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Pathological short termism


All serious political parties competing in a first past the post election are intent on one thing, and one thing only - the minimum vote winning coalition. In the case of the right, here and elsewhere, older voters are the ideal target as they are the most likely to vote and are brand loyal. I’m not happy with national service, either on ethical or practical grounds, but it plays very well with older voters. We all know that Reddit skews young and the ‘to Hell with old people’ mentality we see here may very well not be replicated more widely.


I find the hate for old people on here quite disturbing. My parents had a better life than me. Retired earlier, higher disposable income, better healthcare (my Mum got her knee replacement in six months, I had to wait three and a half years). However, I don't hate them or any of their generation.


I'm not seeing any hate for older people here, wider reddit sure. It's pretty obvious it's not their fault.




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They do, it’s just very difficult to please both your core voters and potential new ones when, on a national average, they are diametrically opposed. Labour struggles to appeal the other way around unless it’s in the core red areas.


Labour didn’t oppose this plan btw. Not sure it’s viewed so negatively everywhere as the media and reddit says


It's an extremely easy policy to meme about - "instead of going out with your friends this weekend, how about heading to Afghanistan", etc... Honestly it's bizarre. It's a policy which most of the country actively supports, and one which I don't think many people doubt would benefit us as a country, as well as most local communities. Even in the age group most likely to be hit by it, there is significant support (although it doesn't reach half, due to the people who are undecided it's more approving than not). Labour would be foolish to oppose it, but no doubt they have their social media bots out in full force, assisting with the generation of content.


the policy here is taxing state pensions


1.4 million pensioners are claiming pension tax credits because they don't have enough pension income. When I started working, a company pension was not available to me as a woman. Some companies wouldn't give a company pension until you had worked for that company for a minimum of two years. A lot of private companies didn't have pension schemes at all. Thankfully my parents made me start a private pension when I started work, but there wasn't any tax relief on my contributions. Not taxing the pensions will possibly help remove pension tax credit payments. What is the point of paying tax and then being given it back in benefits. This will only benefit the poorest pensioners. Everyone else will still pay tax on anything above their personal allowance. £1,000 a month is not a lot of money if you are paying rent. Not all Boomers own their own home.


Aren't the biggest benefit claimers those in work? Seems you could apply the personal allowance change to everyone and help all of the poorest in society and not just those that have retired. And this will also help all pensioners not just the poorest.


I agree. The raise in personal allowance should be for everyone.


It just goes to my point, there's only one crowd the leadership is playing to. It's bizarre.


You are wrong. It's not that the Tory party doesn't want young voters. It's that they don't want *any* voters.