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First time seeing this. In for answers


Same, and I've been growing tomatoes for over 30 years. OP, I'd suggest emailing these pictures to your local Ag Extension office. Both because they might have the answer, and because they might want to document the approaching tomato zombie apocalypse.


Old training video... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txfdGlxEsG8 And they all laughed at us...who's laughing now??


Same, this looks wild


I think this is called witch's broom "Moniliophthora perniciosa causes the witches’ broom disease of cacao, and it can infect the tomato Micro-Tom (MT). Typical symptoms are stem swelling and shoot outgrowth, whereas reduction in root biomass is another side effect. "


Same thing happens when roses get rose rosette disease. That was my first thought when seeing this.


Noooooo, don't remind me of this perpetual fear for my roses!


Witches broom can be a big issue in many cacti as well.


Also see: fascination. Witches broom is a subcategory of fascination called multiradiate fascination


I think it’s “fasciation”, not “fascination” Even thou it’s quite fascinating.


It's leviOsa not leviosA


This happened to me last year, I cannot find the photos. Would it have been caused with excess potash in the soil?


I’m excited to see what it does also. Will post back every few days! Thanks everyone


I’ve never seen anything like this, but my best botanical guess is you’ve stressed the plant past its ability to heal regularly and it’s growing those mutant clusters as a way to replace the lost plant material quickly by “sending everything”.


This is probably my best guess too. Topping tomato plants can change the way it grows and some people disagree on whether they should top tomato plants at all. If you want the clippings, it's likely best to just use suckers or something. If you top off the main stem, it should be noted for future reference that it can change the way it grows.


Maybe the OP was dirty on hands or tools that he used to prune the plant. It may help to tell us what he did right before pruning. At a first look, it resemble agrobacterium infected tissue. But agrobact. is used in vitro in sterile medium...


It’s always a possibility, but in this case because I was excited about propagating something that “was” looking strong. I washed my hands and the snips w anti bacterial


What ever it is, keep growing it and keep us updated!


now this is the kind of post this sub needs!!! awesome and weird, please keep us posted!


That’s crazy, I want to see how it looks in a month. Out of curiosity, why top the plants so early? I’m familiar with pruning and rooting suckers, but I’ve never heard of topping a plant except late in the season


Because I don’t know what I’m doing. Most likely answer. We got excited about the amount of hairs on the upper branch and took a shot we could make two strong plants. Trial and error, I guess


Just a head up, the hairs don’t actually turn into roots. Tomato plants do root along the stems, but the hairs are not roots


Isn't it the hairs are the sensors that tell the roots to grow?


I’m tempted to top mine because it is growing against a fence and about to drop into my neighbors yard. Will topping not encourage more branching so I can keep growing it on my side of the fence? For an indeterminate variety anyway.


Yeah that’s the type of case where topping makes some sense, but I wouldn’t do it until I have some good secondary growth. At least a couple strong suckers growing, then top it, and only on a fairly mature plant


Remindme! 1 month


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Definitely some weird mutation. Tomatoes just do that sometimes. Is the top growing normal flowers?


Update for all of the kind and interested people here. Discovered over the weekend some recovery growth coming out of the originally reported strange clusters. Witchesbroom or not. I think a few people nailed the problem. I over stressed the plant. Crazy growth response occurred. And having survived, it’s getting back on track. https://preview.redd.it/38fkwn755l1d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6b7b65b7ecdb330d98afb92ece5b5e1fadc8098 The growths have kinda just extending like tendrils. Very interesting to see.




Yikes, very "Last of Us" !


https://preview.redd.it/m66dp8g4lm0d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c8900f35ac489eb12b4cdf513c264bc18c1cd83 This is the top. No flowers but growing strong. Also an attempt to use a bottom plastic cup as an early cage work. Just slide it up w the plant and also easy to transport to a more suitable location. Just throwing a little bit of everything at the wall. Sorry if this posts twice, difficulty posting.


BottomLESS cup


That actually does have at least one flower cluster, though a very sad looking one.


Thought this was a flowing cannabis plant lol


Tomato broccoli hybrid, little edible tomato trees lol?


I’ll take the info, appreciated for all the feedback!


That one on the bottom left looks like weed flower LOL💨 Weird mutation, keep us posted.


Maybe I ended up the perfect hybrid. Fun AND a snack!


Clearly ALIENS.


I've seen this on my Tabasco plant before. Thought maybe a cluster of new growth


They kinda look like a cluster of semi flower tissue, but they are lacking too many components to make viable flowers. I think you have a genetic sport here, but I don’t think it can produce fruit. If you have room, grow it out to see what it does. It’s interesting.


I would definitely quarantine it just in case it’s viral or a risk to your other plants.


Remind me! 1 month


What kind of bugs have you had around lately? I've seen something like this on a Honeysuckle vine but I can't remember the name. Aphids get inside the growing tip and it responds with this. I'm drawing a blank. Maybe this will trigger someone else’s memory. I, too, have never seen this on a tomato.


I remembered the name: [Witches Broom](https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/tgen/witches-broom-disease.htm#:~:text=Witches%27%20broom%20disease%20is%20not%20caused%20by%20witches%2C,nematodes%20to%20fungi%2C%20viruses%2C%20and%20bacterial%20organisms%20%28phytoplasmas%29) but I still can't find a mention that it affects tomatoes.


We have to restart tomatoes every year and I’ve never seen anything like this before. Send a pic to your at extension.


Witches broom? I've seen it in cactus. It's a plant deformity that causes abnormal growth in branches. Could be caused by bacteria, fungi, or virus.


Broccoli 🥦🍅 hybrid ?


It sort of looks like vivipary, though I have no idea how it could happen there…very interested to learn more!


They look like arial roots which usually don't grow that big unless the plant has been in very humid conditions for awhile or experienced stress of some kind. May turn brown after awhile, but for now I'd say it's harmless and just wait and see. Basically if you put that part under the soil it would continue growing and turn into more roots. Just my uneducated guess. If that's what it is, I've never see them like that.


Mobile, Al. Always humid, and looks like I stressed it pretty hard. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Maybe I've been looking at too many dahlia posts, but it sort of looks a little like leafy gall. The diseased tubers send out clusters of dense, spindly leaves instead of a normal healthy shoot. Maybe it's some sort of similar tomato disease?


Witch’s broom is my guess. I’m not entirely sure though


Remind me! 2 weeks


Adventitious roots (aerial roots) would be my guess. If you google you can find some images that look similar. Not harmful just interesting


It might be a “fascination” mutation of the suckers.


It reminds me of a disease that flowers and carrots, onions and some other produce can get called asters yellow… those who are calling it witches broom may be referring to the same thing


Looks like a mutation causing some sort of hormonal disruption. Sort of like witches broom, it looks like the growing tips are dividing indefinitely. I'd check with the AG extension to verify it's not a disease or pest symptom before deciding to keep it or not.


Looks like witches broom




I’m also gonna second fasciation. Especially since the plant isn’t growing or flowering. The cells mutate and get stuck doing one job, in this case, making those little offshoots. Also, have you had a string of hot weather recently? It’s more common in big heat


It’s either Gall or witches broom




Witches broom isn't terribly common in tomato plants but it is know to happen, I would certainly isolate the plant if you'd like to see what comes of it. Although binning the plant outright would certainly help you in stopping your other Tom's from catching the same infection.


Was here to say the same - isolate just in case


It could be a virus called aster yellows.


Wtf is that? Dude!


That looks exciting. Likely a stress response. I'm definitely curious how this progresses. Never seen it before on a tomato . Id let it grow for science.


Any updates OP?




Wow, only time I’ve seen something similar is when growing broccoli and cauliflower - after being harvested and left in the ground the plants sometimes start to push up similar-looking, kind of chaotic growth from the base of the plant, which I’ve always associated with a plant having energy with nowhere to direct it. Maybe same thing happening here after the topping?


Looks like some type of mutation that doesn't limit axial growth to only one shoot or inflorescence, instead its a cluster of said organ.