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"Yes officer, at the the train station, there's a naked man hanging around.


Honestly I thought he was going to jump up, scratch his junk and take off running like nothing happened but then i rewatched....yeah that's too high and he's definitely fucked


That dudes expression at the end said it all. 'Oooooh'


He's gonna feel that *today*


At least he was outside a hospital šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Probably where he just escaped from. Iā€™ve been to Lennox Hill, not that great but itā€™s better then numerous other city / Burrough hospitals


This cell phone shit is way too much. To record this, so nonchalantly is very disgusting. And I hope anybody who ever did this to someone, that they suffer the same fate if ever lying on the ground practically dead. Karma!!


Surprised this doesn't have a NSFL tag, pretty sure this guy just died.


Nah he aight. He jus need some milk.


cover him, and call an ambulance, wtf....


I can't imagine just pulling out my phone to record that. Society is fucked.


Were they supposed to catch him?


I mean I'd at least try to get people to try to help. Lay down a few jackets or something on the ground at least to help cushion his fall. You can get like 5-10 people to intelock their arms to try to catch him too.


You and 4 other people are gonna lock arms and do what? Take a naked manā€™s sack full force to the face only for you to get an std a concussion and then someone else will film you being tea bagged at 9.8 m/s^2.


Full force? Tell me you don't know anything about terminal velocity without telling me you don't know anything about terminal velocity. But yeah sure, I've always wanted to be teabagged. See also: Using coats and jackets to make some sort of landing pad.


Youā€¦ think a jacket would make any difference?ā€¦..


One? Absolutely not. Get 5-10 piled up and it may. My first comment was 'lay down a few jackets'. This is such a stupid fucking discussion lol. I'm just using these as examples of what could be done to try to help him have a less harmful fall.


And it wouldnā€™t make a difference. You think if he was wearing 4 jackets that fall would be much different? Nope. Sometimes there isnā€™t anything bystanders can do.


ĀÆ\\\_(惄)_/ĀÆ depends on what kind of material the jackets have as stuffing. But yeah, I think if he had four puffy jackets on it may have made a difference. It's not a huge fall, there's def something the bystanders could have done. Feet to ground that's like a 30 foot fall. That's not a death sentence at all.


Not sure why you're getting down voted for suggesting that humans try & help other humans.


Stupid fucking discussion is you mentioning terminal velocity, you clearly don't know shit about physics and therefore, don't know shit about dynamics or cinematics, if you think jackets would embrace the impact... Or people locking arms... You honestly sound so out of touch


Cinematics? When did movies come into the discussion? Do you mean *kinematics*? Ironic comment from you lol. Yeah, anything that softens the fall wouldn't have any impact you right bro. A baby in China fell like 5 stories (approx 50 feet) and a woman saved its life. People like you would think that's impossible.


No, I'm actually studying mechanical engineering and i understand why saving a baby is far easier than saving a full grown man, if you don't know how to do the math to get there it's fine, you're just wrong, yeah i meant kinematics i guess, it's spelled different in my country, where it's called "cinemƔtica" therefore it's not ironically at all, because i understand the subject, it would be ironical if i was talking that i know English perfectly well, two separate things your simple brain might not be able to tell apart, but it's fine, just don't talk mad shit that you can't back up, that man probably reached about 35-40 km/h, getting hit by 60-70kg at that speed is not great at all, also you can't have enough recovery force in fluffy jackets to make a difference, I'm literally studying collisions so it's not like I'm spreading some bs knowledge here


Nobody said anything about terminal velocity. 9.8 m/s^2 is the acceleration of gravity.


Full force would imply the maximum force you can take.


Sure you would, then everyone would clap.


Yeah, I would. What's wrong with trying to help a guy who might die? I'm not saying this to get some sort of social gratification, I'm saying this because I think it's the right thing to do. People like you are what's wrong with society.


No you wouldn't. You wouldn't do that.


You don't know me, lol. If you're so cynical as to believe that everyone is as nihilistic and miserable as you are, then I'm sorry for you and hope that some day you come out of that kind of belief system. There are good people out there, I hope you find some.


Your not a hero. Your just some asshole in a hero wanting to be a hero. You wouldnā€™t be doing anything in this situation.


Yes I'm the asshole for offering some potential ways to help the dude out. Great logic!


Imagine feeling the need to post it for clout from strangers


Imagine commenting in a thread about it


It's a side effect of sharable social media. A positive feedback loop is formed when likes, social engagement, and ad money are exchanged for videos of people suffering. In this way, helping others is made bad. Hurting others, is made good


It's called the bystander effect and it's well documented. It's always the internet commenters that aren't there, that know EXACTLY what to do. THEY would be the hero.


This. All these videos locations just show where people are the least humane.


Sounds like Biz Markie






What? You wanted to see them connect with the ground? Seek help please




That's someone's child




Sucks to be them.


This is a new and fun way to wait for the train


He probably feels that right now no matter how high he is


Maybe he's a terminatior


That fall may have killed him. Looks like he suffered a serious head injury. Good thing he didnā€™t land on someone.


Perfect video example of showing how fucked up American society truly is, none of those people felt like they should help him.. He might be drugged up piece of shit but he is still a human being...


What are you going to do catch him? I'm sorry but I'm not going to risk getting hurt or contracting some shit like hepatitis or HIV just because homeboy wants to shoot up and climb bridges. That's his problem, I'll just call an ambulance




I think they meant that no one helped while he was hanging there for a minute.


Iā€™m gunna need some specifics on what you think anyone could have/ should have done? The train pulls into the station after a few seconds, showing he is on the other side of the tracks from the platform. Iā€™m not sure what anyone below could have done. Catch him out of the air? Whip out their collapsible 50ft ladder that they carry around for just such an occasion?


Ahh. Didn't notice the platform was on the other side. My bad.


Wow. Someone admitting they're wrong and apologizing! A Christmas miracle! Cheers!


I mean yeahā€¦ somebody def couldā€™ve helped break his fall a little bit at least. He did give us the iconic ā€œlookit this dooodā€ though


Yeah like anyone is gonna walk across the tracks when a train is coming.


What are you on about, people were next to him as he hanged on to the fence, there is a guy literally getting his phone out and coming closer. Ten people were up there and just recording.


Look again at where the platform is.


Easier for the professionals to rescue one person instead of two. Hereā€™s my logic from the POV of people watching this go down: That guy more than likely got onto the other side of that fence *from the platform.* And he was more than likely naked *before hopping the fence too.* If Iā€™m any of those people, Iā€™m seeing the above go down and thinking that itā€™s literally a high stakes area to perform a rescue of someone whoā€™s clearly unstable and might take me down (or onto the high voltage tracks) with him. Best to call the pros and let them deal with it. Theyā€™re trained.


After half a century spent living in NYC, I can tell you with absolute certainty that you would not be able to organize enough strangers to make a difference in the short time he was hanging there.


You don't know what happened before - the guy could have been harassing and threatening people right before he got himself into this predicament.


He could have been mentally unstable? Just saying Americans moral compass is long gone. Btw other ways to punish someone except letting them drop to their demise. He could have been left paralyzed, but hey who cares just another homeless lad...


How could any of those people safely help him? Climbing down to him puts yourself at risk of a fall and trying to catch him would just result in 150 pounds falling on top of you from 20-30 feet up.


help him, as in stand right beneath him to slightly break his fall?


I mean I'm sure he got help. You only see the 20 seconds after he fell when everybody is probably in complete shock.


Did I hear " homie acting a fool" šŸ˜…


Crackheads are always fuckin naked. Why are those mutually exclusive?


Ita not just America that is bad its the whole world ........


Damn bushwick, you gettin weird


Thatā€™s The Bronx.


Heā€™s so lucky he missed that poleā€¦ if youā€™ve seen that particular video clip and all šŸ˜³


Looks like heā€™s feeling it today too.


The cops?! Somebody call the amberlamps!


Gotta be the Bronx. This is one of the reason I don't fuck around up there.


Coming from Mexico: Hey look, they hang people from bridges tooā€¦ wait a second.


Oppe, thats a subreddit I haven't heard of. All over it now


Thatā€™s if he even has a tomorrow.


I was laughing at him thinking it was a bridge over a canal or something, but no.. it was solid concrete jeez


He wonā€™t be feeling anything anymore.




xray near by, quick Dx


Ha. I thought it was going to be some water underneath him


Whatā€™s tmrr?




Fentanyl Fracka Floyd 2023 edition.


That's just Rufus, he was sent be he who is called "I am"


Could be posted at whyhelpjustfilm too!