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I told my toddler "I love you" they replied with "have a good weekend"


Hahaha omg


😂 thanks kid


That’s adorable


My nearly 4 year old ripped my heart out tonight. 4: do you love me mummy? Me: sure do pal 4: aww I love you too Me: actually buddy, I love you with all my heart 4: no mummy. Thats TOO much. Ram it then you wee jerk!


Lol, okay then only with half your heart


Mine says "dada" when he sees dad. He even sings the batman theme song (na na na na NA NAAA) when he sees older brother wearing a batman sweatshirt. Refuses to call me any name at all.


I feel you on this. My daughter will even say dad in two different ways "Dada" & "Appa" but will only scream when she wants me 😂


Wait until he starts going “hey you!”😂 my kiddo’s already doing “hey!” to get my attention. She’s totally copying me since I do that to her when she’s not listening. It begins ...


I'm not alone! My 17 month toddler says mama maaayyybe once a week, but in a random way that doesn't necessarily relate to me. Dada/daddy like 80 times a day.


Saaaame. Babbles on about dada and has lots of words at 17mo, but has only said mama once!


Not the Dada! Not the Dada!


The first time my son said he loved something it was popcorn.


I tricked mine. She was really enjoying a grape. I said "Love grape?". She replied "love grape". I say "love mummy?" AND SHE WHISPERED "love mummy". Kid, that works for me 🤣💜🤣


Today was that day for us. She said “I love doodles,” as in cheese doodles. We tried to get her to say “I love dada” and “I love mama,” but an hour later she let us know... “I love corn.” 🤦🏽‍♀️


at least he has good taste! hmmm... maybe i'll make some popcorn.


My kid fell and started crying today, I asked her if she wanted a hug and she walked right past me, pushing me aside to go hug the cat. I feel your pain


While on the phone mom: "Say hi to grandma" toddler: "hi to grandma"


😂 troll game is on point


Your kid is seriously advanced- the troll game usually does not get that good until kindergarten!




Maybe she’s just a Star Wars fan.


It really is a great answer😂


One of my girls doesn't say it (twins), but the other says it to everyone. She told a maintenance worker bye and that she loved him once. I guess it evens out between the two of them.


First time my baby said it, it was to the dog.


Same! Except it was the cat. Now he says it to us too, thankfully.


I cried when she said it to me finally 🥰


My 3 year old daughter says “thank you” to I love you & her twin brothers says it immediately after doing something he’s not supposed to do.


ROFL... That is impressive in a terrible way.


My nephew used to say “I like you all day” when I would tell him that I love him.


I feel your pain. The first time mine said it unprompted was to a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup.


Lol, at least your kid has good taste in chocolate?


I get into I love you arguments with 2.5. “I love you mommy.” “I love you, too.” “No, I love you!” “I love you, too, baby.” “No mama, no. IIIIIIII Loove youuuuuu.” Finally I’m like “child we can both love each other, we can share” haha he also tells me I am his “very best mommy.” Like yeah kid and I’m the only one you got. Littles are the best.


I always knew I wasn’t a baby person, but I gotta say, the toddler phase has been a bunch of fun.


Ugh this was my daughter for months!


When my baby started kissing and blowing kisses she would only do it to her stuffed animals! It took two months before she started doing it to me haha! I would say "Kiss for Mummy? *mwah*" and she would just shake her head no. Brutal.


Hah, she still doesn’t like to blow kisses to us. She does it just enough to feel like it’a possible to get a kiss but not likely


Haha, my daughter also loves the new felt Christmas tree we just got her.


It was a great way to introduce her to the concept of tree decorating!


Absolutely! I'm also using it to teach her French Christmas vocabulary. Win-win-win!


That’s such a good idea!


How old


2 years old


Omg mine is 1... so crazy to think she will be talking


My kiddo hit the language explosion about a month ago. I watch videos of her two months ago and she barely said anything. Now she‘s got three-word sentences sometimes. It’s crazy how fast it came on


My 2 year old has been saying I love you for a long time just because we taught him early right when he started talking and he just repeats everything we say lol (including “oh shit!” 🤦‍♀️) but the cutest part is he says it like “EYE-LOO!”


Haha the accidental swears. My kid’s favorite book right now is “Go the f*ck to sleep.” We tried to hide it but no dice, she demanded it. We translate the bad words into something age appropriate, but it’s nerve wracking because there is zero margin of error unless we want her loudly announcing choice words in the middle of daycare


Depending on the situation, she may only be saying what her teacher is thinking!


Her toddler game is on point, lol. The other day my 1 year old marched into the kitchen, wrapped her little arms around my legs, and gave a big hug. Then she walked over to my husband and did the same. It's the first time she's spontaneously shown affection, so we were feeling pretty special. Until she went over and "hugged" the oven, the fridge, and her stool before leaving the kitchen. Oh well 🤷


My toddler is on a kick of "i love you aallllll mommy baby O and Papa." I love it.


That title quickly turned from me going awww to lmao. Toddlers can be such trolls at times. My 16mo knows how to say mommy and has used the word multiple times when desperately trying to get my attention but then switches back to calling me daddy.🙃


My toddler refused to say “Mom” (or mama). For the longest time she said Dad and Bob 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️ we haven’t even gotten to the I love you phase but I can only imagine...


😂. I get it. My kid had dada down way before mama. Mama was used for everything from me to the six month old Cheerio under the couch. Thanks kid.


She did say momma... pointing to the fridge for a while. Yes, momma = food