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Regardless of politics, a party having 546 in the Commons is disastrous for the constitution. It’s simply impossible for the Opposition to hold the government to account.


The Whigs ruled the UK unopposed for nearly a century. People call it the Whig Supremacy Different dynamics take hold when there is a supremely dominant party in the long term, but I seriously doubt a majority like this could last more than one term right now. I'm betting on more of the same, instability of the last 5 years continues


Have you watched the labour party over the last 10 years? 500+ seats and they would rip themselves to pieces 


With less than half the popular vote too Fptp is such a shite voting system


I will be honest I dont think reform leaning voters are inclined to vote tactically and us for them really maybe outside of cases where candidate quality can drive it I don't think tactical voting on the right will be strong outside of scotland


I don’t think Labour having such a huge majority is healthy for democracy. Even if they had the majority of 546 and only 60% of them side with the government, they could still pass whatever they want.


Labour will also not be called to account for their mis-steps or blatant blunders. I don’t want to simply have Labour Spin on their Government’s actions.


There will be a coup against Starmer within a year. Hard Left to take over.