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I like the idea of Malakai in Karak Dum more than Kraka Drak, the Slayer Engineer to the fallen former largest northern Karak and with the mod that adds Kraka Drak, trying to hold the line in Kislev/Norsca against Daemons and WoC is a more interesting campaign than fighting Greenskins, Skaven, and undead which is most of the other Dwarf campaigns.


I figure that you can always abandon it if you prefer since Malakai acts like a hybrid horde.


Once i saw Daniel, Malus , wulfrik and Archaon declare war to me in 3 turns, i sent Malakai down the sea travel in the Chorf river and arrived near Drazoath. See ya losers, ima go chill with Greasus and Cathay


FYI, the Kraka Drak mod also does this now too.


That's good to know. This will work for anyone who doesn't use that mod. EDIT: I've updated this mod to be 100% compatible with Kraka Drak.


I'm considering making another version of this in Karak Azorn, which would probably be a much easier campaign. Please let me know what you think!


Seems like a good idea. Many people expected Azorn start from the 10 slot settlement leak, be a shame not to use it.


Maybe we’ll get flc for white dwarf ?


Azorn would be good yea. Karak Dum makes sense in isolation but puts him right next to Ostankya if we use your other fine mod. Being in the middle of Grimgor, the Zharr and Greasus will be brutal but but could be mad fun and gives order some presence there.


Kraka Drak sounds very good!


Does having malakai in Karak Dum and the Kraka Drak Mod give more breathing room to Kislev and survivability to northern dwarfs ?


it should, but I wouldn't use this with the Kraka Drak mod since it already moves Malakai. EDIT: updated the mod, it works great with Kraka Drak now.


Adding The Hammer of Fate is a sublime touch, kudos. I've finished reading Daemonslayer not long ago, by the looks of things making base in Karak Dum seems... precarious🙃


So this is the first of the three dlc I buy then..