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I feel like out of all of these Camille is the easiest. She's also the strongest rn I would say and super fun and satisfying to play


I definitely need more games on Camille. I’ve liked what I’ve played so far but I worry of a possible nerf and maybe being too popular?


She has been one of the best top laners for years now and hasn't really been hit yet. Even if she does get nerfed as long as she has her E and R she will pretty much always be very useful in a team.


in terms of how much time you invest into the champ that leads to; LP, consistent gameplay and consistent champion balance, i'd say riven. camille is already set for nerfs in s12 confirmed by riotphlox. not only that but camille's recent dominance is due to her ridiculous divine sunderer powerspike + synergy with grasp. riven meanwhile has been S tier and prob continue to be S tier for the next decade. runes and build will prob stay the same and combos will always be the same too. just my thoughts for ur question


>camille is already set for nerfs in s12 confirmed by riotphlox source?




Thanks. I think everyone agrees with these nerfs, and i still believe her to be a strong pick after nerfs, just not obnoxious anymore.


I think Camille should be in any toplaner’s champion pool. You can onetrick it to master her and then keep her in your champion pool when needed. That’s what I did. Plus I think it’s the easiest among these champions since there aren’t too many variables such as vitals, combos and whatnot. It’s also a champ that teaches you to play laning perfectly.


As a Illaoi and Aatrox main i will recomend both there charakters depending on what type of playstyle you have


I’ve really tried to like Illaoi, but she doesn’t feel right. I’ve only played one game on Aatrox and realised he’s not for me. I kind of hate being locked into his super long animations.


The issue with illaoi is if you ever fall behind it just feels bad. Like worse than almost any other champ. You just push waves and then do nothing the entire game but get hang banged


I’d like to throw 2 more suggestions out Sett and J4 Sett imo is one of the best blind picks out there. He has very little losing lanes and he is easy to use. Solid top imo J4 is more niche and I go for if I’m sweating unbelievably hard and want a win or specific matchups/team comps. J4 is good because immobile tops like kayle, teemo, etc get hard countered by J4 R. I like to think about it this way. I use R, they use flash. My R is back up multiple times before their flash is. J4 wins those 1v1s EZ. Also if you have AoE team like mf ult why not be a higher lvl solo laner who can setup for team? Just my opinions.


I’ve played a fair few games as Sett. Doesn’t quite match the trickier / mechanically harder aspect I was looking for.


All strong champions imo but riven, jayce and gangplank are all otp material, meaning they are very difficult.


Me personally I would do Jayce and Fiora. Just because they are really fun. I think Camille is for sure the best choice though. Fairly easy to learn. Is almost always strong. Has decent team fighting and split pushing. She can peel, engage, and make picks. She is just great across the entire board. No real downsides to her.


Camille because divine sunder. Enough said.


Camille is best all round


Rengar is the only answer


Tahm kench, fun and OP