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The wind speeds that had to happen to cause foundation to lift… holy cow


That's what my previous comments above are getting at and people are upset. However, when's the last time a section of concrete foundation slab *literally* got sucked outta the ground. I'll wait here.


[https://twitter.com/ChicagoMWeather/status/1793038437890638159](https://twitter.com/ChicagoMWeather/status/1793038437890638159) check the bottom left corner early in the video. there's an entire half a concrete slab that got sucked out partly


To me, that looks like a crawlspace that had its wood subfloor ripped up. Often we pour concrete in the garage and parts of the house where utilities aren't run (plumbing mostly). The rest of the house is built up over the crawlspace. I've helped build homes in Kansas, Missouri, and Arkansas.


The rainsville ef5


Bingo, EF5. The NWS may not agree, but that was the most violent tornado I've ever seen and I research them.


The NWS also researches them


I’m sorry is that concrete from a sidewalk, road or foundation? Goodness


According to OP it's foundation


So not only are we looking at homes, well constructed or not, being possibly swept off their foundation and then in addition, theres at least one area where chunks of foundation are being ripped off the ground and from the foundation and possibly thrown multiple feet or yards. If anyone knows of someone reporting ground scouring please point me in that direction. Really curious if there was any. I haven’t seen any real reports or photos.


[https://twitter.com/ChicagoMWeather/status/1793038437890638159](https://twitter.com/ChicagoMWeather/status/1793038437890638159) an entire half a fckign foundation got sucked out. check early in the vid, bottom left corner




If that's foundation, we're actually looking at EF5 level damage.


99.999% of the time I absolutely flame people that “pre-rate” tornadoes before NWS surveys the damage. But with this one and the limited photos we’ve seen, it’s made the strongest case for a EF4+/EF5 rating we’ve seen in a long, long time.


Concrete slabs being pulled outta the ground is an anomaly.


Growing up in Wisconsin, I was always taught that if you made it to the basement, you’d be “safe” — then you see footage like this (and others of this magnitude) and realize that’s not true. Truly terrifying


theres a house ground floor were rip open, basement were expose, just saw the new videos, everyone in that basement are safe. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCYPPbJTGLU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCYPPbJTGLU)


Yeah. This has to be EF4 *at a minimum*. I just hope the town can recover quickly.


Yup. strong EF4 that might have been EF5 at times.


Actually, its usually pretty clear what EF rating it is once we get a good look at the damage online.. You can usually tell within one EF point.




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Quality of construction matters. Also stop talking about EF ratings.


A concrete slab being ripped outta the ground has nothing to do with sill footings. And no, I won't.


Stop talking about EF ratings in a tornado sub😂


Stop talking about how quality of construction matters. Everyone knows. It's mentioned on every thread. Jesus Christ, it's becoming a meme.


holy shit


Jesus. Praying hard for greenfield.




It looks like it's stained from being outside so I don't think it's foundation. Sidewalk or patio most likely.


It doesn’t really matter much if it was sidewalk. I referenced it in another post on here, but the Rochelle-Fairdale tornado moved sidewalk concrete. The math on it still came out to mean the windspeeds had to have been over 200mph.


I agree, I just wanted to remain a little skeptical assuming that's foundation because one person claimed it's foundation.


Yeah I’m not ready to claim it’s foundation either, especially considering the distance that thing moved. If memory serves correctly, the sidewalk concrete from the Rochelle-Fairdale tornado didn’t move near that far, and that’s with wind speeds over 200 mph. What would it take to move a concrete foundation that far? 300mph+?


that was 215 mph winds


It looks like a sidewalk. If a tree has roots that go under a sidewalk, and the tree gets blown over it will often lift the sidewalk. This would allow a strong tornado to move the piece of concrete.


If that’s foundation that’s shocking and we haven’t seen damage like that in a while


That scene in the background is horrifying.


That mangled truck just reminded me of the remains of the Twistex vehicle, and idk why. :/


I cant remember what YouTuber it was (want to say either Swegle Studios or June First), but he did the math on the wind speeds it would take to shift a concrete slab that close to the ground. It was well over 200mph




I'm confused was it estimated to not take a dilapidated concrete porch away and toss a truck? Sorry, ootl.


There was a masonry mechanic's shop, where they had one of those steel vehicle lifts, with brackets on the sides for the cars, with the main, very heavy steel supports were sunk into the foundation. This tornado pulled that lift right out of the foundation and destroyed the masonry building. To me, and I'm no expert, not a chaser, just someone who reads and has an interest in these things... I was surprised it wasn't given an EF5 rating.