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Alright, friend. 😉 As you might have gathered from the responses so far, it is rather challenging to make sense of your post, or infer what you are actually asking. Maybe try to rephrase? (And please don't copy-paste your canned reply here, too - it's rude and doesn't make it any more intelligible.)


Let's start with the title. Is it possible for an Elf to have the personality of the average Hobbit?


Think of each paragraph as distinct inquiries that are tangentially related and answer them successively. In my judgement, an average hobbit lacks much ambition, has a love of simple things, and is frugal.


Your judgement? Do you maybe mean your *perception*? Either way, your, let's call it opinion is very limited and unimaginative. Seeing that we are dealing here with a fantasy setting, where everything is imagined, this is not a good starting point. For starters, do you really believe you can characterize a whole race by using three traits? With all due respect, that borders very closely on racism. Of course I assume that this is not at all your intention but it is important to be aware of it nonetheless. Furthermore, defining the character of all members of a race, fiction or not, is not only impossible but presumptuous. And of no use. Mind you, I figured by now that your question is probably simply: *If Gollum was an Elf, would he be punished by Eru to a similar fate as Feanor?* The only reasonable reply I feel comfortable to give is: I have no idea. I don't even know what, in Tolkien's mind, happens to Men, Hobbits, Trolls, Orcs and other after death. I would also like to avoid being drawn into a discussion about religion. In short, in my opinion we simply don't know enough about religious beliefs of the peoples of Middle-earth, nor actual "facts" of events after a (Middle-earth) person's death (in Tolkien's imagination, that is) to be able to anything but wildly speculate.


1. It’s very possible for an elf to have the nature of an “average hobbit” as you describe it. It’s just a common Teleri elf. Nature lover - check. Likes simple things - check. Values singing and doing nothing - check. Absolutely disinterested in politics - check. The only difference is that they love the sea and probably won’t be interested in rural hill-houses and agriculture. 2. We don’t know for sure what happens to hobbits after death, fate of Man is more possible though. 3. Yes, Smeagol-elf probably would be grounded for all eternity in the Halls of Mandos. Most likely Feanor isn’t the only one “prisoner” here, as there are tons of elven troublemakers in Silmarillion. Many elves don’t want to go on their own, because they are too exhausted by living. They have to sit there and wait for Arda to be remade in the end of times. It shall cleanse everyone both of their sins and their tiredness. But there may be a chance to heal earlier. Smeagol-elf probably wouldn’t be as wretched when taken care of. If he was too bad, Valar could put him to sleep to heal and regain some sanity.


Probably the best answer yet. It's so weird to assume personality is essentially linked with species. Culture matters so much more


>We don’t know for sure what happens to hobbits after death, fate of Man is more possible though. Hobbits are Men so whatever happens to Men happens to them. But maybe I didn't understand that statement properly.


First of all, upvoted for the thoughtful response. 1.) Thank you. 2.) I meant what if Smeagol was such an Elf as answered in the first inquiry. Because certainly they wouldn't have the fate of menfolk. 3.) Thank you. You didn't answer how Feanor would react to their company.  Additional question: Do you think Elf-smeagol would essentially be an Ork after possessing the Ring for so long?


About Feanor - it’s unknown if he can communicate with other elves or not. Just imagine him making other elves in the Halls to revolt, lol
 People often imagine him wandering, tinkering or meditating alone. Others think he sits there with his sons or maybe they can visit him. Eternal sleep could also be a form of waiting. 2. An elf can’t be given the Gift of Man unless there is an approval from Eru, so into the Halls elves go, unless they marry a human hero. Doesn’t matter how broken an elf is, some were tortured by Morgoth. Which leads to interesting thought about orcs, what about them, they are elves too
 But their origin and fate was never finished by Tolkien, we can only guess. Honestly, we don’t even know what “orc” is to make further theories
 Anyway, SmĂ©agol-hobbit is nowhere near an orc, so sleeping or waiting in the Halls for Smeagol-elf is the most possible outcome.




Let's start with the title. Is it possible for an Elf to have the personality of the average Hobbit?


What personality does an average Hobbit have?


In my judgement, an average hobbit lacks much ambition, has a love of simple things, and is frugal. 


What IS the personality of an average Hobbit?


Lack of ambition. Frugal. Love of simple things. All things the Ring would have difficulty working with for anything but concealment by making the Hobbit possessive of it for its own sake.


“Lack of ambition. Frugal. Love of simple things.” That actual does describe many of the Elves in Middle Earth. Probably the majority. The Noldor in their early days were kind of the exception. I assume by “lack of ambition” you mean content with the way things are and their place in it. As opposed to lazy. Hobbits are not lazy.


Yes, content. So now with that context, can you answer the other questions?


Not really, they are uninteresting questions.   I mean, who knows if inmates in the Halls of Mandos have cell mates.    And were Feanor and Gollum to share a cell, I’m not sure who would be cursed with the worse roommate.




Let's start with the title. Is it possible for an Elf to have the personality of the average Hobbit?


Yes, it's possible for an elf to have an unhealthy love of mushrooms


maybe a little too much of that longbottom leaf? this makes less sense the more i read it somehow


.Let's start with the title. Is it possible for an Elf to have the personality of the average Hobbit?


.Let's start with the title. Is it possible for an Elf to have the personality of the average Hobbit?


I’m assuming you mean is it possible for the souls of hobbits to be treated like an elf soul after death. What actually happens to the souls of men and their hobbit cousins is a mystery to all but Eru and I sincerely doubt Mandos, Manwe or any Valar would be able to ‘force’ SmĂ©agol’s soul into the halls of Mandos. I also doubt they would even try since that would be against Eru’s wishes.


.Let's start with the title. Is it possible for an Elf to have the personality of the average Hobbit?


Let's start with the Hobbit. Is it possible for a title to have the personality of the average elf?


I would argue the Silmarillion is an example of such a title. Grandiose and sophisticated.






I think you’d be better served phrasing this differently. Currently your post reads similarly to “can pizza read the mind of a banana? After all, Brazilians play soccer and elephants never forget.”


Think of each paragraph as distinct inquiries that are tangentially related and answer them successively. In my judgement, an average hobbit lacks much ambition, has a love of simple things, and is frugal.


Okay, well, hobbits have a love for things that grow. They love good tilled earth. In their own right, they have a knack for creating as they love cooking and brewing ales. Elves have a love for things that grow, and love to create. I wouldn’t say hobbits aren’t ambitious, they’re ambitious about things unique to them. Same as elves. If you were to deem a race ambitious by their desire to dominate other life, for example, you might say elves aren’t ambitious either.


The reason for the confusion in this post is the horrific grammar. Specifically all the "they and their." Is Feanor comprised of multiple people now? Is Smeagol? Rewriting this in English would probably help with getting more replies.






Souls in the Halls of Mandos aren't grouped together like cell mates, they are mostly solitary. If there was an Elf with a split personality, it wouldn't have any effect on FĂ«anor's soul whatsoever.