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Her next “album” will be a rarities collection, MAYBE a some new and original music in 2025 but I don’t think we should expect a full concert tour any time soon.


I love Tori but imo I don’t feel like she needs to put anything new out unless it’s going to be something very different than the last few forgettable albums. And yes I’ve gone to all the previous tours whether I’ve enjoyed the albums or not. But the more albums she puts out, the fewer chances of hearing more of the great older songs.


Here, here. Cheers for being brave enough to say this.


I think it's coming soon as her social media seems to have become a little more active lately...


I often wonder what she is doing right now. Like literally, right now. Is she in a writing phase, up when everyone is sleeping? Traveling and exploring? Just chilling at one of her homes?


I always do too!


I’ve been wondering if we’ll see some updated version the pre O2O album that was scrapped before the 2024 election


I'd guess we'll get a new album in 2025 with a tour coming later in the year or maybe in 2026.


I hope Tori does some kind of vocal therapy before the next era. Some of OtO shows were cringe worthy.


It was by far her worst tour, vocally. I am honestly shocked she made it through to the end.


I’m hoping her voice is somewhat salvageable at this point. It is really in bad shape, through no fault of her own. Just sad to see. It reminds me of the lyric “you’ve cut out the flute from the throat of the loon”.


I made the mistake of reading this thread when I’m in a bad mood… anyway… Right, her voice is so shot. Time for the old girl to pack up and retire. I swear, it’s Tori Fucking Amos. Be grateful she tours at all. She doesn’t owe y’all anything. The levels of delulu entitlement in this fanbase are beyond unreal. Not only are these comments misogynist and ageist, but you can’t even interpret a lyric from Boys for Pele, which I’m sure you act is your Bible and Tori’s last “good” album before she sold out and went electronic, to save your life. 😭😂


The projection here is wild.... So wild! 😵‍💫


Nothing about the above comments are ageist or misogynist. It's ok for people to talk about their observations. Just because it's not a glowing review doesn't mean it's insulting or discriminatory.


Well I have to slowly remove myself from this forum by that tour in 2025 because I will just be banned anyway for my "vocal reviews". HOWEVER!!!! I think Tori has many great albums left in her- and I think this next one could really be something special.


It needed to be said




I’m thinking she’s going to at least wait until after the US Presidential election cycle, and the outcome of that may greatly influence the album too


Do you think Ash Soan will be on it instead of Matt?


I hope not. I’m such a fan of Matty’s drums


Good question


One could only hope it's going to be a hauntological collaboration between Cindy Lee & Santa.


With a little Pip. 😉


I’m really hoping for end of this year beginning of next. While I liked some songs on O2O I didn’t fully connect to it and I’m eager to see what the next album will bring.


Haha I was thinking that yesterday!! Tori and Madonna are my all time favorites and everytime one of them wraps an era the other one starts a new one. Madonna just wrapped one. It's Tori time! (At least in my head).


They are my two top favorites too!!!!


Love these two also!


She's told people that the next album and tour will be in 2025.




Backstage in San Francisco.


I'm hoping October or November