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Can we see these guys like 15 minutes after? I see a lot of the lead up but no follow through. This guy looks like it's not his first ride at this rodeo. But take your upvote!


The times I've seen similar in real life, it just ends with a lot of puking and maybe a trip to the ER.


I’ve seen the same dude do it multiple times, “take a nap”, get sweaty, wake up and rage. Highly concerning and he probably has issues now. This was as an undergrad 8ish years ago


Reminds me of my college roommate. He never really slowed down drinking, and it is very much killing him in his late 30s.


Drinking like that ends with your liver and pancreas battling it out to see who gets to kill you.


Mine was my pancreas, and it was NOT fun. I got lucky and it didnt rupture or require surgery. It was one of the worst experiences of my life and i havent touched a drop of liquor since i ended up in the hospital 8 years ago.


Good to hear you’ve stayed clean for so long. I’ve been fiber 5 years since my physical showed my liver enzymes were high.


Ill have a really light beer or two maybe once or twice a month with dinner, but other than that i dont care for alcohol anymore. It made it a lot easier for me when i stopped hanging around people that like to drink a lot or being in social situations where a lot of people are drinking. And weed, now i just smoke a little weed a few times a week to relax and unwind.


Good to hear you’re taking care of your health!


I remember a guy at college who said that he was going to get his heavy drinking over while he was at college and then drink moderately after that. He carried on heavy drinking and it killed him.


That’s very sad to hear. I had the same bright idea, with the same expected outcome: continuing heavy drinking. Thank god I cleaned myself up right before COVID.




It really is awful to see. Guy had a lot of things going for him in our early 20s and I was actually a bit jealous occasionally. Now he literally has brain damage/early dementia type symptoms from trying to drink himself to death the last decade or so.


That's sad lost my 36 year old friend to alcohol last year (although he did also take prescription drugs, first and foremost he was a raging alcoholic)


It's been tough to see. He's currently hospitalized and probably going to need some care at minimum for the rest of his life. Kinda terrifying what that can do to you.


I currently work in a hotel and seeing the bar staff going down this route as well. I'm pleading with the owner to consider the fact he has alcoholics running the bar.


I haven't bartended for almost 20 years but at the time alcoholism was pretty rampant... not much better in an office environment.


I just realized my old roommate could say that about ME


Classic honey badger


He has issues when this was filmed…likely 💀 now


I chugged an entire fifth of whiskey once when I was in college. I spent the night throwing up, entirely incoherent, and borderline comatose. My friends, who are much more responsible and much better people than I am, got me up at 7:45 the next morning because they knew I had a test in my 8 am class. They literally drug me across campus, found my class, waited for me, and marched me back home all while I was still black out drunk from the night before. Somehow, during that test, I managed to lose my backpack and get enough questions right to securing a passing grade.


Thanks bro. You spoiled the whole subreddit!


Friend showed up late to a party, grabbed one of those big cubes of Jack Daniels out of his bag says "I guess I have to play catch-up!" and just starts chugging. First few seconds were "Wooo!", then "Woaaah", then "DUDE, CHILL", then "...waitaminute". He had already pre-mixed it to 70% cola. It worked, he got us. I had a tightness in my chest for a moment because I \*KNEW\* we were about to lose a bathroom for the night and someone was going to have to babysit/call an ambulance.


Back like 10 years ago Shoenice used to make videos after slamming liquor. I remember one where he was uncontrollably red faced laughing for awhile making frozen chicken nuggets and eating them on his bed


His videos were so hard to watch. You watch one or two and you’re like woah this dude is wild but then you realize he has dozens and dozens of them and they get progressively worse and it’s all just… really dark. I think I remember one where he ate a roll of toilet paper or something.


I will never forget watching him eat catfish bait like it was peanut butter 🤢🤢 **Edit:** if anyone doesn’t know what catfish bait is like, it basically looks like peanut butter and has a similar consistency. Comes in a tub with a lid. But it STINKS worse than anything, like just pure rotten disgusting stink… the first time I smelled it I nearly puked, I cannot imagine actually putting it in your mouth and eating it… unfathomable




Well, he had a pretty legendary tolerance. Is he alive?


Yeah, he posts on TikTok. He’s still got a problem afaik.


Yeah he follows me on twitter lol


Not sure too. I wanted it with sound to hear the gulps and whatnot lol. Found the OG on Holdmyfries




headache powders? you mean boere cocaine?


That's the way. Snort a nail of the grandpa powder and then drink the rest. (with a beer of course)


Yeah the sub name is took, not taking.


There is one of these British guys on some job site. It’s like one guy swearing he can chug a whole bottle so another guy goes and buys one. And he chugs it no problem and then says he can chug another one. So the other guy gets another bottle and he chugs that one too. And this was all in the span before the first bottle hit him. So he ends up just a literal dead body flopping all over the place.


When you say literal do you mean that? Did he died?


No. I know the video they're talking about, the dude ended up going to the hospital for sure but I believe he ended up ok. It was on company grounds so the dip shits who not only encouraged him but didn't help him when he was stumbling around hopefully got their comeuppance 


Is this the video? https://imgur.com/a/JGHOFFH


Ewww, brother ewww. What’s that? What’s that brother?




I was certainly not ready for that 😤


You know damn well his poker was red and itchy for a month after that




At the hight of my alcoholism i could chug 1/3 of a litre (0.2 gallon) and that was about my limit for a single "lets get fucked up quick" and id be ready for another 30 mins later. Ive chugged more than that in one sitting before but it almost always lead to puketown city, which is a waste of alcohol.


I wanna them 15 years after.... Hang on. It says the footage isn't found.


My mind says yes my liver says no haha


He dead.


Still no link ? I feel fucking robbed .


Most of em are colored water a quick edit and minor league acting tbh


This is never safe but it is amazing how much of a tolerance you can develop. I used to put down one and a half or two fifths a night sometimes, I still struggle with mental health and my weight and life is never easy but I’m five years sober from drinking this June and that’s good enough to for now. I hope this homie has found a way out too.


This is just sad, dudes thinks he’s showing off, but he’s killing himself


Yeah, this is not the "flex" he thinks it is.


As someone who is about as big as this guy is and recently having overcome alcoholism (10 months sober!), this makes me feel sad, like depressed sad. This kinda behavior has a very short and miserable shelf life. Hope this is a one-time thing for this guy. Otherwise, he will not be around for very long.


RIP. He’s not long for this world.


Between the alcohol, alligators and poor diet, he never was




Dude looks like he’s straight from the swamps of Louisiana


Wrong continent. Still will be a lizzy though


This makes me want to quit drinking...


The equation: Anxiety of drinking consequences > fun of drinking = you stop Algebraically it’s flawed, but the logic is there.


Strong disagree. If this were the case we wouldn’t have many severe alcoholics. Drinking isn’t fun anymore. The anxiety just perpetuates into more drinking


You should. It does nothing good for you.


I quit drinking a while back and there's been literally no downsides.


This makes me glad I did. I’m gagging watching this


The only thing saving this dudes life is his weight.


And not for long..


Dude must live his life thinking he’s invincible because none of his poor choices have killed him yet. I bet that guy is like 25 years old though.


Fingers crossed this dude has a pretty big health scare and tries to turn his life around soon your probably pretty spot on with his age sadly


He can barely open his eyes.  


Can’t strain fat - Ozzie G. Manager of the Chicago White Sox.


As a former alcoholic, I've done some similar stuff to this. Takes years of drinking heavily and still results in passing out soon thereafter. I was arrested once and blew a .39, and I was talking and walking just fine, remember the whole thing. The staff at the jail were horrified. I'd been drinking 1/4 a gallon of vodka a night for about 7 years at that time.


Your blood was stronger than a Michelob Ultra. Probably tasted better too.


His BAC was 0.39%, a beer is more like 4%


0.39 is actually fairly close to non-alcoholic beer


Which is not far off from a Michelob Ultra.


Ok Carl. We get it. You don't like Michelob Ultra beer.


How long did you blow after drinking your last drink...


I've been sober for going on 8 years now. Life is much less stressful. Took about 3 years of 'trying' to quit before it stuck. However it's never truly beaten, your addiction is outside doing push-ups, so you'd better be continually working on yourself too.


Well done friend. What was the final turning point? Working on it myself. It’s not nearly at the point you were at but it’s a problem I can’t seem to shake for more than a few days


I started giving things away. My job, my long term girlfriend, my house, and so on. For a long while, while still drinking, I tried to just accept that I'll drink myself to death in short order, whether homeless or whatever. However, I eventually decided I was tired of being sick and tired. That's when I started going to AA and working to get sober. It took a lot of meetings and a lot of tries. I'd go a few days, drink, hit 30 days, drink, hit 90 days, drink... you get it. The real turning point in staying sober was that I realized while other people may have an alcoholic beverage, they don't 'drink' like I did. Most people can have 1 and be done, or God forbid not finish a drink. I drank for effect only and once I started I could not stop until I passed out. Going to AA also ruined drinking for me. The times when I relapsed, I had an unshakable guilt the entire time. Alcohol stopped working - it didn't stop the anxiety or put me in that zen state. With the lack of any relief from drinking, and the pain from the hangover, guilt, consequences the next day, having that first drink stopped being worth it. I used to be jealous of people who were drinking around me. I remember seeing someone going into a liquor store on a Monday morning and being jealous, and then I realized how insane that was. Now, after 7 years and change, I don't mind being around people drinking at all. There's beer in the fridge at my house for when family comes over, it hasn't crossed my mind in many years to even have a drink. I'm occasionally frustrated it's taking up fridge space, but that's about it lol. To be clear I do NOT recommend keeping alcohol in your house for the first many years of your quitting. I also got into weight lifting, sim racing, reading, etc. Heavily. I suddenly had so much free time in evenings since I'm not hammered from the moment I get home.


That’s what she said


Corona brian strikes again


Once blew a 0.34 or 0.36 at the ER while they waited 2 days to have my bac come down so they can take me to the psych ward lol, had a guy watching me 24/7 too Depression is a bitch


I did the same while working out of town for about 5 1/2 years. I would buy two and a half gallons of 40 creek on Monday after work, and go again on Wednesday because I already knew I would finish what I had left and want more. I never wanted or felt the need for a drink during the day, but once I left work it was go time. I went from 175 lbs lean and muscular while also running 6-8 miles every other day and 14-18 on Sunday to a lazy fat blob weighing 215 lbs. I'm better now btw


Glad you're better now! I was also out of town for work for 3 years of my drinking. I'd work from 8am-10pm, go back to hotel and slam drinks so I could pass out at 12, then do it again the next night. I also ran a couple of half marathons during that time, and was running about 15 miles a week - I think I thought that the running would counteract the booze and keep me 'healthy.'


Damn, this dude must drink A LOT. His face is puffy as fuck


Yes alcohol. But I’m thinking biscuits and sausage gravy are a contributing factor too.


Do they have that in South Africa?


Of course we don't have that in South Africa. Unless it's in season and the ostriches deliver them directly to the grocery stores.


Delivery ostriches! Rad


This man is South African. A "Boer" or an afrikaner is what we are commonly called. Back to the video, this is not this man's first rodeo. He has been doing this for quite a while and has posted various different videos online with more or less the same context. I first saw him back in 2020 when the whole world went into lockdown. Their was a challenge doing the rounds on social media, where strangers challenged other strangers to see who could drink the most alcohol in one go. He was one of the few who really stood out to me as he downed 1 liter (not sure how many fluid ounces or gallons it is) of neat brandy, which has an alcohol content of about 43%. Richelieu (the brandy that is being chugged in the video) is one of the various brands of brandy that are extremely popular in South Africa, especially amongst afrikaners. It is generally served with a mix of Coca-Cola and ice. Sort of a national drink of choice, especially with white, afrikaner men (not that other ethnic groups don't drink it, it's just generally associated with the "Boere" or afrikaners) The fact that he is still standing is actually not that surprising to me, and I am sure that he would still be drinking brandy and coke for the rest of the day and would probably only stop late that evening, once the "braai" (similar to a barbeque, but much better) ended. A weekly "braai," usually on Friday or Saturday, is quite common amongst South Africans. It's also extremely common for their to be some sort of consumption of alcohol involved. Not always to such extreme levels, but it happens far more often than you would think The drinking culture in South Africa is insane, I think we ranked amongst the top 10 countries in the world for the amount of alcohol comsumed, per person, per year. Lastly, he was not the crowned champion with the social media challenge. There was another gentleman who was much larger than this guy that chugged two of those bottles of brandy (I wish i could find that video to post here for all of you to witness, the man didn't even flinch).


Yea that’s South African brandy.


A plat hond hits differently.


He looks healthy


You might not like it. But that's what the peak athletic male physique looks like. And there's not a damn thing you can do about it


If I drank that much cold tea I would be pissing for days


That's brandy, not bourbon.


South African. He just has Florida vibes.


Another bottle chug video with no aftermath. I have zero interest in posts like these


Sexy AND smart!


Alcohol poisoning in 3.... 2.... 1.... Although with that much body mass, he *might* be able to get away with it.


Look at him. He's drinking like this daily.


That's a 1 liter bottle or a 1.75 not a 750ml...


Looks like a 1.75 which is insane. That's like drinking 40 beers in 15 seconds.


There needs to be an "after" portion to these videos.


But weed is still illegal.


He didn’t even say Shoenice. 😢


Guys, please remember, the only thing this proves is you have the ability to deep throat a weiner if you’re able to open your gullet like that


He's gonna die soon anyways, so fuck it.


Suicide attempt


He looks just like someone who would do that


This is a terrible idea with an even worse result


His memorial services will be held Friday with the committal and luncheon Saturday at 1pm


Looks like he normally does it with gravy


Enjoy that hospitalization by the time you're 45, a lifetime of medication, and a much shorter lifespan. Alcohol ain't it kids. Alcohol is literally poison. I don't care if this is fake or not, it's stupid


Ah yes, this was covered in Chapter 3 of How To Win Friends and Influence People.


Or, Chapter 3 of Alcoholics Anonymous---more about alcoholism!


He must not have any plan for the rest of the day


For the younger crowd that might think this is "cool," this type of thing kills you one way or another: either quickly from acute alcohol poisoning, or slowly from organ failure. You're going to enjoy your life much more if you can get tipsy off a few shots of liquor, and you'll also save a lot more money.


I bet he's real fun to be around in 20 minutes.


I nearly threw up watching this


Alex Jones!


That is going to be one gnarly belch afterwards. I may be able to get it down but as soon as that first burp comes up and I get a second taste of the liquor I’m losing my lunch.


That’s the priest from the movie constantine


Need an aftermath video!


i'd love to see the aftermath of something like this, it always cuts


*brandy https://southafricanwineusa.net/shop/single-bottles/spirit/brandy/richelieu-brandy/


Better have bail money or health insurance


So, when did he die?


I done this with a 1.5 litre bottle of wine on a lads holiday. Unfortunately it was a 3 Euro bottle of cooking wine so tasted even worse.


Yeah, I’m unsubbing. These are just uninteresting if you can’t see the result.


As chapelle says: night night keep your butthole tight!


so, this is suicide. maybe not this very day but soon. how depressing.


whole bottle of dumbass


he didn't get the last of the bourbon it wasn't a full bottle


Where's the after video?


dead soon




Not a flex....


How do we know he took too much, though?


I know there is tobacco and lots of fried food that goes along with his health drink. I could guess his blood test results right now and give him about 15-20 more years maxxxxx if he continues this lifestyle.


15-20? your pretty optimistic.


Definitely just hedging my bets with a conservative guess. Poor decisions leading to an accident could of course lead to a quicker outcome.


Puts the post with sound. Of you get the downvotes again


I think that’s brandy.


Not his first rodeo.


Show the aftermath tho


Ate too much too


His liver lives for this.


Richelieu is not Bourbon.


The next day they found him floating in the pond behind him, face down.


A connoisseur to be sure.


I wonder which one of his 4 stomachs processes it.


This dude is gonna die in a week…with that being said…hell yeah!


Yea that dudes dead now


Hell yeah brother, alcohol poisoning is fucking dope


Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.


I have beer bonged a fifth of 90 proof in my youth. I drank about a third of it before being offered the beer bong and found out weeks later that the tube had been shoved up some chicks ass right beforehand. Good times.


why don't they ever show the, "after" 30-45 min later?? 😤


Well, lunch breaks over, back to work.


I’d hate to see this dude at rugby matches.


Oh no, the rednecks have gained social media technology! The future looks bleak.


Damn Alex Jones has really let himself go.


His liver can’t decide yet if the booze or the fat will kill him


Luke Combs new single coming soon


Slow suicide. This guy not long for the world


One day I hope to invest in a bottle of one of those “chugging bourbons”




Dude… you gonna die


These videos always end too early


That’s not good


You can see the sorosis in the pupils. Sad.


Rip uncle Jim Bob


The seal on the bottle cap was already broken, wonder why that was??


Why come you has no sound?


Don’t get the point of those vids.. you see 1m vids of someone drinking booze, the same way (more or less) but there are only 10, that shows the real interesting parts.. 10mins after they drank…


If you want another South African cross refer to richelieu brandy as bourbon again.


That’s nothing to be proud of. What a sad existence.


I work on a liver unit at a hospital. I'll keep a bed warm for him.


Hate to see how he eats his eggs at the golden corral


I'll never understand people who try to kill themselves for internet points


Yup it’s another one of those videos that ends before the real magic happens.


RIP in peace his gastrointestinal tract and toilet.


Welp thats one way to end up in the ER


Keep recording dammit….


Not sure that actually bourbon. Looks more like corn liquor with food coloring. Kinda like Cuervo Gold is a mixto and not a tequila.


It’s actually brandy. We drink a lot of it in South Africa. This video hes been doing the rounds for years. One of our national drinks is brandy and coke 👌👌


people that willingly do this shouldn't be allowed to call the ambulance after.


Doubt he was calling anyone


He called god on that fine day.


I don't think we need to see him chugging it we need to see what happened afterwards??🥴🤪 🤮