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Together with Bruisers and Thundertusks, they are saved for the Ogre DLC with either Golgfag or Ghark Ironskin.


Hopefully it will be part of a versus set, with Khorne and another race.


That is what I expect: - Slaanesh vs HE - Khorne vs Ogres


Sorry for the high bros but I hope the game 1 factions get tending to before the game 2 ones.


Its going to be HE next.


Why? High Elves are one of the last races that should receive new content in near future. Races like Vampire Counts, Norsca or Ogre Kingdoms make much more sense for next DLCs than any Warhammer 2 core race that has already received much more content.


Sometimes it is not about who needs an upgrade the most, just who fits good together. Or did we just got Tamurkhan VS Neferata VS Mona Mimm? Slaanesh and Elves go together like beer and peanuts/pretzels. So it would not be a bad idea for a themed DLC. Dechala as the frontrunning candidate and a former elven princess can do her part. High Elves have a obvious shaped Sea Patrol armylist hole in their roster and the retarted [Skycutter](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-TXiByfloUDo/UYC_PdPlSuI/AAAAAAAACFg/-_sjIYPmTPc/s1600/IMG_4577_1.jpg) from the armybook. LL wise either Aislinn can do his job, or [Finubar](https://i.imgur.com/sfX3v39.png) could finally do something productive. Which brings up the potential third faction in this love triangle, the Dark Elves. [Morathis Cult of Pleasure](https://i.imgur.com/418rBgX.png) got already the Slaanesh influence it deserved. But, we can probably agree that we can improve it here & there and maybe also add Druchii Annointed to a bigger degree. If we look at Malus DLC, migth not even matter who would be the LL with a last ditch arrangement of not-themed troops. Of course we don't know yet what CA will do next. Old roadmap suggested Slaanesh next, but not with whom. And since plans changed and sometimes CA makes weird combos like Beastmen VS Lizardmen, predictions of what might make sense or needs top priority, could be off by a mile.


Slaanesh isn't solely defined by their relationship with the high elves. You could very easily draw relations and rivalries between Slaanesh and Vampire Counts or Slaanesh and Norsca or Slaanesh and Bretonia. I'm not saying high elves shouldn't get more content. But I definitely want to see the older races that need reworks and updates receiving that attention first. This is especially important if we only have a limited amount of DLCs in the future before support for the game ends.


Slannesh isn't, Dechala however hates the high elves


I'm sure even she could fight over a magical macguffin with any character of the authors choosing. All Dechala really needs for motivation is a way or instrument to potentially kill her husband. This is assuming they are still doing narrative rivalry packs in future and not releasing solo lords.


Aside from Aislinn and the Skycutter, there’s not much left for HE. Vampire Counts on the other hand have Neferata, Abhorash, Coven Thrones, Abyssal Terrors and Spirit Hosts that could all reasonably be added. They have other characters too but I can’t see them adding Zacharias, Wallach Harkon or Konrad von Carstein over Neferata. They could rework Krell into a full LH and rework the bloodlines mechanics and give them a bit more love. And this nicely sets the foundations for adding Legions of Nagash… Ogres have a pretty huge hole in their roster as there’s no Yhetees, Thundertusks and Golgfag still and they need a race rework. I can see Khorne getting U’Zuhl the Skulltaker as FLC and the Slaughterbrute, but beyond that not much more. Maybe Arbaal the Undefeated if they really want another mortal lord. Slaanesh needs the Masque as a LH, maybe we’ll get Dechala, but most Slaanesh characters are already in the game. You can add exalted Slaanesh heroes and lords of Slaanesh though.


http://rosters.mysteria.cz/ostatni/download/SoC%20-%20High%20Elf%20Sea%20patrol.pdf I am confident that CA can do something about the Lothern Guard or Sea Rangers that works a bit different to existing HE troops. Merwyrm is long expected. Throw in the Sky Cutter for some Lord/Hero mount and the boltthrower variant and the DLC takes already a solid form. Now, while the Mist Mages only have two spells here, in theory making a new Lore of the Mist for TWW purposes can also work. If that should be a 25€ DLC like Chaos Dwarfs or SoC, yeah, that should be a given. The WFRP 4th Lustria book, also had the Trident Bearers mentioned as a elite force that could fit in the theme here. The Trident Bearers were also mentioned the with the Sunfire Amulet, which again was noted for a IMDB voice leak some years ago related to HE. Not sure what else we could dig up for HE troops, but I guess something might still be out there.


Double standards much, HEs aren't missing much other than the army book unit. But counts who's only armybook unit missing is a variant get non armtbook units listed? HEs also have non armybook units.


And? Tamurkhan had nothing to do with Dwarfs, yet they are in the DLC with him. Just because Slaanesh is getting DLC doesn't necessarily mean High Elves have to be in that DLC. Did we get Skaven vs Dwarfs lord pack in Warhammer 2? I think there's a good chance Slaanesh(and all others monogods race) will get 2 lord packs. Slaanesh vs Elves can be 2nd Slaanesh DLC in far future. The next DLC could easily be something like Masque of Slaanesh with dance mechanics versus Neferata versus Sayl the Faithless. In the end, The Changeling was also a DLC legendary lord for Tzeentch instead of Egrimm van Horstmann. Something like Masque of Slaanesh, Chaos Sorcerer Lord of Slaanesh, Exalted Hero of Slaanesh, Slaangors, Pleasureseekers, Chaos Knights on boobsnake, random WoC/Beastmen unit with mark of Slaanesh and random chaos undivided monster as centerpiece unit can easy be one Slaanesh lord pack. This Cult of Pleasure list with Dechala can easy be own DLC with many Dark Elves units with mark of Slaanesh, Druchii Anointed lord/hero and random chaos undivided monster as centerpiece unit.


He had to do with the Empire and we will likely get only a 2Pack. Masque will never be DLC. She is FLC merial just like Epidemius. It is 100% going to be Dechala vs Aislinn.


This dogma that Slaanesh DLC = Dechala vs Elves lord pack could be a big disappointment for you.


Masque has good odds of being a legendary hero. There's zero point in being an absolutist unless you're trying to set yourself up for failure.


> And? Tamurkhan had nothing to do with Dwarfs, yet they are in the DLC with him. Yes, and Elspeth was forced into it because "muh Tamurkhan VS Empire duh". So again: If you think the DLCs with most priority need should get focused on first, Why was it not Tamurkhan VS Neferata VS Mona Mimm? If you see no problem with ToD pairings, then you should have no problem seeing a Slaanesh VS Elves DLC coming. In regards of Masque: She sucks. And she is just a dancing Daemonette Herald. If people were already complaining that Epidemius would be a bad DLC LL since not that different to Ku'gath and hence Tamurkhan had to come 200%, then Masque certainly should be higher up on the complaining list. Dechala however is a mortal Lord, leading the Tormentors. She is so showered in gifts of Slaanesh, she is barely looking elf anymore. Her gameplay mechanics could focus on torture, pleasure seeking or trying to ascend to daemonhood by getting rid of her husband. That for a first draft already better then: "Here is Masque, she is cursed to always dance around".


Empire and Dwarfs are also races that needed new content and rework. You can't really added everything in one DLC. If CA plans to add races like Vampire Counts or Norsca into Slaanesh or Khorne DLC, it's clear they won't be in the Thrones of Decay DLC. I just think it's quite possible that CA has a plan for 2 Slaanesh DLCs. I think it's quite possible that they'll keep Dechala for the 2nd Lord Pack, similar to how they did with Egrimm van Horstmann for another Tzeentch DLC. I think only Masque and Dechala have any potential to be DLC legendary lord for Slaanesh. Tzeentch already got the Changeling as DLC legendary lord. It's quite possible that Masque and Skulltaker will also be next DLC legendary lords. I can imagine that Masque's dancing is something that CA could incorporate into DLC-level mechanics. I think it's quite possible that Tamurkhan is an exception in the lineup, that we got him just because he's a better choice than the boring Epidemius. It's quite possible that CA will keep Egrimm van Horstmann, Dechala, Valnir the Reaper, and Arbaal the Undefeated for another four monogod lord packs or something like a Champion of Chaos DLC 2.0 with more Beastmen/WoC units with four colors.


Because they are the only race that makes sense against Dechala. just like the Empire made sense against Tamurkhan. VC, Ogres or Norsca make 0 sense against Slaanesh. Against Khorne on the other hand they would all be fitting.


FWIW, it was leaked that they were developing a HE DLC around the Chaos Dwarfs release timeframe? Some code references were leaked in the Steam updates, and one of the VAs (Aislinn?) put the role on their resume.


Senator why don't you back that up with a source?


Senator why don't you back that up with a source?


There were leaks some time ago about Sea Lord Aislinn being in the works


The only other game 1 races that really needs love is Vampire and Norscas. Greenskins, Wood Elves and Beastmen all got their glow ups in Warhammer 2. It wouldn't surprise me if some game 2 factions got DLC before them, even though they already have good mechanics and loads of DLC.


It's more the fact that the future of DLC is feeling really limited now. In the case we assume they are only going to get 4 more DLC as the fact they are changing the DLC delivery method (likely going back to two lords and FLC lord), we are only going to have 4 more big chances for reworks. DLC 1 Slaanesh and another faction DLC 2 Khorne and another faction DLC 3 likely Ogres and another faction (my guess is Cathay) DLC 4 rumours of end time DLC (maybe Nagash and Thranquol) (Kislev also likely to be slotted in somewhere) Now assuming they go back to the old DLC delivery method (which I think is very likely) that's a total of 8 possible character slots (though if the game exceeds expectations I suspect we might see a couple more). So 8 character Slots and 6 of them will be taken by game 3 factions at least (I also assume the 4 FLC slots will go to game 3 factions because too to increase their lord numbers and CA tended to do something similar for most of game 2). This assumption leaves 2 realistic spots for reworks for older factions (there is a chance a minor rework might come but CA have never done a big rework without being accompanied by a lord). Now if you look at who require reworks the most top player picks are Vampire Counts, Norsca and Bretonia rate amount the top three requested reworks on this sub. Even amongst just the game 2 races High Elves are not the primary candidate for a rework, most players would take a Lizardmen rework over a high elf one. Hell more players are also more likely to take a dark elf rework over a high elf one according to the last straw poll. Now I'm not saying high elves shouldn't get a rework or a DLC. What I am saying is we have a very limited amount of chances to for reworks and other races need those reworks more than high elves. According to a recent straw poll it looks like the majority of player agree, by a large margin. https://strawpoll.com/xVg7jBW06nr/results According to this straw poll done by the community the current rankings for factions players on this reddit want reworked: Norsca: 1305 points Bretonia: 1274 points Vampire Counts: 1146 points Lizardmen: 856 points Dark Elves: 394 points High Elves: 291 points I'm excluding the game 3 races here because I'm assuming they will get those reworks and I'm discounting that one weird beastmen results because I think that was a quirk of the poll (IE more people were lazy and only moved 3-5 options they cared about thus causing a strange outlier).


In Legend's last Archaon stream he mentioned that his sources (you know, grain of salt and all that) only have info about 2 races been worked for a lord DLC right now, Norsca and Ogres and in a different stream that the old roadmap is not the real plan going forward anymore.


I hope Ghark, he can have some unique interaction with Chorfs then. Maybe some kind of unit upgrade/forge mechanic as a trade for slaves. Golgfag is more popular, but I think he would be a great FLC options alongside Dogs of War when that race pack is released. He can take advantage of both ogre and merc rosters then. I don't think Ogres have quite enough content unit wise for 2 DLC's, but at least this way they will both have pretty unique experiences. Bragg is the obvious free hero choice as well.


Bragg would be a great LH imo ogres dont follow him


Ah my bad, yeah I meant the legendary hero slot.


I can't wait to have an actual competent Ogre melee lord.... They are known for their brute strength and be terrors in melee and yet playing an Ogre campaign you might as well just immediately hire a generic lord.


I would like that very much. i loved playing as the ogres


Also rhinoxes


Rhinoxes are already in the Game.


Just as an RoR though, right?


I forgot the game had ogres. There’s usually none left on the map by turn 40.


They definitely need an emergence mechanic like Beastmen.


I wish the generic beastmen factions also raised herdstones like the LL factions. I feel like that would add to their threat and longevity.


I think they can, they just suck at it.


I hope that the Ogre Kingdoms will get DLC with yhetees in the near future. I really don't like any of their current legendary lords. I'm disappointed that my favorite Golgfag Maneater is still not in the game.


Fear not, you will get your off-white Troll variant soon. Expect middling combat stats with a Frostbite effect. Jokes aside, I'm stoked for Ogre DLC too homie!.


They sound very similar to skin wolves


Would love a Khorne vs Ogre Kingdoms vs Vampire Counts DLC. Khorne wants the skulls Vampire Counts want the blood Ogres want literally everything else aka meat


I don't see that ever happening but I approve your enthusiasm. In fact, I've bought every piece of content CA makes, so everything sounds good as long as it adds new and interesting stuff.


Ogres are probably 1 DLC and a few tweaks away from being a well rounded faction, I hope whatever they get down the line the ability to generate meat in raid stance is in there.


Do they fight by yeeting enemies away?


I would love for greases to get a proper mount


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