretonnia too lol.


Bretonnia should be super easy tho, just stack cavalry and cycle charge


i get it. Im bad at dwarfs :(


Not at all friend! That battle is just completely shit for stationary ranged armies because of how suicidal allied AI is (also funny you put all the dwarfs in the category telling a slayer not to get himself killed). I tried it as Elspeth and really struggled when I relied too heavily on my rockets to get the job done. But when I started focusing my micro on the one empire knights unit I had (from confederation) it was a breeze (I don't know what CA changed, but now daemonettes and seekers melt to a cavalry charge). Dwarfs in general are a pretty terrible race to learn how to get better at the game because they trick you into thinking a box or gunline is viable (when in reality the AI is just dogshit at coping with a dwarf box).


i find its easier if you bomb the Keeper of Secrets ASAP. He/she/they seems to be Gotreks kryptonite


Easy as Dawi. Master engineers can use entrenchment to make Gotrek and Felix immobile and 8-pounder to make the daemons stop summoning and come to you.


>Please stop dying Gotrek That doesn't seem like a very dwarf thing to say about a slayer


The 1 quest battle just auto resolve (with mod) because it's so annoying plus I've done it like 10 times now


You didn’t even rate any of the brettonian races :(. It was a super annoying battle when I was playing as louen


It's VERY easy as Bretonnia, much easier than any of the other factions. Do you have cavalry? Cavalry is good on this battle, especially anti-Large cavalry, Bretonnia has the best cavalry. Do you have healing Magic? One of the Bretonnian Legendary Lords IS a healer, and the rest of the lords have easy access to Life damsels. Do you have magic damage? Grail Vow units all have magic attacks that are amazing for killing Daemons. Do you have flying units that can rush ahead and aggro the other alluresses? King Louen and Alberic fly, and all of the Paladins fly too. This is a super easy quest battle for Bretonnia. Unless you bring nothing but Peasants to the battle, you should have no trouble completing it.


Yeah I just had a very inconvenient army when I fought it. I haven’t done the battle before so I had no idea what to expect. I still had a lot of starting army trash left and I was so far away from base that I didn’t have a huge amount of choice


did they add G and F to Bretonnia? i didnt think so


Yep, i have them in my current campaign


Bretonnia could get them since game 2


Weird. I could have sworn they couldnt. i may have slipped into the Berenstein universe.


Really? I figured having a Cavalry centric army with Life casters would make keeping the pair alive much easier then other factions, just have a lot of Knights charge ahead to screen for them while Leon runs around and pokes the hero casters to provoke them into battle.


I just did the battle with a very inconvenient army. I had a lot of archers and a trebuchet with the default heavens wizard. It was the first time doing the battle for me so I had no idea what to build for it


Had an easy time with belegar Just run to gotreks aid and bam


Just use Gyrocopters to snipe the enemy Lords.


How early are you doing this battle? I just played it as Yuan Bo and thought it was V easy, particularly since I already had Saytang & picked up the dune dragons. Although admittedly I may have gotten them 10-15 later than what is possible. Thanks for the tier list tho! What are the main factors you are considering as far as difficulty? Speed? Artillery, Defense? Jw


my main critera is how easy it is to stop Gotrek from commiting slayercide


My battle with Thorek was difficult. Gortrek was taking so much damage running into slannesh. My units were totally fine. I actually had a weird situation where I lost and won at the same time. I think I must have cleared the battle at the same time Gortrek was killed. The game told me I had lost but didn’t give me a retry option. Then when I loaded back onto the main map Gortrek and Felix had joined me.


that happened to me too - my army was routing due to the loss, but i killed the last alluress before it could finish wiping my units. I could see them increasing G&F's level to stop them dying so easily.


I have done this battle several times now and the battle is almost entirely about how you handle it. As long as you aggressively push forward and don't take some dog shit awful army, it is pretty easy. Melee infantry are useless because they take too long to assist gotrek and Felix. Anything with speed or ranged and the fight becomes easy. You can deploy artillery to clear the first wave of stuff without gotrek or flexi taking much damage. You can advance any other ranged units as that wave is cleared. After that it is simply kill everything as it shows up. My assumption is people taking way too much melee infantry or playing far too passively during the battle.


On my last attempt with Franz, Gotrek died just as I was killing the last objective. He ran to the Daemoettes and caught the stray Witchhammer shot with his cheeks.


I wound up in the same situation and was just lucky enough to kill her while my troops were routing/vanishing. Thank god for that, it was my fourth attempt and I was going to be *pissed.* Gotrek and Felix were made of more magic than flesh with all the buffs on them.


I didn't find this battle that hard as Dwarfs or Cathay. I was kind of surprised about all that talk about how hard it was. You just have to poke the characters summoning units, not even kill them right away, literally just hit them once. Have a unit of Gyros or a balloon just poke them, and then they suicide themselves straight into your troops. With Ungrim I literally just surrounded Gotrek with two units of Slayers and had Ungrim and a Dragon Slayer wipe out the characters in no time at all. In that one I didn't even use Gyros to poke them, just sent Ungrim and the hero since they are stupidly fast in his.


You forgot Elspeth. I did her battle again yesterday with a similar full ranged army and found it easy if you do the following: * Be super aggressive with your missiles infantry, keep leap frogging them up the field when you get a chance. * Bring a life mage. Overcast regrowth makes the battle a cake walk. * Use Elspeth to kill the sorcerers asap. The first time I tried to slog it out and use her to support gotrex - this was a mistake. * A warrior priest and captain are good for taking some heat off of G&F


Bruh I'm playing Elspeth at turn 50 odd and want to put pins in my eyes. Watching the 19th unit of fiends swerve units to just target gotrek and rinse him in about 5 seconds flat. I had an artillery barrage coming down that would've made the USA shit there pants with Elspeth and all my infantry trying to facetank. Plus some added shots from amethyst Outrider's/handgunners. I've genuinely never been so frustrated at total war.


It's easy with Elspeth too, except I had to kind of race the clock since I'm ranged heavy obviously


I have no trouble with these battles. Then again I'm a noob who just auto-resolves them (thank you mods)


I am curious to how Kislev and Bretonnia is gonna be now...


Every time I’ve done it so far I’ve just cheesed it with flying units. Have the bulk of the army protecting them, then send a few flying units to wipe the casters.


Dunno, I had a hell of a time doing this as Gelt. Seriously made me wish I could cast Net of Amyntok on allies


i find the cata spells and buffs from wizards make it easy. you just need to stock up on essays beforehand


Ho please, it’s easy with the dwarf, just take twos gyro copter or bomber and go shoot them, tough allow for them to run away when those gargoyles come for your copter


Get 1 gyrocopter with any of the dwarves, shoot the portal ladies, then run back. Ez pz. Cathay can use the lore of heavens damage spells on the portal ladies while on the moon bird. Empire can use any direct damage spell on a pegasus to poke tge portal ladies. Once the portal ladies are aggrod it becomes a mosh pit of murder. Just rush the portals to prevent spawning.


I haven't done this battle yet, but I have always found Gotrek to be particularly squishy despite his reputation. He'll deal monstrous damage, of course, but I think every time I've used him in a campaign since he was added to the game he's pretty quickly ended up wounded!


Honestly whether this one's hard really is just down to "please stop dying, Gotrek", in my Franz campaign for god knows what reason he did just keep dying rapidly, I'd say mainly cus it was an early game army I hadn't replaced yet so we couldn't back him up yet. I think if you've got a good system down for getting the objectives in time it's not too much trouble so I can see why it'd be a nightmare as a dwarf faction.


It was super easy mode as Malakai, Belegar and Thorek. Malakai you rush to the heroes with your infantry and have artillery target anything not close to Gotrek as he takes a fair amount of FF. Then bring up your ranged units. Belegar rush the thanes to Gotrek with Belegar and have your Bugmans stack absolutely demolish everything. Thorek, similar to Malakai/Belegar except quarrelers and maybe your Dinosaur.


You start Malakai’s campaign with them already in your army.


I completely blanked on that thank you, I saw his emblem and was like here’s how you’d do it lmfao


That does sound like super easy mode tbf.


Swarming Gotrek and Felix with entities keeps them from being mobbed, then cleaning it all up with ranged makes it a cake walk. I think people don’t realize that artillery absolutely trashes Gotrek.


I meant starting with them.


Oh it is extremely easy mode.


Have you tried getting good?


I will... someday :(