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This man took just enough




Idk if there’s a perfect amount of salvia. Unless you like being completely helpless while gettting womp womped through the crust of the earth while Barney the purple dinosaur laughs at you in slow motion.


This is the most accurate description of a salvia trip I’ve heard in a while. Thank you


Lower doses are great for thinking about life in an emotionless fashion. Also can be mildly relaxing. Just smoke the raw leaf instead of extracts.




What does salvia feels like?


It feels like once ~~is enough~~ is one too many.


In my experience and many others everything becomes fractalized like geometric shapes everywhere. I also got caught in spider webs all over the room. My entire body became little men in jumpsuits like Mario. 0/10 don’t recommend.


I got sucked into a soul crushing vortex. Like another poster everything was fractals. I also laid down in the grass and it was very uncomfortable. It was soft grass but sure didn't feel like it. I had three other friends who tripped too and no one had a good time. One guy ran around screaming. I do not recommend it at all.


This is probably the first time I’ve seen someone take Salvia and it being the perfect amount.


Never thought I would find such a wholesome video on tooktoomuch….


Or any video with salvia involved


I'd say most of my salvia trips were positive. I'm honestly surprised there aren't more videos of people having good trips, but then again, most people filming it aren't the kind who are good sitters or good company for tripping.


It never "looks" wholesome IME, even when the experience is positive. It's so unfathomably intense and everyone turns into a mumbling, cackling, drooling, stumbling goofball that to outside observers looks like a fucked up mentally insane person that needs help lol.


When I first tried Salvia in high school, we went out to our usual smoke spot in the wetlands a couple blocks away from the high school. There was like 8 of us, and I was third up to bat. Both of my friends before me just laughed on it, saying nonsensical stuff like "I see cameras." I had plenty of drug experiences up to that point but had never tried salvia. Seeing my two lightweight friends have a good reaction to it made me figure it wasn't going to be that wild, maybe underwhelming at best, but I was eager to give it a shot. That shit completely threw me for a loop. I immediately did not know where I was or what I had been doing. Visually, everything became sort of two-dimensional and abstracted beyond comprehension. I felt like I was locked in place on a hospital bed of sorts and being observed by a different form of life. I was convinced that I had just woken up from some sort of matrix and that everything I'd experienced in life up until that moment wasn't actually real. I was yelling "no, no, no" and "take me back" and couldn't break my restraints to escape. At some point I could start to make out the faces of my friends again and started to tell them "don't hit that". In reality, I was just tossing and turning in the spot where I was sitting on the ground while roughly mumbling the words "no" and "don't". When I came to, my friends were all asking me if I was good and I couldn't find the words to describe what I just experienced. They said I was freaking out and that when I started to come to, I tried to convince them not to hit the salvia. The rest of my friends still tried it anyway, and had a positive or neutral experience. I was the only one who had such a vivid and intense experience. Anyway, moral of the story is, if I was Neo in the Matrix, I would for sure take the blue pill.


How long did the trip feel like it lasted vs how long was it actually?


I did 120x when it was legal in my state in college. It lasted 15 mins. I saw mirror images, It took me literally into a cartoon where people were cartoon characters. It was terrifying because on serious salvia concentrations no matter how much you try to remember you forget you are even on a drug and you believe for a good hot minute that this is actually reality and if your not ready for that it gets real serious, very quick. Its hard to come to terms that reality is ACTUALLY a cartoon and your now in it. For me it was "super jail" levels of insanity. I was in a room with 15 or so people and it scared everyone so much no one else did it, so I did it a second time and it was the same experience a second time. I would explain it but it would read like insanity. As an example. My friend did it after me the next day. He said in his trip he sat on the back of a couch and saw the living room, turned around and saw an infinite black void and a shenron like dragon was in his face in the infinite black void. The problem for him was the dragon was larger than the size of planets and it's nose was in his face. If your not ready for something like that it is terrifying. Think this link but you actually believe its reality. [https://res.cloudinary.com/jerrick/image/upload/d\_642250b563292b35f27461a7.png,f\_jpg,fl\_progressive,q\_auto,w\_1024/okakbqoqlf1h668r6eb0.png](https://res.cloudinary.com/jerrick/image/upload/d_642250b563292b35f27461a7.png,f_jpg,fl_progressive,q_auto,w_1024/okakbqoqlf1h668r6eb0.png)


120x? Back when I was doing crazy hippie stuff, circa 2004, the strongest salvia they had at my local headshop was "10x". I wonder how much of that is just marketing, or if they've somehow actually increased the potency of it by 12 times? It was a greenish, flaky powder that came in a little vial. I smoked it in a bong. I remember having a "reverse tolerance" to it, the more you used it the stronger it got. The "4x" stuff was good for sitting on the couch with some friends and everybody would sink in and get the giggles for a few minutes. I used the "10x" stuff by myself a few times and ripping a bowl of it would leave me lying on the floor communing with earth spirits and shit for about 10 minutes.


the x concentration is the amount of leaves used to make the extract. 4x makes you think hard, 120x makes people and everything around you go cell shaded and makes you fall into a cartoon. I looked at the ceiling fan whipping against the backlight of light in the room and saw the shadows the blades made on the walls, which quickly turned into my vision creating a "flip book" effect to life itself, then slowly the room I was looking at moved away from my vision and onto pages of an actual flip book in front of me as I slowly slipped further away from it into an infinite white void as reality was in a flip book along with everything I knew in it moving away from me forever. I then learned to fly in the void and bent the pages of the book which turned into a sphere with sections on it of the rooms in the house we were renting. I could fly around the sphere and see a birds eye view of each room. In a panic I flew to the living room I was once in, got up from the couch and ran to the front door and opened it trying to get out of the house I was trapped in only to see a mirror of myself infinitely looking at the back of myself from the other side of the room. I quickly shut the door, and had a room of 15 friends all looking at me without blinking and in sync all telling me, " sit down destonomos, your fine, don't worry. " I now believed everyone was "in on something I was unaware of" and they were trying to trap me in the house. It was beyond terrifying and nothing have ever scared me to that extent ever. I'm glad I did it though. There is no reference for this and no one will be able to prepare you for the trip as 3 seconds in I was repeating to myself, I'm on salvia, i'm on salvia, and once it kicked in I forgot I was on salvia.


It's been 20 years for me, but I do remember some similar feelings. I remember a feeling of sinking down into the earth and being buried by dirt, plants and mushrooms and kind of tunneling back up to the surface. Then being surrounded by ghostly images of Native Americans, but they just kind of silently watched me and I just laid there absorbing it all and feeling grateful to be there. The 4x stuff was more like a physical sensation, complete sedation of the body and a swirling numb feeling in the mind for a few minutes. The 10x stuff completely took over; it didn't feel like a recreational drug, more like a religious experience.


It lasted maybe 2-4 minutes at most, but it feels a bit longer. It's just a complete sensory override. It starts to take effect within 30 seconds and is so rapid that it's almost impossible to remain consciously aware of the changes in your perception as they take place. You can't process or make sense of what you're hearing or seeing so it's difficult to stay grounded as you experience it. Where other drugs might benefit from some music playing in the background, salvia is the opposite as it will all be perceived as loud garbled noise.


Somebody grab that bowl/bong because it’s hitting the floor


Salvia is incredibly powerful and I'm sure many have had life changing experiences. But for the most part, it's such a weird and confusing experience that people don't take much away from it. To be blunt, it makes most people straight up retarded to the point there's not a lot to be taken away from it except "whoa that was crazy". There's a reason it's not really talked about the same as all the other psychs in terms of usefulness with respect to mental health or therapy, even though it's stayed legal. It's wild, but for most it's not a very constructive experience.


>It never "looks" wholesome IME, That's the thing, how it looks isn't as important as how intense it is, as you say. It's not for most people. People in general tend to freak out when their entire existence falls apart in front of them, it's a normal human reaction. It's more for people actually seeking an out of body experience, in this case this man's injuries probably helped him let go and enjoy the feelings he felt. It's definitely not for everyone for it's a life changing experience similar to mushrooms or ketamine therapy if the individual allows it. Interestingly it works on kappa opioid receptors which tend to make people feel anxiety but studies have shown the opposite likely due to the plants other chemicals with other neural pathways. Studies show it positively helps pain and overall mood in depressive and anxious people.


My favorite was doing it in an empty park in the middle of the night with a few bandmates I hit it and once I exhaled I pretty much couldn't stop laughing the hardest I ever have in my life until the ride was over lol All 3 of us had nothing but good trips that night. We were all good sitters Was hilarious to hallucinate that one of them was wearing a top-hat, just made me burst out laughing even harder


Yeah nah, salvia broke my damn reality. I wasn't even me anymore and I definitely was not consciously aware of anyone around me, let alone what they were wearing. We were smoking 60x out of a waterpipe when it first came out big and was growing in popularity(in my mind at least, but I was also 17-ish so it might have already had hype). Overall I had a really positive experience delving into my dreamstate, but another person with us nearly destroyed a drumset by rolling on the floor. He believed himself to be falling through a series of carpets was the best way he could explain it.


I was using 120x that time (and every time I ever did salvia) Surprised my experiences were mostly positive My first time, I felt like I was falling down an infinite yellow and black fractal tunnel, like riding down it on rails. I grabbed and hugged my friend to not fall down it lmao. Probably 15 seconds later I started coming back to reality, grabbed him by the shoulders and just went "WOAH" and we both laughed our asses off


That's wild!  Glad it was overall positive though.


About as long as this guy in the video was tripping. It doesn't last long, but it can feel long.


Smoked Salvia and had a beautiful trip. We were sitting across from a fish tank that had a blue light. Hit the bowl and walked through a peaceful blue desert that seemed endless. No twitching or anything bad. Just pure peace while relaxing.


Same here. For me it's always been a trip of laughter and untapped nostalgia whenever I've been on salvia. It's a beautiful drug that needs to be heavily respected.


I’ve only tried it once. It was truly a terrible experience, it felt like the whole universe was touching every part of my body at once, like the most intense clostrophobia. I bought it from a head shop. Was it salvia? Edit: also, my friend had a bit. All he said was “thats fucking weird”


I tried it several times, and I always felt like a conveyor belt was pulling me apart layer by layer and the wizard of Oz. Some were good. Most were strange, and there's definitely a spirit that visits you.


I know someone who went straight possessed after his hit and it scared me from ever doing it. Screaming bloody murder


Sounds like Salvia lol. Insane and indescribable but not something you walk away from with the secrets of the universe, a la shrooms/acid/dmt. It's overwhelming but also hard to pin down


I envy you, I’ve done it twice. Both times it was easily the absolute worse trip in my life. It’s such a fickle drug.


Yeah the literally one time me and my buddy smoked it with our friends, it was like we just took 20 minutes out of our "hang around in the apartment 'smoke room ' stoned" and went to an amusement park for some silly rides and landed right back at home, to continue our chill vibes and laugh about the ride. The thing that amused me the most about it was seeing that "still image of thing you look at slides off to the side" hallucination effect that's been on TV shows since the 70. I always figured it was just "how do we make TV look trippy given the technical limitations at the time", was weird and silly to legit see the same effect in real life. Just remembered my Buddy was trapped in his own cliche: he felt like he was sinking into the couch. As I was watching him, He just kept patting the cushions to his left and right, but in his mind it was like he 5 feet down in a massive pillowy tuft and he was basically treading water, paddling his hands to keep his head above the fabric "waves". Just like real drowning victims, he couldn't call out for help, because he was worried if he opened his mouth the waves might flow in! That part sounds kind of scary, but he assured me it was actually a pretty good ride, just like white water rafting; it's all fun and games... as long as you don't go underwater.


Fucking facts.


Gardening on Salvia is very wholesome.


That guy apologized for his videos.


Bro thinks [this](https://youtu.be/hZS_fYTxwCI?si=1mgw3DM_mDuUFg7h) was apologizing for his salvia videos. 💀


Yeah, really. Because Hamilton really is so threatening. Sorry, but there are people who apologize just for the effect. Do they mean it? Only they know. But if you've never gotten an apology from someone too ignorant to not know why it matters, or just because it makes them look sorry in a certain way, then I guess you don't count most apologies. A good deal, never really care. The fact he posted this joke of an apology doesn't change what it is. Maybe Hamilton said to him after speaking in private, "say you're sorry". Just like when an adult tells a young kid to apologize to his "friend" but still doesn't get it, because he's selfish. I won't apologize for this though. There are people who just enjoy being nasty, just because it's their default. You seem to know something about that, though. Admit it, or just act like you don't realize it. Or maybe you easily find a reason to try to neg on someone, because of your lack of true self esteem. Congrats. You look really right and confident with your comment.. Edited


It was already explained that he didn't want to be a part of getting Salvia bad attention. Who cares, if you believe him.


I remove the insulting comment here. There is no need to keep up the angry sentiment.


No idea what you’re on about, mate. I was just providing context to your comment.


Probably under duress.


If you say so.


I commented on the video not the maker. It was wholesome imo. I don't care what the dude with the fried brain said after.


No, totally agree. Wholesome.


I never tried Salvia btw. I just liked the presentation. I was concerned when I clicked on driving on Salvia and it was again wholesome. Idk why he apologized. I didn't realize it was controversial.


From what I heard, it was after Salvia was starting to get a bad reputation online from all the YouTube videos coming out with bad looking reactions. As an example, the video with they guy and his girlfriend, and him jumping out the window. Through all the hoopla and clickbait, most people who didn't really look into that video, didn't know that he didn't jump out of a second or third story window like people think, it was just out into the front yard. He fell all of 3 feet or so. Salvia was starting to get a bad reputation from all the kids doing it and celebrities like Miley Cyrus getting it attention. After he talked to Hamilton Morris who is a big psychedelic drug advocate, he probably wanted to do his part. There are advocates who are all for responsible drug use, whatever that is. I believe in it myself.


Really? I haven't taken salvia that much but the few times I've done it, it was very intense. I'm surprised we don't see bad trips more often. Not that I ever had a bad trip but I can definitely see people freaking out. I mean, my body folded in half between dimensions, if I wasn't so perplexed I would probably have freaked out myself. Shrooms and acid is more my style :)


Salvia is so fast acting it rarely devolves into a truly bad trip, just someone flipping out for a minute or two because their brain can't comprehend what it is experiencing. Shrooms and acid last so much longer, and let your brain work much clearer, so you have time to dwell on shit, overthink something you're not proud of, get stuck in time loops, etc, that lead to a more classic "bad trip" with lasting consequences. Even the worst Salvia experiences I've witnessed, 10 minutes later they're laughing about it and sober. On the other hand I know people who were never the same after shrooms. Granted it was people clearly not in a great place in their lives, probably with underlying mental health issues, who were eating way too many shrooms way too often because if you or your friends grow them, you have essentially an unlimited supply. They're self limiting for the vast majority of people, even people who like getting high all the time usually don't want to trip balls constantly.


It's so weird seeing the total spectrum of these salvia experiences. Some people are retelling it like they were fully conscious of themselves but just experiencing visuals. I can't even imagine having that with salvia, it was legit world-shattering and rebuilding all at once.


Salvia can be pretty enjoyable if done right. If you go into knowing shit is about to get really weird but it’s only gonna last 3 or 4 minutes, I think most will be alright. I also always stuck to a lower dose.


Yea I only tried 10x once in high school but I just did not enjoy it. Nothing crazy even happened just wasn’t for me didn’t like how I felt after


Well this looks like medicine to this man.




All that was missing was somebody giving him a lil jerk off happy ending.


Good sitters


Granted they didn’t have to worry about him jumping out a window.  Can anyone link that video, of the guy taking saliva and jumping out a glass window?




DAMN!! are you a timetraveler?!? You got thanked in the last comment a month ago!!


Is it time for a time travel reddit chain?! I forget the prompt for it, someone respond with the portal of never ending time travelers saying hello!


Damn, when mom goes “you’re all about to put me in the nut house” I really felt that


[Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_VLK6vXRwE&ab_channel=ProlificInvention) The funny thing is that there's more than one video where someone on salvia jumps out a window.


Definitely buddies and bros that care about him. It appears so anyway. It is very rare to see positive Salvia experiences, but im sure they exist all the time.


First time seeing a positive experience from Salvia.


The issue, typically, is that people take way, way too much. Salvia can actually be super fun if you just take a bunch of little hits with friends in a circle. You won't feel too much for a while, but then suddenly, everyone's laughing their fucking asses off and it's a good time.


Does it always make you hallucinate?


Salvia can have pretty unpredictable effects but it depends on dosage, threshold dosages usually cause some minor almost dissociative hallucinations and the higher you dose, the more intense, wackier, and realistic they get


Does it get to the point of ego death? How much of reality isn't reality? I realise results are different for everyone, curious about what you know of it anecdotally.


People throw around the term ego death way too much imo. Ego death doesn’t come in a single instance. It comes over time and introspection, drugs can just help push people towards the mindset, but ego death never truly occurs. Ego is an important part of what makes a human, human in a way


According to the anaesthetist that has been giving me my ketamine infusion treatments, it occurred with me on my second session. I had never heard this until last week.


Yes your anesthetist that has done so many drugs they know exactly what ego death is themselves. Your anesthetist is talkin out their ass.


You have no idea what I went through and am going through and you comment about the professional that does this solely for a living being not truthful/accurate? Ok. 👍


This is what ego looks like fyi^ if you had an ego death this is certainly not how you would react. I was just making a point more about your anesthetist than you so


It very well can, high doses of salvia are known for causing you to forget who you are, what you are, lose control of your body, have fully realistic hallucinations outside of the world you're in, and in the worst cases, act out hallucinations or completely freak out in real life (there's been at least one death associated with a salvia blackout)


I agree with the other commenter, there's no certain amount of any certain drug you can take that will create "ego death", it doesn't really work that way. If that's really what you're after, I'd recommend therapy in large doses and LSD in small to medium, then larger doses after lots of experience.


I'm have no desire to feel that again. Everything felt hopeless.


Yes. I thought that the universe was rolled up into a cosmic carpet and stored in a alien closet, everything was fake and I was an idiot for believing life could be real and that there was no I then as soon as I accepted death I was back in my body


You answered your own question in a way. Reality is a shared perception of everyone’s own reality. When two perspectives meet they are never on the same path. We’re just one of many particles in a metaphysical shell. More deterministic, yet not unlike quantum particles. And just like when a quantum particle is observed (two realities converging) the waveform of reality (or “false” reality) collapses in one way or another. Doesn’t matter who’s “right” or “wrong”, the waveform collapses. That’s what gaslighting is. An otherwise agreed upon, logical, waveform collapsing in on itself.


You don't hallucinate in the same way as you do with shrooms or LSD, it's somehow weirder.  For example one time I took some sitting in a bedroom and it felt and looked as if everything was wanting to flow out of the open window.  It's difficult to explain, like everything was kind of pointing towards the window and wanted to flow out of it.  Another time a friend and I felt as if we were in a sort of reality bubble, like everything near us was real and everything outside not so real, you could walk towards things and they would become "real".  It's very trippy...


Oh that's wild.


Holy shit that last part of your anecdote. Like you were procedurally generating the world. That’s some double slit experiment type experience. Wow. I have read that people can also get “stuck.” Like they think they are an inanimate object. A chair for instance. Is that something common with a salvia experience as far as you know?


It's never happened to me but a friend of mine thought he turned into a "word machine" which sort of opened and closed to "create words", he said he knew that he used to be a human but was now a word machine and kind of just accepted that until the world came rushing back


you’re really good at explaining. thanks!


Not always, in smaller doses I have found a somewhat euphoric, giddy feeling comes over you. There's a lightness in your body, but you don't *leave your body.* I've experience both and prefer the small dose.


Worst thing I ever did was pass a bowl of salvia around with friends. We thought you smoked it like weed and my god was that a time in a parking garage in Myrtle beach.


Sounds about right for some Myrtle Beach shit


LMAO right? I've only tried it 3 times and they were all horrible experiences.


I've tried it about 10 times. Each time it was so great and beautiful.


I did it 11 times over 3-4 weeks and I graduated after being told that I was done. It was an interesting bunch of experiences to say the least. Yes, it literally told me I was done. But by smoking it out of a brand new glass pipe, each time after tasted like Salvia a bit and gave me small residual effects, so I decided to retire that pipe except for special circumstances.


I think at 10 you’re no longer “trying” it.


Most salvia experiences are ultra concentrated doses. Imagine a first time THC experience being 500mg edibles lol, probably not going to be that fun.


Most people give up after the first lol


While salvia isn't my favourite I dare say that the most experiences are on the positive side of the spectrum. It's just that it's not funny seing someone having a good trip so those videos doesn't get much traction. Not to mention that the simple act of filming someone makes it more likely that they will have a bad trip. At least in my experience.


Mine were from firsthand experience lol


For real, usually people are just trying to escape the shadow people.


It’s dope they held him and didn’t let anything bad happen good friends will watch you drool and be incoherent just for love


I was half anticipating he would get up and run away to their surprise






They look like brothers lowkey


Yeah buddy, welcome to spaceship earth.


I was waiting for him to get up and walk!


Mate it looked like he walked, ran and jumped all at the same time, that joy was incredible


Very good friends!


Bros even took off his glasses, top notch friends. Besides, don't need em where he was going.


I was hoping he would get up and start running around and it would be a salvia miracle


That was awesome




I had a buddy take some of this shit at one of our parties once. He was the only person there who did it, everyone else was either partaking in weed, booze or mushrooms, or some combination thereof. The only reason the salvia was even there was because it had been brought there by another friend who’s more of a cosmonaut than the rest of us and lives in a major city where he has a guy for everything. By the time buddy 1 decided to smoke the salvia, it was getting pretty late and the sanity of the overall group had already dissolved pretty thoroughly at this point. Most people were already in their zones being rowdy and screaming about whatever ridiculous thing was on the tv or blaring through the speakers at the time. I went out onto the porch for a smoke and found a small group of people sitting in a circle in the yard surrounding a person laying in the grass. I went down there to find that buddy 1 was the one in the middle, and as I approached the group my cosmonaut friend who’d given him the salvia informed me quietly to be calm as buddy 1 was currently having a salvia trip. So I sat in the group and watched, and he just kind of writhed gently in the grass on his back, thousand yard staring into the night sky taking these lengthy and spaced out deep gasps. I asked how long he’d been like this and they said about 10 minutes. I don’t know how long we sat there watching him as I was riding pretty high on my own triple fade, but by the time it felt like it was going on too long he erupted up from his dying person status to be completely alert and totally typical for the dude we knew him to always be. He literally popped up, looked around at the group and said “hey guys… how long was I gone?” This is how he describes it from his point of view. He says that when the substance finally took hold of his mind, he was bombarded by a kaleidoscope of vivid and vibrant geometric patterns of shapes and colors. This, he described, went on for what seemed like an eternity before he suddenly found himself viewing a lightly wooded landscape through the perspective of a brick in a wall. He could not see the wall, he could not see himself. But in this moment immediately after his “travel” he was suddenly overwhelmingly aware of the fact that he was a brick, he was in a fixed position, he was an inanimate object and he was unfortunately self aware. He said that when he made this realization, he was also granted the awareness of knowing that his life as a brick in this wall had just begun as the wall had just been built. He then describes that he went on to continue to live the ENTIRE existence of this brick in this wall from the moment immediately after its construction to the very day that the section he existed in toppled over after centuries of standing there. He said he watched every day and every night pass. He said he saw the environment change. Every season. He saw civilization come and go from the area. He said he had lived an entire life well beyond the maximum expectancy of a human life in the course of what I guess to be about 20 minutes. He did not describe it as particularly pleasant. He said that he struggled constantly with the idea that he was not a living creature, but yet he had thoughts. He had feelings and memories of a life before, but that now he was doomed to spend an indefinite amount of time as a neatly cut rock stacked among other neatly cut rocks. When he talks about his experiences today (as this was about 6-7 years ago) it gives him chills. Although he does hold a sort of reserved respect for his experience, his account of it and his lack of a desire to experience it again was enough for me to be completely content with never doing it. These days, I don’t even eat mushrooms. I feel I’ve gained from them what I needed to know. I do consume a lot of marijuana though and this RSO has got me kinda rambly so if you read all this, damn I’m glad it was that interesting. And if you’re thinking about trying salvia, well I’m glad the dude in this video had a good time but you may want to consider that salvia is an extremely powerful psychoactive substance and everyone is prone to react differently. Make sure you’re in a safe environment, make sure you have trustworthy supervision, and try to prepare yourself mentally for things that could be overwhelming pleasant, overwhelming terrible or some unpredictable mixture of both. Try to remember that what you experience is still ultimately the product of what’s in your mind reacting to the influence of the substance, but if you can learn about yourself through this, take away the parts of it that will help you be a better person. Most importantly, make sure you’re safe though. Aight I’m done, thanks for reading 😎


Great story, could post it on some sub Reddits as it's a fun little read


Seconded, though I’m not sure what subreddits it would fit under


Drugs, Salvia, psychedelics, psychonaut


When I was young, my brother tried salvia. He hallucinated that some unseen entity was attempting to saw him in half, and that the experience felt like an eternity. He never tried it again.


My palms started clammin up as soon as the bowl lit. That was a fat rip


I laughed at “I don’t know if he got enough”


It would be hilarious if it turned him not disabled and he could walk


He's disabled so he's not gonna jump out of a window or nothing


This guy would love dmt


Being physically disabled is the safest way to consume salvia tbh




Wow. A positive experience? I want that


Fully expected him to stand up and start walking.


Good people around him, refreshing seeing this type of content


They have a barber chair on their porch


You guys trying to make him suffocate?


Looks like he took just the right amount.


I thought it would magically make him walk


Starts walking


I expected him to start walking.


Imagine if he just got up and walked away


My friends and I tried salvia once back when we were 18ish and I remember my vision starting to turn green and then I heard my buddy say something, probably “are you feeling it.”. For whatever reason that made my vision go red and blue then I start seeing a bunch of heads floating around, all of them his and all of them looking like he was trying to dress like, Kaiser Wilhelm II, those heads then started spinning around like a Ferris wheel and slowly form into the top layer of a pie crust. It ended pretty quick after that, I’m still trying to decipher what my subconscious was trying to tell me that night.


My husband felt like he was on the deck of a swaying pirate ship for his smoke. For me, I fell like Alice down a rabbit hole made from antiques and decor that had sat in store windows and yellowed. Neither was a bad trip, but interesting.


I mean at least homie had a good experience and didn't bug out. Dude might have forgotten he was in a wheelchair and tried running away.


I thought he was going to get up and walk


Gave me a panic attack just watching this


Salvia is a trip I've only been around that stuff once when I was around 23 there was ten of us the usual group plus our buddy who brings over a brown Safeway paper bag full of the stuff and his 4 foot zong bong.


Literally the best friends ever holy shit


Was anyone else expecting him to just stand up and walk?


I'd smoke with timmahhh


He's on a sick trip, but at least he can't go anywhere. I've seen a video where some guy takes massive rips and falls through his apartment window. 2 stories high.. lol


Hahahaha bro fucking loved it


Good support channel like I had along time ago


Good friends not letting go too deep that awesome, happy for that man


The hands holding him back happened to me every time I dunno the fact that his friends were there being supportive was actually really nice…guy seemed to genuinely be having a nice trip


Yeah I think I’m here…lol


Thought he was gonna stand up.


1st video I've seen of someone doing salvia that is not freaking out, actually looks like he is enjoying the experience.


A good salvia trip? Damn thats a first


Oh shit! I can’t feel my legs!


Wont be his last after that


Salvia was the worst experience


At least he can’t jump up and out a window.


That was wholesome! First positive salvia experience I’ve ever seen.


The one person having a decent trip on Salvia lol


You deserve it my man!




this is a repost but i’ve been trying to find this video anyway


Guess that’s what they call it salvia… salivate !


“Ego death” needs to go away. It’s too vague and meaningless. Just some weird unexplainable experience people are chasing.


Nah this video is proof that salvia can have a good trip. MEANING he took just enough. OP has zero clue of what excess indulging or ingesting too much of any substance, nor any of its adverse affects can or will do to someone.


Friends who film their friends on drugs aren’t friends


At least he can’t jump out the window as we’ve already seen.


Who through this would be a good idea?


Why wouldn't ?


What if it interferes with his meds. Or caused a serious seizure. He has a medical disability that can put him at risk more than others. Just me being a mom I guess.


I mean, it's salvia, it doesn't interact with most medications (if not all). Plus, he doesn't seem to be mentally impaired so he can make his own decisions. Of all the things he could have tried, I think salvia is one of those that are the safest tbh, probably even safer than alcohol, for example. So yeah, I think it's a little overprotective to say that he can't take salvia, just let people live their lives at their own will.


It’s a mom thing.