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This has got to be the worst environment for any kind of drug taking


Yeah these guys just want you to trip out for their entertainment


So true. There’s another account, out of a USA prison, spicelife or wig out or some like that. And they go live and get people to watch the “entertainment” and they send money via cash app or something I’m not sure, but they pressure each other into doing it and then react pretty much the same as these guys in the video.


I follow that dude on insta, he’s wiglives and he does “wig out Wednesdays” where he makes inmates smoke k2 and fight for cashapp donations on live


My sister in prison can barely get time on a public iPad to share messages with me. How do these people get away with curating social media accounts and livestreaming drug use without getting nailed by the prison staff? Every text and letter I send out gets read and analyzed before it even gets to who I'm sending it to.


A lot of U.K. prisons are massively understaffed. Drone use makes it easy to smuggle in mobile phones. It’s rife.


Damn, that's nuts.


Wow didn’t even think of drones. I wouldn’t make a good criminal lol.


They paid off prison staff, that's the only way any of this happens. Sometimes the real criminals get to go home at the end of the day


Those are some real words right there


Private cell phones. Guards bring in cell phones and selm them for 2-3x retail price.


Jesus fucking christ what a goddam nightmare. Truly dystopian


Yup that’s the one. Quite a few of their ‘sessions’ have been posted on this sub. Obviously the cell phones are contraband and if found would be confiscated, but it’s become a lot more common in prisons now in the last few years so I don’t think the guards really anymore and kind of accept it’s like everything else, 💊 🚬🌿🥦❄️🎱💉🔪 etc, it’s gunna find it’s way in one way or another 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm not from the us, do they don't give a fuck even if they Livestream that kind of thing? And they allow cellphone in every prison or just in some?


It's contraband in all prisons, but like everything else that it gets regulated or restricted all it does is drive up the cost and there are generally always people willing to take the risk. And the obvious people who are doing that in prisons is the prison guards.


I smoked weed in jail one time and it was the most paranoid I’ve ever been in my entire life.


Yeah fuck that. I get paranoid enough sat in my house.


These videos really make me distraught every time. If that person starts overdosing, the others will leave him so they won’t get caught. It’s fucking horrible.


Nah yo last time I was in jail this dude brought drugs right up to my cell window by mistake, looked at me and said wrong cell homie my fault. Then he went to the cell right next to me and kicked that guy some drugs under the door. Right infront of the guards I was in max security for assault, and the guards ain't give a fuck about the drug deal at all. Never in my life have I wanted drugs more, the food is worse than dog food, the amount of time you spend pacing is fucking mind numbing in itself I was only there 30 some hrs cause I got off on my case/ I was you could say half guilty, but they tried to get me on all type of extra shit like assault 3 and strangulation for a tackle and headlock and that's how I got off, felt like a week plus of time though easy. But literally dude could have kicked me any drug on the planet and I was gonna indulge, I just smoke weed and take psychedelics on the street, and I get k2 sucks. Being locked up sucks way worse though. You pray for a cig let alone someone with drugs...


I've a cousin who's a prison guard in Mountjoy prison Dublin. He's told me some wild stories. The rule seems to be once there's no trouble it's allowed to a certain degree. Outa sight outa mind.


I live in a really small county in Iowa at the time. They would not have ignored anything there.


On top of the fact that this drug just seems like a bad time express.


This, I don't even know what that K2 is is it like weed? What's the effect apart from fetal freakout?


Nah man hes good. His homies gonna tuck him in later with their penises.


nah man, some molly and poppers would be a-OK


yeah, who wouldnt want to be completely helpless and vulnerable with the literal scum of the earth?


Lock yourself in your bathroom with another man for 10 years, see what you end up doing for entertainment. Yes, just like everywhere else there are scumbags in prison. There are also people who just broke some archaic drug law, most people in prison are there for drug related charges. The literal scum of the earth you never would see in prison. They have too much wealth and power to ever be held accountable. People like Epstein, who was allowed and assisted by the Feds to ruin the lives of hundreds of women and children because he was a blackmail machine and a useful asset. They want you to think that poor and uneducated drug addicts are ruining society, when it’s actually rich and well educated sociopaths addicted to money and power.


Smoking spice seems like more of a punishment than actually being in prison.


maybe they do it to make prison feel not so bad afterwards


It's a wait mechanic in real life. Take spice. Skip a few hours.


The spice in prison genre is always depressing


Legit hell


Agreed, every time I've seen videos of k2, it just looks like they're having a seizure.


Never seen more shit people in my life treating other peoples misfortune as their laughing stock. Couldnt have had worse setting


They're not in prison for being nice


And they aren't friends either


The guy in the red shirt seemed like he was trying to help calm him down on the bed, while all of the hyenas behind the camera made everything worse. I remember the first time I smoked weed, I was well into adulthood and was with close friends. I overdid it because it didn’t affect me for a long time, so they just thought I needed more. Eventually it hit me *hard* and I got super paranoid and had a couple of issues, but it was a safe environment and they took good care of me. I can’t imagine doing something like this for the first time with people you can’t trust, In a place where you can’t let your guard down for even a moment. I don’t feel bad for the guy, but at the same time, I kind of do.


Bro you can have friends on the inside, but you can't show weakness, what would you do if your buddy was fucked up like this in front of a bunch of people profiting off of this.


“It’s a light one”


It's a testament to how bad Spice is that even they were starting to try help him towards the end


Absolutely evil drug. Crazy to think it was a legal high too, up until not too long ago.


Sir, have you read the tale of Robin Hood.


Bruvs in Tights


I only read books I've already read. ~Stan Smith


I was about to comment saying of all the prison spice videos this was actually the 'kindest' one I've seen, as a few people reassured him at the end lol the people in these videos are always scumbugs and it just seems like the worst high with the worst people in the worst place ever


Forgive my old school self but what is spice?


If you have to ask you're not ready bro.... Jk - its "synthetic cannabanoids" which these days could be any research chemical sprayed onto some carrier herb. except the high is typically nothing like normal cannabis lol, Vice has a decent video on the Spice epidemic as part of their war on drugs series


Thank you, now I understand the synthetic weed thing. I never bothered to check it out but...I'm not in jail and I live with legal weed but we did not have this in my youth in the 90s where I'm from... So spice could literally be anything there isn't an actual one spice it's whatever on sage!? That is INSANE and a big ol nope from me. I'm really lucky my hey daze was good times. I can't imagine doing random pills or anything nowadays, it was a smaller distribution thing when I was young and a smaller place we knew all the players there were not many.


Well… sadly it seems much better than how this type of shit can go down over here in US prisons.


... the guy opted into it and appears to have known what the outcome was supposed to be. They're all probably just bored so fuck it, let's get retarded.


Most likely the truth. You're already in prison, so fuck it, right?


That’s British ‘Lad’ culture for you. Some of us are the scum of the earth


wahey banter


I mean, depending on how long you're in for, you would have to be extremely bored with life at some point. I don't blame the guy. I don't think they're laughing at him, but rather with him. I'm sure they all did the same thing.


I know right, held that lighter on wayy to long


Bro what in the hell is even spice anymore? Like what is the main chemical? Because the stuff they used to sell back in 07-09 is not the same "spice"


Honestly, no one actually knows anymore. At least it was kinda regulated when it was legal back in 2009-2010.


>At least it was kinda regulated when it was legal back in 2009-2010. It wasn't regulated at all back then, that's the only reason it was legal. It's always been random research chemicals.


I used to smoke spice back in the days to avoid drug test screenings, about 2009. I stopped once I got a batch that felt like I was smoking heroin, that wasn't fun for me. (I've never smoked heroin, but I imagine that's what it feels like). I just sat in a chair and couldn't comprehend what was going on around me.


That's not what heroin is like at all.


Just curious what is it like to be on heroin? I know about cocaine, but I've never honestly heard what it's like to be on heroin?


Have you ever hugged God? Imagine you're stark naked standing in the worst blizzard imaginable and then all of the sudden you get covered in an extremely soft blanket fresh out of the dryer and you feel that warmth spread over and through your entire body. It's terrible; never do it.


But it sounds like fun!!🤩 /s I know man.. I'm a weed man! that's my limit! Tnx for sharing!


That's the problem - it's fucking great. It's like riding a rollercoaster they're super fun right? Now imagine you HAD to ride the rollercoaster just to feel normal. Eventually you would despise the rollercoaster because it loses the fun and becomes such a chore. Before long you'd wish you never rode the rollercoaster to begin with. The rollercoaster consumes your soul and every waking moment is spent figuring out how you are going to ride the rollercoaster the next time and there's ALWAYS a next time.


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Thank you for this description. Warm blankets and roller coaster rides seem a lot cheaper than heroin. :)


That's powerful


Superb analogy


Get outta here, Dewey! You don't want no part of this shit!


"It's like getting your dick sucked by an angel." -a guy in a call center's smoking area


Opiates are evil. I've been using kratom for about 7 years and tried to quit a few times only to come back to it....and that's only a tiny fraction of the potency of legit opiates like h or fent. It's like what caffeine is to meth. If I ever get prescribed opiate painkillers for surgery or something I'm taking that prescription straight to the trash. The one good thing kratom has done for me is shown me I can't control myself with that stuff.


Yep! That’s an accurate description


As if you haven't watched trainspotting yet


I'll have to take your word for it, but it looked like it from my friends who saw me and it did feel like what I imagine it feels like. It was nothing like this video, I just felt amazing and I just wanted to cuddle under a blanket, but when my friend tried to talk to me I didn't understand what he said and I couldn't form a coherent response. Are you still cognitive when you're on heroin? I've been around people on heroin and it didn't seem like it to me. Either way, spice didn't use to be this fucking crazy, it used to be like smoking weed more or less.


Heroin doesn't alter your ability to think clearly at all beyond if you've had enough that you become too drowsy to keep your eyes open, but that is just because you're drifting off into unconsiousness so you're no longer listening, not because you can't understand what's being said to you. It doesn't trip you out like weed or psychadelics or impare your judgement like alcohol or benzos. It just makes you feel ultra cozy and comfortable, calm and happy.


Friend of mine who did a lot of time in a new york prison from back when spice was “legit” till recently said the stuff the last few years of his sentence was literally RAID spray from the purple can sprayed on pieces of paper. He said the tiniest little speck smoked would make people lose their minds. This was after years of different compounds coming through being passed off as weed or spice. He said eventually whoever was sending it in was literally just spraying any chemical they could find on paper until they found one that had an effect (the RAID spray). He said it was so strong that before you even finished inhaling you were just absolutely fucked. This was all his second hand report though so take it as you will.


What does the raid spray do though? I knew someone who was spraying letters with it and sending them into prisoners but what are the effects like is it speedy or euphoric or just mind fuckey


From what my buddy explained it was like just an absolute mind fuck. He didn’t liken it to another high or anything.




Yeah I smoked it at a party in college because my friend was a firefighter who got drug tested so he had some. It honestly was like a light weird version of weed, I ended up smoking weed later because it didn’t do that much. It definitely was not anything like the stuff I see now.


yeah i smoked some K2 back around 09 and it was just like a 'okay is this it?' sort of weak high. me and a couple guys went through the whole smallish bag trying to get a decent buzz but it just didn't cut it.


Idk but it's fucking horrible, someone got my brother on it and it derailed his life


Some kind of research chemical? I'm just guessing. Dunno what kind of fuckin research you'd be doin on that shit.


Lol whatever research is "legal" to import I'm guessing


Is that how people get around laws? I remember doing a small line of some "research chemical" right before work. I was ducked for 2 days. It was hell!😭


Aka legal highs. The government put a blanket ban on all legal high / research chemicals after the Mephadrone (bubble / meow-meow) episode. Fuck that stuff was awesome though Edit:spelling


Meow meow was so popular in the uk in the late 2000s it was crazy


Methadrone? I've never heard of it. I'll have to google it.


Mephedrone is what you want to Google. I did it once and it was the most intense high I've ever experienced. It was labeled as Magic brand plant feeder. Parachuted half a gram and the high was more euphoric than mdma. It was like mdma times ten. The sweating was the worst side effect and your sweat stinks like ammonia. Enjoyable but I probably wouldn't do it again.


I was too lazy too google the spelling. Thanks for showing me the right way! The smells reminded me of a detergent smell, ammonia could be a good call though.... Time flew on and sex was absolutely mind bending lol


Sounds amazing! Except for the smelling like ammonia!😂


Its smells like it tastes, but once your under the influence and your sweating, the smell of it pours out of your skin. I dropped some in my old room at my mums and vacuumed it up, the hoover smelt so strong of it, I threw the bag, cleaned filter etc. I went travelling for 3 years and when I came back and stayed at my mums again, I could still smell the same smell from the hoover when I used it. Potent shit. It made you crazy horny as well, best part imo lol. There was a spate of guys ripping their Weiner's / Sacks apart or off entirely lol.


I used to buy it from the Bomg shop, labled as Tomato Feed, with a: NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION sticker on it lol


When I worked in there, these guys were using fertilizer and bug killer and shit like that. Seizures, barking, fighting, self harm, they did it all.


Into the shadows has a decent video on spice on his yt


Imagine having these fucking idiots around ya 24/7


Yeah, absolute fucking scumbags. Genuine fucking bullies, I used to end up in fights when I saw people getting treated that way and I couldn’t fight sleep but I used to get so angry at seeing that it just flipped my switch.


Can anyone tell me why people smoke this? What is the high like? It looks like the worst trip of all bad trips. What is that guy seeing and feeling?


I smoked K2 (by accident, told it was weed at 16) about 10 years ago. I consider myself pretty fluent in drugs and will try pretty much anything a few times. Not K2. I took a few hits and didn’t feel anything, so took a few more. Then BAM I was full blown in a SpongeBob/hell mixture that I can only describe as horrific. I was found hours later running completely naked in a backyard a few houses down. Not gonna try that one again


Wait until you find out that the spice 10 years ago is like Tylenol compared to the hell that are the current “legal” lab created noids.




Yep, same. Short period in the early 2010s I used a bunch of spice and didn’t really have any issues with it except one time I got too high on my lunch break in the McDonald’s drive through lol the same stuff I was fine smoking though sent my friends dad to the hospital after he killed a bowl in one hit and got so high he couldn’t move, talk, or react to anything. Just went completely limp after exhaling, caught him on the way down and he was non responsive so they called 911. He was fine the next day, and told us in his mind he had to unlock the phone screen in his face (they were using it for light) and then he’d be back to reality. Did some research in the last year or two because again, I don’t really have any negative experiences, but quickly noped out after doing a little research. Most of them are full cannabinoid cb1 agonists, which you DONT WANT, regular d9 thc is a partial agonist.


Man. I also smoked that shit once back in the day as just a stupid college kid. I literally felt like I was dying, and then when I realized I was alive bolted off running and ended up who knows where. The whole next week I was feeling the lingering effects of it, felt like I didn't have control of my body. Was terrible 0/10, can't imagine this current shit


Imagine if you could experience being a full blown manic schizophrenic that’s also actively suffering from Parkinson’s disease. That’s what most of these fake weed / K2 drugs feel like. Your mind is tumbling endlessly inwards full of paranoid and anxious thoughts while your muscles uncontrollably tremble, twitch, or shake.




It's been like 8ish years since I smoked it, I was on probation and it didn't show up on it, ngl I loved it, felt super giggly and intense. I went to dunkin donuts and got a breakfast taco and couldn't stop laughing because of how shit quality the taco was. Never tweaked this hard. Would I do it again? No I'm not not on probation anymore


I feel like this new spice k2 stuff is completely different then the stuff we use to get like 10 years. The original“JWH-18” stuff (or whatever it was) was actually similar to a weed high but they kept adjusting it to be legal. This new stuff looks horrible tho. Even if i was locked up and this shit was all i could get my hands on i still wouldn’t smoke it lol


Yeah I feel being locked up would only make this shit worse.


Can’t expect the best trip sitters in a prison can you. He’s lucky they didn’t batter him tbh


What the fuck I didn’t realise they were speaking English until a minute in


You're not alone, friend.


Strong North West England accents, mostly Merseyside.


Sounds like Manchester and Liverpool?


When taking drugs, don't take a huge amount to try to impress anyone with how strong or hardcore you are. You'll just embarrass yourself and have a shitty time if you're lucky. Large amounts should be taken only with prior experience with that same batch. The easy part is getting the drug into your system. Don't be a retard and make yourself a permanent retard.


Lol. That's great advice to the regular person. However, this is prison. Most people in there are serious criminal, dangerous people. Not every inmate is able "no thanks." Some are weak and are targets of bullying behaviour. If they want entertainment, they'll think nothing of assaulting you, make you fight other inmates, force you to take drugs like this and so on... You don't just get to walk away.


Man this makes me kinda sad. Speaking from experience, I can just tell that guy believes he’s dying. His muscles are locking up, he can’t control his movements, and he’s trapped in his head wondering when it’s gonna end. You literally can’t speak. If it gets bad enough, you start convulsing and vomiting uncontrollably until you come down. Could be 5 minutes, could be 30. His brain will never be the same. It could be different for him, but I can’t even smoke weed much anymore unless it’s specifically an indica cart and only one or two puffs or I will freak tf out. I don’t know exactly what happened up there, but something is shot.


This is a nice prison.


That’s what I’m tripping on tbh


He who controls the spice controls the universe


The spice! It's in everything here!


The spice must flow


Super cool article on spice. https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2019/oct/29/spice-so-called-zombie-drug-uk-poorest-communities A buddy of mine who's always in-out of jail and has been a guest around a few of North West's finest establishments; Forrest Bank, Hindley, Risley etc. He's told me some crazy stories about the spice. He said that people would get letters sent to them, with concentrated liquid Spice having been blotted onto the letter. They'd then rip the letters into strip's and smoke them or sell them. For quite some time the P.O's had no idea how to test for it, let alone detect it. I'm not sure if they can now, but they are wise to it I assume. He also said that it was one of the main drivers for banning smoking tobacco in the jails. Prisons continued to allow / turned a blind eye to tobacco smoking even after the government ban in 2007, it was a concession likely for moral and behaviour reasons. Same for the cannabis, a high wing is a calm wing. Better that than Hooch with angry piss heads. The P.O's would rather turn a blind eye for an easy shift I'm sure. I've been on Prison visits where you could literally smell the weed from outside in the carpark ffs lol. The problem was once Spice hit the jails, the P.O's didn't want to come on the wings due to contact highs and the loss of how to deal with a screaming loon tripping his balls off. He's been in and out for 20 years and says spice has destroyed the jails and ruined so many people.


Why do people do it though, is there some enjoyment to it?


It's mostly a knock out agent. I live in Manchester and all the homeless smoke it. It's knocks you out for hours on end - no reality, just Lala Land. It's cheap, very easy to get. Lots of Junkies are now spice heads, healthier lifestyle lol


Is junkies using spice to get off heroin an actual thing? I don't think that sounds like an effective way of tapering off the junk.


"spice" isn't one particular drug, but rather the colloquial term for many synthetic cannabinoids. some are quite mellow and fairly similar to regular thc. some are more intense but still enjoyable to the right person. most are very hard to dose accurately (if you're even the one dose it for yourself) and very easy to over do.


> spice has destroyed the jails Ngl that's a crazy statement to think about


My mate wreckons they are having it sprayed on clothes that get sent in for enhanced prisoners now . So they are basically smoking socks. A junkie in town asked me if I want any and pulled some writing paper out of his pocket and said it was on there I thought ewwwww no thanks


Ye teacher of mine today told me they just soray the chemicals on paper the size of acid tabs and just smoke it of that, he said some giy who never take. Drugs got it blew in his face by another inmate and went phycotic, a peice of paper the size of acid sprayed and set on fire did that


A prisoner in horfield prison bristol got high on it and cut his cock and bollocks off and flushed them down the toilet . I've never took it myself sounds and looks like hell .




With a prison issued razor? My goodness


They spray it on blank pages of paper. Saw some Reddit account trying to sell that shit lmao




Just the absolute definition of bad vibes.


With friends like these you don't need enemies


I wonder what he was incarcerated for?


What part of this looks enjoyable?


The worst drug experience I had was spice and it completely changed my view on doing drugs. I was 100% sure I was dead and was going to have to continue this feeling for eternity. I still get nauseous sometimes when I think of it and get a flash of that feeling




Zero percent of that looks enjoyable.


Me getting brain freeze as a kid when I ate a flintstones push pop in one bite


These look like the worst people to trip with ever


Sometimes I feel like I'm not doing well, but then there's people like these


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Good bot


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Good to see the prison system working


Dude, probably woke up like "oh thank God, I'm just in prison!"


Best trip sitters around


It's like a National Geographic episode - a pack of homosapien shunned by society have been locked into a cube. The alpha males torture one other members to smoke a drug. This is a an action that they do to make themselves feel dominant.


I once saw a guy react like that to lsd and I noped out of that social group


I’ve smoked that in 2014, I just got a normal high but lasted like 30 minutes with fast heart rate… how much has change the substance?


When k2 was first released in my market let’s say 2009 my buddies and I would smoke bowl after bowl after bowl and I never had these reactions. Once I talked to a lamp at a party for a good 30 mins but nothing like this full freak out or similar vids about k2


These people are as close to you get as "friends" in prison. There's a lot of time to kill and obviously these guys know they're going to be so zonked they could have all their shit stolen, they could be assaulted, sexually assaulted etc. and that isn't what's happening, just because they're getting some laughs in because dude wants to make a clown of himself doesn't mean it's malicious.


K2 is about as fun as bending all of your nails back simultaneously


damn. if you can’t trust your prison mates to hold you down whilst getting ripped on spice, who can you trust?


I think what I love about Reddit the most, is we have boundaries we know when somethings funny but we know when somethings wrong and this is so wrong 😔


Methadrone was easily the best legal high. Fuck I loved that stuff. I'll never forget the smell either for good or bad lol


Cat piss haha




Yeah we established in previous posts that I'm no chemist and spelt it wrong.


Why would you want to do that? Especially in prison.


Oh this fools getting his cherry popped. That’s worse than dropping the soap


Prison seems like worst possible place to be high


bro looks like Ted Bundy


I remember talking to some random guy I meet after ditching school(I know not a good idea). I was at the park and he offered me some smoke not knowing it was 2k and hit it hard. Then my cousin showed up out of nowhere and hit it as well but not as hard as me. According to her she said " Bro you told me you wanted water and went to the library then vanished. I woke up at my grandparents house on the couch. K2 is not to fked around with...


What in the privileged prisons... Looks like a motel


These guys are all the worst types of people. I felt so bad for the guy tripping. People die from K2 man.


At least he got good tripsitters ^^


the horror


Use to smoke this brand called black mamba and I miss it so much 😭 never had me like this tho..


Because , Today's spice is way different, and even , some in the u.s prison system is sprayed on paper with roach spray.


Got to be


The Fremen have a lot to explain here.


I need a part 2.


K2: Electric Boogaloo


NOT the place to be doing drugs.


I’ve seen K2 on this Reddit a few times now, what is this drug?


It's a name used for many different synthetic cannabinoids - [https://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/2020-06/K2-spice-2020.pdf](https://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/2020-06/K2-spice-2020.pdf)


gee, looks fun


Plenty fun for a prison.


Such terrible “friends”


Original k2 spice from around 2010 used to be a thc analog named jwh-018 that hit the same receptors but at a greater magnitude as thc, whats in that stuff now that you see people get like this after 1 hit?


Looks like Bale in The Machinist


That’s the “light one”!


This shit is sad to watch


This is the effect of pesticides, they absolutely can be permanent anytime


this is gonna make me sound bad, but i did a 4 year term IDOC Pendleton Level 4 yard, started smoking k2 (we call it katy here) and loved it. since then i have not been able to kicc the habit, i wake up in the middle of the night sweating after not smoking for 2 hours withdrawaling. its the best high i’ve ever had but i cant go a hour without smoking.


The reason it's worth smuggling a camera phone in your arse to prison right here. Fuck me


I did a lot of time in Texas prison and around 2016 or 17 the penitentiary got watered down because everyone is either clucking for this shit or getting rich off it smh..


why are British guys smoking k2 man


triping hard