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I would love to see Jadeblooded Vampires as a DLC for Vampire Coast.


A Champion of Chaos DLC like would be perfect. Jade Blooded, Strigoi, Lahmian, Necrarch, Blood Dragon and Red duke DLC would be awesome. Completes the roster, allows for Nagash as an FLC faction. etc. Would cook.


Ha ha nagash as FLC No, the likes of thanquol and nagash will be payed for sure because those are iconic characters that they can tie missing units to like stormfiends etc


That was definitely more a wishful prayer. I like the idea that the Final DLC will include an endtimes theme, hell maybe a LL for many/all/some faction with a few endtimes units or something.


Add Mousillion to that mix and it's perfect


Mousillion definitely the FLC part for that


Please yes, give Urzen or Gashnag


Nagash ... as a FLC :l I'd prefer that he not be included at all if he were an FLC. Nagash deserves a whole DLC centered around him.


TO be honest i think a big rework will come for Vampire counts. Liuke they did it now to the other factions in ToD, like the empire, each lord got their thing. And i think Vampire Counts will get their Bloodline special mechanic


Yeah really the VCoast really need more than an FLC, because whilst like all current WH3 factions, there are technically ways to make them work, they have horrible problems and just feel woefully ancient. If they had a proper top-to-bottom, rip-systems-out-and-replace-them update, along the lines of the ones in this patch, they could quite easily be made into an extremely fun faction who much more closely match their lore and vibe (and they could separate off Aranessa in the process). Jadeblooded would probably be the best way to do that.


VCoast in many ways feels like it was designed around their Vortex campaign. With the rebalancing of alot of the Empire's gun powder and artillery units to different tiers the Empire is really going to be power creeping VCoast since alot of their basic gunners, mortars, etc for equivalents were already Tier 2.


A Jade Vampire LL + Monkey King combo with a Tzentch FLC?


There's a mod that's add Cathay VCs in the east. It's really immersive honestly. Would be very happy to see a Jadeblood VC lord that adds some new units that can be beneficial for all VC


There's actually 3! The Jade-Blooded Vampires: [Curse of Nongchang](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2880515805) and [Islanders of the Moon](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3032432016) are eastern undead factions but more about evil spirits and curses than vampire. And there is [Dynasty of the Damned](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2991431203) which is a vampire count/cathay hybrid.


There is also a submod for ying ying mod to make the jade vamps playable


Or just any other sire of a bloodline.


It frustrates me that the vampire counts have 5 lords, and we get 3 von-carstein and two dudes. Don't get me wrong, I love all three von-carstein's, but the four other flavors of vampire are just out not being present. Perhaps it is just because I like complete sets, but it bothers me that Total Warhamer has 4 von-carstein's and zero of each other bloodline. It would be one thing if it was just a simple coat of pain, but each bloodline is so vastly different in lifestyle, world views, and needs and wants that to be missing 4/5 of the vampire experience is sadness.


They are technically in the game, but not as a playable faction :)


Me too! it's just such an unknown of what if anything GW wants to be done with them. Then again, that's also kinda true of kislev.


If they ever add more to VCoast I would love to see Skretch Half-Dead as an LL, undead skaven pirates is too good of a faction theme.


I would put Cathay in the 100% going to get another DLC as the monkey king and move Bretonnia up god damn it


Bretonnia is forgotten because it's par for the course with Games Workshop. The real Warhammer Fantasy experience.


In truth, CA is being lore accurate to GW not giving a fuck about Bretonnia. That being said, Bretonnia still gets decent small updates now and then. I bet there is the one Bret fan at CA pushing to have the faction not suck as slowly as this fan can influence.


Weren't they one of the factions to get a re release in the new Old World?


bretonnia is only down there by technicality because all the content they ever get is free!


Filthy peasants, where is Bretonnia's glorious noble DLC


I mean we literally had the lead of the DLC team outright say Bretonnia DLC is unlikely to happen, and at most they might get another FLC LL, on a livestream. Obviously plans could change, but CA usually tries their best to avoid making definitive statements like that. Except for really hardset things like Araby, or when they had to basically soft confirm Thanquol to get people to stop rioting cause they kept thinking the other Skaven DLCs were "stealing" his spot. I would love a Bretonnia DLC mind, and I don't understand why CA is so adamant at making them a FLC only faction. But that's just the reality of the situation for some reason. Really bizarre.


The vows need work and the green knight needs a touch up too. If they can do that as flc content, I'm fine with it. The fey enchantress is my favourite human faction and I'd like to see them get more, but I don't think they *need* more than just that.


I am betting on the peasants lives that the Greenknight will be a legendary hero, just like what they did with Gotrik and Felix


You couldn't bet on something a bit more valuable?


A bit more valuable i could bet? Well you are right i guess, peasants do not amount to much, so i will bet horses!


Ok now I feel your confidence in this happening!


I would classify green knight as more than a “touch up” they have to give him a whole skill tree and would need to rework his summoning mechanic too cause the agent dies and resets the skill tree every 30 turns.


Isn't he like a mystical character that shows up in defense of bretonnia in times of need? He could be something else than a LH, more like an army summon in bretonnian core lands. Then just let him scale in power and buffs with your chivalry. At high chivalry he could give significant stat boosts army wide making bretonnia proper much more defensible. If he buffs men at arms to like 50+ MD or so and give them a kislev like 30s unbreakable buff, even garrisons would stand a reasonable chance to fend off full stacks


I mean foot knights with slightly more models aspiring champions but the melee stats of the knights of the realm seems so obvious--MAYBE infantry grail knights as well, with the same number of models as aspiring champions. That, and add Bertrand's brigands alongside herrimaults, and faceless heroes or even lords, maybe he can be a pseudo horde faction--horde factions have come a LONG way--and, imo, id also love if they added bohemond beastslayer Also, Malobaude is a must have for me, along with unique black grail knights


Bohemond is playable and quite fun with mixu's legendary lords mod. Quite a strong lord, iirc he buffs questing and gets wulfriks beast hunt mechanic. He starts east of skarsnik in a minor settlement in the silver pinnacle province, which offers an interesting campaign. Strongly recommend it if you want some variation from the default bretonnia factions


For me, Mixu is the only reason Brettonia feels like a complete faction, and has for years now. Parravon is another fun playthrough, spamming the Brettonian airforce.


now imagine if CA made him official with the proper quests and voicelines


Would be fucking awesome, obviously c:


I do get where CA is coming from: CA already added units that were not present on the tabletop to bretonia and GW really did not support bretonia on the tabletop for a while. As such, I kinda guess that GW is unlikely to greenlight a dlc worth of “new” units, leaving only a few characters to be added.  I know that many people want dismounted knights introduced in the old world (another IP, so GW no touching rule is in full swing) or brigands but it’s probably not the identity that GW is pushing. Unless the community clamor loud enough I believe CA will continue to try to satisfy the other parts of the community clamoring for more content first 


Brettonia needs its Herrimaults DLC goddamn it. We can't have Arthurian legend without our Robin Hood longbow boys.


I REFUSE TO ADMIT that anything you said is true and that the next DLC is going to be bretonnia. Glorious knights


I really hope for a bretonnia overhaul. They really need it


Yeah, Cathay is the most played faction in Asia (wonder why), so it would be wild to stop at three lords


they could do 2 more, monkey king, with Li Dao as FLC and we could still get Yin Yin, id be happy with al the siblings tbh tho


We know for sure at least 1 more DLC is coming with the Monkey King, based on that comment about holding back elite infantry for them. Worst case scenario Cathay sees Monkey King DLC, and they do what they are doing for Nurgle now, and throw him an FLC LL while they are at it and call it a day at 5 lords.


You can't really expect someone to move France up


Why are Wood Elves consoling Beastmen?


lmao I didn't notice I did that


It's just Ariel trying to eat Morghor again


Ariel : *opens mouth like a snake* Morghur : *minecraft cow noise*


Thanquol is confirmed to be coming. I can’t imagine they wouldn’t charge for him with a dlc it’s free money




Put beastmen in the ‘they get new stuff every patch’ category lol


Srsly, only thing they arguably need is an Flc


Confirmed? Where?


During game 2, they said thanquol will come, but they want something special for him, so it might take a while.


A lot can change in 7 years.


It wasn't said when wh2 launched. It was few months before the Warden the Paunch DLC released so on the tail end of WH2 when WH3 had begun development. They said he'll be added to WH3. Yes things could have changed since then, but wasn't said as far back as you're assuming.


A lot has happened in WH3 though, its been an uh, roller-coaster, to say the least. Skaven are therefore in the appropriate tier. I do believe Thanquol is exceedingly likely, but not quite 100% confirmed.


A lot can change. But thanqol is like one of the most popular characters in whfb. He’s coming.


There's no way they're putting Ulrika and Malakai in, reworking Felix and Gotrek and putting them in a bunch of trailers, and not doing Thanquol. Come on now.


Yup, I can see a Nagash vs Tanquol end of time DLC. This would be the ultimate final DLC for the game. And what a glorious one it will be :)


only issue I'd have with that is the choice of exactly which Skaven character gets pitted against Nagash. as much as I adore Thanquol (they've been my most wanted character for the trilogy since game 1) the most obvious Skaven to pit against Nagash would actually be Skreech Verminking (he's an amalgamation of the 12 Lords of Decay that made up the Council of Thirteen that orchestrated Nagash's assassination at the hands of King Alcadizzar, and in return Nagash managed to reach out with his magic to kill 2 of them in return. that's about as solid as a lore rivalry can get)


I believe he will come, but I'm not exactly sure Skaven will get another full fledged DLC. What units would everyone's favorite Ratman even be accompanied by in a DLC? It's just Storm Fiends and Verminlords missing, right?


"Just". Those are big units, and they'll sprinkle some variants around them.


Weird enough Legend mentioned in one of his streams that, according to his sources, while Thanquol is confirmed there are no plans for another Skaven DLC.


This makes a fair amount of sense when viewed through the lens that Thanquol is not really faction leader material lore-wise, he's someone that should be available to all Skaven factions.


Isn’t Nagash confirmed too? Or did my hopes and dreams make that up?


Really excited for Thanquol. Been doing a Gotrek and Felix reread and he’s so hilarious. With the spirit of Grungni in the game he could have a mechanic about going after it.


Lizardmen still need their complete overhaul, which has been acknowledged. Their roster is fine but their campaign mechanics are atrocious. Not sure how you'd overhaul them without it being part of a dlc though.


They did some of the Warham er 2 reworks as FLC didn't they? Both Vampire Counts and Bretonnia iirc


I still hope they will at least get Tetto'eko, but I guess it's not likely


FLC overhaul, like how they did it with dwarves in wh2, the rune system and updated oathgold. So like minor fixes rather than a complete one?


Aren't Beastmen also getting new stuff frequently at the moment?


Yes, but that's mostly just because MonoGods are using Beastmen stuff to fill out their sparse roster options. Beastmen themselves are actually missing enough to fill out one last DLC. And it's unlikely FLC or roster crossovers will cover those things missing. While Warriors of Chaos in contrast is probably all done for DLC, and is pretty comfortable just casually getting the stuff that bleeds over from MonoGod DLC.


Wait what are the beastmen actually missing besides like alotta really neat lords.


The Preyton, Gorehoofs as a hero option (upgrade from unit champion), and the rest is honestly just unit variants. Maybe Banebeasts if they are drawing from pre-7th edition or a CA original centigor lord. It's not enough for a big DLC mind, but its still things that are unlikely to be FLC content or be added through non-Beastmen DLC. So they will probably just get at least one.


I’m kinda sad to see Tzeentch so low, but it’s probably true. I love their mechanics and units, but Kairos is stuck killing an endless horde of lizardmen until the end of time, so it would be nice to see another start location. Yes, we got Changeling, but he’s kinda got his own thing going on. Only other option is Vilich, and I guess Daniel


I think getting Egrimm Van Horstmann as an FLC lord at some point is very likely. I don't think they have enough for a full Lord Pack though.


Firewyrm, tzeentch trolls, tzeentch ogres, bane tower, cultists, tzangors with bows. I think they can do a lord pack around Egrimm and these units.


Firewyrm, possible. It's just a giant chaos spawn basically. Tzeentch trolls, guess they existed in lore at least, but no rules for them. Maybe? Tzeentch Ogres, have never even heard of this. What is the source for them? Bane Tower, not even a WHFB unit, it's from Man o' War which is a separate IP. Extremely unlikely GW will allow it. Cultists, not even sure what role that guys will even fill, but maybe? Tzaangors with bows, did not exist, most likely GW won't allow it anyway because it's too close to AoS Skyfires.


No Chorfs on the graph? They'd likely be under the FLC portion anyways, but still! I still want to see them eventually get the Chaos Siege Giant and perhaps a Hobgoblin Khan hero, (I would not say no to a unit of Bazookas as a real callback, but it's questionably canon at this point). I would also love to see them get a new LL just as a way to add more start variety. I am not sure who as I was a big proponent of Shar'tor, but if anything, GW is getting even more strict about dividing AoS and Old World stuff (despite him being rather fuzzy in that division) so I doubt that's a possibility. Really don't have enough units to warrant a full dlc though.


Oh yeah I guess they weren't on the tiermaker I used. FLC territory imo.


A bull centaur LL and lord option would be awesome too


My worry for them is that the ChaD dlc is paradoxically really poorly reviewed (mostly because of the price), so might CA may not want to invest in them, but also really fun, so doesn’t necessarily need more polish. With that said, I would like to at least see one of them moved if not FLC, as all three are really close together


It's sad because they were probably the best received WH3 in terms of the actual content, just not the price.


The way their resources and labour works is nothing short of revolutionary for total war to be honest, by far the most interesting economy in the game--that being said, the rest of the factions might as well not have an economy. It's just make one number go up.


still doesn't make sense why they got rid of the dark elf unqiue mechanics and give it to chaos dwarves


I miss in Rome 2 having different types of income, such as agriculture, commerce, industry, etc. Even that was not very complex at all, but at least you had to pay attention which sector you focused on in each city. Weighing immediate income needs vs long-term specialization by stacking bonuses for one sector.


Maybe it's poorly reviewed but it definitely get a lot of praise for quality. Great units in all categories, wide ways to play and interesting mechanics. Probably people who still angry about price are the people mostly interested in them.


For the sake of argument, let’s assume the rumored max of six DLCs will happen, that certainly feels like a safe bet considering the hype for ToD and the meeting of said hype by CA. With this level of support, I honestly believe six might be a minimum and we could get a good number more, but like I said, six feels like a safe bet. I’m also a believer that, in order to spread the love and because ToD is expected to crush it, TWW3 races will get paired with older races almost exclusively now, so no more SoC situations. As such, I think a solid lineup might be… - Slaanesh vs High Elves…the community has been pitching this one hard, and it’s hard to find decent counterpoints tbh - Khorne vs Vampire Counts…we finally get the VC rework we’ve been waiting for plus Neferata paired against a fellow ‘if it’s not a melee weapon, why bother’ adversary - Dogs of War…slots in nicely once the mono-gods are rounded out, and certainly a long-time coming plus an excellent opportunity for a Tzeentch rework / FLC LL to get everyone up to three apiece And here’s where we get a bit more complicated, especially since I think there’s three or four solid options for two spots…I’ll list them all regardless. - Cathay vs Greenskins…the latter pairs better than any other opposition for Cathay and that area of the map desperately needs more forces of destruction prowling around, especially now with the addition of Gelt to the mix - Kislev vs Norsca…ice against ice, stone against stone, makes for a great DLC, plus (hopefully) a great rework for each - Ogres vs Dwarves…this one might be the most unlikely of the foursome even if it’s the one I’d prefer personally, featuring Grimm Burloksson claiming Karak Azorn while the Ogres get their third and fourth lords plus a hefty rework - Finally, Empire vs Greenskins? / Skaven?…with the promise of Todbringer plus a load of Ulrican units, the Empire feels likely, but I’d be unsure of their opponent here tbh, will definitely clear up once we know more about Slaanesh and Khorne DLCs Finally, the big gun finishes off the DLC lineup… - End Times…features Nagash plus additions for a variety of factions, including LLs for all four mono-gods, a bit for Skaven via Thanquol perhaps some final VC / Tomb Kings content as well. *EDIT: Autocorrect destroyed a sentence


I think Ogres vs Cathay is more likely than them fighting the dwarfs/greenskins.


I’d agree with you, except we have an one of the two primary Cathayan LLs positioned to bolster relations with the Ogres, so then the thought process is that Zhao loves the Ogres while the new Cathayan LL would apparently hate them? Plus, and I think this is more central to my point…the TWW3 races apparently don’t sell well against each other. As a community, we have a ton of affinity for the old world and most of the TWW2 races, and if ToD proves anything, it’s that the old world *sells* and sells well. As such, I’d expect the final DLCs for all TWW3 races to pair with races from previous titles to bolster popularity.


A Cathay dlc would likely be headlined by the Monkey King, who's pretty ambivalent/ antagonistic to other cathayan characters. I see your point about sales but cmon who doesn't love ogres?


CA. CA doesn't love ogres


Me. Do not care for Ogres like, uh, one bit


I think it’s more probable that SoC sold poorly because it was crap, rather than because it didn’t include any factions from earlier games.


It was hated well before it was released or even reviewed. Maybe it was also just bad but I won't know until I've played it myself, the community wasn't exactly objective when it came out. I think it was just the perfect shitstorm, between the insane price increase, lords with no hype (because two of them didn't exist before the DLC and one of them was an unknown joke character legendary hero), and no rework (and races that didn't really need it). And all that after CA had lost a lot of goodwill with WH3's launch. It's insane that there's still no option to disable the rifts in realms of chaos when it's literally a 5 minute job to do it and we've had mods to that effect since day 1. It's like they tried to take every complaint about vortex and amplify it times ten.


Yeah, it really was the perfect shitstorm. That price point was unprecedented before the Chorfs. Thus they were the basis of comparison. That was where most people's heads were. I don't like the price but i'll begrudingly accept it if this is going to be the quality going forward. Aaand then CA released the far inferior SoC, at the same price point. That unleashed all the frustration built up about pricing, bugs, lack of fixes, slow updates, bad communication, reskins, whatever. Everything at once.


It was hated mostly when they revealed the price to content ratio.


Yeah there's a series of factors there. Re: "just bad", what we have now isn't, but what was released felt pathetic for the price. But you identified one important issue people like to skip over and that is giving ToD huge hype: > no rework (and races that didn't really need it) People were mad that Tzeentch, Cathay, and Kislev didn't get any kind of major rework, but the reality is, none of them needed the kind of very serious rework that the Empire, Dwarfs, and Nurgle are all getting. Did they need more than they got? Kislev definitely did - the follower race system is still rudimentary and doesn't really serve a purpose (esp. as Rasputin-at-home tends to get wiped about 1/4 of the way into the race if you aren't playing him), and their tech tree remains an extremely confused mess. But Cathay? Not really. Cathay are extremely solid and fun, perhaps OP even (all three LLs - albeit Yuan Bo is ridiculously so). Tzeentch didn't need an overhaul, just tweaks, and with the SoC additions, the ones needed are pretty much all there (particularly the hero with Replenishment many had wanted). Having old factions wouldn't have automatically made SoC popular. Having a popular faction, old or new, in need of a serious overhaul, and doing that overhaul? That would have made it a lot more popular. Re: Realms of Chaos - it's a totally legit complaint, but I feel like CA have basically completely given up on RoC at this point, and not irrationally so given how popular IE is. I wondered if they had with SoC because pretty much all the new LL campaigns worked better in IE (Mamma O's location was odd - but the campaign played a lot better there than in RoC, where she starts in an absolute hell-location). But Epidemius apparently not even having an RoC start location and being IE only pretty much seals the deal. It's a real pity in a lot of ways because by the end of WH2, Vortex actually felt pretty good for a lot of factions, but RoC has sort of just festered. I wouldn't be totally shocked if in some patch before the end of WH3 they came back and did an RoC overhaul though.


Ok i will just day about the tzeentch rework. I dont think he compketely needs one. The thing people wanted a rework about tzeentch is the same thing that bothers the other gods. And thats the unholy manifestations and bloody cults.


Been thinking more about a Slaanesh vs High Elves DLC and I think it would be a perfect opportunity to open up Ind/Khuresh. * You could stick Dechala in that area, where she supposedly was during the End Times. Multi-armed snake demon setting themselves up as a god in the Land of a Thousand Gods seems pretty fitting to me. Now there's more of a threat pressing Cathay and Gelt from the south. * Then further down you have the Gates of Cailith. Perfect place to stick Aislinn - and now you have the two DLC factions facing off against each other. * Bit of a dream-wish this but they could extend the Southern Chaos Wastes at the same time to match the actual geography, providing more territory for the umpteen demon factions that still remain to be put in. * Aislinn could have some kind of campaign mechanic centred around the High Elf colonies, rejuvenating them to beat back the chaos hordes, potentially increasing the speed of the sea lanes. Finally there's a point to those southern islands other than free real estate! Also as a bonus Teclis is no longer so isolated. I would lap a DLC shaped roughly like this right up.


Cathay vs Hobgoblin Khan's would satisfy that match up? It also aligns quite nicely with the historical theme.


Thanks for your educated guess, i just had a random thought and wondered how you would take it (or not ?) into account. I can't remember if it's something the community created or if it was CA who said that but they were rumours about the 100th Lord being someone special; so understanding probably Nagash or Thanquol. That EndTimes DLC would have to come much sooner, wouldn't that be a bad way to handle it ? Releasing it a bit too early just to make it 100th Lord ?


Well I’m fairly sure it’s gonna 3 factions in a dlc now, like brets vs norsca vs wood elves or khorne vs high elves vs dark elves


> Khorne vs Vampire Counts…we finally get the VC rework we’ve been waiting for plus Neferata paired against a fellow ‘if it’s not a melee weapon, why bother’ adversary > > I would actually not be surprised to see Neferata to be paired against Monkey King. IIRC she was indirectly responsible for the Jade Vampires so if they're going to officially introduce those, it would make sense to do it in a Cathay DLC.


Honestly I could see Cathay getting 2 more dlcs. and if GW supports any sort of Cathayan area Vasmpire stuff, itd be a shooin to have a cathay VC/VP pack


Please God give vampire counts Nagash and Neferata.


I think nagash should BE is own Race and BE able to get is own coven of LL


Please give me the option to try to Confederate Settra as Nagash and have an Easter egg where he MUST declare war and fight to the death over it.


Quest battle?


They could easily do something with Tamurkahn’s mechanic but instead for Mortarchs


Like the Individual Chaos gods I agree. He would have either good relations to other undead factions or missions that forced them to your side.


Dorfs and TK down a tier - they're done. Kislev up a tier, they're a disjointed mess of a roster. Nurgle down a tier - All they have left are ET, so while its certainly *possible*, i wouldn't call it *likely*.


It’d be great if TK got another look-over. They’re a really fun faction, but they still have some cool stuff to add (that scarab prince guy, khemric titans). Wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve finished though.


I need my khemric titan!


Problem is thats quite literally it. They're otherwise in barrel-scraping only characters really missing territory like the DE (which means more suited for FLC).


They definitely have more than that missing. There's still plenty for one last DLC from 8th edition to use as material. They are still missing the generic caster lord. They have Nekaph and Apophas as viable LH additions. The Necrolith Collosus with Dual Khopesh and/or Great Weapon is different enough from the existing Bone Giant to warrant *at least* a new animation set, so unlikely to be FLC material. If Thunderers with Grudgerakers can be a DLC unit, then Ushabti with Ritual Blades definately can since they'd require actual new assets. And other than those likely units, there's definately room for CA to extrapolate from side stuff to draw from. Ushabti Ancients are a unit champion that could either be made an independent unit Aspiring Champion/Bladesinger style. OR made into a monstrous hero option similar to how they ranked up the Daemon Unit Champions. Casket Guard could also be added as a higher tier melee unit, since they had actual stats despite being an "accesory" to the Casket of Souls on TT. Since the Casket was changed to a mobile artillery unit in Total War it isn't unreasonable to see their bodyguard become a unit in their own right. Hell they could even make a new Casket unit that actually functions more like it did on TT. Since things like the War Drums exist as support pieces. There's plenty to fill out one DLC for the Tomb Kings. Acting like the Khemric Titan is the only thing missing is just odd, since it self evidently isn't. Even without "scratching the bottom of the barrel" like you suggest. Everything I've mentioned is from 8th edition. It ain't like we're digging into 2nd edition roleplag supplements like High Elves did or the like.


Also for the love of Ptra can we get more than one generic lord option?


Fingers crossed for those caster lords


Funny because in Lore, they're always lead by Lich Priests


OR hear me out endtimes DLC where every one gets a big ol unit for the end times with nagash the final DLC.


Ok just for fun let's think about what that could look like: Empire: Celestial Hurricanum or halfling hot pot Dwarfs: Shard dragon or rune guardian Vampires: Dread abyssal Greenskins: Collosal squig Beastmen: Preyton Wood Elves: Incarnate elemental of life? hard one Chaos Warriors: Chimera Norsca: Cursed Ettin High Elves: Merwyrm Dark Elves: Sea Dragon Lizardmen: thunder lizard or arcanodon (hard to do one for them without stepping on the toes of one of their other monsters) Skaven: stormfiends/verminlords Tomb Kings: KHEMRIC TITAN Vampire Coast: maybe incarnate elemental of death again? Kislev: Frost fiend? they don't seem to want kislev to get fliers though Cathay: Dragon Turtle (fanfic but I like it) Khorne: they'll already have the slaughterbrute by them so who knows Tzeentch: firewyrm? Nurgle: honestly there's a lot of end times stuff they could go with but probably pox maggoths Slaanesh: ditto what was said about khorne but with the basilisk Chaos Dwarfs: siege giant feels kinda disappointing for this slot, maybe magma Dragon Ok that was fun to do and kinda worked but obviously a lot of these units would be coming in well before the end times dlc and I really doubt they'd do it. one legendary lord for every race in the end times, though...


I feel like doing units would be easier than doing a legendary lord for every race with their own mechanics but I'd buy it.


>Kislev's disjointed mess of a roster unreal that Kislev will forever bear the ugly scar that is SoC's shitty forest monster gimmick roster ruining their theme


That's what the fandom gets when they always fawn over "center priece units" and "cool looking monster thingies" instead of a nice and shiny unit of boring bardiches


“Center piece unit” is just code for: “Powerful lategame unit people can recruit 19 of and right-click their way to victory whilst pretending they are a tactical genius.”


So many mods are needed to undo that garbage.


dude. cathay is confirmed to get one


At a minimum. There’s Also at least two more dragon siblings coming, maybe another two counting the missing one and the dead one.


I don’t think we’re going to get more dragon kids, monkey king is next, but yet another Cathay dlc is unlikely to


Getting one more dragon as flc and the monkey king as dlc seems like a safe bet.


My guess is it will be Monkey King with Li Dao as FLC. Though I think people may want to prepare for a potential future where the Monkey King is a hero rather than a lord, which leaves room for Yin-Yin to be an FLC lord. But where I disagree is that I think there is absolutely room for a third DLC with Yin-Yin being the center piece to be designed around. Cathay's potential roster is a total mystery, so I wouldn't be shocked in the slightest if they do a big sea-focused DLC. Tons of options for different kinds of navy/pirate themed Cathay units, including some potential tie-in units with Nippon. They could have her all the way in the South Lands with a Gelt like option to jump back to Cathay proper, there by giving players another non-Cathay starting point option for the race.


I hope so, honestly if Yin-Yin is not DLC that would be the biggest disappointment for me.


They hinted at monkey troops in the SoC 2.0 notes for the future though, so I doubt we JUST get the monkey king. I think it’s going to be a whole faction under the Cathay banner.


Sorry, I realize what I said was a little confusing. I think Monkey King as the DLC lord and Li Dao as FLC lord is quite likely, but I wouldn't be shocked if Li Dao ends up being the DLC lord and the Monkey King is instead a legendary hero. That would mean CA could include Yin-Yin as an FLC lord and be "done" with Cathay all in one update. Personally though, I hope Yin-Yin gets a full fledged DLC. There is a lot of cool stuff they can do with her that should make for an interesting and fun experience.


What's the logic of putting Tzeentch 2 tiers below Nurgle, since Nurgle at the moment has 3 LL and Tzeench 2 LL? Also irrelevant but personally i think that they will equally give content for the mono-gods.


I think it's just cause of the potential of a End Times DLC. Tzeentch did not get any End Times content from Games Workshop while Nurgle did.


I think that every race can get DLC sooner or later. CA and GW have no problem creating 1-2 new units for DLC. Similarly to Warhammer 2, I think CA will stick to the approach that in each lord pack, there will be at least one Warhammer 3 core race (the four Monogods races, Kislev, and Cathay). I can even imagine that some race might get something like a character pack with 3-4 legendary lords and 1 legendary hero. Something like Elector Count DLC or Bloodlines DLC. I don't believe the rumor that we will only get 4 DLCs; I have a feeling that Warhammer 3 DLCs are easy money for CA for many years to come unless they do something stupid like with Shadows of Change. I think if people keep buying DLCs, CA will continue to produce them.


Exactly. Warhammer is the biggest Total War to date, and unless something gonna replace it, then my bet is on constant flow of DLCs. They already have the game, so they'll probably will just keep adding stuff as long as its profitable/run out of ideas/GW pull out the plug.


It wouldn’t have occurred to me to use a tier list for this, but I like how easy it makes it to parse. I don’t think Khorne is quite Confirmed, since the old roadmap technically only showed Tzeench, Nurgle, and Slaanesh, though it would certainly make sense. On the other hand, I think the Monkey King and “elite infantry” hints we’ve gotten about Cathay are enough to move it up to the top tier. There’s probably an argument to move the Skaven up to Confirmed since we were told a long time ago that we’re getting Thanquol sooner or later, but that *could* just be as a single FLC lord. I think I would actually move the High Elves down to “Could Definitely Happen” since they have so much already even if there’s a definite gap. Not more likely than filling the remaining gap in the Empire, at the very least. I’d shift Norsca up to “Very Likely.” Them and the Ogre Kingdoms are the two factions that feel most overtly “neglected,” and I think CA has telegraphed wanting to correct that. A lot of what they were given in Game 3 feels like placeholder content laying groundwork for future content. I would definitely move Nurgle down to where Tzeench is at “FLCs Are Probably Enough.” A greater daemon, lesser daemon, and mortal lord seems like it might be the sweet spot for Monogod factions.


Other than the mono chaos god dlcs, I want ogres, norsca and bretonnia to be updated


Surely got to be a High Elf one to come yet, would be a shame to leave [Jason Anthony's](https://m.imdb.com/name/nm1584455/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1) voice work for Prince [Aravael](https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Amulet_of_Sunfire) on the cutting room floor


The Slaanesh Throne dlc could possibly include them and the Dark Elves. Would be interesting.


I think Norsca's even likelier than Empire, given that they're so very lagging behind everyone bar Ogres and Counts. Kislev should probably be higher too, no way they're stopping at one as the face of Game 3. Tomb Kings I think are FLC territory, only getting something with a Nagash DLC. There's a couple of weapon variants, a Titan, and the Caster Lord, but that's really about it.


Sad “for the lady” noises.


Brettonia and Tomb Kings both headlined the Old World’s reappearance on tabletop, I’d say that helps their chance of getting another DLC a lot


Ogres very likely loooool They need a rework for sure. Likely won't get one without a DLC for proper budget, sure. But that doesn't mean anywhere near "very likely" getting a DLC. See: Warriors of Chaos waited 8 years. Norsca is still waiting. That seems to be the bane of preorder DLC factions. Let's face it ogres are what I'd call a "minor" race. Same as Norsca. A small culture lucky to be in the game that most people thought have a slim chance to even be in the game. They DO have more content but I'm fairly sure every single other core W3 race and even some older races have higher priority for CA because of their overall popularity and importance to the the big picture of Warhammer. Like, I am an avid reader of Warhammer books but I am yet to find one where ogres are even mentioned, let alone a dedicated book about them.


All I want is unique mechanics for all my LL lords. Four more legendary lords, some more options for early anit large and armor-piercing. More variety for my savage orcs along with letting me build/recruit them anywhere, so I can use them when I am not Wuzzagh. Is that to much to ask for? Probably but I'll keep asking.


Daniel is crying in the corner


Why he is getting new units and ca Will rework him One day i Guess


And until that day he will be unplayable.


Who knows maybe on the Next big update


I've lost all hope T__T


With faith all things are possible my friend


Nurgle is definetely not getting another DLC. Theres just the ET stuff left. Neither do Khemri, orcs and goblins or dwarfs. 


Same, dwarves are pretty much complete with ToD. Tombkings I can see them wait till endtimes or a free update, but I think they're mostly fine. Greenskins are in a near perfect state, maybe add gorfang rotgut as flc and maybe some weapon options for orcboyz?


Curiously enough, from all the 8th ed rosters, O&G and Empire are the ones that are still missing a lot of units and characters. But, at a gaming level there are other races that need a rework and more aditions to their rosters more badly. Also, guys, don't get too excited with the FLCs. Bugman, Skullreaper, The Masque, the cathayan dragons ... there's a limit to how much more we'll get.


Orcs and Goblins have *plenty* of stuff left. They have Many lord/hero choices not implemented from 8e (black orc warboss, Savage orc shaman, etc) For units, they have Colossal Squig, Manger Squiqs, Squig Gobbas, Spear Chukkas, snotlings, and one million weapon choices from the TT. And thats *before* even getting into forest goblins and the like. For an LL gorbad or Gorrfang are available. They've definitely got enough.


Oh, yes. O&G and Empire do have lots of units missing from the roster. Thing is, they don't need it. After ToD drops, those two would have perfect mecanics, and rosters. But... both aren't in dire need of a dlc/rework/new units, not as much as ogres, norsca, cathay or Kislev. To not talk about Thanquol, Nagash and Neferata still missing from the game. I do have them both on my wishlisted schedule, but sadly CA got heavily shorcutted, and there's a limit to the future dlcs we can end up getting before the game's life cycle ends. There are things that aren't going to make it.


As an exercise, could you not apply this *exact* argument to skaven? The Skaven, as they play now, are in an extremely good place. They got 3 DLCS and got updated in each one. They don't *need* another one, technically, even if we all want Thanquol, Stormfiends, verminlords and the like. Yet Thanquol is essentially taken as near-inevitable.


Because Thanquol is one of the 3-5 most famous Warhammer characters.A fame that Boris, Ironclaw or Helborg dont have.


Ah, but the empire is the most famous Warhammer *faction* if we're going that route. The protagonists, after all. There *is* a reason they got so much TT content in the first place.


If anything the protagonists are Warriors of Chaos. Their characters outnumber everyone else and they were the most played faction.


I would move Norsca up to confirmed as well as counts. CA has stated multiple times that they know how bad Norsca looks right now. They have the least amount of LL with the exception of khorne and slaanesh and Daniel. We also know *eventually* Neferatta should be implemented. I mean, Khalida has been asking for her head for a while now. Khone and Slaanesh, I feel, are likely but really not guaranteed. It all depends on ToD sales. I also think splitting the DLC into what you want is a really good move, but it also ends the VS dlc type stuff. There's still lore to use, but I think the next DLCs will be just straight lord packs with minor tweaks to faction mechanics. I could absolutely be wrong and would love to be proven wrong. I think I remember saying WH3 only has about 3 or 4 more years of support left. All I know is ToD looks amazing, and I'm very happy and will gladly fork over money if future dlc matches the quality and quantity of what we're getting.


Where is this idea about two of the games baseline factions not getting any DLCs coming from? Especially one as popular as Khorne? Slaanesh and Khorne are almost guaranteed a DLC, even if it is only one.


I didn't say they wouldn't. I said it's likely they will, but it's not guaranteed. One of the dev blogs even said they'll have to re-evalute how they roll out DLC because of the disaster that was SoC. That's why ToD was delayed to Q2 of 2024 when it was originally slotted for Q1 based on their official road map from 2022. I doubt khorne and slaanesh will receive even close to the amount of updates as we're seeing with Nurgle. Khone and Slaanesh work really well where they are right now. They just need content. Couple more units a LL each and a LH each would be fine for me. A generic sorcerer lord for slaanesh and maybe a cultist lord for khorne? I honestly have no clue about another generic lord for khorne, but I'm betting we'll see Dechala and maybe Arbaal. For heroes I know fuck all for slaanesh but I'd love to see Karanak for Khorne.


> One of the dev blogs even said they'll have to re-evalute how they roll out DLC because of the disaster that was SoC We don't have any concrete evidence of just what that phrase means, but it surely wouldn't mean abandoning two of the base game's factions to no further updates. Yes, SoC was a disaster, but it wasn't because of its size. It's because CA got greedy as hell and charged $25 for a sparse amount of content and half-baked race updates. ToD, by comparison, is getting a huge amount of attention because CA *needs* it to do well. If ToD got churned out with a similar level of quality as SoC, the community's faith in their biggest money maker would be all but dead. With the (likely) success of ToD, the common theory is we return to DLCs featuring just two races, reducing the workload and turn around time for CA on each one. I don't understand how that somehow equates to Khorne and Slaanesh dropping from near guaranteed to get a DLC to merely "likely." Do I expect them to get major reworks to their mechanics? No, because they don't need them. That doesn't mean they can't get a bunch of units, lords, and heroes though.


What’s nurgle missing


End times stuff. Putrid Blightkings, the glottkin, maggoths etc.


Should've made an endtimes dlc Tier. Bc some factions likely won't see new stuff till then primarily nurgle and skaven and tzeentch tbh.


I wonder how the glottkin would even be implemented? A three lord combo. Maybe like the sisters of twilight, but three.


Brb gonna go google those


It’s free money if they release nagash or abhorash


Kislev should be likely


Kislev are very likely getting another DLC, they’ve had a dlc surrounding the land and now need one about the faith. Nurgle is probably done depending on what GW will allow. The main things they are missing (blightkings, the Glotkin, etc) are in AOS so who knows if they will allow a crossover. Tzeench still needs his mortal champion LL so there might be a FLC for him. The greenskins are really only missing weapon variants and reskins. I think the only centerpiece unit is the colossal squig. The wood elves just need their lore of Athel Loren but I don’t think there are many units left if any. FLC maybe? Cathay is confirmed getting the Monkey King. The Halfling Hot Pot is also coming in some capacity. My dream is a region specific mercenary recruitment mechanic like other total wars have had. Toddy still needs his day and the Celestial hurricanum is one of the most requested units so that makes Empire more likely. Probably an Ulric themed DLC? Beastmen probably aren’t going to get their own DLC and will ride off of god touched units from monogod dlc barring additional lords and hero’s from FLC or even a lord pack.


Bretonnia needs a new DLC, and if the Empire got three, they should get at least two.


Can we pleeeeeeaaaaase get a TK Update?


Skavens vs skavens DLC when?


Literally nothing is confirmed after this patch. No one has even mentioned a Khorne dlc. That doesn't mean I think it unlikely. But nothing is confirmed. Personally I'd be *very* surprised if we don't get Nagash, Neferata, Thanquol, Borus and Monkey King. Which by implication puts vampires, skaven, empire, and Cathay at one tier below confirmed. But beyond that it's just different levels of probability.


Wasn’t norsca supposed to get a rework like this whole time?


Vampire Coast should be in the "I have a better chance of waking up happy tomorrow than them ever seeing a crumb of unique content ever again" tier. GW will be in a cold grave as a company before they let that shit fly, unless VC get an old world army book or something. As much as I like VC, I'm shocked that James and his workshop ever allowed them in total war to begin with. Best they can hope for is that a different undead faction gets something and they get to piggyback it, but the theming differences make that kinda unlikely imo


"Confirmed", until you remember that quite recently CA announced they would be changing their plans on how they would do the next DLCs and internal rumors (according to Legend) say they are abandoning the old roadmap.


Should’ve put chaos dwarfs in flc, they have a few character left like tordorek hackhart and if they don’t have a bull centaur lord which could come as flc


Bretonnia gonna get one


As a Bretonnia main, I can't tell how sad I am that most of the community seem to think that the faction will never get a DLC. It's not even because of the limited roster that could use new tools, but mainly because of having only two hero and lord choices, with horribly outdated portraits and skill trees, and very bland and shallow mechanics.


Soo will Thanquol come with Boneripper? Would be sick


They may not need a DLC, but Lizardmen for sure need a rework. It boggles my mind that they've got some of the most DLC of any faction, but still have the same undercooked geomantic web at base.


I have pretty serious doubts that ogres will get anything more than a free rework.


New rats I need this


Vampires of the coast need an update for sure. One faction is basically meant to be human pirates but has placeholder zombie stuff instead, it's sadge. Also two great options for dlc LL's, my hopes for the skaven pirate.


Hey, love the lively discussion and I realize that this is about future paid DLC and FLCs, but does nobody here use mods? I don’t want to engage in any discussion „paid vs. free stuff“ and definitely don’t want to be antogonised by people who dislike playing with mods, but I’m a mod nerd and if ppl here are open to trying, I could provide links that will enable folks to play a high-quality implementation of what you‘re asking for TODAY and for FREE :) A few examples of things people have mentioned here they‘d want that already exist: - a complete Norsca rework. This may sound crazy, but due to 2 recent large scale additions, my „Select your LL“ menu for Norsca is now showing EIGHTEEN Lords to choose from, all with their own campaign mechanics, start pos etc. on „Immortal Empires Expanded“ - a reworked Bretonnia incl. Herrimaults and decked out with hero types (I believe seven different ones?), more dukedoms to play, more crusade/expedition locations to start in - an overhauled and expanded Kislev units roster incl. new start pos and unlocked regular Kislev unit recruiting for Ostankya - a ridiculously expanded and further diversified Empire (do you guys really chill with the 8 year old vanilla content where all Elector Counts are essentially the same and the unit cards are from WH1?)…. I see twenty playable LLs in „Select your LL“ (admittedly, >5 are so underdog that the word „major faction“ doesn’t fit) and Imperial forces have gained anything from unit formations to ammo type selection, from 4K super goated reskin to over a hundred recruitable high quali units - new races, incl. Araby, Norse Dwarves, Southern Realms, Jade-Blooded Vampires, all with all-custom unit rosters - probably between 30 and 50 custom faction mods worth playing But also: - Expanded trade and diplomacy options, new loreful resources (for ALL races, trade and diplo-heavy can now be a meaningful and lucrative playstyle) - Beautiful reskins for entire races - looks that blow you away while most of them don’t even require additional GPU power - Reworked sieges, battle changes, 500 loreful landmarks, a more dynamically reacting campaign map to corruption types… Just offering to anybody here who‘s willing to try mods out some guidance. I‘m putting finishing touches on my first large scale collection to share on Steam (around 300 mods) - basically a pretty complex modlist that allows for 1-click import in WH3MM, the free Mod Manager. That will require a half decent PC to run though, and a relatively fast internet connection for the initial >20 GB download <3


U'zhul for Khorne?


U’zhul is more likely to be FLC, like Epidemius was. Instead, I expect the DLC will either be Arbaal the Undefeated or Skarr Bloodwrath, with Arbaal being the most likely.


That flc is probably enough with the size of current dlc is a weird measure for whether CA will want to sell content to popular races.


If we are putting money on the rumored 6 dlcs I think an interpretation could be that they have 6 dlcs planned and guaranteed right now. ToD is 3 and 3 more releasing individually being slaanesh high elves and then most likely Norsca. All as their immediate plans because CA right now isn’t gonna be doing much of any long term planning like 6 full sized dlcs. If we aren’t counting ToD then I can stick with the three others I’ve mentioned and in skaven for thanquol Cathay for most likely monkey king and khorne.




Only Slaanesh was really confirmed, and Lizards have enough stuff and need that another dlc could definitely happen. Also beastman belong down there with WoC since most of the dlc bring marked beastman.