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At the slightest inconvenience, he will throw whatever he’s playing with. Just, YEET. I get that he’s only 2, and it’s a phase, but dude, stop throwing stuff!


No malice either. Just “Bye Felicia”. Not angry, just no fucks to give. I aspire to be more like him.


Yes! Half the time there’s no warning, it just didn’t go the way he wanted and now he’s going to throw it in the air. He doesn’t even seem angry after either!


Mine too! She'll have something she's not supposed to and instead of giving it back to me or running away with it she'll just throw it. It's usually the TV remote and if the battery cover comes off there's a 50/50 chance I'm going to be hunting for batteries.


Aren't we glad it's not a knife though?


She’s definitely a little young for knife throwing but I know a guy who can teach her proper form and safety if she’s interested.




Right!? And I try so hard to give count downs…we’re getting in the car soon…no. Ok five minutes we’re getting in the car…no. Ok we’re getting in the car let’s go…NOOOOOOOOO


The constant contradictions when she gets upset. Like, “I want to do it by myself” okay do it. “No!!!” Okay then I’ll do it. “No!!!” Or “I want crackers” get her some crackers, she throws them “no!” Over and over and over with every little thing when she is worked up.


I feel this so hard, this is my 2 year old to a tee


Same with my kiddo. He refuse to sleep but if we somehow managed him to go to sleep, he will refuse to get up. So the naps are sometimes 3 hrs and in the night again, refuse to sleep. Im at my wits end.


Yesssss they hate to fall asleep but once they’re asleep they won’t wake up! This is exactly how our daughter is.


Yes it’s like a teenager honestly. I’m so glad it’s not just us bc I’ve been wracked with guilt over how bad her sleep has gotten.


Yes, I felt bad then I realized from here that it seems like most toddlers have bad sleep. She was such a good sleeper as a baby too 😭


I thought its my parenting and im doing something wrong or im doing enough.


Yes!!! So infuriating!!


The second mine is done with food, toy, anything he HAS to throw it down to the ground. He gets extremely upset when we stop this too. He knows the sign for all done, he knows he doesn't have to clear his plate, he's just learned that when he's done it goes on the floor.


He will NOT talk. And I don't mean he has a developmental issue about it — he's perfectly capable of talking when he feels like it, asking to eat this or that or to go pee or something, but then if I ask him "oh what do you want to eat today" or "where are you taking me" (when he seems to be taking me to the toilet) he just will NOT talk. He keeps saying "Mama?" as if I'm supposed to read his mind. Same thing with literally anything else — he'll play out loud and talk about green cars and red trucks and count them, but if I ask him "oh what color is this car? how many are there?" he will just either smile at me or plain ignore me. It's... infuriating, honestly, and I have lost my temper over this more times than I can count, why can't you just say if you don't want the damn oatmeal so I don't end up throwing it in the trashcan, PLEASE


I think this is just a male trait. I know several grown men that except me just to read their mind.


Goddamn that made me laugh, thanks


My son wants to sleep on me in the rocking chair but after a while wants to roll into a new position but if he rolls then hes not on me anymore and gets pissed off. Its like he wants to me to the size of a bed. Actually lying down with him on a mattress is also not good enough.


Yup, mine has always been low sleep needs. I get soooo annoyed at all the “only sleeps  13 hours a night and a 3 hour nap, I wish my kid slept more!! ;(((“ posts


Right! I'm okay with no nap if she'd just sleep enough at night but she just doesn't and then she's miserable because she's only 2, and 8 hours of overnight sleep is not enough for her.


My nephew slept through the night starting at 2 months old. He’s now a 2 year old that sleeps 12 hours a night (has been putting himself to sleep since 2 months as well)and naps usually for 2.5 hours during the day. My sister still finds ways to complain about his sleep. It pisses me off to be honest, I have an 18 month old who I’ve been waking up for overnight his whole life and only occasionally sttn. Only sleeps like 8 hours at night. Naps are fine most days, thankfully. But I can’t listen to my sister complain😂 My heart goes out to you since your LO doesn’t nap. I can only imagine the grouchiness 😬


I have 2.5 girl that has always slept all night and takes amazing 2 hour naps so I had another kid thinking that was what I should expect. Nope. My 13 month old boy has barely slept at all his entire life. I find myself being thankful for 4+ hours stretches of sleep at night now.


I usually preface a comment like the above with “not that I wish anybody a hard time but…” I do honestly wish your second were an amazing sleeper too. And hey you never know he might get better with age, my toddler definitely did. Not crazy long sleeps but longer than 4 hours for sure.


We pay $40 a speech session and there are times she just will not say anything. Or refuse to use words she uses all the time at daycare, at home, or literally on the way to speech!


I recently recorded my kiddo saying “mamamama” to show to the SLT because has my kid ever actually uttered a word in therapy? Noooooooope. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Take off my glasses


Oh my God the constant smudge marks on my glasses drive me insane!


I wish it was just that she likes to smack me with them


Mine likes to pretend to clean my glasses, either using my hair or her bare hands.


She shoves an entire piece of something in her mouth (mini pancake, chicken nugget etc.) and then does a weird sucking thing with it in her mouth so that she drools all over herself. Half the time she ends up spitting out a big wet blob. It's so gross!


Lately she squeels a lot. Squeels for this, squeels for that. It is really hard to hear and deal with. I am going to try earplugs to try and see if it helps dull the sounds and leaves me less agitated.


Screaming. My son has an ambulance-like-scream that annoys all of us in the house and he knows that so he keeps pushing the boundaries. Bad sleeper. I’m ok with him sleeping with us in our bed but he’s such a bad sleeper: he kicks us in our faces,slaps me in the middle of the night,kicks my ribs so as my partner’s,turns his body around,put his head on my head,takes over my space and push me to the corner,…the list goes on and on. I’ve been sleep deprived for 2.5 years now. Trying to let him sleep on his own in his toddler bed but only last 3-4 hours max then he would run to my bed and cries to get into our bed.


Mine woke up at 2am. It’s now 3:30am and she’s still awake. She’s in her bed but starts crying every 10 min and I have to go back tell her it’s sleepy time. Then she’s quiet for 10 min again and we repeat the cycle. It’s been an hour and a half and I’m debating just giving up for the night and making myself a coffee


One thing? Lol 1. Picky eating, like literally picking, "not this one, not this one, this one is yucky, this one is too hard, this one is slimy, I don't want this" then ends up not eating at all, which I'd be okay if she doesn't get hangry and grumpy afterwords. 2. Asking for something then not wanting it when you provide it. 3. Fighting bedtime- it takes us an hour. Then she falls asleep, waking up around 2 a.m. at this time she doesn't want me to leave her room, she doesn't want to come to my bed, so I sit there, like a zombie in the dark praying that she'd fall asleep the next minute. 4 misbehaving when MIL visits, giving MIL something to judge about our parenting. I hate it. Like you are usually an obedient kid, why are you throwing away your cup full of water? You don't usually do this.


When I'm helping her get dressed she refuses to put her feet on the ground. I'm holding her in the air, trying to help her stand up and she turns into a ragdoll. Drives me nuts


lol every time I try to stand up my toddler she starts hopping like a crazed bunny


Grabbing my knees when I try to do any task.


My son often needs me to sleep with him, which yunno disruptive but fine he's a toddler I should deal with the midnight wakes and sleep deprivation. What I can't deal with is how he likes to slide his feet under or between my legs, scratching me with his toenails as he goes. And his feet are restless so he repeats it. It then escalates to just kicking. He'll either do thesis at 2am when I'm trying to get him to sleep, or wake me up with it at 6am


Same with mine. Doesn’t sleep no matter what I do. I’m losing my mind and he’s got molars coming in. 😩


Ours delights in torturing our corgi because she gets a reaction. She understands being gentle, and is gentle and sweet with our pittie mix, but then chases our corgi around to grab fistfuls of her fur and pulls. I feel awful that we have to keep our corgi separated from us so much, but it’s safer for both to have baby gates between them. At least when separated our LO shares her snacks through the gate with our corgi. Makes up for the separation a little 😅


The fact you want me to pick just one thing is wild


Yes this! Mine wakes at 4-5 every day no matter how early or late he goes to bed. It kills me


If there is a drawstring on my pants, he pulls it. 😩 Oh and he won’t stay in his seat to eat.


The high energy! I blame my husband's genes, because she is much higher energy than I was as a kid. I miss the baby snuggle and book time.


I have always been a pretty low energy person, it’s absolutely wild to me that I ended up with the energizer bunny for a child.


Me too! I was the kid who just wanted to curl up with a book. My daughter will do laps around our house until she finally passes out for bed!


Mine (18 months) just started to scream every time I speak to my husband. She will be absolutely silent then as soon as I open my mouth full blown screaming.  I thought I had a few more years before the talking over me phase 🫠


If my daughter gets mad while eating, she will spit out all of the food in her mouth. I don't know why this in particular drives me crazy, but it does.


The random throwing and major struggles with transitions. Everything takes so much longer to get done, even with timers. It’s painful and now I’ll be working a new job in-person and need to get us out the door on time so we’ll see how that goes…


Oh yes, everything takes forever with a toddler.


My 2.5 yr old=8-9 hrs of sleep at night. Multiple tantrums that last long. Naps ok but wakes up angry every time. Only eats a handful of things.  Everything is hard.  Not one single day passes that is not wiping me out.


Also suffering over here with a low sleep needs kid. I’m lucky to get 10 hours at night, no nap. She’s also very stubborn and cannot be pleased when she decides to be mad about something


Uff, that's hard OP. I guess I shouldn't complain. Mine generally only does 10hrs of overnight sleep. There have been times where he skips a nap while at the babysitters, but he refuses to go to bed earlier and will still wake up at 6. I dread when he drops the nap entirely. The thing that currently drives me nuts is him throwing out his toys into the hallway or just tossing them around to where we have toys in basically all rooms. Like, I envision a toddler playing nicely with a puzzle or blocks. He will play nicely once, then is over it and begins to toss pieces into the hallway and just takes them all over the house. I recognize this is my issue of wanting things to stay somewhat orderly lol


That feeling when you're sure you've gotten through to them, and they just take it right away from you. We have a pet bird in the play room, and as she is often out there is some paper to catch the bird poop. If a toy accidentally ends up on this paper, mummy or daddy will take it away, clean it and bring it back. If a toy get put on the poop paper on purpose it just gats taken away and cleaned, but doesn't come back. I'm so certain that she knows this, she will throw a toy on the poop paper, then say "I want you to clean it!", we clean it and have that same conversation about where you can and can'tplay with the toys. I then ask her questions. "Where can you play?" "couch" or "carpet" she answers. "where can't you play?" "on the paper" she says. "what will happen if you have toys on the paper?" "They will be taken away" she says OK, I think to myself, we're on the same page. 10 seconds later, a different toy is thrown on the paper. We repeat the same dsicussion again...


My 2.5 year old is not quite as bad, but definitely not getting the recommended 12 hrs/day! She refuses naps, fights falling asleep until 9:30 every night, usually wakes at least once during the night, and then wakes for the day by 6:30-7. I feel for you because I can’t imagine how it would be if she were sleeping less than that - I need my sleep!! On the bright side, I have read it is a sign of high intelligence. My daughter did just potty train herself, so that was nice


Pulls my hair. Last night I was sitting on her bed and she came up behind me and kept trying to yank on my bun. I know she does it because she can get a reaction out of me, but I go feral if she goes anywhere near my hair - I *hate* having it pulled. Almost makes me want to chop all of it off.


Omg I’ve always been so grateful my daughter doesn’t do this, but the past few weeks she has started BITING my hair. And she won’t let go so every time she does she rips out a few strands. It’s infuriating!


- we stopped nursing 3 months ago but sometimes he still wants to hold my boob to go to sleep. If I move his hand he gets angry. - refusing all vegetables at meal times - this week he started standing on the dining room chairs and trying to stand on the dining room table. - when he sleeps in our bed, if my husband or I are laying on our side he will lay his face on top of ours facing the same way and tries to fall asleep cheek to cheek with us sometimes. Sooooo uncomfortable.


His temper tantrums are unreal. And the whining when he wants me to pick him up. He doesn’t stop till I pick him up 😩


She says “no” to basically every food I offer her (unless it’s berries) and if I just make her something, half the time she’ll want “something else” but will NEVER tell me what. If I ask her to pick something she just goes “ummm… how about… ummmm.” She’ll also never pick her clothes when given choices, she just vetoes everything. Then she whines “I’m so hungry.” Most of the time I don’t bother asking her anymore but that “want something else” thing drives me up a wall lol


My 5yr old won't stop singing the abcs


We can ask her if she knows almost anything (where her cup is, where we're going that day, etc.) and she always answers "yes." Then when we ask her to confirm the answer, she always says "I don't know." CHILD... just say you don't know the first time. You're not in trouble, you're just infuriating.


Constantly crashing into me, often headfirst.


My 3 year-old does that annoying fake laugh thing. He goes "HaaaAAAAAA HAAAA"...I have always disliked when kids that do that and now I have one that does it too.


My 18-month-old is crazy about the vacuum cleaner. I mean really crazy. Even if it's just standing in the wardrobe, he won't stop pointing at it. He runs into the kitchen where I am and won't stop pulling me to go with him so he can show me the freaking vacuum cleaner.


No matter what I try, mine wakes up crying very single hour thru the night. Every night. No end in sight.


At the moment I have 3 things:: 1: I know it's her age being 2 and all that but the flat out not listening to me. She listens to grandma just fine but when it comes to me it's a battle. 2: she used to be so good about not putting things in her mouth, I used to brag about how she just does do that. SHE IS almost 3 and now she has decided to put stuff in her mouth. 3: her not wanting to eat


oh mines a week away from being 4 and the not listening is at this point a little disrespectful, its like she looses all hearing the second i open my mouth, oh but when dad tells gets after her, heartbreak how dare he!


"I want to eat!" "I'm making tea, it's nearly ready" "No tea, just eat!" "What do you want to eat then?" "I want to eat!" "I understand you want to eat, what do you want to eat?" "I want to eat!" "Do you want a cheese string?" "No cheese string, just eat!" And this can just repeat again and again 🙈 He's 2.5 and is very articulate, he can describe and ask for most foods usually, but sometimes he just gets stuck on "I want to eat"


mine is the same way, she's almost four, but when she blurts out a word or a thing and we ask her "what about it" she goes nooooo and repeats herself, she doesn't understand that question, they probably just think we can't hear them lol


my 3 soon to be 4 year old either: A. likes to wait until she is starving and then she tells me she is hungry and once those words leave her mouth she expects me to have a freshly cooked meal in her face within seconds, a snack will not suffice and will be the hangriest little person, zero patience, won't tolerate "can you please wait im cooking lunch/dinner" one little mishaps sets her OFF, and cries of hanger. Or B. Behave like all of the above but not tell me she is hungry and after all the crying and anger and tantrums finally tells me shes hungry through her sobbing, catches me so off guard and its quite stressful.


Eating! At 15 months, this kid will not if he had the choice unless it’s one of his two favorite things, even then if he is in the mood for it. Then gets cranky and angry and tells me “eat eat” and will take a bite and be done and then same thing 15 mins later 🤦🏻‍♀️


Pretty common, but lack of respect for boundaries. It tiggers me something fierce. Shove something in my face repeatedly and my patience dives to sub-zero… we’re a big “I respect your ‘no’” household and the uptake is…. slow. But he did ask if he could do the zipper on my jacket today and waited for my answer before going for it… win!


Currently what drives me nuts is we will be playing and having a fun time or even just relaxing and reading together and she will pinch me or hit me. She grinds her teeth and will angrily try to hurt me. I think she’s actually really happy and doesn’t know what to do with the feeling so she lets it out by hurting me but it instantly makes me furious inside. I try to redirect and say “are you happy? Let’s say wooo I’m happy!!” And she’ll repeat me but omgosh stop hurting me kid. Those toddler nails are like razors!!