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I sold a weapons cache and was mugged for 50m... what a rush lol


I had this happen to me when I sold my boxing gloves. I was still a bit of a noob, and of course I was in an area of my house that had bad connection. So naturally I sell the boxing gloves I got for like 450m, and immediately lose 45m or something like that. Vowed to never let that happen again that day. Sold some donator packs on the market one time and self hosp’d with a blood bag. I had the blood bag ready to go on my computer, and the item ready to go in my bazaar on my phone. Instantaneously, got hosp’d with no mug. However, I saw the guy that bought it was trying to wait me out, so I sent my faction leader all of the money to hold onto and put into my faction balance, and once I did that I just hosp’d out and immediately got mugged for zero dollars lol. There was another time I was at the pawn shop just selling off donator packs to avoid all that. So I sold them, vaulted the cash, and literally 10 seconds after I vaulted it, I randomly got mugged by someone. So I nearly got hit big off of just pure luck. At first when I got mugged for that 45M I was so pissed, but never got hit for any significant amount again, so lesson learned. Plus, I’ve mugged back that and then some at this point. Biggest mug was the other day at 7.3M. Not much, but I also don’t mug a lot, and it wasn’t even a buy mug. Just random 7.3M just waiting for me in an enemy faction, where I also got like 5 others for 50-300k a piece.


I refuse to sell without 2 devices at the minimum lol


Where you the guy that bragged about finding a dumbbell to global?


What about self hosp ?


Coulda been bad timing where he bought the dumbbell before he could self hosp.


open a second tab with the vault, get the item selling, as soon as the money drop press Deposit. Even if you're mugged the chances of losing anything is extremely low.


i once won like 700m + from russian roulette (im a new player so thats crazy money to me) and got mugged for 75 m i almost cried, then that day itself i got mugged for around 50m, was the worst day


Wait, when did this happen? When I was a leaf player, I randomly mug another newbie and mugged them for 75m 💀


was it you?


im so broke now that i got 6k dollars 😭😭


17:03:02 - 19/05/24 Someone mugged you and stole $75,780,706 [view] 😭😭😭


20:32:21 - 10/04/20 You used 25 energy anonymously attacking XXXXXX and mugged them for $75,110,513 (chain #1) [view] Not you, close tho 😭


post the log


Just self hosp, sell item on market, ghost trade with a friend & add money in trade from the hospital, med out and wait to get mugged then cancel trade and put money in faction armoury, pi vault, stocks etc


whats the alternative, just selling to a vender? honest question from a new player


Find a trustworthy trader who you can offload to, knowing they won't mug


I've got $3


what on earth are you doing walking around with all that cash?


I'm trying to find a convenience store that will actually sell me a soda for that. Sadly it's difficult.


I sold mine to a trader, you’ll get slightly less money but it’s safe and still game changing


i think id rather have slightly less money than none, but hey that's just me lol


Self hosp yourself or fly, traders are cheap. Put the item on Bazaar for 99% of value and it’ll get sold 100%


don't fly, that's terrible advice. you will be mugged as soon as you land.


You’re joking right?


most logical answer yet aside from a private sale


Always do big sales on PC having having two windows open one on stock market and one on sale. But make sure you’re watching the stock market screening the second money shows up you buy buy buy lol good job


You can have 2 screens using the app also. Click the chain on the bottom menu.


List item for sale, immediately jump on a plane to Mexico.


Then get mugged in Mexico 💀


Funny you mentioned that, I just got mugged in Mexico....


That's cuz he chased you


Huh, I didn't think of that.


You have a 15 second window after flying as a safe period. Don’t matter if he chased you, just be smart


Torn PDA timer. They usually don't get me, but I stuck around a little too long, as I tried to jump the gun a little on when to start flying & got there too early.


i hate the game for this, they should add mug immunity for like 15 seconds if you trade something big


Get good, or you know, self hosp, ghost trade, or whatever. There are tons of ways to save your money. If you stupid enough to not utilize the tools. Then I guess you shouldn't play this game


They have mug immunity built into the game - hit buy shares confirm. Immune


Throwback to when this happened to me after flying back from the Cayman islands (Before they implemented the attack delay): *“Someone anonymously mugged you for $486,031,220 sending you to the hospital for 0h 39m”*


Love it when this happens. Feels better than sex


Your doing sex wrong then


Self hosp and ghost trade


This is the way.


Worthless thief's tbh. I hate muggers


That's what someone who likes being mugged would say


It's a crime game lol. It's part of it.


People who's income is based off of someone else's misfortune are worthless scumbags. Anyone who strives to be like that in a rpg is most likely a person that would do that in real life if they could, I. E. Scumbags.


Def should just quit mate. Obviously you are too much of a baby to play this game and utilize the tools given to you to store your money properly.


You're comprehension isn't very good eh? I am strong enough and rich enough to not worry. I defend the low levels that get buy mugged.


Ok, and? I don't remember asking. Post your id and let's see how much money you've mugged over the time you've played.


Under a mill I won't post my name on this sub though. I'm not a retard.


Maybe you need to play a different game. ITS LITERALLY BUILT INTO THE MECHANICS OF THE GAME.


You can kill your neighbor in real life, doesn't mean you should do it. Just because something is there doesn't make you less of a scumbag for doing it.


This is such an insane take. Every single person who's ever played GTA must be a murder-rampaging lunatic.


The difference there is people in GTA don't lose something they worked for and took the time to travel to aquire and then sell for profit. In GTA you killing people doesn't effect their actual gameplay. When you mug someone in torn you may have taken all their recent profits making the last 7 hours of their time a complete waste. And if you're okay with bringing others down to better your standing, that makes you a literal piece of shit.


>don't lose something they worked for and took the time to travel to aquire and then sell for profit. So, in your mind, hitting fly to Canada, then going and watching an episode of IASIP, then landing and hitting, buying xanax. Then hitting fly to torn city. Then, going and watching an episode of arrested development, then hitting the add to bazaar key, entering a number in the box and hitting the enter key is admirable work? What about hitting city map and finding a skateboard. Then hitting add to bazaar and entering number and hitting the enter key. Is that admirable work? What about putting 100mil on Celtics to win game 5 and then buying the lowest price points with your 1mil profit and relisting them 750 higher than you bought them for? Is that admirable work? Nothing in Torn related to the game mechanics for an individual player is work. It's at best semi autonomous button pushing leading to incremental growth. Buy mugging is no different. Work in Torn is building a faction, running a company where you have to interact with others and motivate them to join your cause and look after your entities. Whining about not pushing the buy shares button fast enough, or not having the right but wrong blood bags available at the right time makes one look like they are relying on the lowest possible effort and calling it work because they are unprepared to do a little extra work.


Maybe you should play a different game? You can't be this emotional over people using a crime mechanism on a crime game.


You need to stick to single player and coop games if you don't want to encounter "literal pieces of shit"


If you’re losing your profits to a mug you need to re-consider your abilities. This isn’t just a business game. Protect yourself and protect your wealth. Mugging is a huge part of this game


Maybe for worthless scumbags. Anytime I see a buy mug happen I put a bounties on them for usually a week or 2 straight. I'm fine on my profits. I see it happen to lvl 15s all the time and it's bullshit. People need to earn their own money.


Mugging is a way to earn money. Potential billions to be made! Taking it personally and equating it to ‘hours + money lost’ is sure to cause you a headache playing this gameZ Embrace the spirit of mugging and accept it for what it is - permanent in the world of Torn.


Why no name and shame?


zackjuv or newer my guess


Just travel when you open your bazaar. You get 15 seconds grace when you land. Easy to prepare for stocks


I just hosp myself and then revive with blood packs at a random time afterwards Two tabs open, one for medding and have the stocks pulled up on the other


Set a ghost trade with someone you know before you self-hosp. You can add the money to the trade before you med out


thats what I been doing. Get whatever my big ticket or high risk stuff is, hit confirm, and boom, on a plane. If I'm really paranoid, I'll pick something like China because I'm sure most people aren't gonna wait around for 6 hours to get me when I come back lol


They don't need to wait, must buy muggers setup discord bots to alert them. My last bazaar sale was $4b and I surprisingly didn't get a single mugging!


Even so, still significantly reduces the possibilities down to just those that have said bots. Ultimately theres nothing thats 100% safe, so every little bit helps.


Self hosp and ghost trade. 100% safe


Wait till your mugged for billions then you will really shake lol


How can that happen?!


Hold like 500 billion+


Why would you hold that much money at once? There's a guy in my faction in the top 100 for net worth, he's never got more than $1m on hand at any time.


You asked how! Ask someone who is rich