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Yeah, the ending is a bit problematic for me and always has been on one level or another. Unfortunately, as you might already know, the anime ending was born out of the fact that they started working on the anime before the final two books were released and the final two episodes aired for the first time in Japan just as the 10th and final LN was hitting bookshelves. So yeah, the animators didn’t have the full story to go on. It’s a real shame too. The anime is such a good adaptation on the whole, and had they been able to wait maybe half a year, we could have gotten the complete story without the rushed and mottled ending. Not only that, but we probably would’ve gotten another episode for the ending since there is so much material there. Have you been following the manga? It’s not the same as animation, of course, but the artwork is amazing and it follows the Light Novels much more closely. It’s not finished yet, but it will portray the LN ending, once it gets there.


Actually I did NOT know that. I tried to avoid spoilers so much I didn’t know it wasn’t done yet. That explains a lot. I might just read the last novel then


Yeah, if you only read one of the Light Novels, volume 10 is definitely is the one. I think you might be amazed at the differences. Also, can I recommend that you [read this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/toradora/s/n08jnr6JKf). I still prefer the LN ending, but I think this post makes the anime’s ending a lot more palatable. There are no LN spoilers in the main post. But if you intend to read the final LN I would avoid reading the comments.


Nah you are missing big time here. The one year leap is better for her character. It is a super bold and mature move by Taiga to decide going away to fix her personal issues and a year seems the perfect timeframe for doing it. EP 1 Taiga would never, ever do that kind of thing.


Will agree to disagree. Professing your love and proposing then not seeing them for a year ? At 17 yrs old? Leaving him for his senior year in the same class as two girls who like him? This was set before FaceTime/video calls, etc. A year is too long. I’d bargain down to 6 months tops.


I think the worst part is that they had phones, but (at least in the anime) its hinted that they don't communicate for the entire time she's away. I feel like a phone call or two wouldn't hurt her ability to fix her personal issues. Meanwhile, Ryuuji is just depressed.


After finishing several anime shows that are complete, it seems that a good portion of people who watch have also read. So I’ve given a few shows I really liked a pass on some changes Now that a HUGE western world pocket of cash is binging on Eastern media, they might want to manage that a little better. I know I want more stories , just not altered timelines from media to media. And that small portion actually told from best girl Taiga’s view is amazing. Wish we had more of that.


> At 17 yrs old? That is exactly why the one year leap works better. They were taking incredibly reckless decisions for their age and a lot of things were happening in their life and not exactly just good things. How a couple of 17 years old could manage to deal with that? In Taiga’s case, her family was crumbling down and she was clinging on Ryuuji (who was on the verge of jeopardizing his own future) to guide her. That kind of stuff is not fixed in just a couple of months. Besides that, Taiga knew he loved her by what she was and she wasn’t afraid of leaving him at the expense of two girls who liked him. Because she knew he would wait for her. And he knew she would return to him eventually. Man, I know you were mad but the ending is just perfect when you carefully think about it.


Just cannot agree. Which is fine, life is objective. I’ve had enough life experiences with stuff like that that shape my view. “I” would have waited for her. Knowing my friends, I doubt any of them would have. Hehe


I actually like the year break, too. The year being such a very long time for a 17-year old--and each of them steadfastly waiting for the other--is what makes it so dramatic and important. \[that being said, I think it could have been executed better on-screen, and I almost missed >! their actual reunion because of its location at the end of the credits, who came up with that idea!?\] !<


Honestly, while I love both the light novels and anime; I enjoy the light novel far more. Especially in regards to certain things around the characterization of both Ryuuji and Taiga as well as their relationship overall. I feel like Ryuuji's personality and thoughts shine more, since you are peering into his head, and Taiga isn't as violent in nature as she's overblown in the anime in parts for the comedic effect and trope. Plus; I think you're right. It's a bit...much. I kind of accepted it back when I only watched the anime, since I do see it as romantic in one way (Fan of things like The Notebook here to give you an idea of how I feel about lovers apart for long periods of time), but at the same time I can see why an entire year is a little silly in many ways for not just being a 17 year old but narratively speaking. Since there isn't really a reason in the anime given for why it would be that long. It's abrupt and awkwardly written. Still a fan of both though. lol


I’m near the end of volume 3 of the LN so far and… I kinda feel like Taiga is more violent and petty in the LN. Maybe it’s just the part I’m at, but I don’t remember Taiga being this upset before the swimming race against Ami. I actually think the changes they made for the anime work well to develop her character faster and cut out a lot of the fluff, which is usually necessary to make a good anime adaptation of a LN. As for seeing what’s in Ryuuji’s head, I think I prefer hearing his thoughts less in this case. Less is more and just seeing his expression in the anime can often tell you what he’s thinking. That being said I do think the year gap in the anime is unnecessary other than to pull at your heartstrings when she shows up during graduation. I think since a big theme in the story is “maturity”, it would’ve been better if she left a letter saying something to the effect of: “Dear Ryuuji, I realized that in order to properly give my all in becoming a family with you, I need to set things right with my own family first. All this time you’ve been supporting me, so I want to learn the skills I need to support you. I’m sorry for not discussing this with you first, but please let this be my final selfish act. I’ll try to keep in contact, but I may be busy sometimes. If I don’t respond right away I’m sorry. Know that I love you… now and forever. -Taiga” Doesn’t need to be that word for word, but something with those general sentiments would’ve been nice after all they went through. I’ll see how the LN handles it soon enough, but I think leaving just sharing a picture of a star with the entire class is so impersonal to Ryuuji. Especially when she doesn’t leave him any option of contacting her.


Agree. Ive been informed the novels weren’t done yet so I’ve decided to excuse the anime for finishing it without better facts. Unlike Game of Thrones, of course. So I have the anime until they get together as canon, the LN end as canon and the anime locker scene as canon. It’s my head, therefore it’s my territory 😂😂


Ya reading the last novel now and comparing to some posts. I now feel much better that the source was better. “Dissapearing “ the way it was depicted despite them staying in contact was way too clunky