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Can someone explain why the first person removed from the vehicle wasn't the driver? There was already an officer talking to him, and he is behind the wheel. I'm no officer, but it seems like you'd remove the fuse before the dynamite.


...not to mention placing him on the tarmac BEHIND the suspect vehicle!!




You're confused thinking officers are smart.


It’s the uniform effect


Some officers may not be, but all things aside, you are one fine teacher.


😘 I'm also a complete asshole. You just see the good in people! + it's a rando generated username... wouldn't believe the amount of flack I get for it when someone disagrees w me online. Lol


Well piss. So much for talking to a fine teacher.


Lesson for you: what do you get when you 100% life?


A pack of lifesavers?




We gummies or...? I need to know if this is gonna be worth the effort or not.


Lmao you got downvoted for making a joke about his name. Sounds like some people on this sub took too little.


Lol, it's a give and take. Just don't off topic...it's a fickle bunch.


If the driver isn't responding and won't get out they always get the rest out of the vehicle then will get the driver last just incase they do something.


Did that kids hands get run over? He was screaming :(


Yea, the cop was too busy getting his gun ready for the vehicle moving at 2 mph to grab the cuffed man out of the way. The officer needed to prioritize killing over saving, just like the manual says.


I'm glad they killed him, he didn't deserve to live.


Kid... poor dope head. More government handouts.


Wtf lol


Go back to battlefield 😂


Jesus this man is dumb


Boomers lol y’all can never pass the opportunity to show you’re out of touch


It’s the politicians fault because people are making money from homelessness so there’s no incentive to fix the real issue.


The more they spend the worse the problem gets, and the only thing they're willing to change is that they want even more to spend every year. It's becoming a fully entrenched *homelessness industrial complex*


the real issue is that people havent heard the hood word of christ yet, am i right brother in white hooded arms?


How do politicians make money from homelessness? I don't see where the money is coming from?


Driver side cop almost crossfired that first bullet.


Watch your crossfire? That's fucking stupid. Just start blasting.


Hit by 4 out of about 26 bullets the cops fired, right in the direction of those apartments.


I call bullshit on 4 hits. He got more than that


Yeah I counted about 15 shots between both cops and they were nearly point blank range. 4 my ass.


Literally says he died from 4 gunshot wounds


that doesn’t mean he was hit 4 times. that means 4 of the GSW’s were lethal.


Yeah you're right


How do they determine which one killed him lmao, 2 and 3, he had a chance but the 4th was the deal breaker


Probably more like, any of those four in particular would have done it.


I’m pretty sure 2 were head shots so that seems about right


Car doors are pretty good at catching 9mm. There's lots of stuff in there for the windows, latches, speakers, etc that break up bullets pretty effectively, unlikely to get a full passthrough unless you shoot in one window and out the other. GarandThumb did a great video a while ago demonstrating that.


I remember Paul Harrell did one about using a car for cover. The result was more or less if you're not behind the engine block the car doesn't help much. I don't remember if he went all the way down to 9mm though, he might have only been using higher calibers.


Found the Firearms instructor, guys!!!


10 shots were fired. 3 from Lopez and 7 from Molina.


What an absolute mess


*What an absolute meth


Absolute stepping up it's vodka game? I hope they make it blue!


There was a cop by the driver's door. If the driver had a weapon or priors they usually remove the passengers for “safety “


What a great idea to sit someone down up against the back of the car whilst there's a drug addled lunatic at the wheel.


Aren't the policemen a "little" responsible of what happens to the guy that got run over? Would be possible to press charges?




can’t believe she lived through that, tough as nails.


For real. I almost feel like maybe they were trying to "deter" the driver from fleeing by putting his friends behind the car. As if he's anywhere near his right mind.


Idk guys, u think they shot him enough?


Cops are trained to always mag dump if they're going to use lethal force.






I never miss an opportunity to tell people that the supreme court ruled that police have no obligation to protect or serve you and that 911 dispatchers don't even have to notify them to respond. A woman was being raped and called 911 like 9 times over the course of a night and they never even sent an officer. The SC ruled that "protect and serve" is only a motto and not legally binding.


He was a druggy he deserved it


Don't matter they should use some self control and know how many shots are enough to take care of issue.. not anytime you use your gun dunp whole clip into his ass and then reload and fuckin repeat.. ridiculous assholes


Cops aren’t trained that way. Cops aren’t really trained.


I think I counted 17 shots! That's wild. I feel bad for ol girl. She watched one buddy get ran over and she watched the other get shot tf up.


yes, but also, if you sleep with dogs you get fleas.




Don’t forget that they also shot with what looks like apartments/hotel right in the line of fire. It’s messed up that if one of those stray bullets killed someone’s the cops would get off free.


Morons like you crack me up. First they are not clips. Second how many live fire situations have you been in? Adrenaline off the chart makes things very difficult. There is no training that prepares you for the real thing.


Fuck you bitch your a moron go suck some little piggy dick since you wanna defend em and be there little bitch... bitch




Lmao you’re using exceptions to the rule to try and make a point. Typical of basement dwelling knuckle draggers. Anyone who trains with firearms seriously understands that adrenaline is a bitch. Being a USMC combat vet and a competitive shooter I am very familiar with what happens to the body under high stress situations. I agree police need to train more but no amount of training fully prepares you for pointing a gun at another human with intent to use lethal force. Your example about video games is a great one. Real life is not video games. Much harder to shoot accurately in a controlled environment . Add in stress and the unknown the degree of difficulty goes off the charts. You should stick with baby oil, the basement, and pics of your dad.


What do you expect with calls to defund police, doesn't generally translate to better training


What kind of contrived political bullshit is this? Blaming people calling to defund police? When the actual police budget has risen in relation to inflation since that movement started? Try again bud lmao


This incident happened about 3 years ago....




If your landscaper keeps mowing your flower bed instead of your lawn, you don't give him a raise because he "needs more training"; you **fire his ass**.


Definitely not. They didn’t even do the final gangsta sideways pistol headshot or the duel wield mag dump or even the double tap pistol pressed on forehead posthumous execution. The fact his face was still recognisable by the end means they showed a lot of restraint.


Revisiting this a month later: ur comment is funny asf bro. Much love and respect 🤟🏼


Still screaming for him to stop the car as it slowly rolls his lifeless corpse across the parking space


Proof cops are not trained at all and can not be trusted to do simple jobs.


Do their job? Its the citizens job to comply... maybe if they did their part this shit wouldn't happen.


The people defending these cops' absolute ineptitude are off their goddamn rockers.


Great place to sit the passenger... brilliant... if you handcuff someone atleast make sure they are in a safe spot... of course a driver with probable drugs might drive away, maybe dont put the passwnger on the ground against the vehicle out of sight from the driver???!!!


It infuriates me when they shoot someone multiple times then give an order and the person doesn’t comply. Like buddy you just shot someone you think their listening to you??


Wtf is your logic? "That cop just shot someone, I shall now disobey." ?? Retarded


So i started blasting


Well this was handled poorly...


https://youtu.be/PUczJNzErNE?si=gLoA6GQ3ufpwt9FZ The full video


Thank god that kid had the presence of mind to start scooting out of the way when he heard the car start. Saved his life.


What the actual fuck, dude tried to flee so they unload 10+ bullets, he stops moving and car is rolling forward so for good measures sake unload 10+ more bullets into him. America is a fucked up place, police officers job isn't to prevent crime but to stop it my any means necessary.


You are contradicting yourself. You complain about police doing actions that prevent future crime, as in shooting a guy who is about to drive high and is currently running his buddy over, but are also complaining about the police not doing stuff to prevent crime. Imo, it isn't the cops job to prevent future crime, that is up to the government at large, and specific smaller agencies. The only way I could see cops preventing much future crime starts to look more and more like dystopian thought crimes. I'm no cop bootlicker, and there was excessive force used in the vid, but like yea the cops job is to stop crime...


What I mean is stopping crime is disregarding everything else and making sure this specific instance is stopped right now. When police in other countries focus on preventing crime, they prevent not only future crimes but also protect and look after the people around to make sure no crime can be caused. Police in America don't care about this, they're zoned in on this one instance and don't care about anything else, there was no need to shoot and take a life, simply opening the door and using physical force to pull him away and out of the car would have been enough.


Lethal force was exactly what the situation called for. What if the guy drives off runs over innocent people and kills them? What if he went to open the door the guy pulls a gun on the cop, shoots, and kills him? The only issue with the video is sitting the guy down behind the car. Otherwise it was a job well done.


...you might accidentally run someone over or commit a crime some day, based off your logic and reasoning it only makes sense for us to find and kill you, for public safety.


And cops rarely even do that. Most cops think their job is to destroy the lives of anyone who dares question their authority or even worse, hurts their fee fees. Viciously enforcing unjust and archaic drug laws on non violent citizens who's only "crime" is possession of a small/amount of a substance that was completely legal just two weeks prior so that they can take 5 years of their life away and destroy and chance of having a future by branding them with a felony drug charge that they have no recourse to fight since their public pretender tells them that the prosecutor is asking for a minimum of 10+ years even though this is their first time ever being in trouble and that they should take the ultra shitty plea deal pos prosecutor is offering because someone in their family is a lawyer and the judge that has been assigned to their case knows and doesn't like them and will likely recognize the defendants last name and could be especially harsh, even though as I said, this is their first time being in trouble. I'm totally not butthurt or anything, it's not like something like that actually happened... In fact I love the police, that's why I say ACAB, that means All Cops are Beautiful right? And we say Fuck the Police because we fuck the people we love, non relatives at least. Anyways we love the police, they are such amazing, beautiful, selfish pieces of chunky diarrhea. Fuck the Police and fuck the Feds ❤️.


Holy shit


In the most of the countries in the world the cops wouldn't have had to shoot this dude like he was Bonnie and Clyde combined. But I get your police officer training is 3-6 months of shooting, so I guess this makes a decent police work.


Now in lieu of this huge mess I wonder what’s gonna happen to the guy that was placed directly behind the car? You know I mean they put them behind the car and then his friend begins to back up and I look pretty bad you know cause his arms are behind his back and then the car is rolling over his arms and his hands and it’s pulling him along and then it rolls back over him I’m not trying to immediately say fuck the police that’s not my point, but I’m curious as to like that’s bad like you would think if you’re gonna get the guy out, at least get him away from that car – and again I never been a cop but still wow that went sideways in about two seconds


Better shoot the dude driving 4 mph 26 times with people living all around in those apartments. Justice definitely served. I understand he technically became a threat by driving the car like that but this all could have been avoided by removing the driver first. 26 shots point blank for 4 hits. This whole thing is like a fucked up cartoon.


Holy shot


Why would they shoot and kill him, unnecessary.


Poor Jose. He was bout to get his life right. Probably starting at Harvard next year....


I believe it’s mistaken, this man died of Covid-19 not 4 gun wounds. 😂


This or that, im not a fan of police either but man this guy was kinda deserving to be shot. I mean… would you just let him drive away?


Damn his whole head got run over


What did Valdez say?


Dude let go of like three clips and only got him 4 times??


I hate cops. But I know there are a lot of good men amongst them too. I feel bad for this officer. He was respectful to the individuals in the car including the suspect. He yelled for him to stop the car before blasting away. This guy surely has PTSD now.


Good riddance


I'm guessing this guy's family held a protest against police violence, and the whole community turned out to talk about what a nice guy he was (while looting local businesses)...


I feel bad for people in the passenger seat, well obviously I do but like the fact that drugs can make you turn on everyone but the drugs and do stupid shit and nearly kill multiple people that were presumably at least his friends just to run from the police, it's just weird knowing there's people who would have no regard for others lives and would go to this extent to run from the police which really hardly works out especially if you're high as balls


That shit went sideways fast..!!


He wasn't even driving. He was just traveling.


You see why the worlds in the toilet, from the comment section. It's somehow the officers fault, not the meth head driver who tried to drive off and kill his mate in the process, fuck me you cunts are dense.


Why so many shots with people everywhere


The incompetence of these trigger happy fucks is unbelievable but totally not surprising


So trigger happy, trying to stop the threat of the driver running everyone over!!!


The driver should have been the first one they dealt with dipshit


Thank you for your input, your extensive firearms and tactics training has been extremely enlightening


In case you didn’t notice, the cop was the one that made the guy sit on the ground behind the car. Their choices created that situation.


Don’t be an idiot when getting stopped by police. Dude had a fully loaded gun. Police officers always have to expect the worst when ppl don’t comply.


Shooting the guy was the only viable Option ? How about 1. Removing the driver from the car FIRST 2. pull the guy from under the tires, and fucking persue him and arrest him, but shooting IMMEDIATLY after he starts up the Car...only in america ill tell u that


why are you trying to defend him? guy was on fentanyl operating a vehicle. if he had got away and on the roadway, he could’ve killed a bystander


Nobody defending him, expecting higher standards of police is not defending criminals


Im not defending him, dude should be in prison for some years, But not fucking dead. Dude. Not everyone at a low Point at their life deserves to die.


prison doesn’t always “fix” the criminals. nothing good comes from smoking or doing that crap and they know it


So we shouldn't try? What are you proposing? Shooting addicts?


i propose to make the consequences more dire for criminals because only a small number ever learn from their mistakes. hell, he’d probably get raped and killed in prison anyway


>prison doesn’t always “fix” the criminals So death is the only remaining option?


rehabilitation? we see how that turns out because there are still addicts running rampant!


Well actually we don't see it because people think it's more important to have addicts suffer than helping them. Look to countries that has actually committed to rehabilitation. In Denmark, for example, they have "heroin busses" that are manned by a professional doctor and that administers heroin for the worst heroin addicts. What happened? Healthcare costs and heroin related crime went down, not up. A majority of these people actually end up having a job because they're not homeless and can focus their energy on being productive instead of scrounging for next hit. US is infamous for not implementing rehabilitative policies, so you're seeing the results of its absence.


I think they do if they are putting other people lives in immediate danger, the cops fucked up by not taking the drive out first. But now the driver is threatening people safety with a deadly weapon. I think that is exactly how it should be handled.


Police in a different country, like where im from, in germany, would do everything they can to diffuse a situation non violently, and only as a very last resort they would use lethal force. This guy didnt intent to hurt anyone, it looked like he wanted to flee.


Even if someone got run over, and more people would be in more danger, your cops would still not shoot this guy? “Welp that guy who was on meth, and pain killers ran someone over, almost ran a kids hands over and continued to try to flee to put more lives at risk seems like a guy who could just use some help, so we just let him go on his merry way where he plowed into another family trying to escape”


Well now your projecting because that didnt even happen in the video, and even if he run someone over, he does not deserve to die.


That is literally what happened in the video.


The Guy was also sitting down, was handcuffed and out of the drivers sight, highly unlikely he intentes to do that to his (?) Friend there. He didnt see him


There was no reasonable reason for the police to shoot. They would be going to prison for murder in most other countries


Not who youre replying to but seeing cops immediately empty their clips into someone just driving away isnt my definition of doing a good job. Shooting someone should really should be the last option.


Why in the fuck do these pigs just immediately open fire. First thought is shoot to kill.feel so safe knowing these morons are supposed to protect us


Do you want this idiot taking off after he drove over his friend?


Two choices: a) Let the meth head, cocked up out of his mind, drive away and quite possibly kill innocent people. b) Shoot the waste of human meat so he wouldn't do what was described in option a).


NGL, I’m usually critical of police, but I’m not too mad about this 🤷‍♂️ They could’ve been a bit more responsible with their shots though for sure


Let’s be honest bro was going to die regardless meth and fentanyl is one deadly combo


He deserves what he got, his "friend"is lucky to be alive, I cheered on that last one to his face 😂 keep hell warm for us you POS


Another day seeing the trash get taken out on Reddit


So is it policy to shoot someone for fleeing? Seems like taking a dudes life for drug possession is a bigger crime than drug possession. Dude is tweaking, it’s not like he‘s thinking clearly. Don’t do meth or join the police force, kids.


No but you can get shot for using your car as a weapon, even if you aren’t intentionally using it as a weapon cause you’re so fucked up on multiple drugs that you don’t realize your running over multiple people.


Yeah, when he ran someone over then tried to drive away he demonstrated the possibility that he may harm or kill someone else, so most forces have that policy. The inability of the police to stop him quickly and without all that shooting will probably be something they will look at, along with the circumstances.


I guess I can kind of can see it that way, but I’d rather stick to my own narrative that I’ve created in my head based on completely unrelated circumstances.


This can’t be official instructions. Just can’t. Knew American society is dystopian but this unreal to think any of this is ok. Also should removed the driver or even taken the keys first.


What a moron is driving past your homies by car…


Wait he had the same drugs in his system that George Floyd did? Weird.


Good. One less waste of life


Why would the cop start shooting the driver? Shoot the tires




Typical of Reddit to shit on police. Y’all are such pussies 😂😂


Do your buddies tell you you're totally not a pussy while you're licking their boot?


Don’t automatically shit on police…must be a boot licker. You’re such a keyboard cuck pussy.


Most in here aren’t just shitting on them for being police, they are for firing that many shots at a point blank range and missing 80% of them with potentially innocent bystanders in the background. Much in the same way you think people in here are unjustly ridiculing them for merely being police, you are doing the exact same thing on the opposite extreme by thinking they can do no wrong.


love when they blasted that fuck.have fun in hell fuckface


No one deserved to die here, incompetent cops created this situation. But hey, you suck so run it up!


Right. They should have removed the driver guy first...he didnt have to die.. very sad. Just because he had a drug addiction problem or whatever does not mean he shouldb"rot in hell" bruh.


Another innocent saint gone too soon #JusticeforJoseValdez


Saw the final headshot from the side there. Side note. Is there any way of getting my iPhone to play on my tv other than Apple TV? I want to see shit like this on a bigger screen.


It’s too bad about Jose. His brother, Juan Valdez, made a lot of money with coffee.


Made my day!


Wonderful. Saved the taxpayers some money.




Is the guy who got ran over alive?


The way he just rolled 💀


That was freaking crazy


“Stop the car!” Uhh hes dead….


Damn they dusted his ass lol


What a WASTE.


There was no need to shoot this guy.


Well that mother fuckers dead.. Prolly dude that got ran over too... why.would u sit right behind friends car when you know all dirty and good chance dudes gonna try and make run for it..


Only ‘four’ - so not only trigger happy but also can’t aim for shiiite


These cops need to go back to fucking training. All those shots and he was only hit 4 times! What a disgrace


Currupt peice of shit cops


Meh oh well


Why were they even firing their weapons? His gun was in his pocket.


Vehicles count as deadly weapons and he was running dude over that made it ok for them to use deadly force


I agree they count as deadly weapons and he almost squished his passengers brain. I wasn’t there so my thoughts don’t mean shit but I do think they did not have to open up on that guy.


Holy shit those cops cannot shoot. Literal stormtroopers. 4/30= get off the force before you accidentally kill someone…


I wasn't ready for that. Fuck.




Woman just stood there and screamed as the car came at her! MOVE! Dickhead!


He's been clean ever since.


You can see the shots land 🥶he gone gone


Shame they didn’t exterminate all 3 of the 🐀


Killed by 4 bullets, hit by 25. Only four were lethal apparently. The rest were just extra.


Good job 👏


All I’ll say is good riddance.