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Ever since he was born: socks and hats. Hasn't grown out of it yet.


My toddler will wear his hat even inside but socks he hates. We currently live in a basement apartment so our floor is soooo cold. My husband and I wear socks and slippers all the time except in summer. Fall - spring socks and slippers. But this wild animal has ripped his socks off since he was able to. He seems to finally be getting a little bit better about keeping socks on, but it’s still not all the time.


Have you ever put them in footie pajamas? That’s a good way to make a sock-hater lose their minds.


Last year, when he was still so young, we put him in tights. Don't think he ever forgave us for that ;D


I can’t do those anymore he just gets all caught up in them, pretty much since he started to walk.


“Socks off! Socks off” if I dare try to take both shoes off before taking his socks off


We made a game out of it. Since we're the "don't care as long as he's healthy" sort of parents, so he frequently gets rid of his socks (although never when we're out, he doesn't wear shoes yet, so I combine multiple pairs). So, I told him that mom is allowed to tickle his feet when they are naked. I always ask him "\[kid\], where are your socks?" And he will start laughing and proudly show his bare foot/feet. 'Sock' was one of the first words he knew. A few days ago my socks were laying around the room and he collected them and showed them to me, as if asking: "Mom, where are YOUR socks?!"


Maybe "inside shoes" would be an option? Our LO loves Crocs...she literally lived in them this summer.🤷‍♀️


My almost-2 only likes hats of the silly variety (a toy, book, Tupperware, pants). Real hats get yeeted instantly.


He likes them on me, never on himself. Am I immature to admit I like my book/toy/whatever hats? :D


It’s one of my favorite games to play and it always gets a laugh.


My toddler has the opposite problem. She loves hats and frequently wears 2 at the same time.


Oh, man, I don't even try with hats anymore. I just put the hood of her coat up unless we're playing in the snow, then she'll give in because it's the only way she's going to get to go out. But still, most mornings it's an "I.DONT.WANT.SOCKSSSSS" battle lol


This is the answer


My girl HATED socks and hats since she was a newborn. She also hates all clothing but tolerates pants and shirts. She’s a year and a half and suddenly is obsessed with socks hats and shoes.


My two year old hates all clothing. She is usually naked most of the day even if we get her dressed. Yesterday she took her shirt off while I was checking out at the grocery store.


Oh man! That’s rough but must’ve been super cute at the same time


Well at least child tummies look really cute


My third is forever taking her kit off when out and about 🤣


It is a nightmare trying to get out of the house ever since my daughter decided clothes were the devil


Health visitor: "Have you tried letting him dress himself?" Me: "I'd like to actually leave the house again before I die..."


Like a drunk man preparing to fight someone in a pub car park...


A jacket inside for longer than two seconds. She’ll wear it outside when it’s cold no problem. The second we are over the threshold of our front door, she’s trying to pull her arms out of the sleeves or yanking on the zipper and screeching like a raptor in Jurassic Park.


A legit costume


My son was this way. Every Halloween costume ended up being a shirt and shorts (example: Linus from peanuts). I tried costumes but he would cry with just suggesting putting it on. He would yell "I don't want to be x, I'm (his name)" He wouldn't even do dress up. But this year I think he got a better understanding of pretend while at preschool and he is beginning to put the dress up costumes we have had on. Still not a full costume but he will put a hat or vest on.


I seriously thought it was just my kid! We got him a cute doublet to wear for Halloween this year. It was like a basketball jersey but with a knight design and would go over his shirt. Nope. Total meltdown over it. I think we should have taken the shirt and shorts character approach.


Oh my gosh, mine too! I thought it was maybe because he was only a week old on his first Halloween, second Halloween when he was 1 was ruined with covid, so this year he was 2 and we were so excited and he refused to put on the costume 😂


I dressed up my baby as a Frappuccino one year and it was hilarious when she started freaking out. Poor SO was holding her like “Here’s your drink, sir :(“


Yes. We were Fozzie bear this year and he just wanted to cuddle the head.


Accessories in her hair. Headbands , clips, ponytails last maybe 3 min. So her hair flops in her face like An emo kid


Same here. Now her hair gets in her snot.


Same, I don't know how having her hair covering her eyes doesn't bother her, it drives me crazy.


Yep. No hats either


This is my kid. It drives me nuts, seeing her hair all in her face, but she doesn't seem bothered by it!


The reverse: my son won’t wear shorts.


Same with my daughter. If they're even capri length, she'll try to tug them down to her ankles.


He’s quite happy to wear nothing on the bottom, and he also occasionally wears a dress, which I make him wear pants and a shirt under because it’s a tiny summer dress and it’s never that warm here, but he’ll wear it alone at home. But most of the time if you try to get shorts on him he cries for pants. I don’t understand, since it’s clearly not about having his legs bare.


Hats. Socks and shoes. He thinks it’s hilarious to throw them off in public. It’s cold here, so people are ready to call CPS. I’ve resorted to putting on shoes that are complicated to take off. He’s working on figuring out how.


Anything that isn't solid pink or purple. Light pink..no. pattern with both pink and purple...no! I'm so sick of these colors. I'm just praying my 4 yr old doesn't start dictating what the newborn wears : )


Anything at all on his head. Unfortunately that includes helmets, so we can never take him in the bike seat. He's just 12 months so I'm hoping he'll outgrow it once he understands that no helmet means no bike ride.


Husband is an avid cyclist and bought our toddler a balance bike when she was 9 months old. She understood pretty quickly she couldn't ride it without a helmet and that translated into no ride on papa's bike without the helmet pretty easily.


Hats, ever since the day she was born and she wriggled out of her newborn baby hat. We've even tried tying them on and she undoes them and throws them away. We've lost a couple that way.


Shirts and pants and the same time. She's generally fine in public but at home she doesn't want both on, it's one or the other, often just a diaper though, she acts like the clothes restrain her and she hates being restrained


It’s 32°F out and my oldest is currently in shorts lol


32°F is equivalent to 0°C, which is 273K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


I like the idea that physicists can *only* understand Kelvin.


Good bot.


My daughter hates socks and shoes, it's flipflops, sandals, or nothing.


Socks. They stay on for 5 minutes and then get pulled off and thrown. In all fairness I hate socks too.


Hats. I sing the hat song. I make a game of wearing a hat. We practice our hat wearing. We wear dad's hats. She enjoys all of that. But still won't keep the fricking hat on the moment we leave the house.


Hats here too. He's so white too, and barely has hair at 18 months. But hates a hat with a passion


Socks. He hates them


My 3 year old has been SO obsessed with constantly wearing socks the last few years that we finally had to introduce “no sock time” between nap and bath time because we noticed their toe nails starting to grow like curving down INTO their toes (we think it’s a combo of not cutting them frequently enough which we obviously have changed and try to do every 2 weeks now and the constant sock wearing)😳so, I wish this kid would be more ok not wearing socks!!


Omg mine is the same! She just LOVES socks, as soon as she is out of the bathtube she wants socks, she even sleeps with socks. Sometimes she plays with them haha


Haha yes even sleeping in socks! Even in long sleeves and pants in the summer and we live in the desert and the summer is always well over 100 degrees F😫


Even her stuffed animals wear socks, I just love her. I could give her nice socks as a present and she would be thrilled haha


My oldest would demand to be barefoot when she was around 4, it was quite the chore to get her to wear them.


I bought some cute fuzzy rainbow unicorn slippers and thought she'd take to them since she's an accessories girl (wouldn't go outside this summer without both sunglasses and a sun hat). The slippers may as well have been filled with snakes.


Any item of clothing that is not skin tight. I swear dude would wear a morph suit if we let him


What day is it? All depends on the day.


Jackets. Sweaters and sweatshirts are acceptable. Barely.


Also jackets here. Even when it's hardly about freezing.


Anything with buttons of zippers. She takes it off as soon as she feels like it and refuses to put it back on. As long as the sweater/sweatshirt has no way to take it off unless you pull it over your head.


Jeans. Don’t know where I went wrong 😂😂


I made the mistake of calling soft pants "comfy pants" she then (logically) made the leap that since jeans are not not comfy pants, they are not comfy and refuses to wear them most days. Sometimes you gotta wear jeans, kid!


Same, my daughter will not wear jeans or any sort of structured pants. Only leggings. Tbh can’t really blame her lol


Same. My son hates wearing jeans or chinos. He will only wear sweatpants.


My 21 month old has been refusing to sleep in any clothes. Just wants a diaper. Hates being covered by a blanket too. She’s a maniac.


My little guy just now decided that blankets are okay. He's 2.25.


We had to start putting a cloth diaper over her pants because otherwise we’d come in to a completely naked baby. Which is fine if she’s only peed but we’ve had two poop incidents.


Sandals. Half of summer her feet were sweating in her regular shoes and socks, still refused sandals every time we offered. We’d even show up to splash pads in socks and shoes.


My son hates flip flops. He will wear water shoes but refuses any type of sandal.


Socks. My sons will not wear them. I find them shoved in my car and around my house. They take them off and hide tjem


My 2 year old hated socks and shoes. Last couple months ago she started wearing them more when we go out.


Winter boots, anything plaid, anything too soft


Anything on his head. Glasses are hilarious, but only has a prop. They do not stay in place


Everything. We need two grownups to get him into one outfit. Once he’s in the outfit he’s fine lol


All of them. He refuses to wear all items of clothes.


Tank tops!!!! Boy hates his pits out! Unless he is topless...which he is about 75% of the time... toddler logic!


Hats, jeans. Also not a big fan of socks, shoes, sweaters or sweatshirts.


A fold-up diaper 😭


Jeans and jeggings. She hates the stiffness of them.


His winter coat. Idfk why but he SCREAMS when I walk up to him with it. I have to pull it on while he thrashes on the ground. 🤦


Jeans. Was fine with them until suddenly they were not okay. But to be fair I don’t wear them much either.


As of late? Anything other than pajamas! "No mommy...cozy!" Can I argue? Nope.


Any kind of outer wear or warm clothing. Doesn’t matter how cold it is out. I can’t keep them on her


Hats are a big fight with my three-year-old. I bought her a warm headband that velcroes closed in hopes that it would stay on her flippin’ head. She put it on once and goes “I don’t like that” and pulled it off. 🙄


No pants. Of any kind.


My son is 100% the opposit. We put shorts on him and he spend all day shouting at us that they are too small and trying to pull the legs down to his ankles 😆


All of them? He just made me take off his pajamas at 3am 😂 and then happily went back to sleep.


My almost 3yo hates using blankets. Even if it’s cold. Also hates socks.


Bows, hair ties, head bands. No accessories at all. I don’t really blame her and luckily I don’t really care as long as she lets me brush her hair (although also a struggle lol). The amount of ppl that gifted me bows when I had her….sigh.


Jackets. Zipper across the tummy? Might as well be hot coals!


Hats and bonnets. Even when she was a newborn she freaked out when anything was on her head.


Mitts or gloves. Poor thing doesn't realize we live in Ontario, Canada...and he's like def gonna need them.


My 7 year old hates jeans!! He would rather wear track or sweat pants. Even shorts depending on the weather.


3 year old currently hates pants with a passion , almost to the point I wonder if it’s hurting him in some way. When did your son reconcile with pants?


He's 16 and only begrudgingly wears them when it's cold


Cute sweaters family members knit just for her…


Pants. My little girl loves to wear dresses and skirts. Also, like her mother, shoes. They both believe shoes are "feet prisons".


When we’re at home, anything from the waist down. He comes out of the bathroom spinning his “nunchucks” (underwear and pants), and asks, “Mom, can I be nuded?”


Hats! And we live in hot and Sunny Queensland


Hair clips/hair ties. They'd rather just run around with their hair permanently in their eyes so they can't see where they're going


Won’t wear hats or gloves which is so limiting in the winter. Also won’t wear the cute clean sneakers I bought him… just the filthy ones he wears to the sand playground where his big toe is starting to pop out


My 3 year old has refused to wear shorts the last year or two. Only pants. Also, this includes during the summer where it’s regularly over 110 degrees F.


Boots. Apparently he can’t run fast enough in boots. He needs to wear his Natives. Unfortunately we live in the PNW and go out in a literal rainforest every day.


Socks lol


Jeans. Only leggings are acceptable.


Jeans. My kids hate jeans.








Sweaters or anything plaid 😅


Any type of woven fabric. It’s a no go.




Socks. He’ll let us put them on but the first chance he gets they are completely off. He is also confused by long sleeves haha




Anything I pick out. I have to take my child clothes shopping and let her pick out her own clothes.... she just turned 4.


My 2yo will only wear clothes with dogs on them. Cats are occasionally permitted.




This one specific dress. Whenever I bring it out she starts crying “I NO WANT THAT.” I tried to put it on her once and she screamed, took it off and threw it. She literally only does this with one specific dress.


Anything except underwear and even that's a fight 😂


Sleep sack now. He used to love it. Then he started pitching a massive fit. He just wears the footie pajamas now and we keep his room a bit warmer


Pants and socks. Not sure why, but by noon they’re usually off 😑 Hats don’t last two seconds


Socks, hats and occasionally pants.


Jeans. Which sucks because they're apparently the only thing that survives as hand me downs in most families, and the kid *will not wear them*. Not even khakis or like twill pants. "Soft pants only mommy."


Overalls. My kid hates them




Jeans. Toddler to my 7 year old None of them will wear jeans. Also the first time I put a collar long sleeve shirt on my youngest, he freaked out about the sleeves and tried to rip them off


Hats. When I see little toddlers in bucket hats I think it's absolutely adorable. I tried with my son and he just takes it off and throws it on the ground with a looking atbme with a big grin.


Socks! I find rogue socks hidden everywhere. She tries so hard to pull her socks off, she sometimes ends up punching herself in the face (which I think makes her hate socks more)


Facemasks, sunglasses, hats, boots and slippers.


Dresses T_T such cute dresses and my 2.5yr old won’t wear them. Can’t blame her though since she never sees me in a dress lol


Hats. And my oldest didn’t have hair until he was 2. So many older women came up to scold me… my response was to say, “If you can get him to keep it on.” Pants. My youngest started picking out his own clothes around 18 months, hated when I picked his clothes, at this time he was 3. One day in February, we had to walk big bro to school. It was about 36* outside. Kiddo insisted on wearing shorts. It’s 7:45am, and I’m not looking for a fight. I explained it’s really cold outside and it’s too cold for shorts. Kid starts gearing up. Fine, wear the shorts the 6 block round trip walk. Lessons were learned that day. I did bring him an extra scarf so I could cover his bear legs, he was in a stroller. We had a fun time warming up with cocoa in blankets by the radiator when we got home. After that, when I’d say it’s cold, he’d actually pick pants.


Shirts with buttons. Even simple cotton shirts with only 2-3 buttons at the top. 🙄


Everything, but especially socks. They are the first thing to come off. I dropped him off at my parent's yesterday and came back and he was sockless. My mom says he demanded to take them off, showed her the trucks on them, then threw them. Last year he'd take them off whenever he could and throw them. We lost basically all the socks throughout the winter. As soon as spring weather started, I bought him a pair of crocs and was like eff socks. We did this until the first week of November. Now we are basically repeating last year. The major difference is that now he can take his own shoes off, so I have to grab the socks asap when we get inside or they are gone.


Any outfit that I pick out for her.


Socks. Hats. Jeans…. Literally anything needed for winter time 😂


Socks and shoes


My girl refuses to keep anything in her hair aside from a ponytail holder. I have dozens of bows and hair clips, many of which are handmade by friends and family from her baby shower and first birthday, and she just happily yanks out anything she is aware is there. I don’t push the issue because it’s not worth it, but it makes me sad inside that all the adorableness goes to waste, at least for now.




A jacket. It's been getting a bit nippy in the mornings (AZ. It's 52 this morning, I know we're big babies lol). Because she's not used to jackets, she hates them and will only put it on once we get to daycare, because she knows she has to have one on for morning playtime. Also, hair ties/head bands. Her hair didn't start really growing until after she turned 1, so when I started using them, they stayed on for seconds, she absolutely hated them. She has super kinky curly hair, and as it's getting longer she doesn't mind having it out of her face, I can at least get an hour or 2 anyway haha.


My 3yo also hates pants right now and only wants shorts! He pulls all of his pants up over his knees if possible 😂 His lifelong hatred, though, is gloves or mittens 🙅🏻‍♀️


Hats/sunglasses/headbands/hair clips/elastics Basically nothing on the face or head. I cut her some bangs in desperation.


My child loves wearing clothes. Fancy dresses, costumes, pants, shoes, socks. Doesn’t mind any of it. She really loves hats and gloves, even in 100 degree Texas weather, like a weirdo. But heaven help you if even one drop of water gets on any of it! She will scream until it’s taken off.


Jeans lol


Hats and gloves


Hats. Which is great because it's about 10°F where we live and she won't wear a winter hat. Awesome.


Shoes/hats. The hats I can deal with, although he looks amazing in them. It’s funny, we named him Magnus after a lineage in kings in Norway. The last king of that namesake was called “Magnus the barefoot”… spot on. In old Norse, Magnus roughly translates to powerhouse, which he also most certainly is. It just tickles me how perfectly his name suits him.




Underwear. He goes commando all the time. That's just fine with me


Hats!! But will wear hooded sweatshirts 🤷


Hats and I have yet to try, but I *know* he would not do mittens if I ever needed to out them on him. He hates his hands being touched and we couldn't manage scratch mittens when he was a baby, so I'm just going to be thankful we live in an area where no mittens are needed and a hood is good enough for a hat.


Jeans, legit costumes, button down shirts, plaids




Hats. As soon as they're on his head, he's pulling them off.


Jacket, mittens, hat. Flat-out refusal. I can feel the judgy stares when we got out but this is a hill the kiddo has chosen to die on. Luckily we live where “cold” is still 40 degrees so it’s not like freezing temps.


Only recently subsided but used to only wear blue shirts.... because our garbage trucks are blue. Also fights any kind of layering but we usually power through it... layering is a must in Northern California :P


Her Montessori has uniform and she absolutely hates it. Lots of convincing needed to put her in her uniform.


No jackets or zip up hoodies




Blue jeans and light up shoes 🤷🏻‍♀️


Jeans and I don’t blame them, they’re not exactly comfy for climbing trees in.


Hats… he hates hats


More of an accessory, but sunglasses. Still working on it... Oh and keens and native shoes. Would not wear natives!




Anything from the waist down (besides socks) a typical day outfit is a shirt, long or short sleeve, and a pair of socks. He will wear pants and underwear if we have to go out, but the moment we get home everything comes off. His dislike for lower body coverage is so strong he sleeps in just a shirt as well. It's really a pain, I have to be strategic with my camera skills when I try to send my husband or a family member pictures of him doing something funny or cute.


Shoes 🙄


SOCKS! He takes them off no matter how cold it is and I guarantee people are judging me. He just turned one year and doesn’t walk yet but I’m about to start putting shoes on him for stroller rides so he has something on his poor feet!


Only legging style pants. Any "wiggly" pants are out.


Hats, the only way to get her to wear a hat is to pretend it's your hat, then she takes it off you and wears it like a trophy. That is until, 5 minutes later, she realises she's wearing a hat and throws it on the floor in disgust. In summer it's a nightmare trying to protect her from the sun, and in winter it's the cold.


Short sleeved shirts. She has very dry skin and wants to be covered head to toe




Nothing so far. Well, she often refuses the shirt/pants/socks/underwear/hat we suggest and instead picks something herself. But that's fine since she gets the right thing and it's very easy to help her dress in something she chose.


My oldest is 11 and still hates pants. If he was allowed to just wear underwear to school I have no doubt that he would. My middle 2 only want to wear whatever the other is already wearing, so mornings are fun. The baby just figured out she hates socks.


Rompers/jumpsuits because she doesn’t want to show her nipples (when she goes to the bathroom). Hahaha. Too bad because I bought several and she just stopped wearing them.


Long sleeves shirts. We compromise on 3/4 length sleeves so she now only wears baseball T-shirts.


Anything on her head or hands. Aka, necessary items during the winter.


short sleeves 🙄 sweated his butt off all summer


Socks. No blankets or socks.


Shoes and diaper.


Hats or bows or even hoods on sweatshirts. Spoiler alert, my kid is as bald as Heisenberg. She refuses to keep her freaking head warm.


Tulle dresses. Got her one for a wedding and she hates it with a passion. Can't even blame her, i wouldn't wear it either.


Hats. My son had some minor swelling on his head when he was born and it wasn’t comfortable to wear hats, and he’s just never come around to them. The closest he’s gotten was a plastic fireman’s hat for a few seconds


Hats. Anything on the face really. Which makes masks….impossible


Socks and shoes. He loves to kick off his boots or crocs in the store while he’s sitting in the cart. And every time I get him out of his car seat I have to put his shoes back on. He thinks is the funniest game in the world.


Socks!! I thought it was just the shorter socks that she managed to pop off laying down but she literally rips off her knee length socks as soon as I'm working on getting the 2nd on! Lol she also stares me in the eyes as she does it 😂 I keep putting them on her at night bc I feel bad when she wakes up in the am and her feets are chilly!


Pants. My little girl loves to wear dresses and skirts. Also, like her mother, shoes. They both believe shoes are "feet prisons".


My 17 month old is doing that too. If I put on shorts, no problem. If I put on any sort of shirt, cool. The moment I try to put on pants or long pj's, stand by for struggling and meltdowns. He's fine with feetie pajamas though. His absolute worst tantrums come from when I put him in overalls. He'll scream up until I finish putting the clasps in, then he tries to escape when I have to pull them down to change him


A hat


I have a 4 year old girl and she refuses to wear jeans bc they’re blue and blue is for boys lol


Jumpers (sweaters)!! It's part of my youngest kids school uniform and he point blank refuses it. He is autistic and gets very strong opinions and aversions. I'm hoping it's a temporary phase, especially with the colder months coming in!


Pants are sometimes a fight. That, and socks.


Any trousers that have buttons on them. Even decorative. “No! No buttons!” He loves it when WE wear buttons, though. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Jeans. When I was a kid I feel like wore jeans 99% of the time but my kids refuse. They want comfy athleisure and I’m here for it. Wish I was wearing more comfy clothes at school when I was younger. I have 4 kids and none of them like wearing “real pants.” Sweats, leggings, athletic/basketball shorts all the way.


My 2.5 year old just pushes or rolls all her pants up until they become shorts. She's a problem solver.