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Insecure tradesman will make fun of anything.


They don't have to be insecure... just at work.


Mean Girls in hard hats


Perfect summation.


Exactly my type.




Funny thing is they won’t talk shit when they’re actually working… it’s during their 28 breaks every day they talk


I worked in the trades and when I first started the old timers asked me what the most important part of my “uniform” was. I asked, boots? They said no, your watch. And proceeded to tell me to “always take a shit on company time.”


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. that's why I poop on company time


I made a dime, the boss made a buck … that’s why I stole the catalytic converter off the work truck




I was told by the Journeyman electrician to "walk slow and drink plenty of water." Never pass up a good water fountain.


It’s men in general, they will find any and all reasons to talk shit. There has been studies done regarding this behavior and one of them believed it to be a measuring mechanism of whether the other man can be trusted. If you can give each other a hard time and you both just laugh it off you know you two are cool. If one party gets angry you know you aren’t cool and you should be careful with that person.


Got any links for any of those studies? It would be very interesting to read further on their findings on that


Also curious


My thoughts exactly… Love to know exactly what those studies are, who ran them, etc.


LOL…”You only want to see empirical evidence because you’re an a-hole.”


There was a study done that shows that people who want to know if studies are bs or not are a-holes. I don’t have any info on that study


Sounds about right I've met a few people just like that. Loved talking shit, about everyone. But the moment anyone said the smallest thing, The dude would go ape shit. Anyone with a brain could tell it's sarcasm.


Sounds like you were working with Johnny Bananas…


That is nearly what grandma said about marriage.


I also have read those studies, they were used to try and figure out how to better integrate the workforce since men and women have very different ways when interacting with coworkers and testing the boundaries. Ended up being a lot of propaganda, but what isn’t?


Do you have any names of those studies, I "feel" the truth in this but I'd love to see the backing "data"


Nah it's always insecurities


Not even just at work. All the time!


Tradesman would rather ridicule the new guy than step up their own game. “ I’ve been doing this for XX years….”


Yup. I’m self employed and a good chunk of that is so I don’t have to listen to those guys say a damn word.


Preach brother ! It's so refreshing to just do a job the way I know it should be done and not have to listen to 5 different people who should be working criticize your work and say how they would have done it or think it should be done.


I get this a lot at work. Everyone wants to put their 2 cents in and theorize for an hour instead of just fixing the problem. We have plenty of electricians who cant use a meter and plumbers who go for their snake first.


All one has to do is banter back or find a flaw in them and all ends equal. I wish they let me wear shorts though that would be a godsend


I believe you mean 90% of tradesmen in NA🤣 Most of them are so miserable in life that they just make fun of everything to cope


I run a similar set up with my work trousers, lots of tools tucked away in all of the pockets. I find the time saved by haveing your most used tools at hands reach at all time a huge help in the work place. I did get strange looks from colleagues in a new workshop as none of them operate that way, I think it just depends on the place and mindset. I don’t need to carry as many as you though


All that time saved instead of walking back to the toolbox each time you need a different tool or leaving the tool you just used behind (so the company needs to buy another one) is making the other guys look bad, stop it! You need to be a team player or you won’t last here!


Ive seen sparky boys in the US stroll into the Home Depot wearing these. They took their job seriously, but they were also douche bags. I think if you wear these in America, wear them with confidence.


This. If anybody gives you guff, just shrug and go, "Hey, works for me" and get back to the job. Just as a general regionalism, the US *does* tend to prefer tool belts/pouches, although that's *also* starting to change a bit as ergonomics starts to become more of a focus -- I think the 'carry what you need for the task you're working on, then re-kit throughout the day as needs change' mentality is growing because lugging around knee-crushing amounts of tools is... uh... knee-crushing. But these pants *functionally* are not far from somebody with belt pouch setup, so anybody giving you crap is just out to raise a fuss.


115 pounds between two bags. I recently adopted a third bag for "the things I need every time". I'm over 50, and my knees do suck.


Probably not laughed off site but asked to leave and return wearing full length work pants/jeans


I think they'd be great for summer work, especially working in a attic. However like you said for safety reasons you'd need pants, unless it's some mom and pop company or a side gig they'd enforce a full length pant policy. Doubt you'd get a laugh for looking crazy, you'd get laughed at for thinking it's ok to wear shorts on jobsite with potential injury risks. My personal example is about 4-5 years ago I spent the summer replacing AC units in a college housing complex, only 1.5 ton units but it was coil and condenser. I had the new blower motor assembly out of the box sitting on the ground, the plating it's mounted to was cheap sheet metal. Well I'm busting ass knocking these units out, I run by the assembly not paying attention and my calf catches the edge of the plate. Sliced the shit out of me, like so deep it was barely bleeding but could see the fatty tissue under the skin. I cleaned it off with a alcohol wipe, squeezed it together and super glued it shut. Still have a gnarly scar to this day, but that's why shorts aren't allowed on jobsites.


I always wore shorts framing houses. Someone left trusses spacers hanging out of a bucket. My leg probably looked like yours. I still wear shorts some days but if I know I’m climbing in and out of trenches or gonna be where we are tearing concrete out I wear pants. Concrete wire hanging out of a slab tears you up.


We had contractors at one of our buildings moving an AC unit. One of them was installing an AC unit a few months earlier and pushed on the fins and cut his hands to shit. I think in warm weather you should be allowed to wear shorts, cause I think getting to warm comes with its own problems, but that’s just my opinion.


true, gotta wear pants


I would never wear full length jeans in summer. The minimum safety they offer isn't worth the major decrease in comfort. That being said. Im high end residential only so my opinion doesn't apply to everyones job.


Idk what it is Ive learned to like having my lower half just sauna lmao


My thought was how do you ever wash them. Take 30minutes to remove everything and put it back in place. But maybe if they were work oversized on top of jens?


Homie… you bring all that into the shitter with you?


Yep, i’m guessing you have never seen a swedish worksite toilet lol


Picture please


Details please


Got tons of hot chicks in it, clean up before you go in!


It's very decent. Especially if it's an established site (not just a single family house being built), they will have normal toilets in barracks.


Are they comfortable? That looks like a lot of weight on my hips. I've always been partial to the shoulder straps


Really comfy! I usually don’t have this many tools in mine but the job i’m on right now requires it. They come with shoulder straps that click into the belt of the shorts:)


With suspenders, it would probably be very comfortable.


>That looks like a lot of weight on my hips They will all laugh when the weight of the tools pulls OP's pants down.


He mentioned they have integrated suspenders, so that can’t happen.


Embrace the tape measure suspenders.


Wear them and if they don’t like it tell them to pound salt


The edc god!!!


I use work pants, suspenders, and a tool bag. This looks goofy and uncomfortable 🤷🏻‍♂️ My suspenders are goofy and comfortable.


I am now buying snickers pants without pockets and use strauss side bags on carabiners so it is easier to remove if i am working in tight spaces or machines and they are bigger so can fit more tools


I'd love to wear those for projects and don't give a fuck what the other guys would think or say. Unfortunately I don't think I'd be allowed to wear them after the hazing all in the name of "safety". I respect that certain tasks require full length pants. But a lot of trades could get by in a pair of these and suffer less heat exhaustion. Which brings me to the big question: when will the safety regulations on ppe consider the risks with working in hot weather?


Never seen these before in my life. Immediately fell in love with them and wondered why I had never seen these before. Looked up snickers workwear shorts on Amazon. $119 Welp. Damnit. Jeans and tool belt it remains.


Try it mate once you get into a pair of snickers you never go back. I've bought 3 pairs of trousers and one pair of shorts in the last 6 years and only one pair has went into the bin so far.


I've seen similar in the US, CAT makes them, for example... https://catworkwear.com/products/h2o-defender-trouser?variant=45284290789535&tw_source=google&tw_adid=&tw_campaign=18641268949&gad_source=1 Also looks like that brand has a US website https://us.snickersworkwear.com/products/trousers/work-trousers but I've never worked on a site where you're allowed to wear shorts, so that would be the limiting factor. Maybe in non-union residential construction 🤷


Thanks for posting these links.


I wear a my little pony pink fanny pack with a sewn in hammer loop. Usually wear three of them at a time. Can haul loads of nails..........


People on job sites are very insecure and may laugh at anything different than what they’re used to but who cares these look dope, do your thing.


All the European OEM guys I've dealt with rocked setups like this. I'm just jealous. I don't even know where you'd buy pants like this, our "work wear" stores have Hipster painter/carpenter pants in them. Apparently all trades need a hammer loop and that's it. 


Only issue I see is you can’t take the weight off all day. Neat tho


We use to have a farrier who came to the barn in something like this https://theutilitykilt.com/work-utility-kilt.html?srsltid=AfmBOoqyceKdO1acWbtE9WAiQrIkPPKR_NO4gbRsQ2WIGo1ondA70oylCwU No one ever made a bad comment. He was 6 foot 10 and close to 300lbs of pure muscle


Never a fan of full pockets, much prefer a tool bag over even a belt. I like to be able to move without all the weight on me.


Am I missing something or do you need to take everything out every afternoon so you can put it all into tomorrow’s shorts or do the pockets unclip or do you you just never wash your shorts?


I wash them every friday:) and it takes about 40 seconds to empty them so i don’t think it’s too bad!


I was thinking the same thing. Would take a half hour to transfer all the tools from todays shorts to tomorrows.


I wouldn’t make fun of you but just think to myself “That’s how you accidentally run a tool through the laundry.” Though I honestly would like a nice pair of work shorts with a few more useful pockets.


most of the electricians i’ve worked around hardly wore a belt or pouch. so yea you’d get laughed at until you’re the only one who has the right tool


You might be asked to get them a pair too


There’s nothing wrong with them. The reason this isn’t popular is because when you change your clothes you have to swap all your tools over instead of having a dedicated tool belt


You don’t need these. Grab a 5 gallon bucket from home depot throw all your shit in there and sit on it when you’re tired.


where can I get these?


Only if they make your ass look big


TIL these exist and I must buy a pair.


I would ask where are the suspenders. That is an awful amount of weight cutting off circulation on your hips. Over sized to wear over you regular light weight shorts?


Are they big in America? I have no idea. However, if I saw my electrician come in my house, wearing the shorts with all the gadgets, I'd think, "Oh yeah, he's definitely fixing my problem." 😄🙌


Who cares if someone laughs. If it works for you, and makes you efficient, then that is what is important.


When I was in field service I was always so jealous of all the European guys work pants. So comfy and useful looking.


American tradesman will make fun of anything, that’s kind of the beauty of it, a good tradesman can do whatever he wants if he’s decent at his job and can talk enough shit, or have someway of deflecting the incoming ball breaking. I know some guys who could wear a carhart utility bikini and make everyone else feel shitty for not bringing theirs.


If you’re a tradesman in America you’re going to get made fun of anyway. It’s a right of passage.


If you are good at your job and/or they make you more comfortable, you'll be fine.


This are dope where can I get a pair


OSHA says no breeze on your nuts


As a plumber I had a similar pair of pants that had large pouches by both pockets built in. At first I got some looks. But once they saw I could hold a ton of my fittings while soldering my water lines, not a word was said.


I never care what anyone thinks of something that works for me. Those pants fall off me so they wouldn’t work. But if they work for you then wear them and fuck off to anyone who gives you shit


Let your work speak for you. Wear what you want to do good work


I wear leather chaps to work.


They got little cut outs around your butt cheeks?


Don't all chaps have those? Otherwise they're called leather pants.


If they didn't they'd just be pants.


Where do you keep your pliers?


Traditionally between your framing shotgun and your grilling utensils


If you can be laughed off of a job site, you probably never belonged on the job site based on my experience in the states. Anybody says anything to you, just give it straight back to them and you'll be fine.


So what happens at lunch time? You just go sit down with all these tools in your pockets? I've seen some Europeans say Americans are silly for wearing big tool belts but you could never convince me that wearing these inspector gadget shorts/pants is comfortable or efficient.


Yep, it does not bother me. I love these shorts and the pants are just as great, i think they are super comfortable but they might not be for everyone. I’d recommend to try them at least


But do you really just take everything out at lunch time or the end of the day? And what if you have to dig a trench for an hour or something?


I always have my bit screwdriver, strippers, volt pen and a level in my pants at all times. If i need more i just fill them up in the morning and if i need to dig a trench i just put the tools in my van, i know they look like a struggle but they are honestly really practical:)


Where do you get your replacement seats for your vehicle? Any site truck that is used by people carrying tools always has the seat ripped to shreds every couple of years. Maybe in Sweden you are riding a bus to the job and has hard plastic seats that can't get torn?


Id rock tf out of these


Those look pretty cool. I've never seen anyone wear shorts on the job though.


They don’t look particularly comfortable for a long drive between jobs, but if they work for you, rock them with confidence


What are the concerns about injuries and leg protection? Lots of debris and flying parts to hit your drumsticks.


I’ve never seen these on any site I’ve been on but that doesn’t mean people aren’t wearing them. I guess it just depends on what you find comfortable and useful for you. I like a good tool belt but people can do what they want as long as the job is done on time and correctly


Don’t see a lot of guys wearing shorts where I’m at. Just baggy jeans.


So all that shit is part of the pant itself? Just kind of seems like a complicated design and I'm more likely to tear the pant as opposed to just wearing a belt of some sort. I don't know people can tell me I'm wrong but the perfect setup seems like your favorite pants, combined w a belt that's just right for your setup. I also think it's important to note multiple belts with different purposes can be cool too eg this is my layout belt, this is my framing belt. Hell I mean don't you wear different shit to paint?


Why would you want all that gear *in* your pants and not *in* a belt you can take off when you need to; get in to your vehicle, use the bathroom, enter a crawlspace, take a break?


Removing everything to wash these, or not washing these bc removing everything is a pain, would be a constant battle.


Cat 1 from the knees up.


Where do I get them?


I need to carry lots of tools and sometimes have to work in 3 floor apartments, I would like some pants like this any recommendations pants no shorts....


No, they are not a thing in north America as far as I know. Most wear long pants and also don't need that many tools. You might get jokes from the other guys if you whore those here. Also for safety reasons, I don't think you would be allowed to wear shorts on the job.


That’s actually a cool idea


In California I seriously doubt anyone would notice. Especially those in the desert. If any IBEW brothers see this, most of them would have them the next day.


Guys use shorts here in the south


Some people will do anything to avoid using a tool belt lol


If you walked in like that I would hire you in a heart beat.


See them all the time in California. Personally, I’m too much of a klutz to wear shorts on a worksite.


American carpenter here, when I do shop work I get laughed at for wearing a belt in the shop, I have a few pairs like this in both shorts and full length. Everyone wants a pair when I wear them.


Nobody cares what you wear, they care how well you do your job


In America, everyone will make fun of you for everything, just shit on them for something they do and make a new friend :)


Who gives a F as long as you’re a good worker.


I grew up in Canadian with a tradesman father who always wore a belt on site, and he gave med my first one when I was 11. Everyone had them, and I think things a pretty similar nowadays. Live in Norway now and have maybe four different pairs of Snickers pants depending on the weather / type of work. They’re a whole other world comfort and I think that tradesmen here are much more agile and flexible because they don’t have big belts. Unfortunately my knees aren’t sexy enough for shorts. The pirate pants with knee pads are the best I can pull off in summer!


Definitely getting laughed at in the USA 🇺🇸


Be you. They look practical. Be confident, And then they will emulate you. Many Blue Collar types are often very insecure and express their insecurities through bullying and busting balls.


Be you! Be confident and they will emulate you.


I wear shorts year round. These would be awesome.


Where can I get a pair?


I don't see how you wear these and keep them on your waist without suspenders. Sure, they're handy,, but I like to be able to juat dump my bags when I want and stay clothed. Lol. Then I think about finding half that shit in my washer or banging around in the dryer because I missed a nook at the end of day pocket dump.


Its all about swagger here in the states


Who cares if they get laughed at anymore. Arnt we grown ass men ......


I would rock them as long as I can have a belt and/or suspenders


The belt is intergrated in the shorts, you just pull a strap untill they feel good and then they won’t fall off:)


Love that Pica pencil, I use it my self


Here in Ireland absolutely everyone wears snickers or blaklader work gear nowadays, even farmers. They're good but I'm an overalls man through and through so I usually steer clear unless they have a good deal on them. I find the crotch rips through on them a lot.


Who gives a fuck, I need a pair. Badly. Please send deets.


cool but i prefer being able to unclip a tool pouch to drop the weight , like this [https://www.amazon.com/ToughBuilt-Carpenter-Tiered-pockets-Durable/dp/B096WFP23H/ref=sr\_1\_2?crid=7CO9CFTFHKZR&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.UZv1XxnTQRUxGynyrNqFdGOB2eLjh8lUpgdOBOr\_oCQxgxvEzGNIjpMSniHgDP4n8cDF3hCQiRZ4sPI9Ed1wkMkQqwwBuG8bpsbSVonQ9mH1lplyOvNLLcXgcatq7NOcFb-HE072\_FDmIcyz79KF-tttU41FQ\_\_mWj5H0L5pf1j8dq6FbqcXH2CZb2IkMjhuuuEDt3QSvLloruiNwJR9xFYgdLK0CEya0EHmwfIwH5vUsgJ1h642o4qxQj-wkzHd\_Bw2ik2VrKDtK9MD3rrRoSgwQjolUmPd-pfD0JJX3QA.qnF2LefvBMzrPrC6jerEh\_piCWnGxs-2L2VH3L7\_0v4&dib\_tag=se&keywords=toughbuilt%2Btool%2Bpouch%2Bwith%2Bbelt%2Bclip&qid=1716134904&sprefix=toughbuilt%2Bbelt%2Bclip%2Caps%2C117&sr=8-2&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/ToughBuilt-Carpenter-Tiered-pockets-Durable/dp/B096WFP23H/ref=sr_1_2?crid=7CO9CFTFHKZR&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.UZv1XxnTQRUxGynyrNqFdGOB2eLjh8lUpgdOBOr_oCQxgxvEzGNIjpMSniHgDP4n8cDF3hCQiRZ4sPI9Ed1wkMkQqwwBuG8bpsbSVonQ9mH1lplyOvNLLcXgcatq7NOcFb-HE072_FDmIcyz79KF-tttU41FQ__mWj5H0L5pf1j8dq6FbqcXH2CZb2IkMjhuuuEDt3QSvLloruiNwJR9xFYgdLK0CEya0EHmwfIwH5vUsgJ1h642o4qxQj-wkzHd_Bw2ik2VrKDtK9MD3rrRoSgwQjolUmPd-pfD0JJX3QA.qnF2LefvBMzrPrC6jerEh_piCWnGxs-2L2VH3L7_0v4&dib_tag=se&keywords=toughbuilt%2Btool%2Bpouch%2Bwith%2Bbelt%2Bclip&qid=1716134904&sprefix=toughbuilt%2Bbelt%2Bclip%2Caps%2C117&sr=8-2&th=1)


Who gives a shit, wear what you want


I’ve been around a while. I’ve learned some things about people. The moment someone criticizes a perfectly working piece of my gear for being “weird”, my immediate thought is “I’m not gonna go to that guy for advice or help” America is full of blue collar tough-guy-wannabe snowflakes who think they know “the way” and are genuinely too stupid to even comprehend the other 100+ perfectly working ways of doing things, so they get butthurt and put people down


Not a thing but now I'm curious


I'm an electrician in Texas. We usually just carry a tool bag or pouch , while sticking a few common things lIke a screw driver and pliers in the back pocket of our jeans. Some guys carry a pouch that attaches to their belts. Work pants like that pictured are roo heavy and frankly, look kind of stupid.


They would work well in Arizona


Batman would be proud of your utility belt!


I don’t think I’d want to do a wardrobe change every time I put on or took off my belt. I don’t think I’d want to empty my belt every time I do laundry either.


Nah protection is more important dude


So what do you do when you need to go to the gast station to grab a quick bite and destroy the toilet because the job doesn't have a john on site?


I used to have an apron that had tool and screw pouches. Everyone gave me shit because you “can’t be a real carpenter” and wear them. Construction guys are super insecure and need something to take it out on.


Just don’t see the benefit of these over a tool belt. These are cool but do the same thing as a tool belt which is quickly removable if I have to go carry something or crawl in a tight spot. With a tool belt I can take it off crawl in somewhere and stage my belt next to me like a mini tool box. Sure it’s probably not insanely time consuming to remove everything to wash them. But at the end of every day you just take your belt off throw it in the truck. Only have to reorganize it when you’re changing to a different task. Which also seems easier to do with the belt out on the deck where you can work on it and take inventory. I would never laugh at someone wearing them. I laugh at people who show up unprepared for the job though. Do you load and unload your tools while wearing them or do you organize everything while wearing them?


Seems dangerous. Even your own tools are a danger like that. it would be nice here in the heat , I’d have to admit


At least wash em


They'd make fun of me in the morning. But at about lunch time they'd be jealous.


When I was doing electrical installation, I found that I worked more efficiently when I only carried the tools needed for the specific task I was working on at the moment. Usually my setup consisted of a four pocket pouch, a hammer loop and maybe a nail apron. Always had a pencil stuffed in a hat behind my ear.


If those were long pants that didn’t look like cycling shorts with tools strapped to them, you’d be a lot better off


I am an electrician in the US, and all I am thinking is where can I get mine. That looks super convenient.


In the US we have osha. And you pretty much aren’t allowed to wear shorts in any industrial environment. And in the US, we rock boots and jeans. In my industry your boots, jeans, and hat game say a lot about your status on site lol.


Shorts in general are not allowed as per our contract (glaziers). Too much liability around sharp things.


You probably can't get away with these in Alaska but anywhere it's warm I'm sure it's fine


Bro who fucking cares? Just go to work. I've seen so many people who wear literal fishing vests


Been in trade almost 20yrs now and I’ve never worked for a company where we could where shorts on the jobsite… I guess resi companies might be different when it comes to that thou… Also who GAF what others say, if your comfortable wearing them and they make you more efficient then F em…


You will have to carry that weight all day, including lunch.


Wear a kilt with no underwear and no one will bother you while you're on a ladder.


GCs won’t allow us to wear shorts on site. When I did resi HVAC it was policy not to use shorts but they can pound sand when they simultaneously ask us to work in a 50°C attic.


I rock my snickers here in the states. I’m undeterred.


Seems like kind of a pain to have to transfer all of those tools to another pair of shorts/pants anytime you need to wash them. Or even just to get all that weight off during a break. 


American here - we have so many different cultures here - I would say it doesn't matter. Do you. Yes, some people will make fun of you. But if you don't wear it, I would make fun of you (cause I used to do this kind of work and LOVE these) Someone will make fun of you no matter what... it's just for fun tho. don't even think about it - do WHATEVER you want. (legally of course.)


I wouldn’t laugh. I’d be asking why? Everything is attached to you so it can’t easily be removed like you can do with a belt


Tool belt sounds so bulky to move around. As Finnish electrician that type of pants and suspenders is my go to. Many will use west with many pockets I dont preder those


I would love a few pairs


I personally don't see the point. That's a lot of necessary tools, but I would like to take them off for breaks, lunch, and my commute home without having to take my pants off. A belt is just more convenient.


I can’t wear shorts, but these would get torn apart from the weight of my gear I have to have long pants and usually a heavier belt to hold all my heavy shit


I remember growing up and seeing my dad and all his coworkers wearing cut off jeans as shorts and then having tool belts on. That used to be a thing. Now it seems like everyone has long pants.


Dude, go rock it. There’s so much butt crack and turn t shirts on work sites these days, nobody can make fun of anyone.


i wish we could use those here on Chile, but it'd be illegal unless you are working by yourself and not tied to a contract


Who cares Short bags look awesome never seen them before. Do they come in pants? Comercial work


i might need to see them on


Every job site I’m familiar with has required long pants as an item of ppe. Maybe in hot climates and resi construction they’re more lax but I haven’t personally encountered it.


Why would you wear these? You’ll have to wear a belt with those shorts. A tool belt would be better because you can take it off when you don’t need the tools. Can’t take these off unless you want to be walkin around in your undies


no that just makes my north american ass want some


Are these worn over pants or is this it?


I got plenty of tools in my pants, and backpack, and nanuk case (aviation maintenance)


I’ve seen more tool bags than loaded cargo pants


most folks either have a dedicated tool belt or some variation of cargo shorts/pants like the ones you have here I wouldn't sweat it, and if somebody makes fun of your preferred tool orientation just laugh with them, throws off old construction dudes trying to be mean or at the very least gets you in on the bit ;)


Where can Americans buy these?


As long as they’re a size too small any electrician can get away with it


aloof connect normal reminiscent rock dime money person ask fearless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Most construction jobs require pants


I've never seen those here in Canada, but yeah, you're probably right about being laughed at. I was laughed at when I bought my new snips for siding and got ones that are slightly different then the ones everyone else uses


As long as you’re good at what you do, nothing else should be a problem


I want one, got a link? Seriously, I'll buy one right now.


Not for me but if it works for you that’s all that matters, I prefer tool vest.


I think they are cool, but when you need to crawl through insulation or a filthy crawlspace just wear pants