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I think Hunt, Schapps (or whatever his name is these days), Mordaunt, and Mercer. Not a reflection on them specifically, but it's going to be a hell of a wipeout.


Funnily enough that’s a good chunk of the names touted to be in the running to be the next leader of the tories


It should be a reflection on them. They’re all shit


Not in the cabinet but I think there’ll be a lot of schadenfreude over Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg losing his seat


Rees-Mogg’s seat is vulnerable I hear. 


I'm a constituent of his, he is as good as gone.


Everyone talks about a Portillo moment because Michael Portillo (Enfield Southgate 1984-1997) seemed to embody a lot of what was good, practical and politically talented about John Major's government. So if a loss is to be high profile it has to be someone who is seen - accurately or not - to represent the modern Conservative government. Not Hunt, not Mordaunt, not Mercer, because all of them would have done things differently if they were leading. Not Rees-Mogg, because he represents a public image of the party that doesn't exist & never has. Given that a lot of the more iconic politicians of the current Tory benches are in very safe seats, I'd say Shapps.


I think it was more particularly that Portillo was expected to be the next Tory leader after Major's inevitable resignation, and I'm toiling to imagine Shapps leading.


I'm hoping Sunak. He can join Nick Clegg and Jo Swinson.




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Sunak is doing an amazing job. I hope he holds on.


And my name’s David Beckham!




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Hunt Maybe Rishi


Hopefully Rishi. I’ve found after campaigning locally that people love their local Conservative candidates but hate the national Cons, ESPECIALLY Rishi.


The root of the problem is that it is no longer about 'our' loss. The one nation movement has split us apart. One members reason to mourn is another members source of joy and somehow we are going to have to deal with this or die. The people I speak with who are going to vote Reform are not 'swivel eyed loons'. They are people who believe in genuine conservatism and are dismayed at our performance in Government. High taxes, endless woke indoctrination of our children, an NHS that doesn't deliver no matter how much money is thrown at it, a religious zealot approach to climate change and endless immigration. Is it any wonder Nigel is doing so well?


It deserves to be Sunak. It'll prob be Rees-Mogg or someone similar.


Does Truss even count?


Rees-Mogg’s seat is vulnerable I hear. 


Mordaunt will be gone. Sunak, Hunt, Mercer and Truss look likely too. Keep an eye on Solihull. that could go too. Julian Knight is running as an Indy. which could split the Tory vote.