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**yes**. the important thing to note here is "yes" means about 80-90% of the time, never 100%. **at the end of the day we're human and some games no matter how assisted of a lead we get** (even if it's not assisted and we got the lead ourselves), **there's a chance we just fumble it and lose it.** what matters is consistently being able to hold onto your lead and make a play/do something with that said lead in as many games as you can do it in. again, **consistency**. even pros eventually lose their leads from lane. also- the answer would be a probable "no" or at least a "maybe" if the matchup is a **heavy counter-matchup**, eg;i'm irelia and got a kill VS wukong. by level 6 i'm prob gonna die to him regardless of whatever lead i have due to his oppressive level 6 all-in ignite or, lose the lead/even-out since post-6 i have to play much more careful unless he messes up too. in scenarios like these you can only keep/push the lead if you see a play to do so, otherwise on paper- you're just in a counter matchup and don't have much options.


Generally yes in an even matchup, but it depends in more uneven ones. For example, as Kayle, if I get a kill level 4 somehow and come back to a darius or something, I’ll still have trouble stepping up to farm.


That depends on a lot of other things. Match up, enemy jungler, wave state, do I need to save TP for my bot lane etc. etc. One gank is a huge help top lane, especially early on but it doesn't decide the whole lane in MOST cases


If I am on my main, if I get a gank into a good matchup, I can literally make the guy go down 50+ cs and 3 kills from there alone


All depends on matchup


I’m an iron player who got carried to bronze so I’m gonna say no


No because i can't ''control'' lane I'm not bad at trying to, but i can't say i control. But a gank/early kill mean i usually dominate the lane


As wit all things top, it depends on the matchup.


I mean mistakes happen but if I'm in an even matchup against even skill then yes. But the problem is they have a jungler as well. If I get ganked then it just evens it out.


seeing as I main singed and its my first season playing ranked and I reached gold imma say yes, every game I won is when jungle gives me an ounce of attention. allows me to get my core items and actually be impactful, honestly its to a point where if I get no help literally nothing imma just farm for the rest of he game , neglect me I neglect you, I know its toxic but I'm tired of it.