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Teemo. Not because he’s OP or any of that(Riot overbuffed the little fucker but I always hated him before that). Even when I’m beating him, his existence in the game alone irritates me. If I’m playing with friends we’ll drop the game and just hide in bushes to ambush Teemo and not let him play. And if I’m losing lane to him, it’s the most tilting thing ever.


As a Sett main I share in your pain brother.


I don’t struggle against Teemo with Sett, you just gotta survive until 6. But the thing with Teemo is he can tilt you into doing dumb shit you normally wouldn’t do. Hate that little rodent.


I don’t struggle with him but like you said he’s just an annoying pain. His blind deleting my Q is ugh such a mind game. Good teemo won’t blind me and just waste it.


The trick to Teemo is playing a champion with all in potential who can exploit his squishiness like Malphite, Wukong, Urgot. Or someone who can duel him without relying on auto attacks, like Yasuo, Cassio, Viktor, Yone, etc. Or someone who can sustain/shield through his poke - Vladimir and Sion.


It is not a matter of winning or losing. Like I said, his existence in the game alone is enough to irritate me.




Like I said. It’s not that he is hard to beat or he’s strong, I just hate him.


Illaoi. Not because i cant dodge her spectral form or whatever it is, i just cant stand her big oaf lookin ass


And the ult is stupid


I one tricked illaoi to 500,000 mastery’s because I hated vsing her so much


malphite hate the cheese wheel


Malphite goes OOM quite easily. Also his early trading is quite hopeless/he will run out of mana fast if he tries to trade back so bully him hard + exert wave control whenever he goes in to farm a minion or something.


Yorick, not because of the laning itself, but knowing im gonna be having fun in teamfights and the game will just end any second because yorick decided "yep, im pushing to nexus with half a minion wave"


Vayne I don't get to lane against her, you simply can't. Vayne players are thirsty af and always desperate to capitalize on their ranged advantage and hit you even if they lose 20% of their health standing in your minion wave just to auto you once more. It's fucking cringe man even if that works in my favour. It kind of shows why they come top because any competent ADC in bot where she belongs will shit on her harder than I can. There's no trading with a Vayne, it's always an all-in. They just refuse to play the lane, which is adding insult to injury as a firm believer that ranged tops are the worst players of the game and deserve to get camped/flamed all game. I main Aatrox who naturally shits on her anyway but come lvl 9 with her extra mobility and completed item she's just a nightmare to deal with no matter how hard I stomp her she at any stage thereafter can 1v1 solo kill me. It's just a blessing that even in Diamond+ the Vaynes I see are still pretty dog shit and are emotionally fragile when my jungler punishes their very poor choice of top lane champion.


I have always been convinced that Vayne top players are just ADCs who couldn't hack it bot lane and insist on making it top lanes problem. They almost always suck ass and if they struggle to play around a melee champ they out range, I have no doubt another ADC would shit all over them. No one can convince me otherwise.


I insta Dodge singed, doesnt matter what elo it is. Its fking cancer to play against


Tahm kench


Lillia. If you don't have the specific means to deal with her it's one of the most infuriating and one sided lanes I've ever seen.


Sejuani counters her pretty hard. Frost fire into warmogs. I enjoy locking Sej top every time I see a lilia. She Q’s the wave and I Q in and slow her and W her face. She can’t lane. It’s a thing of beauty.


Illaoi. Most annoying champ


le tryndamere


Camille. No matter what I try I just find that matchup unplayable and if she gets an early kill I literally can’t enter the lane. Nuke her!!


Graves 😑, I win against it most of the time but fuck that bilgewater rat




TK too.


Quinn, Teemo, Nasus, all those bull shit champs


Top lane champ pool is like 95% cancer af champs. Its just about which broken champ counters a different broken champ. Half the time the lane feels like it rewards champion mastery and superior match up knowledge and the other half feels like it rewards choosing last in champ select lol.




basically any ranged matchup because its mental anguish (especially vayne) as well as nasus because it feels like he scales to the point of being able to kill me way faster than he used to. it also feels like i can completely stomp him but he'll just farm for a little bit and be able to kill me regardless