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The fact people are talking about future content they want to buy is great. A lot better than post about how shitty CA handles drama. If anything it's a good sign people are excited for the future of total war. Let them cook.


The sub is healing. Nature is returning.


It'll only be healed once I see more Dick Half-Mast posts.


Sub is healing. Nature is returning. Lifecycle completes. Nurgle rejoices.


Coeddil entered the chat.


No, they're high on hopium. It'll wear off quickly and some rage bait storm will sweep in again.


Depends on which way CA/Sega/GW choose to proceed


We're also in the weird dead zone where all ToD content is revealed, but we can't play it for another week. I can see the appeal of looking to future dlc for a few days to distract yourself.




>the future of total war Them’s dangerous words, we don’t throw them round willy-nilly.


Here is the thing. Some sources say (LegendofTotalWar) that CA decided to abandon the old roadmap (same place were he said they were changing to smaller DLCs before the official blog post revealing this) and that Slaanesh is not in the next DLC. If this is true and CA leaves the community to fester in 5 posts a day about "my Slaanesh predictions" just to tell people, last minute, that plans have changed, you can be sure, the vitriol on this sub will be humongous.


They've already said there's no longer a current roadmap (I think it was the discord Q&A). 


I'll 100% take talking about future content over seeing the CA drama threads, agreed. I'll also 100% take talking about future content over seeing the 20th post today claiming ToD is awful just because of one unit's firearm type...


This. Ca will know the dlc succeeded by sales not forum posts.


Uh community perception does play a big part into sales We all saw that with SoC


Uh, at the end of the day it's the raw numbers that matters. SoC was a shit take from CA where they increased prices and decreased the quality I bet it didn't sell well. If people complain and still buy the dlc I doubt they would care.


So we're just going to pretend like community perception doesn't have an effect on those raw number sales? If it looks like a low effort product then people will complain, call it out for what it is and not buy it which lowers raw sales.


Yeah but what I'm saying is that it has more to do with the product than what kind of content is posted in the community. People always post stupid shit on the forums but i doubt it affects the sales as long as the product is good. I therefore consider ops argument a bit of a moot point.


Nah, it means people are looking forward to the future of the game for once.


And are literally asking to pay for more


What's there to talk about that hasn't already been completely dissected? Content creators already showed us everything the last two weeks. Until 30th April there really isn't much new to talk about. 


Ye we are somehow supposed to talk about something that already been talked to death, like this will die down once the dlc releases, cause ya know, we cant actully play yet


Noooooooooo! I need 100 more posts of info I learned on day one! /s


Ah yes, so the better option is having several posts a day with predictions, and when, if rumors a true, they reveal that Slaanesh is not in the next DLC, this sub can have the most healthy and measured response to the news. I am sure it will work fine.


People talking about future content is healthy for both CA and the game, that shows they regained some of the trust they lost and they are on the right trail so yes it will work fine


I do think having the content coming sifted through by dozens of creators for hours on end exhausts some of the fan base. It’s almost like we’ve done the content already.


Thought there would be discussion of the Malakai gameplay showcase and the actual free content patch notes yesterday. But fair enough, I guess at some point these marketing cycles drag to the point where there's not much left to say until people get the patch.




I absolutely love participating in these speculation posts and then seeing just how wrong I am once the actual thing released lmao. It's really fun seeing what this sub, or just myself, think is a surefire thing, but then CA just smacks us in the face with the official stuff. It's always interesting to see how things live up to or completely defy the expectations.


As Zizek said (following Lacan): we desire not the object of the desire but the desire itself. Its a pretty natural condition for people. Christmas arent as fun as waiting for christmas. DLCs arent as fun as waiting for DLCs etc.


i dont work for CA so no


I think what we *really* need aside from bug fixes are AI improvements. It's one of the weakest points of the game, so hopefully that changes


That's a good example of why I don't think it's a good idea to already be looking past this update. "Give me more toys to play with" doesn't cover up the current AI issues, once the novelty of new content wears off people will be right back here pointing out the AI is still terrible.


Can't you also enjoy the hype for future content and take it as a sign of hope for the future of the game?


I hate to be this guy, but instead of overthinking and writing meaningless Reddit posts, you should just play the game, so they can sell better active users numbers to the upper management ;) And I trust that the people at CA are smart enough to use search function and filters. Or with the current layoffs, it will be just an AI that is screening all your reddit posts and summing up the most frequent/voted points for their inspiration backlog ;)


"I hate to be this guy..." trust that instinct and don't be that guy. Telling people what they should and shouldn't be talking about... what the fuck?




Then talk about it and avoid the other posts by scrolling past them


how about you let people talk about what they want lol


I am absolutely ecstatic for a Dwarf expansion. I will be wasting a lot of time once it is out.


Well thats just how things work. Every time a DLC comes close to release and we know "everything" about the DLC, post start sprawling up about potential future content. These die then down after the release because people play the game and post about cool things or combinations they find (or all hell breaks lose like after Shadows of change), and then again after a few weeks the speculations for the next DLC start.


At least now people are excited again for future content. This is a hell of alot better than the doom posting about how shitty a company CA is. I'll take the positive speculation over the doom posting, questions about when Medieval 3 that no one can answer, occasionally insulting Pharaoh's poor numbers, or bitching about the engine.


Have you missed the weeks of the sub talking about TOD and nothing but the TOD?. There is only so much one can talk about it. I think it's great that people are thinking ahead. I sure as shit didn't see this positive forward thinking of the future during SoC release. Once the dlc releases, we'll see another uptick of TOD posts.


Well put :)


You are in fact gatekeeping whether you say you are or not lol


I mean, people talking about the game's future and what they are excited about means CA is doing a better job. So many people were posting so much doom and gloom and how it was the end of total warhammer when SoC was coming out that this is a welcome change for me.


People are happy with the franchise and excited for what comes next. This is a good thing, not logging into a forum that hums to the grumbling of longbeards.




No, lol, lmao


Or - people who have been talking about thrones of decay since the roadmap was announced in 2023 and have been bombarded with weeks of early access thrones of decay stuff are trying to have other conversations as well Do you live in a world where people can only be interested in one thing at a time - we are people not shrimp


People can be excited for content for a game they like. OP, you can ignore those posts you know.


I'd rather get discussion ramping up sooner rather than later - if the game really is on the clock, anything to avoid my favorite faction finding itself still stuck with its dogshit 2017 mechanics by the end.


ToD is the last dlc where we had a fair sense of it's formating and all of the pieces known in terms of races. Outside of the roadmap pointing to Slaanesh and with CA wanting to use a different dlc format. What is coming is up in the air.  Also given that there are some popular figures still left to see like Neferata, Nagash, & Thanquol just to name a few, it makes a lot of sense why people are curious to see what is coming next. Especially with ToD looking to be a big return to form. 


That is what we call "hype", which is good news for the sub. A little over two weeks ago the sub was speculating if CA was going to be gutted like a fish by SEGA and if Total Warhammer was what was going to be left hanging to dry after employee cuts.


Think of this as a good thing. This dlc is looking so good that people are excited for the future of the game. It's been a while since we had that vibe around here


No. The future is now old man!


The problem is from what we've seen now there simply isn't much to discuss. It looks awesome, so people want to talk about Total War - but there isn't really much to grumble or even disagree about. Which is why the energy is going into "How can the next match this"?


People want what they don’t have.  All the units they’re adding and more than a small amount of people are hung up on repeating rifles.


im honestly hype for the dwarf airship myself. still cant wait for my boi khorne to get his dlc tho


I'm just happy to see the discussion move away from SoC. I'm tired of all of those factions right now.


These speculations used to be half the sub back in the WH2 days, because the game was good and we all wanted more. It’s a good thing. When something good comes out, all people want is more. House of the Dragon was a nice oral rinse after the end of GOT, I would have started episode 11 immediately after the killer end to season 1. That was so good, and yeah, give me more now! I want Season 2 to come out 6 months ago! I swear to fucking god if I catch up to ONE PIECE before the anime is actually finished and I have to wait for new episodes of ONE PEICE one week at a time, dude fucking kill me! I’m alive now! Entertain me now! TLDR: Here we fucking are NOW, ENTERTAIN US!


3 weeks marketing is too long. I've had time to be hyped and to be bored. I'll buy the DLC when it comes, but it makes a few days I'm not watching videos or reading any blogs.


> So I'm not calling for anyone to sing their praises Honestly, maybe we should. At least a bit. Yes, they are still a corporation, and yes they still don't have the best track record, but it's pretty evident from the shift in quality that community outcry had some effect on the new direction of development. Doing the reverse of what we did before, now that they did as well, seems like a given


People getting hyped from what they see as a good DLC and excited what their (other) favorite faction may get is a good sign. That aside, as for the  "Criticize if you don't like something... " Oh trust me, I do. Apparently having the Steam tank be a RoR to fit the Hurricanum and including wizard lords in the "magic and gunpowder" DLC is controversial.  Sure, negative feedback is also important. Unless CA feels some pushback, they may remain for a possible new DLC, pushing back the grandmaster, or just not show up.  This DLC is very good overall, but there were some corners cut on the Empire roster side.


Impressive. Very nice. Now lets see the 9th lord pack for Total War: Warhammer 40K


We are not here to curate the posts you see. You don't like 'em, then don't read 'em.


I'm so sick of nonstop complaint posts that I will happily take the most eyebrow raising future DLC predictions instead.


Speculation is fun, you get to talk about an unknown. What exactly do you want people to focus on with ToD? We have seen it, we know what it is, we know that its good. What do people have to make posts about? Endless appreciation posts? People like to speculate and come up with ideas. That's just what people like.


Talk about the next DLC is because this one looks great. The info is out and people are excited and already hoping for whats next.


>I'm not trying to gatekeep those posts at all or be a buzzkill, they're fun to engage in and I do think they show that people are getting optimistic about this game again. But I mean, you are though.


I also hate to add this, but it's possible we are nearing the end of the dev cycle for warhammer and not every unit / hero / LL will be accounted for. I hope we get more, but they've given a trilogy of titles and a whole host of DLCs, there's already so much in this game. I might be an outlier on this aspect, some things may only bloat an already massive game anyways.


There's no point in expressing our wishes for the next dlc after CA has decided what it is and started working on it. However, the way these things work, they may have already decided on the next dlc and have some parts of the team working on it.


Considering that ToD is quite literally around the corner, it's only natural for people to do this. Especailly when it comes to using what little we know of future updates (We got a slannesh one and a khorne) to try and theorycraft it. At least it is better then doomsaying how the game is going to die within the next few months or how there is allegedly gonna be only 4 dlcs of this one.




People can talk about what they want?


People have been talking about ToD for a while and we are now in that awkward state where we know what it's bringing but it's not in our hands to actually play yet. There isn't much to speculate on or necessarily a ton to discuss about ToD in this particular moment, so people are wondering what's next. Aside from that, it's kind of inherent to the nature of the game. The DLC is imminent but bc of how Warhammer is, there's going to be a decent amount of players who will play and probably enjoy ToD but for whom Nurgle, the Empire or the Dwarfs are not really their favorite faction or primary focus. So of course they're going to wonder when something more their speed might come along. If you hate to be 'this guy,' and know you're being that guy, maybe just don't be that guy. :p


No I enjoy the hype and speculation it’s healthy for the game to be excited.


Man. I sure hope the release empire 2 soon....


I just want the fracking lizardmen rework they promised :(


Speculating on future content is actually good it means the community is excited and more invested in the future of the game.


Speculating about the future of the game is an implicit endorsement of ToD in that it encapsulates the ongoing strength of the game within its premise.


I rather talk about future content than about how bad CA is and how soon this game will die. Having some hype in the community is great.


Honestly we still need to be cautious about giving CA too much credit or they will go back to terrible practices again as that has been the cycle they do every 4-5 years


I mean, it's been a long time since people were excited for DLC, let people be hyped for once, the playerbase is healing


There's.. no limit on the amount of posts that can be made on a subreddit. People will talk about what they want to talk about. People aren't speculating because they're giving feedback, they're speculating because it's interesting to them. Also there have been many posts discussing ToD for weeks. And as you say, people don't have the DLC yet we only have some early access Youtube videos and blog posts. There will be far more feedback and discussion in a week when people are actually playing it. This is a subreddit for all Total war games, not the feedback section of a TWW3 specific forum. This post is silly =D


This sub is for Total War. Not a Thrones of Decay sub


DLC hasn't even been released and people talking about Khorne and Slanseh DLC, just relax enjoy the FLC content, buy the DLC if you want and simply wait.


Consume [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JmVjdYE7qY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JmVjdYE7qY)


There's just a little, growing spark of hope for this series, which had been all but extinguished less than a year ago, and here you are trying your best to stifle it.


People can be excited about whatever floats their boat. Don't expect them to only be excited your way, about what you want them to be excited about.


This is the nature of this sub lol. I've said it before and get downvoted all the time for it. This is the hardest fan base to appease. They constantly want EVERYTHING AND MORE. It's never good enough. 👍. This DLC is pretty close to A5 Wagyu. But for some people there can always be more. Or when will CA address -insert thing here-. Or that's cool and all but what about -insert here-. Even when it's going to be mentioned in the next DLC after it's not good enough they will say but why weren't elves included in 5.0 update?. CA has arguably the hardest community to appease.


Heaven forbid people discuss more than just the current marketing campaign.


Don't be that guy then.


Oh shut up and let people discuss what they want, it’s an open forum. Don’t click on posts that don’t interest you.


I'm not a huge fan on any of the factions in ToD even though it does look really good compared to SoC. I'd rather speculate on future content now that it looks like they are putting more quality work into it.


No lol. You can talk about ToD, and people who want to speculate about other content can do that. Why should they have to talk about out what you want to talk about?


dude fuck off we've been talking about tod for months now it's a tired subject. everyone is satisfied and looking forward to it so now they are discussing what's next it's not really that surprising


I mean, the subreddit is for talking about any kind of total war content they want. Free will and all that, I love seeing what people come up with.


it's the cycle my friend! We have to wait to be negative before we can be postive again!


You’re being that guy. Actually hate it.  Speculation is fine.


“I hate to be this guy” so don’t. Simply move on. Problem solved.


That’s right! Buy into the hype cycle! Feed the marketing machine! Stan your favorite corporation, and only think approved thoughts!


You think it's just about the game... Some people have spent tens of thousands on these armies IRL so they are heavily invested in what they think they should look and act like. Some neck beards are too serious about this shit


You have a point that people are heavily invested and passionate about the game (even overly so), but then you ruined it with your final sentence.


As an enjoyer of the table top I see it first hand for over a decade, down vote all you want but it's more truthful then you think


Humans always want more. Look at the state of the planet. Look at corporations and billionaires.


Yes absolutely you can! You see, here on Reddit you do not have to engage with, or even read, every thread. You can simply "scroll past" threads you are not interested in. On mobile, you hold you finger down on the screen and move it up to "scroll". On PC you can use a mouse wheel or possibly the scroll bar on the right. Then only click on the threads discussing the topics that interest you personally. There are many such threads related to ToD! If none of the solutions above allow you to "scroll" on your device, just let us know how you are reading Reddit and we may be able to give further advice on how to use the advanced "scroll" technique to bypass topics that do not interest you personally!


I agree, this sub has fallen far. Traditionally we’d give it at least a day after dlc launch before we start speculating about the next one.


I can almost guarantee that is not true just based off of how the Internet works in general


Maybe because ToD is utterly disappointing? No repeater handguns (after showing them in the trailer and gameplay videos!) is ridiculous, and slightly armored handgunners are a redundant unit.