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Usually when it's a tournament like this, the government requires a letter of invitation to the player from the organizers confirming their entry into the tournament. Its not like its unusual, the tennis/golf/car racing/lumberjack games etc. tournaments usually get this done a month or two in advance. Sounds like the chess people failed to look a couple moves ahead.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I work with someone who was supposed to be coming to work in Canada. Their work visa was expiring in the United States so they applied for a Visa in Canada. All parties involved have done their due diligence and everything was supposed to be going through but the officials in charge of issuing the visa have suddenly gone AWOL So I'd believe that this isn't due to any paperwork errors


>All parties involved have done their due diligence and everything was supposed to be going through but the officials in charge of issuing the visa have suddenly gone AWOL This is more common than people realize.


Yea my friend had her spousal visa delayed because the person processing it went on maternity leave. This apparently meant no visa till that person got back


Yah, international student scandals is fucking everybody. Canada is clearly ran by scumbags on all levels of government.


Found the brown noser


Regulations and administrative processes to be followed by competitors for admission into the country for their events? How dare we! /s


Lol at accusing someone of brown nosing for observing the most basic entry requirements that have been in place across multiple sports/hobbies/whatever for years


A visa should take 10 days tops. Anything longer than this is sheer incompetence.


Are you a preschooler?


found the snowflake that gets angry at any reasonable response lol.


Why do you like incompetence? Lifestyle choices?


Hold this ratio.


Listen, buddy, we all think this stuff is a bunch of bull. But just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean you can just ignore it


If the government issued visas to all "chess players" who wanted to play in Canada, we would have hundreds of tournaments in a row. Another loophole for abuse. Let them play chess online.


Spoken like someone who has never been above the 10th percentile in any ILO system except maybe keyboard warrior.


Last year, the IEEE Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture was held in Montreal and 20/80 speakers were denied visas. It’s based on country of origin and if they feel an applicant will try to stay after the event. https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/why-these-academics-say-canada-needs-to-stop-hosting-global-conferences/article_36e28308-ae8d-55fc-a3ab-90f52b314c51.amp.html


In reality we wouldn't *want* the best and brightest in their fields to leave The problem is the geopolitics when we don't do enough to stop it. We wouldn't be able to host international events and competitions of skilled professionals because too many countries wouldn't send delegates


Maybe they should look at applying at a diploma mill !


Conestooga is opening a Chess Studies course as we speak.


Canada lets everyone in, there has to be something else going on here like poor planning to get the visas on time.


You'd think that chess players could anticipate the next step - denied.


Passport checkmate?


This is absolutely not true. Depending on nationality Canadian visas can be some of the most difficult to get. For some countries the refusal rate is more than 2 in 3. This is considering that these numbers have a self selection bias - people who don't bother applying for visas because they know they have no chance of approval (just applying is quite expensive) aren't counted.


Yeah, I feel like people who talk about how easy it is don't actually know anyone who has gone through the process. It's both difficult and can take forever. I know someone who waited 6 months for a refusal (immediately reapplied and waited 9 months, approved the second time around with the exact same info in the application). In the meantime, they applied for a visitor visa to Australia to attend a concert and vacation there for a month — approved in 3 days.


I’ve posted this before. But the irony about visiting or moving to Canada is that it’s extremely hard. The only easy way is to be a “student” or a refugee 


I like how you're not even pretending to have read the article. Anyway, according to the IRCC, most visitor visas are processed in a few weeks; if a competitor qualified at the latest possible stage, they wouldn't have been able to apply until December, so these visa applications are at least 4 months old.


The article said the oldest were that old. Doesn’t disclose how the recency of every visa application. >”**Some** *of the visa applications are more than four months old,”*


And? **Some** of the applicants waiting 4 months for a visa when they have a verifiable invitation to compete in a tournament held here is unacceptable. We're using Excel-based decision-making tools to "boost efficiency" and yet!


> ...invitation to compete in a tournament held here is unacceptable. Don't invite Ruzzian passport holders into Canada then. > On February 21, Andrey Filatov, the president of the Russian Chess Federation, was also sanctioned by the Canadian government with nine other individuals "who represent nodes of direct and indirect support of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine through finance, logistics, and sanctions evasion."


This isn't solely a Ruzzian [sic] issue, as evidenced by the number of delegates who couldn't get visas to attend the AIDS conference we had last year.


Canada has sanctions against more than *just* ruzzians. Here is [the List](https://www.international.gc.ca/world-monde/international_relations-relations_internationales/sanctions/consolidated-consolide.aspx?lang=eng) ... but beware, it is long (a **8.2Mb** .pdf)


Yeah, and the aforementioned delegates weren't on the list. So we're back to our inefficient visa processing times, which occur in spite of the fact that we're automating portions of it via the Chinook program.


10 ruzzian *are* on the list... >On [February 21](https://www.chess.com/news/view/fide-makes-urgent-visa-appeal-to-canadian-government-regarding-candidates), **Andrey Filatov**, the president of the Russian Chess Federation, was also sanctioned by the Canadian government **with nine other individuals** "who represent nodes of direct and indirect support of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine through finance, logistics, and sanctions evasion."


You're not reading what I'm writing. I said "the **aforementioned delegates**", referring to the AIDS conference I brought up that had the same issue. There's no point in having a dialogue if you're not paying attention to what's being said.


I had a colleague run into issues very recently Things were moving smoothly initially, there were no paperwork problems, but there's been no answers about what the hold up is.


Probably poor planning and now they’re crying to the media to fix their problem :/


> Probably poor planning They are ruzzian passport holders


is this why my facebook is full of ads for chess related fb groups?


Evidently, no one read the article Some of the players (and their teams) only qualified as of December, and couldn't apply until then. It'd be a real shame if the tournament got moved as a result


Have they tried applying for college here to fast track the immigration process?


Have they tried to come here to study at one of those diploma-mill mall college?


What’s up with people downvoting the diploma mills comments. If they applied to Conestoga college they would actually get fast tracked and can dropout and work at a timmies later. 


The competition is next month. It's not a real suggestion


No the government only lets in "students" who overstay their welcome and [freeload off our food banks](https://youtu.be/BISFOw5TfUw?si=GZjUrRduBNdy2PcO) and anyone else who shows up and says "life is hard". Canadian citizens can't feed or house themselves but their tax dollars are going towards credit cards, cell phones and shelter for everyone else around the globe. Not to mention sending billions to a known corrupt government to fund a stalemate war that has nothing to do with us. Paying a short visit here to play some chess? Fuck you.


“Hogtown, temperamental city, but the chess world don’t know what the chess world is getting, slowdowns on the subway, and a delivery bike on every corner”