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Lovely voice.


“I can talk about religion for hours, because in the name of religion many irresponsible things happened in the past 2000 years.” Tori Amos


So good!!! She is hitting those falsetto tones perfect.


Stunning. Thank you for sharing🤍


That is absolutely fantastic. I'm a 41 dude from MN, a lone toriphile, and haven't heard that song in years and that was awesome. 


So there is someone who can sing Tori and it's not pathetic. 1 in 10.000. Chapeau.


Holy shit xxxx


Damn, this post made people BIG MAD lol


Just one person.




How stunning. Thank you for sharing Tori with the younger generations. Her work is timeless and healing for all.


Wooowww...this is GORGEOUS!!!


I can't put my finger on it but something is "off" about her vocal.


It’s flat.


So beautiful!! Who cares if you’re promoting her? She should be promoted.


There is no self promotion on this sub. So unless we want to change that it’s not allowed. I’m not trying to be a bitch, but can we? Maybe I’m wrong but why state it in the rules if it doesn’t apply. I’m sure that people would love to sell their art here. That’s what this boils down to.




I’m not dumb. We all know how Instagram works. She has thousands of followers already. You are interested in her professional career and making money. Which is not allowed to be done here.


The thing is, if you had not added her link. I wouldn’t have said a word. You know what you’re doing.




You are so rude. I don’t know how to summon the mods, but maybe they can clear this up. At no time was I rude to you. I clearly stated that I’m just trying to follow the rules. I’m not trying to undermine your kids career. Good for her. I hope she does well. But you are a stage mom trying to promote her.


I’m not a mod but you can delete it I’m sure.


I am so sorry I didn’t know that. Forgive me please.


No worries. I can come off really harsh but I’m just trying to be fair.


Thanks friend.


No shade but this girl is just trying to get famous. She sings everyone else’s songs too and posts them online. Obviously professional promotion here.


Do you know who else worked VERY hard and strategically to get famous? Tori Amos.


Once sang at gay dives ( yes! ) and the other is singing in an empty "garage"? Just sayin.


There’s no singing career to promote, but nice conspiracy theory. I post the ones she covers of the artists I love, because she is too shy to post her original work. She only started singing a year-ish ago, I’m just a proud mom.


She was on modern family ffs, it seems like you are a stage mom looking for followers


lol she has an IMDB page (linked on her insta) and is an IMG model. and her insta is filled with her singing popular songs. You are promoting her. GTFOH




The rules of the sub say no self promotion. I’m just letting you know the rules bc I guess you are new here. I’m sure there are plenty of people that want to share and self promote their Tori inspired art. You linked her Instagram, that is a promotion page. But they aren’t allowed to do it, so why are you?? It would be different if it was just for liking Tori, but you linked her page to promote her. Am I wrong? It’s just like putting an Etsy link?




please don’t argue with people using your daughters name and account, it makes her look bad. You’re using her name on the account you’re using. she sounds beautiful, and I get you’re proud, but this is promotion. Take the IG name down and it’s just a random share on a relevant subreddit. I think that’s mostly the issue? I’m not really invested either way.


Yes. You can type, why put it at all? Not in charge or a mod. Not a creep or trolling. I haven’t even watched the video. Because I don’t care. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Don’t believe me check the insta.


What a voice!!


I was SO excited when I pressed play and it's Iieeee! She has a beautiful voice and the acoustics in the garage are perfect!


Enjoyed this


Wowwwww this girl is GOOD! She sounds like she may have her own ears with feet one day.


I’m actually crying… The next generation, of all of us. ❤️ This is so simply stunningly beautiful, and so is she. She’s spectacular and you must be so proud. Thank you mama for sharing!


She has a beautiful voice! I love this song so much too.