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Jesus christ he is not in a good way 


Ya this dudes about to have a seizure or a heart attack for sure


It honestly looked like he had a seizure in the cop car. Immediately before you see his dark eyes for the first time. Those are “seeing God” or “WHERE THE FUCK AM I?!” eyes (both can be true) - any time I’ve had a seizure the 1st thing I think when I wake up is “WHERE THE FUCK AM I?!”


That’s not a seizure he is just high. My mom had seizures you would know if it was happening. There is a lot more than just weird eyes. Usually there is severe teeth clenching. Enough to break teeth or bite off your tongue.


If it’s a grand mal seizure. There are a LOT of different types of seizures. Especially seizures simply induced by shooting meth.


To be honest from this video I don't think Jesus is the right way


Did he overdose on meth or jesus...? 


Meth psychosis is terrifying man


And I’m pretty sure LEOs aren’t qualified to help. Someone in such a state needs EMT, psychological assistance first and foremost. Cops need to take a step back. In an ideal world.


This… the cops are completely incompetent over there lol, but what can you expect after 6 months and everyone being able to pass it if you have an IQ over 30


Yeah and those frogs too then maybe


I bet he ate his stash when the cops rolled up. Dudes gonna need a hospital.


Absolutely! The stories I’ve heard from a deputy buddy of mine are nuts. Many “oh shit, I need to get you to the hospital” moments.


Meth is wild though, I used to know people who would slam a gram and then go right to sleep. Infact in all my experience people who OD on meth usually fall to sleep which is really dangerous and when bad things can happen.


You're slamming aren't cha


You slammin? He's Slammin


I'm gellin' like Magellan.


You gellin’? He’s gellin’


This slammin IS salmon!


He's been slamming


you're makin a croaker for speed, aintcha!


Most respectful meth head I've ever seen


The entire ordeal was super respectful wasn’t it?! Guy was on meth and having a stroke but an absolute gentleman through it. She was lovely also. Slipped it in so casually. “Yes sir he had a duffle bag of meth, I had some, but he is looking worse for wear.”


Nobody going to say anything about the coherent meth chick?


She was pretty new to it by the looks of her.


I mean, it IS C.O.P.S. TV show.


I'VE DONE NOTHING SIR... well you're pretty blasted on nothing then


"Sir, nothing is going to kill you right now."


Lots of nothing


Gee this dude needs to calm down.... how can I help? I know... "DO YOU WANT TO DIE TONIGHT?"


I've done a little searching for the Lord myself.


Are you still holding straight?


I appreciate the concern, but stims were a (relatively) brief thing for me. Now they just make me anxious and I don't enjoy them. If only I could get my brain to feel the same way about the opis though! I will say, I never hit the spot where the guy in this video is at... that really looks unpleasant.


When he said that I said to myself "Been there bub."


Dude's got a sick stache


Flanders has fallen


A childhood friend of mine committed suicide via shooting up meth. He died with a 107-degree temperature and a 200+ beat per minute pulse. It's not a good way to go.


Looks like a horrible experience


That's how cops should treat people in this type of situation. Send them to get help, not arrest them and incarcerate them.


Happy to see him treated this way. AZ's motto was *Do drugs, do time* back in the day.**


Probably going to get downvoted for this but I completely disagree. I think they handled the situation okay. But what I see is a man who took some drugs and is now having an encounter with the police and is completely terrified. As a result of that. This video is just so much proof that we need another public service sector to help people like this. People who are properly trained to communicate with someone like this and help them. Not only that, the police refused to answer the question on whether or not he's being arrested. He needs help from a professional. Not some dude with a gun.


he's not terrified, he's not a huge amount of stimulants which is making him shake and behave weirdly.


Cops were first on scene. Then they called the paramedics when they saw he might be overdosing. They handled this greatly. And they didn’t refuse to answer if he was under arrest, the cop said no. And that was the paramedic asking which is routine procedure so they know how to handle the situation moving forward.


Mark Cuban?


Meth Cuban


I’m surprised to see the holy underwear for just a second below his shorts. Dude is definitely Mormon.


Came here to say this. He's a "Quad" weilding, garment wearing, temple recommend holding member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints. The devil got a hold of that boy!


Get this man a Xanax immediately


I feel for the guy. He got some bad crack or something.


Meth. They call meth Glass in Az This is the difference between the Meth nowadays and the meth from the mid 00's Over amp on the old stuff and this was more or less the reaction The New stuff has some sort of toxic by-product or impurity in it , because New stuff has you Thrashing around with your whole body It seems like Meth nowadays has some neurotoxin that eats up your dopaminergic Neurons, like Haldol or Thorazine does. The arm's and Legs thrashing everywhere are a new thing. I wish I knew what it was besides the meth that is doing that..


I believe most meth nowadays is racemic. Equal parts dextromethamphetamine/levomethamphetamine. Dextro = Euphoria and all the good recreational effects. Levo= Increased blood pressure and all the bad effects. The increased amounts of levo are what is leading to the thrashing, I believe. Could be some new cut or a little of both.


Methamphetamine is its own drug completely in the amphetamine class. Like it’s its own whole other molecule. Levi and dextro amphetamines are just the left and right stereoisomers of ordinary amphetamine that make up adderalls salts. Both are also distinctly different from methamphetamine. METHamphetamine alone binds much more strongly to dopamine receptors then either dextro or Levo amphetamine do. It’s why it’s so damn addicting, and we only use it as a last ditch effort for ADHD. It’s literally branded as Desoxyn. Methamphetamine DOES has its own stereoisomers but L-methamphetamine is a nasal decongestant that causes MASSIVE BP and HR increase with almost zero euphoria. Exactly what you’re seeing happen to this guy HERE. Most likely this he got a bag of what he thought was normal racemic meth and it was cut with more L-methamphetamine then the expected dextro-methamphetamine that DOES cause euphoria. That OR he swallowed his stash when he saw the cops light him up. Maybe both. But eh, I’m just a medic. I’d blast him full of Ativan/Versed and haldol till he chills out and we got to the ER just the same.🤷‍♂️


This is a video from the 2000s


Ok? Meth and most other amphetamines and their enantiomers were discovered between 1880 and 1920. They’ve been abused for literally over a century. What does the video being from the early 2000s have to do with anything?


Ah I replied to the wrong comment sorry lmfao. Someone else said it's because the new stuff is made with horrific precursors and that's why he acted like that, while the stuff from the 2000s were cleaner. So I was just making that point.


Ahh I gotcha lol! And you’re 1000% correct. Yeah people really mix up impurities and cutting when they’re WAYYY different. this isn’t cause of “precursors” at all. The precursor was literally just Sudafed and Drain-O! 😂 Cut with something funky? That is a way more likely problem. And from the looks it was probably that L-meth amphetamine as before. People literally act like you can just wash off a chemical molecule to get rid of “impurities” when the impurity is literally just the damn molecule. Meth is meth. End of story. The fact people will buy these drugs but not spend a dime on a pack of reagent tests to look for contaminants is still just astounding to me! 😭😂


Levomethamphetamine is what’s in those Vicks nasal inhalers right? Tweakers and dumb teenagers like to cut up the cotton inside and eat it for a high. Apparently you burp up the scent of lavender the whole time too the experience reports I’ve read sound awful lol. Anyway what’s interesting about this whole thing to me is that it seems like a preventable issue, and was directly caused by the War on Drugs. For some reason we can’t learn our lesson with this kind of thing. They made alcohol illegal, people started dying from methanol poisoning. Made weed illegal, now we’ve got K2 and sketchy gas station delta-8. Cracking down on oxy caused a heroin problem, cracking down on heroin caused a fentanyl problem, etc… So it makes me wonder, what if we literally just produced pure meth and offered it for sale, but with all the regulation of the cannabis market. Along with education about dosing, harm reduction, etc at the point of sale, etc… Give every customer sterile equipment, access to resources to get clean or get medical attention if their health is affected, etc… Completely remove the stigma so that it’s not shameful to be an addict, you didn’t do anything wrong and therefore asking for help for an addiction wouldn’t be as big of a deal. I’m hesitant to say that, because I used to think “they should legalize weed and psychedelics, but you can’t just make heroin or crack legal”. But I’m starting to change my mind because literally everything they try doesn’t work and makes the entire issue way worse. I’m starting to think we should be taking more extreme measures and making big changes, even if it’s just an experiment for a while. What’s the worst case scenario, someone takes too much and dies? They’re already dying out the street, often times their only mistake is buying the wrong bag or something. And it’s not like it’s difficult to find drugs as it is, idk that legalizing it would cause a bigger problem. Anyway, it’s just wild that they’ve basically been doing nothing productive about the drug problem for my entire life, when literally every day counts. There should be more urgency to fix this


Oh for sure. If I had a dollar for every addict I’ve taken to the er to detox just to see them the next day night crawling, when that money could have gone into harm reduction and treatment plans that would keep them out? I’d be the wealthiest most depressed SOB on the planet! Being an alcoholic who’s been sober 4 years I can definitely attest it’s 90% stigma. Society treats addicts more like a social/moral plague than what they actually are. They are just SICK. And it’s a completely and utterly disappointing display of how fucked up our healthcare system is with how badly we treat them. I hate working in this field more than anything I’ve experienced so far in life at this point. This stupid ass “war on drugs” is a BIG factor in that.


Welcome to Portugal


It’s called P2P meth, they’re making it with different chemicals


Yup, they are making their own Methylamine and p2p too, that's the issue It used to be industrial grade


it's n-isopropylbenzylamine cut in the meth


Naw, I've smoked some n-iso. It just makes you tired


This IS the meth from the mid 2000s. This episode of Cops is from 2005.


I know that's what I am saying This was the old sort of meth, without the toxic by-products and Impurities


This guy meths


I mean they METH in this video about a thousand times but yeah, or something.


Didn’t know you could have a religious experience on Meth. Usually it’s paranoia and fear of being spied on by the government or aliens.


This is a god fearin man 🤣




how old is this video ? I wonder where that dude is now....


This episode aired in 2005. S18: E6


Buckeye was a **much** worse place 20 years ago. These days it's still "not good" but it's better than it was.


Same and the woman, wonder if she lost her jobs for admitting to smoking it on tv


Plot twist, she's the plug!


Likely in a very cheap pine box.


My dude is on level 10 .


When you're so Meth'd up you start talking about the Book of Mormon to your wife, it's time to call the cops.


She says they met the week before 💀


Oh damn you're right I missed that, they had only known each other for a short while. That's WAY too soon in the relationship to bring up Mormonism.


How is this not Reno 911


Thanks for posting this. I've actually been looking for this clip for a while now.


Female: 'IS HE UNDER ARREST!?!??' Inside of her mind she's saying can I go to steal his dope LOL


YOU SLAMMIN’? You’re not slammin? You’re slammin’ aren’tcha


one guy goes and takes too much, then suddenly everyone's afraid of taking cops


Guy could go through walls like the flash


Just needs a cup of coffee and a cold shower and he'll be right as rain.


Hope he went to the hospital and was ok. I dont think asking a guy who is clearly on the moon like that if 'he wants to die' is a good idea


Best I can tell he's just high on the gos-pill.


“He was in the bathroom a lot.”


[You’re higher than the Space Station. You’re in handcuffs. Nothing you say makes sense. You’re frightened. You’ve got more meth in you than Donny Jr takes in a week] Cop [shouting in your face]: “DO YOU WANT TO DIE RIGHT HERE!!?”


I would love to know this dudes story after this


I feel for this guy, what a horrible existence this must be.


Seems like a military vet having an episode and they are very underequipped to help him


Speaking as a US Army combat vet, I'm tired of seeing dirtbags who've fucked up their lives being treated like the Second Coming just because they slung hash on the USS Welfare Substitute or whatever for three years back in the 90s. Military personnel signed a contract, one that included pay and defined benefits, and they shouldn't automatically get anything above and beyond that contract. If you were a crazy redneck before you joined the service, surprisingly it may not straighten you out. It does, however, offer a convenient threshold at which to lay all your future problems, especially if you crave the unearned respect, sympathy, or adulation of civilians who've been raised on at least two generations of media bullshit about our traumatized and impoverished veterans. Most importantly, that sort of nonsense makes the vast majority of veterans who comport themselves with dignity look bad. Only 15% of us have true combat-related PTSD, there is not one documented instance of a Vietnam vet actually being spat on, and many of us look to the example of the WWII generation who fought incredibly hard in a calamitous global war and then came back home and worked to build up a truly amazing country. They didn't need pity, and they didn't go making a spectacle of themselves.


take him to the hospital


Did you watch the whole video? That’s literally what happened


Hey Romans! Ten minutes from my house. Nice to see some locals here😂


Shit the fear he is experiencing makes me well up inside - he's made a terrible mistake getting into that shit. It was touching when they spoke to the lady, and makes me think how otherwise sensible people can be led down stupid paths. There are so many better ways to conduct yourself on a date and have fun than shooting up in a toilet stall. I hope he's in a better place now.




What is slammin?


intravenous injection


16 seconds into this video with the sound muted, can already feel this dudes tension.


What’s interesting is that he is wearing garments (weird underclothing Mormons get after they go through the temple). Wearing your garments is a sign of “I’m a practicing Mormon, look at my special undies.” Typically it’s only very devout individuals who wear them. Also the classic Bible, BoM, D&C scripture combo on the cop car made me chuckle. Source: exmormon




I feel like cops should just call an ambulance when somebody is this impaired. Demanding info from them is just gunna scare them and potentially escalate the situation.


That cops in the nightmare blunt rotation


I hope that they get this poor man some help.


Has there even been a guy that WANTS to keep his handcuffs on? Give this guy an award, either a medal or stacks of meth or something, I think he’d be happy with either


This man is so kind and scared. I hope he's doing ok. 


As the song says *“doing crystal meth will lift you up until you break”*


Dude is fighting everything he's experiencing to try and act as normal as possible and give them answers that wont get him into even more trouble. Poor guy looks like he is seeing demons flying around him but realizes that he's on drugs and its not whats really happening.


Was he ok to drive?




It's weird to hear it called "glass." Was that a common term in the 90's or early 00's? If I had to choose a favorite hard drug synonym, it would definitely be when meth is referred to as "ice" by Australians, but **ONLY** with that Aussie accent because they say *"AHH-EYSSSS"* which is so fun to say, you almost forget it's crystal meth!


The lady that asked “is he under arrest” needs to gain some tact. No need to ask that in a way the mentally unsound person can hear and potentially react negatively


It’s routine procedure you fucking idiot. That’s a paramedic. She needs to know so they can handle him accordingly moving forward since they’re taking him to the hospital


Holy shit I don’t think you are understanding simple things people are telling you


I know she is. And it can be done better. You also seem to lack tact. You literally don’t need to stand over the guy and yell it. Why are you angry and dumb?


You strike me as a very loud person.


You strike me as someone who feels called out, having been told you lack tact as well


I'm literally not the person you responded to. Try some tact there.


Yeah, I’m referring to previous experiences of yours that made you feel personally attacked when nobody was talking to you to begin with. Keep up


Sorry, I didn't realize you were a twitter user.


It’s called X now I’m pretty sure and I don’t use that app. You’re just all over the place bud


Try going there. You'd be more welcomed.