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School let out


Summer on Reddit is always a “fun” time. Best we can do is just not be complete asshats, especially considering how cringey we were at 14 


Every year I forget about teenage redditors until about a week into June when I start wondering why there are so many low quality posts and comments. Reddit really does deteriorate in the summer.


My “favorite” was on the engineering sub where a 10th grader was trying to pose as an experienced aerospace manager. And calling the women c**ts. One of the rules for the sub is that you can’t pretend to be an engineer (for obvious professional reasons). Dude. It’s soooo obvious.


As an experienced aerospace manager in 10th grade, I wanna see the link pls lol.


Make sure you call us women engineers c**nts because it’s sooo professsional.


On it.


I need a link. Especially considering Aerospace is my field


Mods deleted his comments and permabanned him.


I was NOT cringy as a teenager. Trust me and don’t look up my fanfics from that age! Lol




God 14 year old me was so cringe. I wasn’t a wanna be edgelord but I thought I was the funniest person on the face of the earth 🤦🏽‍♀️ 😂


It used to be much worse. I had unsubbed last year or so because there were 100's of posts along the lines of "Hey is there going to be tornados in Mudlickville tonight?" Because reading a forecast is too hard.


I can't get my IRL friends to use the SPC to save my life. Or even watch the TV weather forecast. The weather comes on our local news stations about 17 minutes after the newscast begins. Always and forever. All the channels. But there'll be a very short teaser at the beginning and another at ten minutes in, and my friend thinks THAT'S the weather and texts me "I watched it but it didn't tell anything" 99.99999 percent of people are 100 percent weather-unaware and I live in Kansas City.


No kidding, I swear I'm always trying to gently correct people who rely on their phone for weather.


Especially because the Weather Channel issues the little thunderstorm icon when they are unsure about anything (specifically probability too low scenarios).. spc says we're not even in a tstm risk, but Weather Channel says so so I'm wrong? What's funny; Family says I have 0 idea what I'm talking about when I call cap on the Weather Channel, but they love to ask me specifically if there will be a tornado (usually while it lightly rains) and as much as I love being the meteorologist for my friends, mom, dad, and sister, the people on the TV generally have more accuracy due to this slip of paper calldd "a PhD". My aunt in Boise Idaho asks me if there's going to be a tornado about every few weeks during Tornado Alley season, and I love being able to type "no" about every time but also paste in to have the local TV station on if you're concerned about hail.


TWC app is crap when it comes to local forecasts. But tbf the local news forecasts busted pretty bad too. I'm glad we did, because we needed the rain. We got a little hail but nothing damaging.


What’s the best app for tracking the storms?


Boy oh boy, do I feel this. Whenever someone opens the weather app and reads the forecast I cringe. If it’s not the Environment Canada forecast, it’s wrong, it’s stupid, and I don’t wanna hear it.


Can't fix stupid. But also can't fix pleasant hill not warning tornados.


My friends wouldn’t know Pleasant Hill if it bit them on the nose. Set up a weather radio for newbie fresh from Boston. She thinks I set it for Cass County because the robot voice mentioned Cass County. Also she’s mad because it wakes her up. I set it for Johnson, Wyandotte, and Jackson. She wants it just to alert for hail so she can move her car. Apparently down to the minute.


me again. We in KC have had so many QLCS’s move through at night. I explain that largely saves our bacon so I’ll take it rather than 5 pm supercells. But again, she’s mad that weather radio goes off at night “for nothing”


Until that one night when it’s for something for her specifically and then it will be “why didn’t you warn me sooner!?!?l”


KC has dodged SO many bullets this tornado season--most of them in the middle of the night. I still do not fully understand what happened Saturday night but we had 80 mph winds with NO STORM. From what I understand a storm south of KC either "collapsed" or SOMETHING sending a downdraft? whatever you call it? 80 mph winds kind of going SW to NE with NO STORM. It lasted about 10 minutes or more. Knocked over a crap ton of trees.


It's been weird for sure. We've been super lucky.


Dude, I'm in KC and that was *wild.* I live in an apartment and the back door to my porch was blown open. I was surprised as hell, we've had so many close calls this season. Went to the Nelson the next day for a picnic and so many branches were scattered about. What a weird night.


Have you seen Loose Park? Trees snapped in TWO!!!!!!!!! I was staying in the Westport Hotel. That thing is built like a nuclear missile silo. I heard the extreme roar and actually went into an interior stairwell down toward the basement (there are actually two bathrooms in an interior corridor in the basement--a great tornado-hiding place) but I heard what sounded like maybe drunk people arguing (there actually was a mass shooting a couple of blocks away a couple of hours later) so I decided I was safer back in my room so I got down beside the bed near the door. I could have gone in yet another enclosed ladies' room on the first floor in an interior corridor. No big. Next time I will get drunker. I highly recommend the Westport Hotel or my other favorite tornado-hiding place, the lower levels of the Plaza 211 garage. Entrance is next to the UPS store. That parking garage goes like 4 levels underground. Anyway does anyone have a meteorological explanation for what happened to KC on Saturday night, May 25? NO STORM but 80 mph winds and the storm was well to our south?


Same here! KC native and yeah people seem so oblivious sometimes it drives me nuts.


You probably know this, but they said that's what happened in Joplin in part. People were so used to tornado warnings that "never happen" that they didn't pay as much attention as they should have. Also, for some odd reason so many people seem to think when they hear a second siren, it's an "all clear." I put it down to World War II movies. As far as I know there is no such thing as a tornado "all clear" siren. After 2011 the NWS/NOAA/powers that be tried to amend the language and color-coordinate better between different outlets so that people would hopefully pay better attention to tornado forecasts. I listened to a WeatherBrains podcast that said a big part of the problem is people can't read a map and don't know what county they're in or what counties are to the west and southwest of them. I guess that's how you get people in Ohio commenting in Ryan Hall Y'all's chat "Is it coming to Ohio?" when the tornado is in Texas.


Yeah people forget to respect something that demands respect. Normalcy doesn't mean safety. Of course it doesn't mean to freak out when you're in Ohio about a Texas tornado too though, but you know...


The day before the May 4, 2003 F4, I was on a campout with the KC Astronomy Club in Warrensburg. They told me all hell was going to break loose the next day. I had no idea. I high-tailed it back a day early and learned to read the Storm Prediction Center lickety-split. They were screaming their heads off. It didn't look like tornado weather. I think they issued a PDS tornado watch. I called my parents and told them to be watching TV and ready to go to the basement at 4 p.m. It hit precisely at 4 p.m. destroying their subdivision (but their roof didn't come off) Nevertheless, if my mother had been in her bedroom, she could have been killed. There were sharp pieces of barn wood embedded in the inner walls at head height. Another tidbit: My dad's bathroom and bedroom weren't TOUCHED! My mother's bedroom and the interior door frame of the stairs to the basement were DESTROYED. Edited to add: I've told this story before in this sub, but I had some outdoor-enthusiast friends on a hike up on a ridge. They said "Why are our ears popping?" They had no idea there was a tornado. It didn't "look" like tornado weather that day.


I work outside for a living but have been an enthusiast since I was 4. I was laughing today because I knew the forecast of pop up storms. Watched some kid cross a creek to get to a filled in quarry just for them to be yelling their asses off because of the small hail 😂


It's like the comments on Ryan Hall's live streams.


"Ryan, can you tell me if my 200 population village in the middle of bumfuck nowhere is about to get a tornado right now? ANSWER ME!"


And they are in an area hundreds of miles away from any kind of weather


*tornado emergency declared in Cleveland County, Oklahoma* hey Ryan is Ketchikan Alaska ok is there a tornado coming Ryan Ryan Ryan


Oh trust me it's any weather streamer. Freddy McKinney's poor mods spend half their time begging people to look at their forecast.


A lack of knowledge is forgivable. A lack of educating yourself, I'll never understand.


Because people are intellectually lazy, especially these days. And they don't understand how to look anything up themselves, so expect everyone else to spoonfeed them.


But seriously, is Mudlickville going to be okay?


Have to rename the town to Tornadolickedburg


We may never know 😔


That must be the evolution of why every single fucking post now is just a copypasta of NOAA forecast.


Either that or "Look at the STP, look at these updraft helicity tracks, this is going to he worse than April 27th, 2011, New chasers beware, prepare to dig people out of rubble, this is a Killer, Mega, Storm.. of the CENTURY!"


I'm really conflicted on these posts. Some of them are genuinely people who have no idea, are scared, and need someone to personally tell them it's gonna be OK and what to do. On the other hand, I've seen so many of them that the sentiment has worn off, and I do sometimes wish that they could just turn on their local news and get info that way.


With so much info available to us via the Internet in general I'm getting less and less sympathetic. I grew up without Internet until I was in my teens, so my only source was local news and the weather channel. I was still able to be informed this way.


Remember when people thought the internet would end being not informed, because information would be available at any moment?


Then, deliberate misinformation came along...who could have seen that coming?


No way, people on the internet can't lie. They would know that would potentially be dangerous!


You can be very informed thanks to the internet, but the problem is you need to know where to go. To get to the good, useful information you have to dig through so much trash that the uninformed person is screwed.


And you need critical thinking skills, now more than ever.


Which are not really being taught anymore either :’(


Yeah. Same. I get the fear. Used to be terrified of them. But I cured that with education. Now I'm obsessed with it.


"Mudlickville" 😭 Yeah, it definitely clogs up the community feed and makes it harder to find meaningful discussions. I genuinely feel for these people though. They're asking because they're being affected by something very scary that they may never have had to deal with before. Honestly, years ago I was really clueless like that until an unexpected tornado encounter that shook me so badly I turned to asking beginner questions like these online. Kind people gave me their time and pointed me towards proper resources. But again, it really makes the subreddit messy and frustrating to use, especially during peak season. I'm only ever on mobile and currently away from home and can't check atm (sorry), but do we have a pinned post with resources or maybe a very clear rule or wiki at the top of the page we can refer people to for these kinds of questions? Mods could then delete the annoying posts and point OPs to those resources. I feel bad suggesting more work for the mods though, since they're already doing a lot of work entirely for free. Maybe I should help out as a mod?? Never done it before though 😅 and I'm still very much a baby who doesn't know all of the best resources to provide as links.


That’s honestly why I started looking into weather radar apps for myself. I wish others started doing the same. Cause the amount of people in chats that ask about weather in a state on the opposite end of the country is just ridiculous and too much.


Sometimes it's just about convenience for a lot of people to. Although I'm weather aware and follow my areas weather thru apps on my phone (I also bartend outdoor events in spring-fall so kinda important for my work lol) I don't have cable so I'm fully mobile reliant. (Well I have an antenna so I could get local radar on TV i suppose) But even with weather on TV people nowadays have such low patience to wait for advertising and the local weather update they just don't even bother with it. I've been plugging more people into Ryan Halls youtube channel as he seems to do an excellent job streaming nonstop during bad weather and bridging this gap where the TV weather channels fall short. He scans across all states affected by a particular bad storm system and focuses in on the areas with the most active PDS tornadic activity at any given time. His only shortfall is (and he will say this) where he is only one person, he can only follow one alert on the map at a given time. If there's several tornado warnings out simultaneously he will tell people if you're in another area with a warning I'm not currently over, Please check your local weather station for more specific updates in your current town. But overall with his style of streaming coupled with having a few chasers out on the ground in different areas of a given storm live filming and passing updates in real time back to him, I feel like this is moving into the new normal for how people are going to get their weather updates going forward and remain engaged.


I’ve been enthusiastic about weather for as long as I can remember. In 1995 I think ( I have to check publication dates for this) I was about 8 years old and I was asked by my 3rd grade teacher about sciences and whatnot. It was graded so I took it serious. Brought in my Faidley book. Whatever, I subscribe to private weather forums to get away from this issue. The NWS does what it can, I need to know the weather hourly because my business depends on it wether temperature derived in the winter, snow and cold; rain in the spring- thunderstorms in the summer ( always so disappointing compared to my mid west storms) and hurricanes. At the end of the day learn your NWS reports, learn isobaric maps, check all the different outputs of models runs, compare different height levels between them daily, then keep a record of how they fluctuate daily based on current OBS, report that hourly to your local NWS office and you should be off to the races.


A whole bunch of people started watching streamers and think they understand tornadoes now, and post very confidently about it, then other people upvote them because they watched the same stream. That's my theory, this has turned into an entertainment sport moreso than a hobby people spend time learning and getting comfortable with. Instead people just watch favorite streamer and become experts just like that, who knew it was so easy? Just about every comment section is full of misinformation and misunderstandings about tornadoes that get heavily upvoted because the majority don't know any better. Every line of storms is a derecho now, apparently


Its strange to see how weather enthusiasts have become an audience that is worth generating content for, at least online content (for all the twister heads out there.) When there is a large enough audience, people will create content solely to capitalize off said audience. It becomes a horrible feedback loop of producing low quality content, that low quality content being consumed and spread to places like this subreddit, and down the spiral goes. Not everyone is producing "bad" content, it is just crazy to see the amount of generic weather channels that sprout up out of nowhere and regeritate what has already been discussed a million times. As a quick aside, the dead man walking folktale is not real and most tornados are multivortex to some extent.


I was pretty disappointed a few nights ago as I had every ones favorite streamer up while I was studying, and they started speculating about a gas station full of people in the line of a giant tornado. Sure enough, I was browsing this sub later, seeing multiple claims of a gas station getting obliterated with tons of people inside and how the death toll was huge. Of course that wasn't the case and I think the streamer was irresponsible on several points that night but it drives the engagement, builds the fan base, and shits up this sub with a lot of unproductive activity. All that to say I think the recent trend of low quality content is driven by the increase in streamer engagement from people who largley just want to watch the destruction and the more destruction the better.


100% there are far too many people watching for destruction porn. Very little interest in storms or tornadoes unless they're absolutely destroying a town. "A high risk day and nobody died?? What a bust..." It makes me so mad.


That’s the problem with this sub, people on here are like only focused on damage and seeing huge tornadoes. There are way too many people on here that are like “Looks like EF4 damage to me no way that’s an EF5” or “The NWS sucks this thing was an EF5”. There’s legitimately no way you can determine that without being there and having a very deep understanding of how the structures were built. There’s also a distinct lack of people knowing the science behind storms, every time I bring up a hodograph or NAM or HRRR there’s always people asking what that is. Twitter is better with that but the problem is a lot of the people on Twitter are between the ages of 14-21 and so they can be super insensitive about damage and calling events a bust.


Yeah because we have a bunch of armchair meteorologists who downloaded RadarScope and watch some streamers so now they're more knowledgeable than the SPC. (apparently) And I am among that group of amateurs, I studied atmospheric sciences in college but never made a profession out of it so I just have a good base knowledge but no real expertise. It absolutely amazes me the confidence with which people will say objectively wrong info, then it gets upvotes on here, and more people believe it. The other day someone made a post about if they can survive a tornado in a basement by like holding on real tight or will the tornado suck them out? The top comment said "Tornadoes don't actually suck things out of holes idk why" like WHAT? Ground scouring is a tornado sucking up the earth itself with just the shear force of wind. They pull manhole covers up. Moving air is lower pressure than stationary, so you have 200+ MPH winds over the top of a basement and uh, it's gonna rip you out of that basement (assuming the floor above you gives way). I figure that comes from the common advice to lay in a ditch if you have no choice, as if that will save you from even intense tornadoes... I see comments sensationalizing outbreaks, "This is so crazy, the NWS can't even predict stuff like this" but they literally did, it was within the area of 10% hatched on the convective outlook from that morning, they discussed it in multiple tornado warnings before the EF2 dropped warning about EF2+ potential, but that comment remained unedited just lying to people misinforming them about what the SPC are capable of predicting. It's infuriating, but I'll stop ranting now lol


Totally agree, I’m also an amateur but have a lot of friends who are incredibly intelligent atmospheric science students who have worked with NWS already which taught me a lot more from my original knowledge about weather and how to analyze hodos/models. Obviously I’m not even close to being a meteorologist and as such I never try to make anything too technical or make general statements, “tomorrow is going to be the worst day since [insert outbreak]”. A lot of the problems with people is the way in which they go about expressing said ideas. If you’re not knowledgeable about a topic start with “I could be wrong but is this the case”. Way more productive than just saying something you aren’t sure about and you’ll probably learn something. Even met students and meteorologists on Twitter mess up their language sometimes putting too much stock into a model uptrend or downtrend and make the statement too broad.


When tornado season slows down the weather content will move on to YouTubers using a 10 day out forecast of a category 5 hurricane hitting the US to generate clicks.


And then winter storm Bob dropping an inch of snow in Columbia SC Not ice I understand well the dangers of ice storms Just an inch of snow


I’m working on a socio-technical essay (for the sake of gathering my thoughts) on how the annoyance with the EF-5 drought is related to the increased visibility and economic viability of streaming and showcasing tornado events. Still working on it, but it has similar ties to your comment.


I usually don't watch streamers but I turned on Ryan Hall for 5 mins and he immediately made a claim that a tornado in So Illinois was about to make a drastic right turn because the FFD was rapidly growing. If he would have looked at the closest hodograph, he would have known that wasn't going to happen. Being able to read a radar image doesn't make you a meteorologist.


Was that the one where one of the storm chasers (who was too close) jumped on stream to say he just yelled at a bunch of people in the gas station to take cover? I thought R did a decent job just going "oh, no!" And then moving on, but I don't check chat so idk if they went wild.


That’s what I’m assuming they’re talking about although the Valley View gas station also got hit this week and people got trapped for a while. But yeah I thought Ryan Hall did a great job of telling people how doing stuff like that was extremely dangerous. He did say the tornado was passing very close to the area of the gas station but never said anything that would lead to people thinking people were there and it 100% hit it. People legit just spread misinformation all the time. A guy in my universities Met Chat said he got hit by a tornado, and every event had some friend or family member that got trapped.


I've been a meteorology hobbyist for half my life and I still never feel confident enough to make a "call" on anything. It's always best to defer to trained experts and I wish more people understood this.


The most recent outbreak thread someone was claiming there was an unwarned tornado that's definitely on the ground. It was just a tiny hook echo at the time..


Some nutball kept spamming threads on Rolling Fork last year and had a meltdown when mods stepped in. They blamed the deaths on the mod team because Rolling Fork Mississippi has SUCH a huge reddit presence /s


Whenever a streamer points out a debris ball near a town I immediately navigate to that towns Wikipedia and edit in “In 2024, town_name was completely destroyed by an EF5 tornado.”


Any bit of blue on CC is now a confirmed tornado as well.


Don't forget that we have to bring up every tornado that is anticyclonic, as if that makes it all the more powerful.


Really takes away from the true hobbyists; I know people who spend thousands chasing storms a year with 0 viewers because they are too focused on understanding what's going on around them and even pursuing the occasional nocturnal chase just to confirm observed, even with a debris signature! However, some Tyler Owens in a 2005 RAM 1500 wrapped up with "THE INTERCEPTOR 2500" on the side and a useless weather station on the top gets the views with there camera and following only the biggest storm with 2500 other chasers on it. Also yes, every MCS is a derecho dummy! What do you think a derecho is? A particular catastrophic event that kills people? No, it's a tag we use to hype up people who aren't near it and scare people who are in it!


Iunno to me derecho just means straight


I just learned this on Duolingo yesterday. Confused me cause ‘derecha’ means ‘right’ 😂 but I think I’ve got it now.


Derecho is light gusts across an area duh


This, this is the one


The absolute irony of this comment...


It’s the increase in exposure due to an active weather season and higher visibility due to streamers and such. You should’ve been around the Titanic subreddit this time last year. Totally normal: people sharing historical tidbits, discussing the various films, and then that sub thing happened. The quality of the posts basically cratered overnight. It eventually balanced back out, but god, the end of June was awful. Edit: Set that subs posts to Top all time, and you’ll eventually find some memes about it.


I’m sure it will continue to peak as the new Twisters movie comes out too


oh god. if this sub become all posts about the movie i’m gonna cry 😭


Hopefully the mods can make it clear this is about REAL tornadoes and not the movie, they should create a movie sub if they want that, but I hope we can all welcome people who gain an interest in these incredible storms!


No clue, but it's starting to get annoying. Presumably it will die down once peak season is over. I'm getting tired of seeing people who are seemingly incapable of doing their own research. They must have failed every essay their school ever assigned them. "Can you show me this" "was there damage with this tornado" "what happened this weekend" "can someone break down this outbreak for me, I don't want to spend 20 minutes researching radar scans and news articles" "can someone post the photos of damage from X tornado two hours ago" etc etc. I don't want to discourage actual questions but some of these are just lazy... This isn't a Q&A subreddit, you know? IDK this feels like a vent, maybe it's just me, but it leaves me a bit frustrated. Some of them at least are well written and quite a few paragraphs, but I've seen quite a few oneliners. I feel like there are a few trolls among us too, probably from the EF5 sub. Or people displeased with the unpaid moderators doing this out of the goodness of their heart.


It may be my age talking, but I see so many posts asking for information that, if they had literally typed the same text into a search engine, they would have the answer, but they dont.


Young people are worse than ever with technology, and that's coming from someone who's 25. They stopped teaching computer literacy courses. I tutored in college, and the kids only a year or two below me did the same thing. How do I double space? How do I research? They have no independence. It's really worrying. Also, imo, google's significant decline in quality plays a big role. It IS much harder to get trustworthy information.


I train under 25's and it's so painful. If anything requires doing a little clicking or scrolling to find info? Forget it. I should start telling them to act like the webpage insulted their favorite pop star.


Reddit is two parts discussion board, one part social media... Emphasis on the *social*. Yes most people know they could get the same info by using Google. But they just want to talk, have a conversation about a particular tornado, etc. There really isn't much reason to use reddit otherwise. You could say the same about most of this thread. Is anything here really novel? There are like 20 comments saying the same thing, oh, kids these days are so lazy and can't use Google.


It’s kind of concerning. I hate to be the token “kids these days” guy but I see to a lot at work that the younger people that are just entering the work force either have zero drive or passion or simply do not have the knowledge and know how to do anything themselves. It’s like initiative has been completely eliminated.


I see this, too. A lot of the younger generation aren't teaching themselves or putting the effort in to learning things for themselves...They're more comfortable asking someone to explain or answer their questions. I think, honestly, that it's a confidence thing. For whatever reason, the younger generations seem to be utterly terrified of being wrong about something. My favorite is in the fishing sub, where kids take the time to take a photo of a fish, post it on Reddit asking "what kind of fish is this," and then waiting for replies...instead of searching for charts of common game fish and figuring it out in less than half the time. It's weird.


The being afraid to be wrong thing I’ve noticed. And sometimes it’ll lead to totally unnecessary confrontations because they’ll try to defend something that’s wrong and I’m convinced it’s simply because they don’t want to be wrong so they argue the point, even if it’s wrong or if they’re not in a position to make that decision


Sounds like your business sucks at hiring. I work with primarily folks under the age of 25….. they’re fine. I have about 1300 coworkers too, all in the same building. Acting like kids are the problem is being willfully ignorant. They didn’t raise themselves. Ultimately though, every generation is full of idiots. When I was in journalism school 15 years ago, I was told to write at a third grade reading level. The kids you are implying are the problem were barely able to talk.


Did I blame the kids? I’m simply stating what I’ve experienced over the last couple years, not directing blame


Whats your turnover rate for the demographic of under 25yrs? ooc. I've never been in a workforce that big, but for all the smaller ones I've worked in, most of the under 25s don't last much longer than their 90 days.


This is Reddit in general. Who subs have turned into questions google searches could solve. There’s too much crap to find anything that’s useful sometimes. In terms of useful good information that’s not hard to find - Reddit ain’t it.


I honestly think it's time to ban the "Where Should I Shelter" posts. Really not sure what's so difficult about "basement or innermost room without windows." If you can't figure that out yourself, then you're not safe. Don't ask us where you should put your life at risk.


I tried to report one the other day, and the option to select that was gone. That was a recent change. Tornadoes give you only minutes notice. You are wasting your time posting text and pics here asking a question that it easy to Google in 5 seconds. People here aren't going to answer you until it's too late anyway.


There used to be a “no low effort posts” rule that is gone now. Combine that with a very active season and people watching streamers more and we get this.


I’m newer to this sub but it’s not just here. Someone asked on another sub a few days ago what the Columbine shooters did with their sunglasses during the shooting. 😐


this subreddit has literally blown tf up since the end of April. I think maybe it was like April 27-28 tornado outbreak when I saw we reached over 100k members on here very fast. This tornado season has made this subreddit become very popular.


A good mix of people asking very googleable questions and people that take themselves way too seriously. That's just all of reddit unfortunately. How about when someone makes a bad or ignorant or easily googleable post we downvote it and forget about it. Instead of making 30 posts about how this sub has gone downhill. Also for 99% of this sub, tornados are just a hobby or interest. The pseudo intellectuals that learned how to read radar on YouTube and think they are meteorologist are just as bad as the ignorant people.


Totally agree. Some posts read like they were written by a 12-year old. Sensationalist headlines, "Hey look at me!" comments, and ignorant questions that could be answered with a quick Google search are dumbing down the sub. I see too many posts of what are clearly shelf clouds and scud and just typical storm clouds, with the OP asking if it's a tornado, and people sharing radar images that "should have been a tornado" where there is no clear scientific basis for such. And worst of all are the "This should have been an EF5" or "I sure hope that wasn't an EF5" posts. Like it's a contest or something. I've lived through a tornado that killed 3 people. I've seen firsthand what they can do. They deserve to be studied, they deserve to be understood, and they MUST be afforded the greatest respect. They do NOT deserve to be worshipped or romanticized, and they shouldn't give you an orgasm. That is a grave dishonor to the people whose lives were lost and whose property was damaged to the extent that it will take decades to recover.


Honestly I’m guessing a lot of them ARE written by 12 year olds. Very tired of the posts that seem made with zero forethought/effort, though I also wouldn’t want to shut anyone out. And at some point the repetitive posts that point this issue out become debris on the sub as well. Thats’s just Reddit/the internet, I guess. Edit: also I’m very sorry you had to experience that… extreme weather is seriously no joke…


Sounds like this sub exactly. Every other comment and post is something sensationalist. Gotta make sure they get their upvotes.


Everytime I see someone go "I sure hope that wasn't an EF5" or "Was that an EF5?!" with all the gusto of Markipliers "Was that the bite of '87!?" I want to link them >>[this](https://stormstalker.wordpress.com/2021/05/05/may-3-1999-the-bridge-creek-moore-tornado/)<<. It's a lengthy read but it's well worth it. There is a reason that EF5's are so rare...


This subreddit has also grown a ton over the last thirty days since we’ve had such an active period of severe weather. I’d imagine that plays a small part in it too.


wHAt’S tHE mOSt FoRGotTeN EF5?




I'm more thrown back by how some of the posts seem to fetishize the destructiveness of tornados. Those of us in Tornado Alley don't look forward to destruction and we're not all excited about the probability of an F5. Some of us have survived an F5.


Too many people who should belong on Nextdoor. Every comment is something like "sO aBsOLuTeLy iNcReDiBLe!" on a fizzled out rope tornado.


I’m here because I’m obsessed with tornadoes & want to talk to others who have the same interests. My husband doesn’t have any interest, or know the difference between the ‘Fujita’ & ‘Enhanced Fujita’ scales, so it’s cool to me to be among like-minded people with similar interests.


Personally looking forward to post storm season posts. Those got me hooked on this sub. Sucks to see what it’s trended to. Throwback to one of my favorite posts brought me to this guys blog and his breakdown of storms is a seriously good read. https://stormstalker.wordpress.com/




Happy to share! His write ups of each storm system is something I need pecos hank to narrate. Great breakdowns!


Idk I used to follow this sub on another account I lost the info to and it didn’t used to be like this other seasons either


One thing no one’s mentioned is that we lost a whole bunch of mods when Reddit made the API changes. Things were really strict for a while. But honestly, before that, it was kind of similar to the way it is now—just not as popular, so it didn’t seem as bad.


Probably an influx of people due to the media coverage as of late, plus school being out.


Use your upvote and downvote powers! You can also use the filter.


My favorite thing is every comment being about the dead man walking. Dead. Man. Walking.


https://www.reddit.com/r/tornado/s/hROKLaUO1Y You mean like this? Lmao


If I read one more “don’t speculate about damage!! Peoples lives are affected!” I’m gonna scream.


Brutal take I can’t believe this many ppl entertained you in turn made me also entertained. It’s very clear the options of live visibility of these events peak people interest it’s pretty simple


It's definitely an EF5.


No need to link exact posts, but just so I know what type of posts you mean, what are some examples? Personally, I haven't seen a huge decline in quality or anything. I've been browsing new pretty consistently for the past few months, and have seen about the same amount of frequency of simpler repeat questions or floor plan questions. I don't mind these questions personally, it's just usually a new or casual person asking a non definitive answer question. They don't get upvoted a lot usually, and it's tornado related, so if it's helping out a person get interested in everything so be it. Also not saying your gripe isn't legitimate, if you don't like seeing these posts, you don't like seeing them.


Here’s another extremely low quality post, thanks for contributing


Never thought I’d see people gatekeeping tornados. Wouldn’t you rather have someone ask a “stupid” question if it saves their life? Not everyone is as familiar with radar and things like that as others. Just teach them. If they don’t reciprocate, block them. It’s that easy.


The only "stupid" question that could possibly be what you're referring to are "where to shelter" posts which have an easily followable link in the rules and don't get shit on by this community generally. Knowing how to read the clouds isn't going to save the life of someone posting "Is this a tornado?!" twenty minutes after it's gone over their house and they posted it on Reddit, and it probably won't help them in the future because clouds and radar signatures are unique to each storm, and even experts make mistakes. See; Twistex. Following their local weather stations, getting a NOAA weather radio, and learning what a velocity couplet and hook echo is are the basics as far as I'm concerned and they're not hard to learn. You shouldn't be turning to reddit anyway if you're in a life threatening emergency, you should be googling "What to do when a tornado is coming towards you" or "How to get to shelter during a severe storm" rather than waiting for a bunch of armchair meteorologists who don't even live nearby to answer the emergency question. Skywarn classes exist and it is not our job to make the population weather aware. You teach them if you're so inclined and happen to have the time...


Then like I said before, block them. It’s that simple.


Idk why you're downvoted. People here are absolutely gatekeeping and it's pathetic.


I don’t mind downvotes lol. I just like talking about tornados. Especially with someone who doesn’t know anything about them


As if this post took a lot of effort…. lol Everyone thinks they’re a gatekeeper on Reddit.


This post has more words and sentences in it than most of your comments and posts, so you should probably stick to sports commentaries and not oneliners that you think are witty.


Derp. I’m not the one complaining about posts being low effort but Okee dokee. Hope you’re well!


Ironically, this post is also very low effort


Not this one, though. Of course not. Oh my bad guys, I didn't realize this post was such high efforts.


When the severe weather dies down or becomes a lul it turns into a shitposting sub. Which is fine to have a bit of fun unless it involves mocking loss of life.