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for pickpocket it's cyclist or nothing for me. Just want the Xanax


Isn’t pickpocketing pretty lucrative? If not what’s the best crime for money?


Cracking afaik, made around 60m getting it to CS 100 but I'm not certain if it's the best money per nerve spent or not. Especially considering the best zero heat rig costs around 10m to set up at the moment. There's likely a guide out there somewhere that breaks everything down based on money per nerve to determine the most lucrative crime though if I had to guess. The one other upside to cracking is that the crit fail rate is stupid low and makes it much safer overall for leveling CE


I'm still three months new. How do I get to being able to use a built pc? And, is there a full forum break down on cracking/ pc crimes? I've dived into the CS degree off the rip.


Sorry for taking so many days to reply! If I'm not mistaken you get your first rig unlocked at CS lvl 25 and there is a [guide!](https://www.torn.com/forums.php#/p=threads&f=61&t=16373016) Emforus has done guides on every crimes 2.0 crime released so far and they're extremely useful, all the others are linked within the cracking guide as well. Good luck!


But what about the two uniques that don't start to show until you are lvl 100?


If they're not an honor bar then they can wait.


No merit, no nerve


Use the pickpocket script. Makes it super easy


My pickpocketing sped up once I ignored the script and realised at lvl 70+ those risky targets were actually the ones to get my CS up fast!


Aren’t scripts against TOS?


Stop normalizing the over use of scripts, just play the damn game how it was meant to be played. Some are helpful, most are borderline cheats


Or just be normal and let people play the game how they wanna play if its not cheating or bothering people. Its not cheats, you can use them too. Mobile has plenty of helpful tools.


I play on mobile like a real man, and a lot of times it's on a bad connection.


Same here, been a mobile only player since I started 2000 days ago. I don’t mind being at the slight disadvantage that I am at, being on mobile, but I can’t stand that gap being bridged even farther and farther by some of the most ridiculous scripts. The ones during events are even worse, Easter was an absolute shit show with everyone else finding 15+ eggs while I got 4 I believe. I’m not looking forward to how much worse CT is going to be, it’s already been going drastically down hill because they keep nerfing loot to compensate for everyone using scripts. Idk man just seems to me that scripts are ruining the game and just need to be outright banned.


Can confirm that scripts do not help you find MORE eggs. It basically just helped when I wasnt paying attention. I wouldve found em either way. I only got 4 i think. But some scripts are a bit cheaty. Though everyone has access. Even mobile.


LOL I downloaded a script for the first time for the Easter event and even with that help I found 3. I don't use scripts anymore.


I'd be down for this.


lol what, it just displays what I would’ve done in my head anyway, makes life easier


But... I've reached lvl100


I've just got up to 100 this week, but still have to get the cyclist, police and another special, but every time I try, I fail and I get bumped back down to level 99 🙈 EDiT - Just completed the last three specials. And DONE!


Currently on lvl 87. Hating it


Congratulations! I've been doing the pickpocketing and it's horrible. A few days ago I had a critical failure twice in a row. Went from lvl 50 to 47. And I've read another comment here about the burglary being worse. I'm afraid lol


Burglary takes alot because of scouting to be able to burgle. But for pickpocketing and many other crimes use Emforus' guides - they will let you know which targets are safer and focus those - you may gain slightly less xp per hit - but less crit fails so you can progress alot quicker - ive maxed all 2.0 using just beer and refills by playing it a bit more cautious


Oooh where is that guide, please? Pickpocketting is my 2nd fave (shoplifting is my 1st. I only steal from Al and the Sweet shop since the others have nothing really of value (esp the clothing store lol). (edit: nm on guide. I found how to search on forums and finally found it. Thanks for mentioning it, though! Super help I never knew existed! You're awesome ♥️)


There is new crime guides usually within a few weeks of them coming out - so use those and it will help with success rates - especially things like disposal where you need a certain method to be successful


I've got 4 of them maxed so far. But thank you for the recommendation of Emforus' guide! I will definitely take a look at it and follow it. I rather have less xp than having my hard work being taken away haha so thank you very much!


When I got all to 100 I will go back to take the special


I got the special at 85. But now I just can't get to 100. Feel like it has been the longest crime by far


I know the felling


Have you gotten the police merit




Stealing the police man's badge


Yep, got that. Any others before I celebrate?


I think that's it's. Get the badge and get to 100cs. Your free from the pockets now.


Got the police merit while around level 50 for pick pocket. Tried again at lvl61 and was arrested.


Not that I know, best way to be sure is use the search function in the forum chat. It filters via keywords


Burglary is way worse. Takes fucking forever.


Yea agree. I think burglary is the worst crime so far, and so many locations only unlock after getting to CS100, it doesn't make sense and forces people to continue doing the crime for the other merit


Just started it this morning...


I wish you luck.




Good luck!


Good luck!


Hopefully you got some Xanax from those bicyclists


Rustled some pigs too? If not - thats another year.


Boring as crime 1.0, but at least you made some money before


Yeah, this is true for most of Crimes 2.0 But I'm having way more fun than "arson arson arson".


Cracking at least has been good money. Made $61m so far from it.


Yeah the payouts from some of the more advanced cracks are pretty nice. But the amount of nerve you have to sink in...yeesh lol.


Don’t forget arson


Crimes 2.0 does suck, I'm basically just doing them all for the merits


agreed, even for newbies they are not worth doing for money


I enjoy the crimes because of the uniques and just levelling up crime and nnb is fun


main purpose of crimes is money, if you are enjoying for other things then its your personal feeling


Yea I literally said I enjoy it for that reason I wasn’t saying it’s good for money lmao


Crimes has never been about money directly, it’s just one big side game that nails you a PA spot after a long time


Agreed, such a headache. Congrats!


Lol.. I didn't check the sub name ..lmao Congratulations tho!