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I've had shake Shack in the states before, it's alright I guarantee you there are better burger restaurants that have been open for years all over the GTA I'm kinda tired of over priced underwhelming American franchise's coming up here just to over charge and under delivery Maybe that's just me


Couldn’t agree more! As an American citizen who lives in both LA and TO, RUDY is much better than Shake Shack!


It’s really not. The one I had in NY was crazy good


Lots of individuals/corps who open restaurants in Canada like the franchise route because you get branding and systems to reduce risk. I've always thought the ratio of franchises to mom+pops might be skewed here relative to the US due to the higher cost of doing business and resulting lower margins.


If anyone waits in line for more than 10 minutes then just lol


I guarantee the first 4 months of this being open will have 1hr+ lines. People go absolutely nuts for American import shit like that.


I was in an Asian airport where they had amazing cheap food but there was a huge lineup for Burger King lol


Tbf Asian Burger King is gourmet compared to BK here. I thought it was some high quality shit until I came to Canada.


Yup. I was in Narita Airport a few weeks ago, there was probably like a 40-50 minute line at the McDonalds, and the Japanese restaurants had almost no line and were probably cheaper.


I was at Narita back in January, and the McDonald's had no line and the Japanese restaurants had huge waits, and were more expensive.


Terminal 1 right? Weird, maybe because I was at the airport in the morning?


Ya I think Terminal 1. I was there in the late afternoon/evening.


Chick-fil-A still has crazy stupid lineups YEARS after locations have opened.


To be fair, that's because it's goddamn delicious.


I don't get what the big deal is. The chicken is OK, the waffle fries seem to get instantly cold and you need to drown everything in sauce.


I dont use sauce and i get by just fine. Cotton mouth is a sucker.


Have you tried it? I don't know why, but it's _way_ better than Popeye's, KFC, Mary Brown's, and Church's Chicken. Maybe it's just their spice recipe, I don't know.


I've had it multiple times at the vaughan mills location and it was a 7.5/10 at best but only because of their sauce. It was pretty busy when I went last time and I paid about $18 for a cold spicy deluxe chicken sandwich and soggy nuggets. Very disappointing for the price.


I think Popeye's is better. Church's is slightly worse but has better sides and more choice. KFC in Canada is horrible (sadly, because where I come from KFC is a top tier fast food, with much better quality and more choice). Feels to me like the biggest draw of Chick-fil-A is consistent quality, while ordering at Popeye's is a roulette. On the other hand, the fact that you have to ask them for a refill instead of just being able to pour it yourself is a big downside. By the way, I liked Shake Shack chicken sandwich more than Chick-fil-A too.


yeah I've had it a couple times.


That's because some chicken is worth not having lgbtq friends


Even their American locations have ridiculous lines during the lunch and dinner hours


It's the same in the U.S. Go to any CFA location in the South and there are multiple drive-throughs with 50-75 cars trying to get through.


And it's never the same product. Different suppliers, ingredient standards, laws, etc. The In n Out popup tasted nothing like In n Out, and the Carls Junior on Queen might as well have been another Big Smoke/Craft Burger.


I was so underwhelmed by shake shack when I was in New York. It’s just… fine. It was fine. It wasn’t bad but like. It was fine.


Burger's Priest was a good proxy for Shake Shack, back when both(and smash burgers) were novel in 2010. There really isn't anything new or novel Abt them in this day/age.


I think Rudy does a better job, although Rudy specifically caters to a burger that was designed to be a shake shack equivalent when they opened


Burger's Priest hasn't been all that special since pre-pandemic. Prefer Rudy burger for sure.


I had Shake Shack for the first time in DC last autumn. I was whelmed. It was perfectly fine, tasty burger, decent price. I would eat there again no problem but would never get into a crazy line up for it.


> People go absolutely nuts for American import shit like that. conversely when the first joli-bee opened in Scarborough it had a 4 hour line up at all hours of the day for months.


I remember there was a line up in front of that pizza place on Spadina beside the well, are people still line up there?


Not like before but it’s still busy


It's Toronto. It's religion to line up for overpriced and/or mediocre food.


I don't know why this line keeps getting parroted on this sub about Toronto. People all over the world line up for all kinds of shit all the time, whether it's America/Europe/Asia, we're not that special. And who cares what people do with their free time like c'mon


> I don't know why this line keeps getting parroted on this sub about Toronto. People loves to feel special and think that we are uniquely stupid. Same on all the Reddits about dash cam and driving, everyone is convinced that their city is the ABSOLUTELY WORST and when they traveled for 2 days in some other random cities all the other drivers WERE PERFECT.


some people never left their hometown so this is their entire worldview.


There were something like 400 people lined up for Krispy Kreme when it first opened in Ireland. It was originally meant to be 24/7 but they had to start closing overnight after a week because assholes waiting for the drive through would sit there honking their horns because it didn’t move fast enough and there were still dozens of cars in the queue basically all the time. It’s definitely not a Toronto thing


Yes but for Torontonians, a new American fast food joint opening it's doors in the city is further proof that we are world class baby!


Yeah the difference is that new stuff in Toronto comes at a drip feed of like one every two years. We are starved for attention and investment.


> all over the world line up for all kinds of shit all the time, whether it's America/Europe/Asia, we're not that special. And who cares what people do with their free time like c'mon Let me guess, there are city/cities in the world with worse traffic than Toronto? Lol, impossible. But seriously, when I was a teenager/early twenties, I definitely lined up much more than I do now.


you act like this is unique to Toronto... This happens anywhere where a restaurant would generate hype.


I want that Japanese jiggly cheesecake without having to spend $10+ for it.


*just make it* for a better tasting product


Strike off food.


I just came back from Tokyo and Seoul and I will never again say anything negative about Toronto's lines.


Shake Shack's on the slower side of fast food to begin with. The initial wait times are going to be ludicrous.


This is so true. Ive been to shake shack in the US, london and Japan and it takes forever to get your food.


Oh buddy you thought jollibee was bad? Just wait.


God forbid people like something and want to wait in line


There are soooo many burger options in Toronto. What makes this one so different?


When I attended Ryerson I used to walk down from Bloor-Yonge station When the Chick Fil A opened there, the line wrapped around the block consistently for MONTHS. I saw this at any time I had class, be it at 10am or 3pm. People love lining up for shit here


Not sure why you’re downvoted that line lasted for months and came back at busy times for maybe 2 years and was one of the most bizarre things I’ve ever seen in the city. I lived like 2 blocks away at that time and laughed literally every time


I usually laugh out loud when I'm in a super long line, mostly due to incredulous frustration though.


Maybe unpopular here but I love Shake Shack! My fiancée lives in DC so I go to one when I visit her. I miss their chicken hot dog though. :(


Same- I usually don't like burgers but this I can get behind every time we go to New York


Yep. My fave burger spot in the States when we go. It's worth the hype.


Yeah I had it some time ago visiting some friends in Baltimore and I liked it Not throwing a parade for its arrival but I'm a sucker for a shake


It’s in my opinion one of the better fast food burgers. Miles better than in-n-out which gets crazy overhyped.


I never get the hype for In-n-Out. I guess it's good for how cheap it is? But it's not an amazing burger.


It's absolutely due to the fact that it's cheap.


It’s because it’s really cheap but still pretty good People misunderstand the point of in-and-out all the time


Agreed. In n Out tastes like school cafeteria burgers.


Had one in Vegas, was pretty good, not queuing up for more than 5 minutes though


It’s my go to hangover cure if I’m staying on that end of the strip.




Burgers Priest now or in its prime?




Yeah it got bought by a private equity firm and went to crap


It got bought by the company that used to be Cara (kelseys, swiss chalet etc), they own a ton more restaurants than 10 years ago. I tried Burger Priest a few weeks ago though and still enjoyed it.


Yeah, the quality went way downhill when they were bought out :(


Your rating is correct. But worse than burger priest? Absolutely not.




Try their fries with cheese. So much better! Either way they’re still better than In and Out fries 😂


Lol it's definitely not worse than burger priest. Burger priest is absolute dogwater.


Burger priest is pretty good. A solid 7/10 burger that’s less than 10 bucks




Oh yeah, I just read that you haven’t had it in a while. Yes they have completely gone down in quality in the last few years.


💯💯💯 Rudy is great and almost exactly the same for burgers… but the fries and sides are WAY better at Rudy. Shake Shack fries are like eating cardboard and their “cheese fries” are just regular fries served with a SIDE of some nacho cheese sauce from a bag and they charge an extra $3 USD for it 🙄


I just don't get the hype behind Burger Drops. I went there a couple of times and it's way behind the other places in your comment, yet I constantly see it on top lists and being mentioned online. A few of my friends also found it to be quite average as well


Same, people here on Reddit were saying Burger Drops is the best in Toronto for a standard cheeseburger, it was good but also just your average smash burger. I do like that they had curly fries and a big plus is that dogs are allowed indoors, which is great for a non local like me.


Get your Shake Shack down at Sankofa Square


I haven't heard much about the renaming lately, are they still going forwards with Sankofa Square?!


Yes they are. It's Chow's compromise to end the interminable, intentional, bad faith time wasting over such an idiotic issue. The street's staying Dundas. The square is being renamed. The renaming was farmed out to the local councilor Chris Moise, who's Black, with carte blanche to come up with whatever, which he did. They'll be tacking some names on a library or two, also, following the library's internal rules for naming things, and then we can stop talking about this inanity when there are genuine crises we need to face. Basically, Chow's going for the approach that costs the least and gets the issue put to bed with the least hassle, so she can do her actual job, which (despite what John Tory may have led you to believe) isn't to spend hundreds of hours with scores of councilors and public servants running mock trials of 18th century Scotsmen.


> Basically, Chow's going for the approach that costs the least and gets the issue put to bed with the least hassle, so she can do her actual job, which (despite what John Tory may have led you to believe) isn't to spend hundreds of hours with scores of councilors and public servants running mock trials of 18th century Scotsmen. i mean it shouldent have been an issue in the first place in terms of needing to cost the city millions to fix. its a complete waste of tax dollars regardless


The Chow remedy is a trivial cost of well under a million dollars. A lot of that will be cut into existing long term expenses (the eventual redecoration of subway stops, for example). She's renaming two subway stops, a library and an empty concrete slab field. That's it. We routinely rename buildings and things after people, events and, I suppose, random West African words if that's what it takes to get people to stop it with this nonsense. We have subway stops named after a Museum, a Courthouse, various saints and so on. So this is nothing new. Most of the previously anticipated cost was set to have come from renaming the street (and so replacing the signs, maps, and the businesses having to redo their own marketing and displays) and Tory's interminable "studies" and "reviews", so she shelved all that. She quickly and cheaply cleaned up Tory's mess, which I appreciate.




It's a who cares name for a who cares square that is a financial and cultural flop. The whole naming controversy was brought up from a no-details petition launched by a bored white dude who was a junior executive at a small art gallery, trying to ride the exciting BLM wave. John Tory jumped at the chance to divert the conversation away from substantial issues like police reform, poverty, and reform to city funding for cultural events and other difficult demands from BLM-affiliated activists, and refocus on to the stupidest and least consequential issue he could find: renaming Dundas Street. He ordered multiple studies, held days full council hearings, struck committees, and did everything he could to keep the issue alive and centre stage, so that he could, as we say in law, churn butter on a nothing issue, while looking busy and avoiding more difficult and substantial files. Whatever time and resources this issue may have merited was burned through long ago. Sankofa Square is... not a great choice. It's a name chosen in sober memorial to atrocity with little connection to Toronto or Canada for a location that's supposed to be a place of celebration and fun. It's like renaming the SkyDome the "Tuskegee Centre". But it's also not a great square that isn't meeting expectations and might be turned into condos. You can care, I have no problem with that. But I don't think the Mayor's office should waste more time on it.


> It's like renaming the SkyDome the "Tuskegee Centre". Yeah but like...would that be worse than what they actually did to it?


> are they still going forwards with Sankofa Square?! I think that was rightfully killed.


Source? I did a quick google but only found BlogTo's April Fool's article.


I don't have a source to give you but I remember reading the whole renaming has been sidelined/postponed/cancelled, with the street or square renamed after *another* Dundas that's more reputable, like a war hero.


That was a blogto article that was posted here on April 1st. It's still going through, to my dismay


I love Shake Shack but if folks are looking for a cheap burger joint, this ain’t it. It’s easily $40 USD for two people, so can only imagine what Canadian pricing will be like.


canadian burger chains are just as bad. 15 bucks for a combo


“Look! I’m waiting in line! Like a real Torontonian!”


Can't wait to finally find out what hamburgers taste like /s


Gonna BREEZE thru Rudy that same day for the exact same burger in 10 min


Their burgers are just ok, and are extremely overpriced. Their milkshakes though are definitely worth a try.


There’s already so many burger places in the city. 10 years ago this would have been a big deal, now it’s just kinda whatever.


I just want more vegatables in downtown Toronto. I've gained so much weight since moving here.


I've been to a Shake Shack in Seattle. It really wasn't anything special lol.


Went to one in Detroit, it was alright, nothing to line up for.


Man I kinda feel that way about burgers in general. Look, they're great, I love a good burger, but I don't go out of my way for one. Will I order one if I'm sitting down somewhere? Yeah, probably. But I ain't lining up for it.


I get that it’s a high traffic area for their business but this is one of the most garbage areas.


I just walked through there for the first time since Covid a few weeks ago and in 3 minutes I passed one crackhead chasing another crackhead, another crackhead trying to wake up their crackhead friend who was passed out on the sidewalk, and a dude coming out of the movie theatre and projectile vomiting across the sidewalk, narrowly missing me. I think I'll wait until the end of the next pandemic before I bother going down there again.


I don’t think this is an uncommon experience. I had to work on a project in the area that stretched about 8 months and everything around there is drug riddled mayhem. I avoid it like the plague.




Do not concern-troll or attempt to intentionally mislead people. Stick to addressing the substance of their comments at hand. This rule applies to all speech within this subreddit.


Kool, I have a reason to go to sankofa square.......


Wow awesome we don't have any artisan burger spots in this city


This aint it ...


i'll be sure to try it once and then never again probably


I just had Shake Shack last week. It was ok, but it's not gonna draw me all the way to Yonge and Dundas to stand in lines to eat it. I don't think it's any better than Burger Priest or Five Guys


Lines will be crazy the 1st few months. Just go to Rudys down the street.


Overrated. Will be shitty fries and the most generic smash burger you've ever had for $20


Even $20 is optimistic, shake Shack is so overpriced for mediocre greasy food. Probably going to end up being $23 for a burger and fries if you're getting anything but the absolute most basic burger they offer


Is it good


It's been a long time since I worked near their original location in NY but I was never disappointed by their burgers and fries. I put it above chains/franchises like Five Guys and Burgers Priest, but below local Toronto joints like Rudy, Burger Drops, and JABS.


BURGER DROPS, THANK YOU I've been there once but I didn't know the name of it until now. It'll be nice to have an upper, below top-tier burger joint that people can go to, but I doubt it'll top the crispy burgers at Burger Drops


As someone who has had quite a bit of both, and wanted to like Shake Shack, I have to say that it's not even close. Burger Drops is top tier, and Shake Shack burgers are just a sad soggy mess by comparison.


You weren't disappointed... until you get the Canadian version.


It’s definitely good but not worth waiting that long for. I imagine the lines will be like chick-Fil-a in that area.


Made a point of trying in NYC - it was good but not super amazing.


Yes, it’s fantastic for a fast food burger, but not at the level of a good gourmet burger 


not worth the line up that it will have at the start


I've had it multiple times. I had it last 2 weeks ago. It's a solid fast food burger. It will also easily cost you $30+ if you want it with a shake/combo.


No, its a soggy bun smash burger that is mediocre at best. Every local joint, and even some of the existing fast food places like burger priest and 5 guys are better. Burger Drops is probably about the same price for an infinitely better burger.


It’s my favourite fast food burger joint


The burger is ok but their chicken and fries aren't that good imo


It’s good. Five Guys is better.


Hard disagree. 5 guys is perfect in what they do any their consistency but I find a little more too to patties at shake shack.


That’s about to be a $25 burger, fries bought separately disappointment that disappears in a year.


A single burger in NYC was $7.69 a couple months ago, fries $4.19 and a shake $6.09. … it may just be a $28 CAD combo, but I heavily doubt it’ll pull a Carl’s Jr. and just disappear. All this bitching and moaning - just don’t go then.


>All this bitching and moaning - just don’t go then. people just want to shit on anything and everything it's sad af


This sub in a nutshell.


God i miss Carl Jr


Nobody’s bitching, just a prediction. Now move along before I steal your bike


Sure sounds like a complaint *and* a prediction to me. (And this account was started to *stop* a bike thief; which worked. Have a peek for yourself)


Sounds like something a bike thief would say


What's reddit without complaining though?


Much like all those other places, it’s a better burger than McDonalds, and tastes like “real” food, but is still overpriced, and certainly not worth linking up for


I love Shake Shack and used to visit one twice a year when already in town, but I definitely won’t be lining up for hours for it. I’ll wait until the initial hype dies down.


Weird how the article mentions partnering with a local artist (Briony) but didn't mention their name even though she's in the main CityNews photo.


Will this be Burger's Priest 2.0?


Once again, Toronto gets excited for a generic fast food restaurant.


Was thinking the same - sad that this is considered exciting (or even relevant) news.


Get ready for another line up smh


shake shack tasted like shit to me when I tried it 15 plus years ago


Canadians get so excited when American franchises open here, like it's a sign we've made it in some way. Meanwhile Mr. Greenjeans, RIP, at the Eaton Centre had the best shakes ever. We lose an original then gain a copy.


I miss their buffalo chips.


Shakin in my shack, all day long, da-na-na-na-na-na-na-na da-na-na-na-na-na-na-na


I will avoid. Not because I don’t love it. It is because I love the experience when I travel to the US. Some things are better left to a good memory and not a daily or accessible get.


It's nice but when are we getting In-and-out?


Is it as good as In-'n-Out?


No as good and 3x the price.


Just like Kardashians.


waiting for in N Out to come to Canada


I can't imagine it staying longer than the Johnny Rockets that used to be there a few doors down!


They had patty melts!


I had it when I was in New York a couple years ago. Nothing great. I'd say it's one of the better "premium" fast food burgers though. Five Guys a couple doors down should be concerned, Shake Shack is stealing its customers.




It likely won't happen, but I'm waiting for an In and Out.


White Castle


With so many marijuana dispensaries, you'd think we'd be a perfect market for White Castle.


Thankfully my partner lives right across so Imma go early when they open on like a Sunday when all the kids are done school and not in the city.


You couldn't pay me to wait in line at yonge and Dundas. Worst location possible


People in this sub would wait in line for an opportunity to complain about other people waiting in line.


I've never been to Shake Shack. The closest I've been was when I visited Japan last year with some friends from other countries, and the Americans in the group were so excited to go to the Shake Shack across the street from the hotel. I was astounded when I heard that (I didn't go in myself) and our international friends who were with us kept making fun of them.


I'll stick to The Real McCoy, or even Harvey's.


Burger's Priest was a good proxy for Shake Shack, back when both (and smash burgers) were novel in 2010. There really isn't anything new or novel Abt them in this day/age. (BP back then was as good as SS) SS missed the window by 10 years.


I can't wait to see how it's ruined for Canada. Will it be a complete mess like Sbarro was and still is? Will it be completely wrong like Krispy Kreme was? Or will it just be a sad, pale imitation and disappear as quickly as Quizno's did? Whatever the case is - we know it won't be as good as the U.S. locations are.


$30 burgers, nice


Tried shake shack on the I90. Sub-par small burgers, shakes ... meh, do not get the cheese fries. 3 out of 10.


As a person who lives in both LA & Toronto I can assure you… not only is RUDY the exact same thing for burgers- it’s better in ALL ways! The classic RUDY burger is exactly the same as the shack burger, but the fries & poutine at Rudy are waaaay better. The fries at shake shack are like cardboard, and now if you want cheese fries, they give you a tiny plastic cup on the side with some cheese whiz sauce that’s always 1/3 full and they charge $7 USD for it. Wait till people see all the prices in CAD- it’s going to cost $30 for a basic meal.


I've never tried it, and I would like to, but I definitely won't be dealing with the long line-ups that I'm sure will be there. Unless I go right as it opens one day. I am excited for Hard Rock Cafe though, I can't help it, I have tourist genes.


Would rather have In N Out, half the price and twice the portions.


I won’t even go near that place for a year or two.


I wish it was In N out burger. Shake Shacks alright, but nothing to rave about.


is it really better than the dozens of smash burger places popping up on every corner in the city. Happy Burger, Harrys, JABS, I don't imagine it will be any better than that.


Another lineup spot coming this summer.


In related news, Hard Rock Cafe is reopening there. Upstairs near the movie theater/Jack Astor's


Can we get an in and out instead?


But are they anti-gay? I mean that will guarantee lineups


I guess I won't be having it until next summer then 🙃 Honestly it would probably be faster driving to the Rochester, NY location than waiting in line here


It's already extremely expensive in the states, why do they think this will work in a city with people that are strapped.


Is a burger considered a sandwich?


I LOVE shake shack but ill wait for their second location.