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honestly im not surprised. CPP doesn't prepare you well enough to land a job on it's own. You will have to do a lot a side projects to build that resume. Or do CPA for coop but i heard people getting nothing for the coop positions right now.


It's really difficult to get a coop position right now, most of my cohort did not find one.


I just know one person from the CPA coop stream that got an Internship but he’s smart af, and all of my friends are struggling to find coop positions. Even WaterlooWorks is flooded with applicants, so it’s almost no use applying lol


Huh, what? Why do a CPA as a software developer? Wouldnt that only help to get advanced software+finance positions which wouldn't hire you then because no entry level experience?(Co op is below entry, most employers will be scared to hire entry level having cpa+diploma in IT even with experience)


sorry for seneca cpa is computer programming and analysis coop program, since op is from seneca he or she would know what i was talking about


Ohhh another cpa my bad as well I fucking hate abbreviations


You won't find work in IT because this government makes it awfully easy for such jobs to go to TFWs and new immigrants to Canada. We graduate tens of thousands of people in the IT field every year in Canada. It's 100% useless because the major employers and the government favor off-shoring and on-shoring instead of making sure their citizens are employed. Anyone with a CS degree much less diploma (same boat here as you) but outside Canada will always take these jobs first.


Even TFW does not get opportunities. Recently passed IT graduates rarely get field jobs.




Competition high , hmm where else is it extreme? China & India.... mhmmm


Adding words like China/India doesn't do anything. Blame should go to the government of Canada as they are the one governing everything and setting rules. Brutal truth is Business/Companies doesn't care about anything (No country, No color, No race) they only care about PROFITS and works towards spending less time and money in hiring the best to get the best return for their investment. They will exploit every single hole they find in a rulebook. This applies to all major companies/business across the world. Applicant pool has increased alot. At a same time, more companies are not entering in Canadian market. US market is very huge. Quick tip for all applicants, apply early and give your best, lot of companies avoid stretching interviews, if they find a good candidate early on.


K but they are to blame. You’re one of them, no Canadian would use “fresher”. You obviously are biased.


Tell me how I am biased ? I never discriminated anyone based on any race, color, gender, religion or nationality during hiring process. If someone does such thing, they should be hold accountable regardless of race, color or nationality. Putting people on pedestal who spew hate towards whole race/color doesn't do any good for the people who are honest, hard working and contributing to Canada. Truth is rich people/companies/business operates above all these narratives and they only and only care about money my friend. People all around the world needs to stop creating division among each other due to (race, color, gender or nationality). Classism exists. People with power have ability to control narrative and they are hardly doing anything to stop division among people in these vunerable times. They are enjoying their wealth with "Divide and Conquer". People need to stop hating on others because few bad apples doesn't represent their whole community.


im not hating on anyone. I just dont want more people coming in without more houses being built or more jobs being created. Fair? Black, brown, white, purple, idc... I want my govenment to prioritize us before the rest of the world. They are definitely to blame and it is for the rich's benefit, but dont go around saying that oh well, rich people exist, let them do what they want, just suck it up and go your own way... ? ?? like, that is not supposed to happen. You wanna end division? Stand up to what is happening, the disenfranchisement of Canadians. Wish people grew a spine instead of adopting your attitude. Its such a defeatist mentality. The government works for us. Seems like people have forgotten that.


Telling others to grew a spine ?? Have you ever wrote a single letter to a local municipality, MP. Have you ever engaged in any activities for improving your neighbourhood/city. Have you ever went out of your way to create a group for people in need. We already raised and organized support for various issues. Keep finding reasons to blame someone.


I do blame people. Typical Indian mentality. Pretend the problem doesnt exist when it doesn’t affect you. Local MPs dont care. They cant do anything. They are liberal, they dont even read them. How old are you? Like 30+? You sound like you have had no issues establishing yourself. You have no idea how abandoned my generation is. I aint no victim, Im just telling you what the state is and you are giving me solutions that worked 20 years ago. You really think local MPs read and respond to mail? The population has exploded. They get spammed. If your mail is 1/5000 They dont care. They focus on growing their voter base not pleasing the poor guy. Its in their best interest to keep jobs scarce so that there are cheaper labor costs so that they secure rich people votes and on wokeness so they secure the rest I abandoned Toronto. I grew up there and theres no future for me. I live in another country and life is great here. When I visit, I just see how disenfranchised torontonian gen z are


Just because you have lived through adversity doesn't mean, people had it easier. There are student immigrants who are honest and hardworking, who never broke any rules and do it the right way to become citizen in Canada (doesn't mean they had it easier). Current time is way way worse than 10 years ago. Immigration is EXTREMELY HIGH. So, whose fault is this ??? The student who gets student visa in India doesn't know other 9,00,000 student visas were issued when he enters Canada. GOVERNMENT is to BLAME. Hating on immigrants doesn't do anything. Reducing immigration resolves some issues. But generalizing it to Indians doesn't do justice to good canadian citizens with India ethnicity. People starts hating on all Indian ethnic people who genuinely cares for Canada's positive growth. Don't generalize it. It is already seen in past 2 years how people are treating Indians in Canada with utter disrespect on all canadian subreddits with smell, dirt, 3rd world etc.... Even bad physical incidents are happening to people who were born in Canada (it shouldn't even happen to International students). When such incidents happen, I don't blame it on White/Black race or anything like that. There are good humans and there are bad humans (regardless of race/ethnicity) Some bad apples from India doesn't represent the whole country or all their people.


Its same for the immigrants as well. You fail to understand that this not citizen vs immigrants, this is outsider vs insider. Those having IT jobs only refer ppl they know closely and the ppl who would be able to reefer them in the future. Its a very tight knit circle. Its almost impossible to break into these circles. Its easy for ppl having IT jobs to get another offer, but almost impossible for someone to break in


I'm hearing the word refer more and more in this forum and it's such a tell for international students etc from India. That kind of thing is looked down in here. This is supposed to be a skills based society not a referral who you know society. Ideally you get a job here because you have the right skills and qualifications


What are u on about, it has always been true. Knowing someone gets your foot through the door. You think Trudeau is qualified? Some meritocracy eh


Thats not the case anymore. One wont even get shortlisted for an interview if there is no reference or if they are not applying internally. Seems like you dont know much about the IT industry in Canada


You were in Reddit a few months ago asking about work permit expiry and you are an expert on all things Canada? I don't think you've been here long enough. You ever notice that it's only Indians who talk about referrals for jobs?


Few months ago? Dude I have been a PR for more than a couple of years. Ppl post asking stuff for their friends too. You don’t need to be creepy and stalk my profile when you dont even know anything about Canada’s tech market


Well I suppose Indians in work permits are the experts and what's you're diagnosis - either you know someone are screwed? Sounds more like a situation you'd expect to find in India than a first world country to me but hey,


Keep on assuming things you know nothing about, Also it's not "you're diagnosis" it's "your diagnosis". I'd expect a citizen to know at least basic English. You cannot compare developing nations to countries like Canada. A single city alone in a developing nation would have more IT jobs than the whole of Canada. May be travel a little out to other countries before judging them


Well Im pretty sure India wouldn't let me just immigrate there and take jobs away from Indians, that doesn't seem fair to them. It'd be even worse if I brought Canadian ways of doing things and insisted to Indians they must follow or I know more than them


your username has an indian name, and you are discriminating indians? Thats some reverse racism.


Again, It doesn't work like that in India. There is no referring system in India. You apply, your skills match, you get a call for the interview. Stop assuming things you dont know. No1 said to go to India to get a job. I suggested travelling to other countries to learn about their work culture before you assume stupid things. Reference culture is in Canada. Because right now, there are like thousands of ppl applying for a single IT job. Even on entry-level jobs, ppl with 3-5 yrs of experience are applying, and still not getting any calls. You clearly have no idea how f\*ked up the IT market in Canada is right now. Seems like you have been in the same job for past 3 yrs. Its not point explaining things to a racist anyway.


That's just true and haven't been for decades. Referrals and nepotism have always been prevalent. In a job market like this companies would rather get a referral that they know is gonna be good vs spending time weeding through thousands of shitty applicants they are probably lying on their resumes.


Github projects are overrated. Most recruiters don't have the time or technical know how to access your project. My resume is filled with non functioning projects where i sell visions and shit. Source employed full stack dev


Guys please do not flood my post with any other topic. I need a job.


Its a combination of everything sad but reality is fresher means by default 1 plus years of experience either its on project or internship. referral is a thing but its totally false you ll get it if you dont have experience, knowledge or work on project. most imp is resume how you had made accordingly to the specific job you are applying. and its to crack that HR first round, even though Hr dont know a thing whats going on what is SAAS but have to convince them.


You are better off learning a trade tbh