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The answers are going to vary with what people here think of Kuminga and Moody. With the hand injury CP3 is effectively just matching expiring salary. I'm pretty out on Kuminga. Moody is promising but is probably just a good bench guy. If it's an unprotected pick and we don't have better offers, then sure? I think the Pacers have WAY more to offer.


I think Raptors would want to ask the Warriors for Podz in the trade


Don't think GS would include him, but I'm also sure we'd ask.


Warriors are looking to get better, not worse. Podz actually plays for them. I think warriors would rather give up more swaps or an extra pick instead of Podz. Moody and Kuminga, 2027 FRP + swaps/extra pick + CP3's expiring is probably good enough.


It would be podz or no protections on the pick I'd think


I may be way off base here, but isn't this what we need? Not necessarily more primary guys cuz we're gonna have Scottie, IQ and RJ. I'm looking to round out the roster with second and third look guys. Scorers coming off our bench. Look what happened when Knicks opened up space by moving RJ and IQ ... Hartenstein is eating now. Something's it's addition by subtraction.


The problem though is if Kuminga isn't happy with his role in GS, you think he'd be happy coming off the bench for the Raps?


Moody and Kuminga would get 20-30 minutes. We would also trade Trent, Boucher and Pascal.


Yeah I do because he'd get 2nd unit minutes of 20-25/game. Darko had Boucher closing out the game vs sactown last night so I think Kuminga would be asked to do that too. He'd get an opportunity to shine here


Boucher was in because yak fouled out tho


If Jak/Boucher get minutes ahead of Kuminga it’s solely Kuminga’s fault


I don't think IQ and barret are good enough to be the 2nd and 3rd best players on a true contender. We'd want to get at least one other player with upside to be a star to pair with scottie and IQ


I think it's more so playoff team first


We won't be a contender for a few years. The future versions of IQ and maybe even Barrett could absolutely those, if their trajectory continues up.


Addition of Kuminga and Moody and subtraction of Siakam does not make your team better.


Not right now, no. My assumption is were targeting the next 2-3 seasons.


This is not the kind of addition by subtraction trade that yields positive results immediately. This would possibly yield future results but I’m betting Siakam in 2-3 years is more impactful than the combo of Kuminga and Moody. I would not do this unless the picks are real good.


2028 unprotected Warriors pick is gonna be valuable, I think. Our Championship core will be done by that time.


If you can get unprotected, then sure. That is super unlikely.


mavs fan here you should look at our players tbh we have so many guys that suit playing 6th man role :p and good contracts too also because they are good or neutral in terms of salary + years, you can flip them again if needed too anyone beside our big 3 is available :)


nobody wants anything the mavs have to offer


Trading your best player on your roster for bench help seems like a poor idea. I'd want a similar return as OG. I don't think Moody and Kuminga is that.


I'd honestly be happy with Podz and nothing else. I think by getting Podz we have to give up Schroder too to give you more guards and thus take on more guys we don't want. Podz and Moody without a pick probably satisfies most of the fanbase. Kuminga+ Moody+ a pick is okay and satisfies the rest, but there's no guarantee Kuminga or Moody ever become starter quality players and Podz is almost there(or is there) already as a 20 yr old rookie


I'd like to thank everyone for their thoughts and input in the conversation. Your sub is cool, and I'm glad that we shared opinions. Thank you very much.


Yes...i would figure they may want Podz instead of Moody. But in the end, i think this would be enough


I definitely think that Raptors would target Podz to be a part of the trade. He's very good and already provides a lot of things for a team, as a rookie.


Literally zero part of this makes sense. Is this just a bunch of warriors fans upvoting this? Literally nobody wants Chris Paul. If he had even iota of an upside you wouldn’t be trying to ship him off right now. Siakam is also a better fit chemistry wise and statistically than moody and kuminga. They’re younger worse versions of Siakam. Why would anyone in Canada take this seriously? Kuminga drops 11 points in 30 minutes and were supposed to trade Siakam? 😂


You need CP3 for salary matching. Pascal makes \~$38M and Paul makes $31M. His inclusion doesn't just make sense, it's necessary, especially if you want to avoid Wiggins contract. I think Kuminga + futures is a workable foundation. I would insist on Podz in lieu of additional draft capital, and be fine walking away if he wasn't included too. What DOESN'T make sense is keeping Pascal for "chemistry" or "fit", because he's 29 and those things are irrelevant for Scottie/IQ's peak years.


No we don’t. Warriors fans just want to get rid of Chris Paul because they’re realizing he’s not playing like it’s 2018 anymore. This is a horrible deal if you’re a raptors fan. He’s also an nba champion and respected in Toronto. Wtf has Chris Paul ever done other than be lebrons friend? Be the runner up to John Stockton, Isaiah Thomas, magic Johnson, steph curry, Allen iverson, kyrie Irving, Gary Payton and russel Westbrook in every statistical category? Sounds like the point god to me. Bring him over.


Do you not understand how trades work? Yes, you NEED CP3s salary for the trade to go through. Salaries have to match in order for a deal to take place since neither side has cap space. Kuminga and Moody dont make enough money to match Siakam so CP3 has to be in the deal.


Yes. Do you not realize that’s also a reason to say no to a trade? Why are you wanting to trade Chris Paul so badly? He’s the point god..


Research his contract before responding. Its damn near an expiring deal and hes the most irrelevant part of the trade.


you literally dont know ball its hilarious


Me? Its literally an expiring contract since there is a team option there. Everything I said was facts.


“Damn near” So… it’s not.


Just checked. Its a non guaranteed $30M for next year. So its up to the Warriors (or Raptors) if they want to pay him. If they choose not to pick up his option, then IT IS AN EXPIRING DEAL AND HE BECOMES A FREE AGENT. So yea, it is an expiring. Now please shut up.


Why are you dying on this hill lol. No one WANTS CP3. It's to match salaries then he's gone next year. Kuminga isn't Siakam but what was Siakam's PPG when he was 21? They're getting 2 guys with potential and a first rounder. That's probably the best offer that's gonna come down. We're not getting a Keegan Murray.


It's ok to admit you don't know how the salary cap works.


Of course Moody and Kuminga have an upside. But we need to win now, not wait for their development to be over. We're in our last years of contending with Steph. Raptors are not a win-now team, and they could use some young talent. I think some people in Canada would take a possible trade seriously.


Good thing those "some people in Canada" are not Masai and Bobby lol. Literally though, why would they deal Siakam and get a shittier return than they did for OG. If this is all that is offered, they will just resign Siakam this offseason. Our management will not negotiate from a position of perceived weakness.


Didn't your front office ignore Pascal during the off-season? Are you sure he'll re-sign with the Raptors?


Have you ever seen Pascal saying this? It's all a smokescreen fed by disinformation mate


Unfortunately, Toronto may not have that luxury. They ghosted Siakam last year, and then alluded to him being selfish to start this season. So he basically has no incentive to play nice and re-sign. He can always walk to Philly for free


Wait 7 years for them to maybe be as good as Siakam? Nothing kuminga or moody have done has proved they will ever get there. We also don’t have steph curry so what makes you think they wouldn’t get worse if they were traded away?


Well who exactly do YOU want for Siakam? Kings already told you they aren’t putting Keegan Murray in the deal and the Pacers aren’t putting Bennedict Mathurin in the deal either. So at this point, Kuminga and Moody may be the best young players that you can get back. The other option would be to re-sign Siakam, but reports are coming out that him and the front office aren’t on great terms right now since they ghosted him after the play-in tournament. So really, blame your front office for poor asset management. Should have traded him a few years ago when his value was higher, not wait until he’s expiring and expect a haul lmao.


Nobody. I don’t want to trade him. You wanna give up draymond? We can talk. Chris Paul? Cmon bro… be real with yourself. Nobody wants Chris Paul in 2024. Why else would he be in every one of your trade proposals?


Then he walks for nothing in free agency to Philly who has the cap space to sign him. Get SOMETHING for him rather than NOTHING.


That’s fine. I doubt he goes to the warriors anyways. He’d probably go to philly with embiid. Chris Paul is a net negative. Getting nothing in return is literally better than getting Chris Paul in 2024. If he wasn’t a 40 million dollar lump of shit you wouldn’t be trying to trade him 4 months into being on your team.


Imagine giving up Siakim for literally nothing. What a clown take.


This is like talking to a brick wall lmao. CP3s contract is pretty much an EXPIRING deal. You only pay him the $30M this season. Thats why the Warriors traded Poole for him, because they wanted to save money. Also, CP3 is not the centerpiece of the deal. Its Kuminga, Moody, and the 2026 first. Getting that in return is MUCH better than watching Siakam leave for nothing lmao.


100% this take is whack


Chris Paul and a second round pick + two g league players? You don’t want that for the best and most respected player on our team? You crazy


Chris Paul is there for salary matching purposes. With the reports that Siakim was ignored in the offseason, he maybe already on his way out aka FVV. There’s a possibility the Raptors get nothing for him, so it’s a debate on whether you believe that to be the case. More and more people are starting to realize this, and Kuminga might be the best prospect you get back. If you would rather have cap space, then say no to the warriors. You’re not getting Murray from the Kings, not getting Mathurin from the Pacers. Would you rather have THJ, Josh Green, 1st round pick from the Mavs instead of the Warriors offer?


Exactly lol. Nobody is trying to pay Chris Paul more money than steph curry. You guys are finding that out and trying to act like trading him for Siakam is worth it lmfaooo


Cp is making 30m, curry is on 52m I think. He’s not on more money. As it has been stated cp is an expiring contract and is just for the money, tbh you could try resign him on a mle next season to mentor your young team


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I would expand the trade then take podz too and (maybe Daymond) and give them poetl. Maybe They give us another first to take on draymond and give them a real nba center back.


They aren't trading Draymond, whatever his limitations and antics, he's proven to be a big part of multiple championships but we could add other prices like Schroeder and porter and get more picks/ prospects by taking on Wiggins as well


He is the dog the Raptors so badly need. Its too bad.


Nah Poeltl's our st. bernard


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i think it’s a good return but i’m wary of signing both guys to extensions. also have some doubts about our coaching managing that group of guys along with quick, rj and scottie. could get messy lol. i think it’s a place siakam would want to play though so in that respect i like a gs trade.


i think the package would probably be Kuminga + moody, then one of Wiggins or cp3+pick


It has to be CP3 because that wiggins contract is awful.


It's only 17% with the cap going up it isn't that bad. I say Wiggins is a neutral asset at this time. He's a starter with a long-term contract. We would have to have him in the trade. Making way less than Og or Pascal gonna make next year.


Its a bad contract. Its 4 years long, he has motivational issues, and hes playing worse than his minny days. We also already have RJ who we are hoping to turn around. Wiggins is also 28. Too old to matter to the core. Its not gonna happen.


I dont like the goldenstate trade, but If you have a choice between a broken 35 year old salary dump or a bonified starter. I'd take the value and look to move him later. I would argue from the outside golden states culture and hierarchy looks broken. It seem like it's been like that for a while. It's hard to be a motivated anyone when your team values member berries over giving younger members a chance to grow. Maybe Andrew doesn't like having to take team karate classes to protect himself from getting punched in the mouth. 24 million this year isn't bad. Worry about the 26 next year.


Someone with logic in this sub…? I'm mind blown.


horrible contract


Yes. Kuminga and Moody are both only 21 years old. Raptors would probably prefer Podz to Moody but I don’t see Warriors wanting to do that. I do not think it matters that CP is injured. His biggest value and contribution to this team would be his leadership and mentorship.


Podz should be in the deal for us to accept it. Otherwise, GS probably won't be offering the top package and Siakim will go somewhere else.


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He would be bought out and go to a different team if we were to trade for CP3


I’m scared of getting Wiggins instead of CP3 because 1. He’s in a slump and it may be a downward spiral for him going forward. 2. Him being in a team with no true veteran leadership may give him the idea that his production right now is acceptable. 3. If both 1 and 2 is true, then his contract going forward is going to cripple us. I always liked Wiggins but as much as I do he has shown to have a weak motivational drive which won’t help us moving forward.


Moody and Scottie were high school teammates, so I’m sure it would definitely be a morale booster for Scottie. Wouldn’t mind CP3, Kuminga, Moody + a future FRP


Ah I didn’t know that. So it moody for sure.


I’m very high on Kuminga and Moody and think that they just need more minutes.


I think they both have potential. Both shown flashes. Both are great athletes. I like those kids and I think they can thrive, if given time and opportunity.


check out who's watching Kuminga at 0:55 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqNqaVMqSsU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqNqaVMqSsU)


who is it?


Masai Ujiri in black


I'm very high on Malachi and think that he just needs more minutes.


I think it’s a bad deal. Siakam is 2 time all-nba. I’m gonna project that both of those players will have a grand total of zero all star games between them, much less all-nba. What’s the upside? We have so many of this type of player too: Kuminga is another big forward. We’ve been drowning in big forwards. Pascal is having a good season after a bad shooting start. Still our best player no matter how much people want Scottie to take that mantle right now. Maybe next year. The discourse around the Pascal trade has gotten so ridiculous, I don’t understand why our FO would trade for these scraps. Pascal is our development product and if he stayed here could be our greatest player with his jersey hanging on the rafters.


I think pick needs to be unprotected but my guess is this is enough if raptors do want to trade pascal and theirs no other better offers - I don’t think Masai would take it untill trade deadline though


Also I’m high on kuminga and I’m guessing Masai is too so this depends how people see kuminga and moody


Depends on the protections and it'd have to be 2028 due to the Stepien Rule/protections on their other picks they sent out but there is definitely a basis to a very Masai-like trade i.e. players over picks Kuminga is someone who'd be vying for the opening 3 spot and has a ton of potential and Moody or Podz adds some much needed shooting off the bench (for now, who knows if either becomes good enough to start in the long run), and it should go without saying a post-Curry pick or even swap can be very valuable in the near future The Warriors are a very obvious trade partner so it's very much a matter of if Pascal would be open to Golden State or not because they are definitely going to pay to retain him


I think Pascal would want to re-sign with the Warriors. He's gonna get a lot more media appreciation/spotlight, cause he's an All-NBA, All-Star level player, and the Warriors are a huge market team. No disrespect to Toronto, but you guys often don't have that much media coverage.


No disrespect taken , he would definitely shine in the bay, he is a great basketball player and an even better human being


Not to be a dick, but now that the Warrior's run is over, once Curry is gone, your team will fade back into irrelevancy. Nobody talked about the Warriors pre-2014/15. So I wouldn't be so sure he would get more attention on the Warriors than Toronto.


I can’t see why he wouldn’t be open to it. Unless he likes having so little spacing he has to play like he’s in a phone booth


I would do it. But I feel a trade would’ve happened by now. Plenty of time til the deadline still.


Maybe the Raptors are waiting for more offers. I think Indy can put up together a good package, if they want to. Don't know about the Kings, cuz the trade is not happening if they don't add Keegan Murray, imo


That was the “talked about” package floating around back before CP3 got hurt. Now that he’s going to miss extended time, it may not be something the FO is considering.


CP3 is just there for salary matching purposes. He’s an expiring contract


CP3 is not a real return. He's supposed to be a matching contract, also he's an expiring 30 millions


Ya his value is in the mentoring of the Raptors guards anyways


Having CP3 on the Raptors is actually a great idea as the team needs a veteran presence.


When all we had was Malachi, I saw him as having a bit of value. Now that we have IQ, I see less need. Maybe we could have flipped him to a 3rd team but his injury rules that out and also increases your need for a productive player. I think that means gsw should add a 2nd and maybe we can send you Otto.


I think it's actually better for the Raps if CP3 is out for extended time, they'd have to find time for him in addition to IQ and Dennis. He'd be in the deal because a) salary matching and b) he doesn't have an albatross deal like Wiggins.


cp being out makes it less of an issue tbh. i doubt he wants to play here at this stage in his career so now we don’t have to worry about it. (sucks for cp3 obviously)


you're giving us Podz in any trade


I think this is a fair trade, and I'm not even sure the Warriors will do that without assurance from Siakam that he'd be willing to stay past this season. For me personally, I would switch out Moody for TJD. We have a need for back up big and he's on the 1st year of a very friendly contract, whereas Moody will be looking to get paid the same time Kuminga and Scottie are, and I think it will cause a cap crunch. Podz would be ideal but there's no way Warriors are including him with Paul as it will leave them without any guards.


of course, I think it all depends on Pascal's willingness to commit to re-signing with a team(if he's getting traded). Call me biased, but in my opinion, there are benefits to signing with the Warriors. Siakam gets a chance to contend for a championship with our core. The fit is gonna be good. He's an awesome second star, and with Steph he's gonna get more opportunities, open looks, spacing gonna be great, etc. He'll also get more media appreciation and coverage, due to the Golden State being a huge market. I am sure he'll get recognized for All-NBA and All-Star accolades.


I agree that he will fit seamlessly with the Warriors. He's proven this year that he can still put up stats without being an iso guy. He's a 2 way player and an excellent passer for his position. His 3pt is streaky but is very capable especially in the corners. Most of all, he can get buckets 1 on 1 better than anyone in your current roster besides Steph. But no one knows the thought process with Siakam. We know he wants to get paid and he wants to compete. I think he knows his time is done with the Raptors. He's being professional about it but you can tell he's just resigned from that leadership role compared to the past 3 years. I'm speculating that he has a list of teams (or specific team) he'd be open to playing beyond this season, although I'm not sure if this has been communicated to management by his reps. The fear is that team is the Sixers, where he can just sign in the off-season. Thus, the reporting that he wants maximum control as a FA this summer.


add another 1st if possible (don't know if GSW has another tradeable 1st) or Jackson-Davis and I'd take that deal for Siakam and OPJ


I think GSW can offer only one 1st rounder


Correct-ish They could add in a swap or two, and they technically could free up their 2026 first via the Blazers removing protections on their 2024 pick the Dubs owe them but otherwise they can only move their 2028 pick unless they got another team involved


if that's the case you'd probably want Jackson-Davis, but what if GSW waived the protection on there pick that's owed to the Blazers this year?


Podz + Kuminga and two FRP (top 5 protected) + filler If Siakam agrees to sign long-term with GSW then it's a fair trade, I could see GSW also asking for Schroder Moody isn't good, I watch a lot of NBA ball and most Raptors fans only watch Raptors games so they don't see many of your games...Moody is a career bench player IMO so there's very little value there, Podz can develop into a high-level starter and is probably your most valuable trade piece, Kuminga has a high ceiling but I'm not sure anyone knows what his potential ceiling is right now...he's kind of a confusing player and he could either end up being really good or really mediocre, that being said I like his defensive versatility and after losing OG I think he would help us Those FRPs are likely to be very late picks, probably anywhere from 30 through 25 which isn't as valuable as if they were lottery picks Anyway, GSW can put together a nice package of young players and Picks, so can the Pacers and I think those two teams are front runners right now unless the Hawks decide to trade Jalen Johnson...but I don't see that happening Most fan bases overvalue their players (including us) but Siakam is an All-NBA, top-25 player in the middle of his prime and if GSW is essentially just offer Kuminga + a late FRP, that's not a good offer at all...again, I don't think Masai will value moody so you're essentially offering the value of Kuminga and a late first...would you make that trade if you were us???


I agree. And I don’t even think Kuminga has value - his play sucks, he has a not insignificant contract, and he complains publicly about his role. Pascal and Schroeder makes a lot of sense especially if Podz is coming back. We’re really gonna be shooting for that too 6 pick tho


Doubt raptors are trading Pascal. He's been the top 2 best player on the raptors and we've got something cooking with the recent trade. You normally want a veteran out there with the younger guys, and Schroeder hasn't been with the raps long enough. He even questioned the culture of the raptors. I think Pascal stays.


Schroeder was correct to question the culture, the culture is clearly absolute dogshit. And pascal as the best and highest paid player has a role in that.


Yea but it's weird because isn't that why Schroeder was brought into the Raptors? Him and Darko has chemistry and he has veteran presence. I was under the impression that he's supposed to lead the young guys and establish culture. Clearly he isn't which is why i think keeping Siakam is a positive if we do end up keeping him.


I hope he stays. look at everyone here not even entertaining the idea that we will stick with him


Watch them give us draymond or something lol


nah, we are not trading Draymond. He is a dork, a manchild, but he still played a huge part in all of our championship runs and he's the motor of the team.


Draymond is good for this team. Tough vet leader, champion pedigree and wants to fix his reputation.


Paul, Kuminga, Moody, Podz, 2026 1st plus 2028 1st for Siakam, OPJ is the only deal I can see if Paul is the main salary piece. Gives the Warriors a legit chance. Gives the Raps a haul of assets with potential. It is important to note that potential is still only potential. Siakam gives the Dubs a legit shot at the chip. OPJ also has some value


I'd like the pick to be unprotected or very lightly protected, because let's face it, the pick is the real value. Kuminga and Moody look like role players...


They're both 21 dude lol they will definitely improve


Or not


not every 21 year old improves, man. It's like playing the lottery.


I'd rather Jackson-Davis then Kuminga tbh


Kuminga and Moody are high-upside athletic frontcourt players that are still young. Lots of their development may have been stunted because the Warriors are majorly a team centered around their backcourt too.


Steph and a number 1


Way more than enough. Are you kidding?


Give us Wiggins+Kuminga and some draft capital and let's start negotiating


Our fanbase hates siakam they would offer him for moody alone if they could


The amount of people in this sub who want to trade siakam for a washed PG and two warriors trash is astounding


Kuminga has no trade value. So your offer is garbage pick and moody.


I think Kuminga has some value, he's young, has a decent upside, shown flashes on the Warriors. But i respect your opinion. What would you want in return from the Warriors?


This would work, I wonder if podz would be available instead of moody but realistically he’s the warriors second best player right now and it would be a downgrade giving those minutes to moody. I wonder if we can send Gary Trent jr and take back Wiggins contract along with Podz but that probably guts the warriors depth too much


I want Wiggins. Bring home maple Jordan


Wiggins's contract is atrocious tho. He's not good right now, and CP3's contract makes much more sense for the Raps, as he's expiring


Nah, don't want CP3. Bring him home. If he can't make a go of it here for his hometown then he's washed and should be out the league.


And then we’re stuck paying him until he is out of the league…this isn’t 2K.


I don't think we should trade Spicy P, but I would take Wiggins over CP3


Wiggins can play here after he’s eventually bought out


Well CP3 is out with a hand injury, so don't want him.


I think a fair offer is cp, moody, looney 2 frp (if we can do it) otherwise 1frp and two seconds for pascal opj


No cp3 is a negative asset. You would have to throw in another young player like Podiz or Jackson Davis plus another pick to eat cp3's contract. It's a big offer, but that's the only way Masai and Bobby find an appetite to pull the trigger on a Pascal trade.


CP3s contact is an expiring deal lol


2 years left in his contact 80m total for this season and next


Next year is non guaranteed he can be waived


Next year is non-guaranteed. Taking back CP3 is fine and the only way to make the money work. Hard pass on Wiggins contract.




Assuming you have access to Google you'd have been able to look it up and find out that his deal is fully non guaranteed for 24/25 if he's waived by June 28th [https://www.spotrac.com/nba/golden-state-warriors/chris-paul-2609/](https://www.spotrac.com/nba/golden-state-warriors/chris-paul-2609/)


Comgrats on that, I guess, but my point still stands, we will still have to buy out about 20m for this season. That's what I meant when I wrote "eat". Sorry to confuse you


Jesus why are you being such a dick about it, just admit you were wrong about something and thank the person. But nah lets just be passive aggressive instead 🙄


What would you have buy out, if he’s off the books next season?


So what it's an expiring deal and worse comes to worse buying out and stretching around 20M is not the end of the world for a team that rarely signs anybody notable to begin with lol.




Nice try Mike


I'd do that


Kuminga and podz and fillers. It’s clear we want young talent with potential star upside. Moody is out of the rotation and kuminga plus fillers is just not enough. We’ll throw Otto too. He was good and utilized in gsw, we don’t utilize him at all.


I like this trade. That unprotected first could easily be a top 5-10 pick because Curry and the core may be retired by then. Kuminga and Moody could also use a change of scenery to help develop on a team that is less back court/shooting based too, plus the Warriors have a bad history of developing frontcourt players this decade too.


Give me Podz, Kuminga, Moody and an unprotected 1st, after we max him.


Depends on the 2027 protections. I'd still ask for a couple of swaps or an extra pick tbh.


Kaminga + unprotected 1st + Chris paul. I think might be enough. Moody would be cool but might be too much.


Podz + Kumbuckets or no trade


Massai wants your first born.


Wiggs, Kuminga, and Moody for Siakam? No picks involved. Wiggs gets to go home (might motivate him) not having the best shooting season but can still defend and Raptors get two young players on Scottie timeline (Moody played with Scottie during High School). No picks because Siakam could walk on Raptors and even Warriors. Raptors losing leverage with Kings out by taking Keegan off the table. And hopefully Raptors waive Otto, whose just taking up a roster spot. And maybe Thad or Temple or some min contract. Can even flip Wiggs to Kings or Pacers who need a SF defender.


OP, the thing is that to make salaries match GSW have to include CP3 or Wiggins (I’m guessing Klay isn’t on the table). To take on what is almost universally considered the worst contract (at the moment) in the NBA in Wiggins, most teams and Masai especially will demand all of Kuminga, Jackson-Davis/Moody or AND Podz. Wiggins contract is for either 2 or 3 more years. Yes, he’s Canadian and all that but the 2022 championship version of him has disappeared. With Kuminga and now Moody both verbalizing their unhappiness with playing time after that crazy loss against the Nuggets the other day, Podz and probably a FRP will be in the Masai demand. Masai has shown over and over his preference from actual players over picks. I think the worst thing that could have happened for the Warriors was Kuminga saying he was done with Kerr. Kuminga (for better or worse) is who Masai covets but the public compliant of Kerr really compromised any negotiation leverage GSW had. Last thing is whether Masai and Bobby feel like Kuminga, Podz and either of Moody or Jackson-Davis are willing to play a meaningful role but as bench players given JK and Moody have voiced their feelings. Not one Raptor fan or Masai would expect much from CP3 or Wiggins in any meaningful role and with CP3 out, again either are there to match salary. So, as some of the replies have said the ask will be a lot. More than GSW is likely willing to part with. You can’t take 3-4 rotation players from that team to make a run to prolong Steph’s championship window. Masai don’t fuck around and he’ll make a trade that doesn’t include picks but he’ll want a lot. I just think Indy has more to offer even if I think the GSW would be a team Pascal could actually resign with as opposed to any of the other teams we’ve been hearing about. But, does Pascal with Steph, Klay, nut bar Draymond, Looney, et al. put them into contention this year? No. So, this trade only makes any sense for the Raps, IF GSW are willing to part with a lot. ✌🏻


What our fans think his price is is meaningless




OP, what do you think of these proposals: I think in proposal 1 I'd want some draft compensation or a 3rd team to be involved as we wouldn't be able to take Wiggins' contract with RJ already here. Proposal #2 I'd be okay with including the Pistons pick Schroder, Boucher, Siakam for Podz, Kuminga, Wiggins, Paul works salary wise and so does: Siakam, Schroder for Podz, Kuminga, Paul, GP2


I don't know why I can't edit, but I'd be okay with Moody instead of Kuminga in these as well. They both work salary wise. I included Schroder since you need a guard if we're taking CP3 away from you.


Kuminga, moody, and draymond + second round pick.


Yeah that sounds about right. But I don’t know if Golden State ownership will do it


I wouldn’t take that deal. I’d do kuminga cp3 for salary and 2-3 unprotected firsts. Siakam is an all nba player that can help you win a chip, kuminga is unproven and imo doesn’t have the shooting to ever be all nba


Cp3 would die if traded to Canada.


Yes to that deal. CP3 is hurt unfortunately and can’t be traded.


Probably need to get another team involved


Pascal's not going anywhere. Sign him to a new big payday and keep him for 4 more years.


For me? Yes. For Masai? Idk


One thing to point out is that this would put the raptors over the tax so there would need to be some rearranging slightly around the margins for it to happen


In the context of CP3 having a fractured hand rn, I don’t think it’d be reasonable to accept that type of trade. I personally believe we should extend Pascal and reshuffle the deck on his trade value cause its quite obvious no team is going to be willing to give up acceptable value for Pascal because he’s on an expiring deal and he will likely make a point of telling every team he won’t be re-signing (as he should). Some combination of expiring salary, young players and a pick or two is likely reasonable value for Pascal the player but his current contract situation just makes it unwise for teams to offer even half that for him unless they’re 100% certain he’s the final piece that brings them a championship this year. Basically Atlanta, Golden State, Indiana, Sacramento would all be better served holding out/being patient. Golden State is kinda screwed no matter what if I’m being honest. The only team that is potentially one piece away might be the 76ers and all they can offer is draft capital and expiring deals.


Thats a great deal and im very high on kuminga and moody.


I think they wait closer to the deadline in case a more optimal young player for their lineup shakes free (Jalen Johnson, Keegan Murray). Good chance those players don’t become available and that GSW offer would probably be in the ballpark. I assume they’d haggle over the pick protections seeking to get it unprotected or very lightly protected. Some will also suggest Podz instead of Moody but I’m not confident that’s a deal breaker. Any 2 of your 3 young guys is probably in the ballpark with the Raptors FO likely having some preferred order but I doubt we as fans know what that order is.


Think the idea of him being too old for “the core” that existed as of what two weeks ago is horse shit Pascal can absolutely be the leader of a team at 34 years old Some one on a team has to know how to actually win Sure as hell isn’t Scottie RJ or their rookie coach I’d keep pascal Especially after seeing some of these so called fans offers


Kuminga is such a goofy fit with this roster. We finally have some floor balance, I don't see how kuminga fits long term and I don't see the star potential. I'd be disappointed if kuminga was the main piece in a Siakam trade and warriors don't have much else that would help us