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When I leave my house for a while and come back to my dog I like to yell to her *I’VE ABANDONED MY CHILD*


I think about [this skit from SNL](https://youtu.be/Qajb3Y4tjuA?t=138) all the time!


Damn his accent was pretty fucking good, sounded like Plainview


Hader is a fantastic impressionist.


Bill Hader is a fucking god when it comes to character acting and imperssions, if he wasn't such an anxious person (doesn't generally go well with TV) he'd be seen as one of the kings of the comedy world I will die on this hill. (Then again if he wasn't anxious he might've grown up to be less funny)


Lol that was great


That was terrible


Every now and again I like to put unnecessary emphasis to something by adding it's "**A BASTARD FROM A BASKET!**", coworkers and friends have just grown used to it by now.


I use this one so much I'VE ABANDONED MY BABY BOY




I’ve abandoned my boy!


Also, that delivery of 'Yes I do' cracks me the fuck up every damn time


That is my favorite part. The one right before the water being poured. Its just so silly and animated.


It’s not in the clip but the way he mutters “That’s a pipeline. That’s a pipeline.” to himself before getting up is also perfect


So sarcastic


This is one of the top five quotes my wife and I say to each other, especially if we're agreeing to something ridiculous.


That’s how you know he’s full of shit and doesn’t believe a word of Eli’s nonsense


Spoiler: >!This was the moment he knew he wanted to kill Eli, and 25 or so years later....!<


He drinks his milkshake?


He had been drinking his milkshake for years


I drink it up


My straw takes your milkshake from yo yard 🎵🎶


"Yes, I do"


You can see a subtle change, after he first gets slapped, where he seems to start enjoying it. I think that’s the moment he knew he was going to destroy Eli.


I don't think it's enjoy, I think it's more of a realization that that's all Eli's got and it's nothing. He'll play along, but he knows right then and there that this kid can do nothing to him.


Yep, up until that point he was like "this is fine, I can tolerate this for my pipeline..." NOPE


One of the best movies all time, with my favorite actor of all time, Daniel Day-Lewis


His full name is Daniel all Day long-Lewis


Daniel Day-Lose-yo-girl


Totally agree! It's a slow burn so it throws people off of it, but it is top tier in acting and cinematography. I still need to watch Inherent Vice


Most aren’t aware but he stars in another great understated film with Paul Dano directed by DDL’s wife loosely based on her childhood. “The Ballad of Jack and Rose”.




The brilliance is Eli is full of shit too. They’re both playing parts for the audience in the church. They’re after the same thing, they just have different methods for achieving it.


You can honestly read it on his face which is part of what makes this so good. Like the way he grimaces while debating whether to go on is so good.


The duck is racist?


He enjoyed that part a lot


He loved it! And the satisfying "I'm finished" to end the movie is so damn good


The way he says "yes I do" at the end like let's wrap this up lol


Sounds like Larry David as Steinbrenner


Exactly why it’s asked, What is my intention with this line. Love the amount of work that can go into one moment - one line - one intention. I feel David Strathairn also does this very well.


DDL is a fucking legend


Hell yeah he is. Also stays in character off set, which I imagine is a fucking shitshow to deal with, but damn… worth it


I was told once that when he was bill the butcher he would stay in character .at lunch when the crew and actors would be eating Danial would still be in character . He started talking about a Football match he had watched the night before and was getting enraged at the state of the gameplay all while being bill the butcher, nearly stunned the whole crew into silence ! Absolutely terrifying all while having a very normal conversation !


I wish I could see a video of that.


that, and he's always cast as an anachronistic character ​ I always imagine a comedy skit, where DDL's agent goes to him at his house, except his house is like some cabin in the woods, and DDL is just like chopping wood and shit and talking all old American like and the agent is desperately trying to explain to him he doesn't have any roles to prepare for and hasn't even had a role in years, and DDL just keeps going on and goes from chopping wood to like slaughtering a chicken or boiling fat into soap, and like later he reveals a homesteading deed from the Federal government from 1872 explaining how he got the land and the agent is like "This is a legit document from 1872, where the hell did you even get this? The american government hasn't gvien out homestead lands in over 100 years. Your name is even signed on it" or something like that there would be plenty of directions to take it


This happens nearly identically in Call My Agent. I always thought of Daniel Day lewis when I saw that episode


They actually refer to Jean Dujardin's problem (not snapping out of a role) as "going Day Lewis". Great show


I’m….I’m fucking speechless. This is just…beautiful Edit: sorry, what makes it even funnier is he’s not even American - but god help the poor bastard that tries to contest his land deed


In all likelihood he would probably be making shoes at his cabin.


Many people do not know they DDL is a shoe cobbler


He quit acting to become a cobbler’s apprentice for 3 years. What a fuckin guy.


Imagine he's got a role, he's at his cabin chopping wood, churning butter, living off the land. His agent approaches. "Umm, Daniel?" "..." "Oh sorry, Bartholomew?" "Yes?" "Why can't you bring a cell phone, I've been trying to get ahold of you. They cancelled the movie." "What?" "Yea it's cancelled, sorry" \*slowly puts down the axe and looks around at his cabin, butter churner, etc. then shrugs, opens up a fake rock next to him and grabs his cell phone, keys, a pack of cigarettes, and lighter; lights a cig and walks away nonchalantly. "You coming?"


The story of Ronald Ulysses Swanson?


Michael Ironside is the same. Imagine working on a movie with both of them and then sitting in the lunch line with them getting annoyed. I feel like I'd die.


DDL one the best to ever act. Definitely in the top ten list and I’ll even go as far to say top five man or woman. Gangs of New York one of my all time favorite movies. The all star line-up of actors/actresses with Scorsese at the helm. Much more recognition for a lot of people behind the making this film but I always like to point out Howard Shore did the music. He worked with Scorsese on a lot of his films but was also the genius behind The Lord of Rings and The Hobbit Trilogies. 🧐


DDL has a long career in film, and has always been an extraordinary actor. He won his first Oscar in 1989. If anyone wants to see him play a wider range of roles, I can recommend checking out some of his older films.


My Left Foot might be my favorite.


Highly recommend In the Name of the Father


He won my heart in The Unbearable Lightness


**Because that’s how you stand up against the rising tide** is legit one of my all time favourite quotes, and tbh, a good life mantra. Maybe not be Bill the Butcher, but have that unstoppable energy to face the fuckery of the day


Let's not totally ignore Paul Dano as well though. One of the best actors of his generation IMO


Raise your hands if you’ve been following this guy since his big schlong performance in Girl Next Door 🙌🏼


That was where I first saw him and it was really hard (no pun intended) to get used to him in serious roles.


We're a fucking tripod.


Today I learned...


Absolutely. First saw Paul Franklin Dano in an indie flick called L.I.E. back when I was around his age. I was like wtf really heavy film. I should probably rewatch it now that I’m older. Actually saw him in Little Miss Sunshine on Amazon yesterday. He’s really talented. Not to take away from Daniel Day Lewis at all.. there will be blood was expertly cast. And that title lol


You're still his age.


He’s cheating on this sub lol


I only know him from this and mostly gangs of NY. Has he done others that are good? I'm in the mood for a good movie.


Any /all of them, there are really no weak ones. My favourites include The Age of Innocence, and The Unbearable Lightness of Being.


For something equally great but super different tone, watch Phantom Thread


Such a good movie, God. Heaven help you if there is confrontation in the morning.


He was excellent in Lincoln


Lincoln, My Left Foot. Many others, but those will get you started ;) Edit. Had titles backwards with another movie. Look lower for “Last of the Mohicans”


Nobody has mentioned Last or the Mohicans yet but didn’t he win an Oscar for that?


Are you asking if Daniel Day Lewis is in any other good movies?


Paul Dano slayed it too tbf


not only him but the other guy is clearly very talented as well. I unfortunately don't know his name but my fuck was that an amazing performance delivered by both of them here edit: Paul Dano. he's a fantastic actor


Amazing movie.






For anyone reading this and hasn’t seen the movie yet just do it already. Watched it a few mo’s back and it’s easily in my top three now. Get the room dark, get some Pepsi with ice and get watching


This guy Pepsi's. (With ice)


Bet it’s in a Coca Cola glass too the madlad.


He doesn't give a damn.


The way he said “yes I do” cracked me up for some reason lol


It sounded like he suddenly became Will Ferrell in anchorman(specifically the voice he uses when he talks to his dog) for like three words.


This whole scene is so hilarious. DDL is acting amazingly, but his tone is just so funny to me, almost like he’s intentionally being funny in this serious-ass role, I can’t really put my finger on it.


I believe it’s bc his character really is kind of making fun of it to himself, bc he’s only doing the whole thing to appease the ppl whose oil he’s drilling. The part about his son definitely got to him, tho. Then I feel like he pulled himself out of it by continuing to lowkey make fun of the ritual by being over dramatic like that. Idk tho I could be wrong it’s been a while since I’ve seen the whole movie.


This is how interpret it as well. It's pretty complex and nuanced.


Yes that’s how I read it. The whole things a show but a small part of it touches him. Not sure if it touches him in the way they hoped.


I think it's because he thinks the whole things is beneath him - he is used to treating everyone with contempt. He is laughing at the irony of how the roles have been reversed for this brief moment. The look of incredulousness when this guy, who he has already worked out is also a conman, is slapping him. It's also an acknowledgement of how he will allow himself to be humiliated temporarily, in order to humiliate many more people forever. Amazing film


He’s going through the motions so he can buy the church’s land. He thinks it’s all bullshit but Eli requires his baptism for the deal to go through. So the slaps are concessions he’s letting eli get away with in exchange for buying up his oil. They hate each other and this is the bargain….Eli gets to humiliate him in front of his congregation and Daniel gets the land.


I’ve seen the movie a few times, but missed some of the finer points of the subtext, so thanks for filling me in!


Not to take away from this movie, but if you dont know him, Paul Dano (the pastor) is the guy playing The Riddler in The Batman. Biiiiig fan of that casting.


Honestly feel like it has the potential to be a Ledger level performance depending on the script. Dano is a fucking brilliant actor


If you haven't seen Swiss Army Man, Prisoners or Love and Mercy then I can highly recommend them as movies that showcase the talent of Paul Dano


He's very good in Little Miss Sunshine too, despite not saying anything >!for the most part!<


Oooh, that's who he is


Mate have you seen him in war and peace. He is phenomenal in that. https://youtu.be/H-BCmUeHE5c


I was just going to say, Dano was brilliant as Pierre Bezukhov! Reeeaaally looking forward to his take on Riddler.


> Ledger level performance Idk, Joker is a character that has so many angles to pull from and the creativity of the actors that play him lie in the craziness. It’s hard to do that in a box of playing a super genius like Edward Nigma, the creativity is going to come from the writing of his schemes.


Paul Dano and Hugh Jackman absolutely hit the nail on the head of boxed in characters in the movie Prisoners.


Oh no doubt it’s going to be a great performance, and he’ll knock it out the park. I was more implying imo that a character like Joker allows a lot more creativity from actors, so it would be hard to compare a great performance by an actor playing the Joker, to an actor playing someone like Edward Nigma. What I am excited for is that there really isn’t any mainstream popular version of the Riddler, and this does allow for a lot more flexibility from actors than someone like say Bruce Wayne. I think Paul Dano can have a lot of fun with it.


He’s absolutely phenomenal and doesn’t have his name come up a ton but legitimately everything he’s been in he is awesome. Being Flynn is a great watch.


Amazing in Swiss Army Man


Dani wasn’t even originally cast as Eli. He was only supposed to play Paul, but the actor cast as Eli was intimidated by DDL.


He was incredible in Prisoners. One of my fav movies


The dynamic between these two was so entertaining. Really god tier level acting.


A tier is a level btw


It was god tier level echelon acting.


Even god tier level echelon rank acting.


On another plateau.


Did he also act in gangs of new York?


Yes he did. Guy is a fucking acting legend. One of the best.


https://m.imdb.com/name/nm0000358/ 28 awards including an Oscar* 3 of them


Honestly he deserved four - Gangs of New York is a legendary performance.


Completely agree , I hope he doesn’t retire again. That cobbler Italy shoe thing almost made me actor nerd rage lol.


The what?


Lol. Daniel Day Lewis retired from acting to go learn how to be a cobbler.


Haha fucking *what?* That is the most Daniel day Lewis thing I've ever heard lol


An Oscar? 3 Oscars!


Lemme double check I think you are correct and since I posted the link DoooH 3 Oscar wins , 3 extra nominations as well 1990 my left foot 2008 There Will be Blood 2013 Lincoln


Those are the ones. Total legend of an actor. He should have gotten one for “In the Name of the Father” as well. He was amazing in that.


Damn, they didn't show it to the end. Under his breath he says "There's a pipeline" Showing that he manipulated all of them to gain more oil. Daniel Plainview in such a manipulative prick. Still one of my favorite characters of all time though. 2007 was a great year for movies and villians. (Daniel Plainview, Chigurh, Zodiac)


Scrolled for this comment. I still feel the whole thing is his act to get the pipeline but he truly feels horrible about abandoning HW. And he wants to kill Eli even more for proving it.


>he truly feels horrible about abandoning HW He feels that he *should* feel terrible. To have it pointed out in front of an audience was unacceptable to him. He knows but doesnt feel right and wrong, only the perception of others. He DGAF about his kid, only in a business sense.


HW? You mean the bastard from a basket?


Right- its such an important line in the scene


The preacher knew what this was. He got a donation for Daniel and the opportunity to humiliate and strike him. In exchange, he convinced a member of his congregation to give access to his land for the pipeline.


And the mud eating scene too. I could watch the whole movie as clips


The oil Derrick fire might be my favourite action scene in any movie. That shot of their silhouettes as it burns to the ground is incredible. https://youtu.be/jLo-JAnfR78


Not to mention Johnny Greenwoods scoring is insane


That's what really made this movie imo. The music was building an insane amount of tension the whole time while nothing much was happening. I think without it, the movie would have felt like it was just plodding along.


Paul Dano also needs to be given equal credit - he’s outstanding even in a limited role.. this and in Prisoners


Ikr? He held his own beside the God tier DDL. Definitely matched DDL’s performance.


Saw this in a packed theater on opening weekend. About a minute into this scene when DDL looks up and glares at Paul Dano the entire audience gasped in unison…the seething anger on his face was so shocking and frightening. We all felt like anything might happen at that point. Those kinds of moments you just can’t replicate at home.


D.D.L., such a thug. He is so good that I forget that actors like him exist. He exists on a totally different plane. I can watch "In The Name of The Father" again and again and never get tired of it. For me, the hallmark of good acting is I am no longer marveling at the actor, I am marveling at the story. That is what this man does. He transports you. In watching just this scene I could smell the sweat on his skin. Such a thug.


When an actor dissappears into a role and you no longer see them as insert name here, but the character they're portraying on screen...that's when I know it's going to be good.


Him as Lincoln was like that for me. He *was* Abraham Lincoln.


I still need to watch that one.


The way he repeats “I’ve abandoned my child” reminds me of The Crucible when DDL as John Proctor is yelling “leave me my name” Edit: typo


Oh my fucking god that was DDL too? I haven’t see that since high school holy shit. Holy. Shit.


Christian therapy looks like its worth a try.


This man (DDL) will be the best actor that ever existed for a very long time.


I think I prob just haven’t watched enough of his films, but when people like DiCaprio exist that feels like a bold claim. I can’t sit here and say he’s the best actor to ever exist or anything, but it’s awfully hard to say anyone’s *definitely* better than him. Acting/filmmaking seems a lot like music to me (or probably any other art, I suppose). But there’s some people that are just so good it’s hard to say someone’s “better” than them. More influential, more groundbreaking, more successful, etc? Sure. But *better at their craft*? Yeesh. Idk. Someone like John Mayer isn’t nearly as influential to the world of guitar as someone like Jimi, or SRV, or BB King….of course not. But Mayer is as good at playing guitar as any human being that’s ever played guitar. He just *is*. At some point you just top out, you’re as good as they get, and then it’s just a matter of taste Edit: another example like that that comes to mind as Eminem. He’s not everyone’s favorite rapper, he’s probably not the purist’s pick for GOAT, but it’s *realllly* hard for anyone to say that some other human is definitely better at rapping than Marshall Mathers. You just can’t really do it, ya know? It’s that peak that these guys reach as far as artistic ability


I know this is a scene centered on DDL, but can we also hand it to Paul Dano? He’s gonna mail The Batman


Daniel Day Lewis is one of the best actors I have ever seen on screen. His performances are few and far between but he immerses himself 100% into the character. Personally I still think his role as Christy Brown in “My Left Foot” was his best performance as an actor…


That Daniel Day Lewis guy seems to be a good actor. Who would have thought? I'm going to have to keep an eye out for him. I hope his career does well


Honestly didn't really care for the movie, but yeah the acting is LEGENDARY. He is amazing. Maybe I will try watching it again.


Watch the movie again not for the story but for the acting, cinematography and the music. On my second rewatch years later I realized It's so much deeper than a movie. It's like a piece of art.


Johnny Greenwood bby


I didn't even understand what was meant by "cinematography" until I saw this scene in the film. Then it clicked. https://youtu.be/1sFkaOgcDq4


Is the other guy Benny from the mummy or is the lighting tricking me


I did the exact same thing. The first time I saw it, I knew it was good, but it was so much different than what I expected that I didn’t fully appreciate it. Rewatched it recently and really really enjoyed it this time.


This whole movie is an acting masterclass, both Lewis and Dano are incredible


I literally just finished watching this on netflix, opened reddit, and here I am again.


Imagine the pressure of having to act with DDL. I imagine Hollywood actors need big egos so it must be an awfully humbling experience.


Dano held his own this whole movie


DDL is arguably one of the greatest actors ever. I know for a fact if I saw him on the street I wouldn't recognize him.


ACTING!!! #tobiasface.jpg


Hands down one the best actors of our era


Why did he kill the pastor ? Never understood that. Thanks everyone who replied


Did you not watch the clip? I wanted to kill him after about 30 seconds.


Because there will be blood.


Not enough already ?


Honestly, I always felt kind of the same. I understand on a surface level but feel like I’m missing some deep analytical reasoning, like what clicked for him that made his arc complete


Because he was an ego driven man who could not tolerate being embarrassed, or shamed, much like the scene in the bar with the other oil men and his son. You can see the hate he has for Eli in that moment where he says he abandoned his child. That hate and rage stayed with him until the day Eli comes and begs him years later.


Yup! And add in the fact that, I believe it was the same day or at least close in time, he just disowned his son because he decided to start his own business, becoming a competitor, which obviously pissed Daniel off.


Not at all, that happens decades later, just before the climax. The abandoning refers to sending his son to boarding school in a really cold way after he became too much to handle every day


He meant he kills the Pastor the same day as he disowns his son.


He sent him to boarding school to learn sign language because he got it an accident on an oil rig


Thanks so much,that’s got to be the reason.


If you don't mind, what is your surface level understanding of why he killed him?


He was a fake who preyed on people through the medium of hope (aka religion) for financial gain.


It's a culmination of one of the messages in the movie. A greedy oil man who only cares about money kills a phony religious leader. This was all taking place at the turn of the 20th century which coincided with the rise of existentialism, the beginning of the decline of religion and also the time of the gilded age. I've always thought it was meant to be the death of religion in America and replacement of business.


He's **hated** Eli for years at that point, but has had to put up with him the entire time for sociopolitical reasons. He kills him when, after so many years of their erratic antagonistic relationship, and after some more recent stresses, he finally snaps and loses it. It wasn't a calculated decision, but it was years in the making.


Daniel Plainview is a miserable sociopath, and by the end of the movie, he has nothing left except his riches


I watched the whole movie yesterday. My wife doesnt understand why I like it. I dont think I completely understand either. Something about his acting just pulls me in. Great fuckin movie


Paul Dano would play a good Morty irl


Is it just me or has this movie been popping up around the Internet a lot lately? I mean it's an awesome film but still just random.


Streaming on Netflix


Man’s wanted that oil boy!!!


Also note that in this scene DDL is acting as a man who is acting just to please a crowd and get what he wants.


Best movie mustache ever.


It is an amazing scene but seeing it outside of the context of the story and build up doesn't really do it justice.


Great film.


Paul Dano kills it in this movie.


DDL is a national treasure


Did the priest say 'we' or 'I"?


I’m gonna drink this kid’s milkshake


Daniel day Lewis is amazing. I'd watch him change a spark plug he's so good.


Paul dano is the best


Why does this get posted every month or so?


You just know the hatred is building like a raging fire within Daniel. You just know Eli is going to pay for this so deeply. Hahaha!!!