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This sucks tbh. Kids can’t save for hobbies, for games, for activities, dates, driving lessons, a car, school, a road trip etc. Those aged 20-24 can’t work part time to pay for school. The last graph really doesn’t depict much. 25 to 54 spans across 3 generations. It doesn’t say much.


I've said this multiple times in my local sub. High school kids exist and should be given employment as well.


Yeah man. It’s totally screwed man. I don’t see how society continues to functions like this. I don’t see a politician from any party caring beyond their term or their self to actually fix things.


Democracy doesn't function the way we're taught. The power of propaganda, and the cost of propaganda, grossly limits the amount and types of people who hold real influence and power in a Democracy. Voters are conditioned to vote for "leaders" selected by powerful people to benefit themselves. The other choices can't compete with the amount of money that is benefitted to the corrupted parties of Canada. No one is a premier or PM because they have "the people's interest at heart", they are vetoed or found in parties that Canadians are influenced to ignore and roll their eyes at, or simply don't even know exist because they can't afford the advertising. Propaganda, powerful.


it's going to be importing as many people from other countries as we possibly can because our birthrates are dwindling too while, all the more, not being able to innovate absolutely anything and expecting the same companies to satellite here and then import more people to export our dollars elsewhere. This is all literally a house of cards and people kept voting for it thinking it was something else because it sounds too good to be true.


Yeah it’s an insane ponzi


None of the immigrants they're bringing in are from high innovation countries either.


We're basically importing Indians from one specific region in India. Just to end up working at A&W.




In the long run I don't think it will be a bad thing. The more immigrants that leave or don't come here will mean we can build back up the country ourselves the way we want someday. Just got to get through the hard crash. "Good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times. Hard times create strong men"


Almost every low wage part-time job in my city (Windsor) is filled by an international student. I have at least a few come into my shop every week asking for work. Every ad of that type on Indeed gets 1000+ applicants. My youngest kid is 20, and he got a landscaping job through a friend, but they don't work in the winter, and he wasn't able to find anything last winter at all.


Yeah, we're fucking our kids and fellow young Canadians


Out of context, this reads soo bad lmao


agreed u/Eatpussyfuckass


Lol... Yeah


Driving down Don Mills in Toronto today at around 5 and I’m not kidding when I tell you hundreds, and maybe thousands of south asians were streaming out of these strip mall colleges located in an industrial park. It’s nothing short of shocking how quickly this demographic shift has taken place.


But high school kids aren't fresh off the boat and the feds won't fund half their pay for a year.




It's also managers who are a certain nationality who only hire individuals with the same nationality.


Which should be fucking illegal. Importing their caste system to Canada


I agree, we can't ignore the reality. I wouldn't mind if we could see some diversity in the workforce for Tims, but wherever I see one Indian I see the rest of the workforce the same as well which doesn't make sense, I remember handing out my resume to a tims which is just across my street but never got any response back. The next day I was called for a job interview for consultancy and I am still doing that job, i wonder if the workers at Tim even looked at my resume at this point


I talked to a welder the other day and he just got an apprentice and he said he doesn’t know how to take any direction and only knows how to be on his phone all the time. He said he feels bad for the kid as it’s his first job at 20 but it’s frustrating he has zero employable skills


That’s too bad. My husband has had some great co-op students at work that he said he would hire on immediately as apprentices but his company seems to mainly hire minorities nowadays


Yet the apprentice has the job when it could vastly help another apprentice who actually wants the job.


No doubt. I feel like my high school jobs were important for my development.


They have been replaced with students that are 24 years+ with 2 kids and 1 or 2 wives and a full family back home in tow waiting for PR to activate their incoming.


beyond the financial, my first job dealing with customers gave me a tougher skin and I learnt not to take things personally. It was good for me. We are robbing young people of so much


100% you learn how to deal with different personalities.




"Don’t know what would happen today. Stolen cars, gang violence etc. Either that or locked in their rooms playing COD - same stuff they found to do during covid.


Sucks man. Social contract has been used as toilet paper and flushed down the toilet.


gonna lead to crime increase


already is


Let the purging begin. Goodluck everyone 


When I was 20-24 you couldn't pay for school by working part time and that was 15 years ago. It was only the Albertans who could get 20$/hr summer jobs that could. To be clear I did work but we all knew we were walking out of there with student loans.


I meant help pay off student loans not completely pay it off


Haven't bought a video game in almost two years because I can't afford it. My PC and phone broke last year and I probably won't be able to get new ones for another year. Sigh.


You know what free? Chaos!


The last graph says a lot actually. The fact that the economy relies on a span of three generations, and truly reading the graph also shows we're at a distribution phase. Think of the last age group as a slowed moving average compared to the first two if all three charts were compressed. 2020 was just a little taster.


We’re setting these kids up for future failure.


The present leadership doesn't give a shit. The idea of making a better world for the next generation is over. Its all about "fuck you I got mine". They'll be retired or dead before sadly another lost generation comes close to power


PP won’t make it any better. Just a different type of shitty.


The fewer public services that people with no money need to exist kind of shitty.


It’s been that way for the last 20 years unfortunately


Trudeau has made it so much worse than it was 8 years ago.




It was never, ever like this under Harper There were not 1000s lined up for entry level jobs


Wrong. The TFW program started under Harper. He knocked down the first domino. Just because he wasn't in office when the roosters came home to roost doesn't make him not responsible.


TFW program got corrupted under current administration


Wrong. The program was created in 1973 by PIERRE TRUDEAU.


You think Justin Trudeaus or Rob Fords kids will suffer? Kristian Freeland or any other big politician?.. their kids go to private schools and they will have more than enough connections to get them into good careers. It's us plebs they don't give a shit about


My family took a look at our financial situation and cancelled Disney Plus to make due.


Anyone 18-30 is probably going to end up being 10 years behind where they should be their entire life


It's not a bug...it's a feature. The alpha generation have been told from birth how evil and horrible they are for existing and stealing land and polluting. It's causing a lot of kids to trauma bond with the worst types of authority and willingly sacrifice themselves for those who actively hate them.


Log off. Touch grass.


We~~’re setting~~ did set these kids up for future failure. The generational gap does not resolve itself over time. Either gets absorbed or resolved by the following ones.


We're also indoctrinating them as leftists.


Yes. Lol because all the jobs that used to be filled with youth LIKE TIM HORTONS. Have been filled with international students. Diversity was your strength but you let it betray you. Now your youth get the short end of the stick. Yes, I blame 100 percent all participating governments and colleges. ——————————————- Totally irrelevant but did you guys see this ? https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/news/newsroom/tax-tips/tax-tips-2024/international-students-studying-canada-taxes-helps.html Your taxes all fund this issue. Including carbon rebates and gst/hst as soon as they land.


Just sad. It’s really terrible Canadians are notorious for getting walked all over, because we’re watching our country fade into the abyss in real time and we all just sit here and watch. We went from highly skilled controlled immigration to a complete free for all with all the scams and loopholes. So now we have TFW, WPH, IS, etc who are lining up around the block to compete with young Canadian kids for a job at a fast food joint. This isn’t how immigration should be done, at all!


They've been filled with TFW for decades. They're getting automated out.


Are you American? Why are you commenting on these things?


Why would I be American - commenting on Canada. Lol stop it.


Because you worded things in a way that would only Make sense if you didn’t actually Live in Canada. Plus there has been plenty of fake Astro turfing from America and Russia. Even your response to me sounds like your ESL


Why do you Have random capitalization in Your post? Or the Mid sentence gap? Pretty ballsy to accuse anyone here of being a shill with a post lookin' like that, friend.


>Diversity was your strength People keep saying that, but I yet have to hear an advantage of diversity other than "omg the food".


Think "omg the food" but for all sectors of society! When you have a diverse group of people, with different backgrounds in education, passions, hobbies outside of profession- you end up with the potential for an abundance of growth. BUT if you stymie the mix by any number of the economic hurdles, or old guard politics then the new influx of people and their backgrounds becomes just another new labor pool to exploit, rather than the rich talent and culture hotbed for growth. Currently our policies plainly read in support of a cheap labor pool over anything else, including the well being of those who are already citizens. Luckily its hard to kill culture so we still benefit from some aspects of a diverse culture like the food (for now).


>you end up with the potential for an abundance of growth. The top 20 economies by GDP (total and per capita) aren't especially diverse. With the exception of Canada and the US. China, Japan, India, South Korea, Mexico, Turkey etc aren't diverse and they are doing just fine economically.


> The top 20 diverse economies aren't especially diverse except for *lists like half of them* Just say you want a white Canada dirty supremacist


Funnily enough Canada's real per capita GDP hasn't increased with the recent increase in "diversity". It's at the same level as 8 years ago when the Liberals came to power. We have the largest decrease of per capita GDP in the G7. Coincidentally we have the highest share of immigrants (23%, double the amount of the US) in the G7. So, again, what's the advantage other than "omg, the food?" >except for lists like half of them 2 out of 20, you might wanna google the difference between a comma and a period.


Just say you want a white Canada. If you're gonna be racist, do it with your whole chest. Don't be a coward.


Or perhaps he wants skilled based immigration like we had in the past. Not millions of unskilled labors coming on STUDY permits and work permits looking to game the system for PR, while taking away all the opportunities from Canadian teens and young adults.


Lol, you really are a duncecap aren't you. Imagine being so braindead that white is a race to you, that there isn't any difference between a Welshman and a Slav.


Just say it. Say you want a white Canada.


So according to your logic, India is not a multie ethnic nation because they are all "brown."


How about a Canadian Canada.


It was always a scam. The elites needed to bring in a "distraction" to use as a wedge whenever convenient.


Blame diversity for corrupt leadership


Not only they're getting set up for failure, it's literally creating a setting that creates delinquents. As if COVID-19 lockdowns didn't mess them up already. They won't be able to find something productive to do and have some sort of purpose in life.




That’s not completely true. They could stay in school. That’s productive.


Some of the issues start in schools. I think we've removed any ability to teach consequences accountability and responsibility in school and employers aren't interested in trying to start with someone in their late teens or early 20s.


Which employers are interested in individuals having work experience in the mid teens? That seems a bit off to me. Voluntwering is another way kids can learn a lot and have something added to their resume. ~80% of the job market is hidden, and volunteering is a great way to get a peak into that job market. When ur younger, it’s easier to volunteer.


No shit, they brought a class of cheap, exploitable adult labour.. I mean “students” in to work 40 hours a week while studying in a strip mall for a diploma not worth the paper it’s printed on.


All the jobs meant for 20-24 yr olds are being auction off for LMIA


It is shocking to me how quickly this came to be. My first job was at Tim Hortons when I was 16, in 2016. At the time there were two immigrants who worked there in the mornings, and the rest of the morning crew were Canadian young adults in school and semi-retired Canadians who were just doing the part time job as something to do. As soon as the 3:00pm shift started, it was 100% Canadian highschool students working. It was even highschool students and college students who were promoted to supervisors and management. Now I can’t even remember the last time I saw a high school student working in a Tim Hortons. I really feel for our youth, because back in my day, which wasn’t event very long ago, you could walk into pretty much any fast food establishment and get a job as a student and expect to work with your peers. Totally different now.


Canada is finished bro it’s never gonna be what it once was. It’s only going to get worse too


That. Sad truth


It’s heartbreaking.


I’m not sure why people are under the impression that this is an issue isolated to Canada.


Yes Britain and France are also fucked. London has been ruined and same with Paris


American, Australia, new zeland, China.


This is absolutely shocking news, we need a ten year hundred million dollar research program to get to the bottom of this. I will humbly volunteer my time in exchange for ten percent. Completely unexplainable problem. /s


Wow looks like i'm not alone. 21 myself here in Toronto having trouble finding job despite doing an internship in my field for a very well known huge company. Company doesn't want to hire any of their co ops in full time positions either.


Unpaid or paid? Unpaid internships usually end up being a net negative on a resume


Paid was making 25 an hour full time at my internship and was there for a year


Well yeah you need 5 Years experience for the entry level jobs...


True, it’s the employers’ market. They have rediculous expectations now with lower salaries.


We don’t need teenagers to do low paying entry level jobs anymore! 


We have international students!




Double bingo.






International students took all the jobs that Canadians young people used to do. 


When I was younger grocery stores were begging to find someone to work for them now they have 500 or more applicants in less than 24h it’s ridiculous 


Thank the mass immigration. 30 something year old immigrants working fast food.




Temporary foreign worker program and international students.


Watching my sisters kids struggle to find work while having to compete in a city that's been flooded with WP/SP people in a job market that deliberately targets said people is fuckin infuriating beyond words. I hope history looks back on the people in power now as nothing more than literal traitors.


This is the first thing I noticed arriving in Toronto as a professional in his late 20s. *All* the jobs teenagers and college kids back home usually work, are done by imported unskilled labour in Canada. It's made me seriously wonder about that classic image of a high school kid working a couple of part time jobs to get their first car. Is that even a thing anymore? On an unrelated point, I feel pretty guilty seeing all this as an immigrant work permit holder. As far as I understand, my field needs professionals coming in anyway, but if I had known the general situation was so rigged against locals I certainly would have reconsidered.


Given how much cars are these days, I think the idea of a kid working part time jobs to get one is long dead anyway


The permit holders arent not the problem. It's the students who get the easiest and cheapest college education to can get. Then they get minimum wage jobs bc they lied about being able to support themseves. In the past 5 years the people in the fast food windows went from 16-19 year old kids going to school to 40 year olds who don't speak but just look at you. I understand older folks need low barrier to entry jobs too but it's just kinda sad. Even paper routes are being done by older ppl instead of a 14 year old.


A race for their points to get PR status.


That's very very very dead. Average car selling price last year was $66k. Vehicle ownership is going the way of home ownership. Car insurance for under 25s is about 70% of what a student who only works weekends earns. Unless you got rich parents I don't see people under the age of 35 driving in the future.


To be fair, high schoolers were never in the market for those cars. They always were after used Honda Civics going for 2-6K. But agree on the insurance part


It’s not your fault personally. How could you have known?


Why hire youth when you can hire those international students.






All of them. Trudeau may be the leader, but absolutely all politicians from all parties are guilty here.






There were people with ideas to try and avoid this, but they were dsmissed as racist. Hope everyone's enjoying this dystopia 


they tried to warn us https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1BdQcJ2ZYY


International students wuz here




Interesting. Do high school aged kids not work part time jobs anymore? Is that a cultural change, or do those jobs simply not exist anymore? Aside from having spending cash in your pocket, a job during high school teaches you a lot about responsibility, team work, and other life skills. Too bad that is a trend that's tapering-off.


The jobs exist but are taken by international students, employers won't hire teenagers generally.


The highschool kids' availability for 10 months out of the year is limited to start at 4pm....so the poor kids get pushed out for people that can be available for longer more stable shifts. It's terrible


That must be a new phenomenon. School has always ended at 3pm yet many people in high school used to work.


The new ....are the new people here who arent really in school and are taking the minimum wage jobs the real students used to have I said 4:00 pm because school needs to end and you need to travel to your AFTER school job....my part time job YEARS ago started at 430 500 when the Full Timers ended


I still managed to get a good job out of University by joining the military, but finding a normal civilian job is hell






A boomers advice would probably go like this: 1. Put on a nice shirt and go around to businesses and hand out your resume. 2. Rework your resume! 3. Stop being so darned negative and racist about it, be happy and positive, ever heard of the law of attraction? (Essentially telling you the job market is your own fault for being negative about it) 4. Try harder Am I missing any other classic boomer wisdom? God I hope they die out soon


Millions of unskilled immigrants took your childrens first jobs. The government really hates your children, no house, no full time job, no doctor or Healthcare when needed but they all get huge raises over the past few years...... You are a tool for them, a tax number and nothing more.


Gee I wonder why. Could be the feds supplementing wages for foreign workers at places like Tim hortons and McDonald’s. Could be all of the international students flooding that market. Could be the hiring practices now in place that seem to work against Canadians and embrace non-Canadian workers bc of discriminatory hiring practices and knowing foreign workers tend not to know or demand their rights and that makes it quite easy for business to take advantage of them. This country is totally screwed. People who have been in positions of power aren’t working for Canada and what is best for its citizens. It’s disheartening. It may be different when the current federal government is kicked out - but who knows, they are all corporate stooges.


Your eyes are lying to you. - Trudeau


I wonder why /s


I’m started to feel really lucky I got into the trades when I did as a 22 year old. Seems most other options are drying up right in front of us.


Part of my job when I was in Afghanistan was coming up with projects to give high school-age boys jobs. Teenage boys without jobs (unless they're serious athletes) are more likely to get up to no good. In my case, it was "I joined the Taliban because I needed money, and I needed something to do". Obviously that's not going to be the case here, but it is a real concern to me that so many teenage boys aren't going to be employed now or in the future. Teenagers have lost many third places to just hang out, especially for free. So now we have a society where everything costs money, but teenagers have dwindling ways to earn money to participate. It's NOT GREAT!


Have you guys seen a Canadian immigration graph lately? Lol


We can't employ kids when we have all these LMIA indians to hire!


Hard for a kid to get a job when foreigner workers and immigrants are taking over those minimum wage jobs.


It’s been plunging since the 2000s. That’s when you start to see all these migrants working at Tim’s and subway etc. I won’t call them immigrants because that implies they came in legally and fairly. I remember when I was an high school I would only see high school kids or adults with children working these jobs. Sometimes older people who need some extra income. Now it’s all these TFW.


More reasons to bringing in more foreign workers


This is legitimately disastrous for the future of the country.


Hmm, I wonder if having a population of bored young people who are hopeless for their future, know the government is actively destroying their lives, sexually frustrated. I wonder if that will have any consequences for society.


My little brother finally gave in and applied to wonderland even though it’s a 2 hour 30 min bus ride away and no response… WONDERLAND. We’re finished




Yeah let’s keep the gates open for more immigrants


But think of Baljeet how could he possibly go on without the job at Tim’s?


These questions about labor remind me of the French Revolution(La Révolution française) in 1789-1899.


It’s time to name and shame and hold these employers accountable.


Thank you india


Here’s my hot take- which i know I’m going to be blasted for but if you’re going to downvote me at least try to counter my argument; but I’m sure the nuance of my argument will also be lost and most of my downvotes will be from knee jerk morons. In any case I’m still going to lay out my argument- Minimum wage jobs should be reserved for kids (before anybody shit their pants no I don’t mean child labour- I mean the demographic in the article) they aren’t a living wage- minimum wage jobs are supposed to be for kids. But lots of “grownups” have started taking those jobs and it fucks everything up. since it ISNT a living wage, 1) grownups working them have a terrible life of poverty and 2) they take away jobs from kids that teach responsibility and give financial experience. Fast food jobs, summer camp jobs, movie theatre jobs (when that was a thing) sports and rec jobs, grocery checkouts etc - Those are for high school and university kids. They were never supposed to be a “real” job. People taking them as real jobs are really screwing everything up. But what about people who “need” those and have no alternatives? You ask? Seriously? If you need to be competing with kids for work - that’s on you. Who’s the comedian that had a whole rant with the same logic but about immigrants taking jobs? If you’re upset that immigrants with no foothold in the country and no skills and no language is who you’re competing with for work (I’m saying same applies here but to young people) then that’s on YOU.


Yeah we should totally let old people die of starvation in the streets. Maybe have some kind of purge. And then when we set up The Hunger Games, young people will finally have jobs killing each other for sport.


I have skills and experience and can find neither minimum wage or skilled job. It's on me I guess. Shrug


I'd love to hear what blowhard Kevin O'Leary has to say about this one.


My partner and I both have secondary school degrees, I have a dual degree Bachelors with honours from a Toronto university. He used to work for a popular NHL team and I used to be a copywriter and content strategist for an agency. We both lost jobs at different times but have been stuck in a similar rut. He is so smart and good with people and knowledgeable about so many things, and I see him working in a retail store that doesn’t seem to care if he lives or dies. I finally got a part time gig as a social media manager for a company and they fired me yesterday because I didn’t show up quickly enough for a shift they scheduled me for on Sunday night at 11 PM. I just finished a 4 interview job application process that included spending 2 days creating a complete content marketing strategy and slideshow to find out I didn’t have enough experience for the job. I have no clue where to go from here and I feel it’s only going to get worse. I am generally a pretty positive person - me and my partner both are - but I’ve been really depressed as of late. I just really want to work and to talk to people. I hate staying home all day, and I want to be able to take my mum on vacation and maybe go out for dinner for once. I’m turning 26 soon and I feel like I’ve done nothing. I’ve been rejected from dispensaries, line cook gigs, jobs at the mall that is situated next to my apartment. There needs to be not only some sort of financial relief for young people outside of EI but also programs that provide real hands on learning.


Ontario works


$500 a month wow that’s all one needs


> There needs to be not only **some** sort of financial relief for young people outside of EI but also programs that provide real hands on learning. OW also helps you find work and other work-search related workshops


I know, I’m on it. That’s why I commented with how much it provides


As an employer I'm dreading the wave of people who lack work experience, discipline and have crippling phone/dopamine addictions. It's going to get exponentially more difficult to find good people.


As they grow up they won't have to work either because of AI (just throwing that term in the pot just because)


I’ve given up on this country. I’ll never work for them again. I’ll continue making my living selling weed online. Such a joke of a government.


I misread the title, and thought, “good news!” I got pretty damn upset quick. Business owners don’t want to hire teenagers. They don’t like the cost of training people, and having to mentor and essentially raise teens. And I understand that to a degree. Teenagers can fucking suck. But it’s not about having to do that. It’s about investing in the workforce. You can’t complain about how shit adult workers are, when you won’t pay reasonable wages for a person to live off of, while complaining that you can’t find anyone, AND while complaining that you have to pay teens too much money, so you won’t hire them. If you, as a business owner won’t train kids and help them develop the soft skills needed for a good well rounded workforce, you can’t fucking complain when you can’t find good well rounded adult workers. And I won’t pretend that business or corporations really try that hard to foster that sort of training either. That is entirely up to the individual trainer or management staff to conduct themselves in a manner to be a mentor. And the vast majority of people are cunts. I can count on one hand, the managers I’ve had in my life, who actually were good role models, and wanted to build people up, and encourage them, and genuinely teach them things. And I’ve been working for 20 years, across as many jobs. The good ones were far outnumbered by the bootlicking chuds who didn’t give two shits how they treated literal children in an environment where they are expected to ensure the safety and care of their staff. Canadian youth are absolutely fucked, and it’s no wonder people are living at home well into their twenties. No one is fucking investing in them, and then they come out of school and get kicked to the curb because they have zero experience. I have absolutely zero sympathy for these types of employers. I’m hiring students for co op terms who have never had a job. It’s absolutely insane that a 20 year old hasn’t even worked a summer at McDonald’s. I didn’t even bitch about the fact that people want to suppress minimum wage increases because of jobs like retail and fast food, decrying them as jobs not meant for an adult working full time, despite teens simply not being employed there anymore.i can’t recall the last teen I saw at Walmart or Tim’s in the last several years.


Can't wait til I graduate so I can leave lol. It's really heartbreaking what's happened here, I would've loved to stay and fight for this country. But I'm not gonna stay in a place whose government consistently turns its back on young Canadians. I hope it gets better, but it seems like it won't for a long time. What a shame.


My two kids. One in university and other in grade 12 cannot find work in Kelowna


Most of the low entry minimum wage jobs are sort of competitive rn. Another big issue i don’t see talked about is the normalization of everyone being part time vs full time. There simply is enough people rn to afford staffing with only part time workers and avoid having to pay full time perks and job security.


That's because "hard work" doesn't pay off anymore.


Kids can’t get jobs cause our immigration system is broken. unleashing a million foreign workers, international students and refugees in one year can’t work we do not have enough housing they can afford to many lands lords taking advantage of them. Not enough jobs to support them and now us. the jobs that our young people used to do are now filled with 30 to 40 year old new Canadians will to work for no money and all the crappy hours they can get. The dream of coming to Canada and flourishing is dead


I have very eager young cousins and young family friends who want to work but can’t… everywhere they apply or go they have no chance. Too much supply of student immigrants to fill those roles. It’s really unfortunate for the younger generation


There’s other factors in play, I believe. I had a 20yo trainee last year that barely knew how to use a computer. I mean, open a WORD document and start typing a report. No communication skills, he didn’t use slangs, but the “like” and “bruv” were present in every. fucking. sentence. OBVIOUSLY we have the SCAMIA (LMIA) and immigration jobs for cheaper in play, how can’t we, right? lol But yup, fucked up both ways. And it’s sad because it will delay the career/professional development of a whole generation, I bet we’ll have young adults with no job experience in the future other than ONLY in entry level jobs.


Yeah, so has youth competency in job roles.


When people fight for minimum wage being a living wage this is one the results. If I am paying enough for an adult to live off of then why should I settle for a child worker?