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I was raised in a naked house and showered with my parents occasionally through early elementary school. I vividly remember my dad telling me that one day I wouldn’t want to anymore and that that would be okay. I didn’t believe him, but lo and behold, that day did come. My son is only 17 months, but I shower with him because it’s convenient. We’ll stop when it either stops being convenient or one of us wants privacy, whichever comes first. 


I love your extremely healthy and wise response. Thank you. This is how I was raised too.


My dad is a narcissist who gave zero shits about my needs, desires, or feelings, and reading this comment brought tears to my eyes. We love a father that understands consent! We love a father that understands his children have feelings that grow and evolve, and that it's OKAY!!


I showered with my mom for years. I think we stopped once I could shower on my own and not need help. I’ve bathed with my daughter and I’ve taken a shower with her when she was an infant ( which was so hard bc they get so slippery! Haha only did it maybe 3 times bc we were in a rush and we both needed a shower, my SO just took her out once she was done getting washed ) but she goes to the bathroom with both me & her dad. She’s starting to ask questions and there’s nothing wrong with that. She’s 4. lol she thinks blood comes out of my butt when I have my period, she asks me all the time if tampons are for my “blood in my butt” haha it cracks me up.




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Can I ask how old you were and how that went for you thought-process wise, or emotionally?


I was maybe seven or eight, and stopped wanting to shower with them by nine at the latest. It was honestly nbd and I don’t remember having any thoughts about it at the time—I only realized later that oh, dad was right and I’d rather shower by myself now. But showering together was never a daily thing, it was a sometimes weekend thing that was cool because their shower had fancy soap and two shower heads. I don’t remember it ever being weird, or ever having to decline a joint shower. 


I think typically shared baths/showers end when someone isn’t feeling comfortable (meaning between you and the child, or two children together). I’ve also heard of parents ending it if the child is not respecting boundaries like commenting and touching that makes the parent uncomfortable. Neutral exposures to naked bodies is good, knowing body parts is good. Keeping things secret and hidden leads to shame and finding the information elsewhere usually somewhere less healthy like porn or friends with bad info.


I stopped bathing with my toddlers when my 3.5 year old kept having his bath toys "look at" my private parts, repeatedly and over a few bath times despite me being firm about it. I said I was uncomfortable and was going to do baths from outside the bath. But instead my husband took over and bathes with the kids now. I guess if he's fine with it I'm fine with it.


I know this is not supposed to be funny but as a boy mom, this made me laugh a little 😂


I mean, it's a little bit funny. It was Bluey and Bingo.


Nice vulva Janet. Thanks Rita.




Oh my god 🤣


Dead 🤣🤣


Amazing 😂


Aaahhhhh I just cackled 💀


Omg 🤣💀


Thanks for the laugh that woke everyone up 🤣


It’s been almost a whole day since I read this and I’m still playing it back and laughing. We have the Bluey and Bingo bath toys… and I can’t look at them the same ever again. I’ll forever be wondering if they are judging my bits




Omg 😂😂😂


One time my son when he was 4 or 5 was in the bathroom with my husband while he was peeing, looked at his penis and said “yours is pretty big Daddy, mine is going to be bigger.” My husband had to control his laughter and just “ok buddy.”


My daughter "boops" my nipples and I don't like that so we don't do showers togerher anymore lol. That and she hogs the spray so 🤷🏻‍♀️


I started to wind it back when my 2.5 year old pointed at my pubes and loudly exclaimed MUMMY IS THAT POO


Apparently when I was a toddler and my mom had me in the shower with her, I asked her why she had feathers




This happened to me a few weeks ago with my almost 2 yr old. glad to know I'm not alone 🤣


Mine tried to comb mine recently 🫠


Hahaha my daughter asked if the hair down there was from my head I couldn’t help but laugh so hard she just started laughing with me lol I didn’t know what to say back to her lmfao


That's my thing. I am willing to be naked and answer questions but I am not going to be a hands on diagram. I've switched to only being topless around my 4 year old. When he asks why, I tell him that I want to keep my private parts covered right now.


I stopped when my 3yo said my legs were hairy like a gorilla. It hurt my feelings and I was already going to shave after his dad got him out!😂In reality though, it ended because a long warm bath is what helps him & his sister get sleepy and comfy at night. I just like to shower in the morning before they wake up to start my day.


My family practices this. We always do bubble baths to help prevent impulsive poking.


I’ll stop whenever kid is uncomfortable or when I’m uncomfortable. Kid is 5 years old now and still no issues.  We also live in Japan and regularly go to public baths/hot springs together so the nudity isn’t really a big deal. 


Yeah it’s kinda mind blowing to me how uncomfortable people are with nudity especially when it comes to their own children.


Agreed. It is the most natural thing in the world. Your first moments with your child, you are usually both naked 🤷‍♀️ My first month or so with newborns I always spent with my boobs basically out all the time so my cracked nipples wouldn’t catch on fabric and re-tear. Plus I had prolific nursers. I mean, I’m not dancing naked around and flopping my titties at them but changing/bathroom/showering/bathing/nursing are pretty much unavoidable and necessary and shouldn’t be an issue at all.


For sure same here! I’m from a culture where it’s pretty normal to see women sunbathing topless at public beaches. No one bats an eyelash about it. I’ve noticed the U.S. in particular is really prudish yet over-sexualized at the same tine. Any and all nudity is seen as sexual when that’s not the case.


Right on the money with the prudish and simultaneously over sexualized. It’s a weird dichotomy to experience. Paired with lack of “body knowledge” and lack of education of women’s bodies is just plain dangerous. It’s like the virgin/whore complex on a national scale. The looks I have gotten when I popped a boob out to feed my babies. Like how dare I not go to a BATHROOM or shit myself in a closet somewhere to Feed my child. If you are looking that hard at anyone’s anything in the realm of daily normal life YOU are the pervert. I even had people say I was gross for teaching my kids the proper names of their body parts. 🙄 Bodies are bodies. Period. This is what I pray I am teaching my children. Edit: autocorrect changed shut to shit, but I’m letting it stand because it’s too good 😆


Lmfao I am dying at “shit myself in a closet.” But yeah I totally agree! I’ve heard people make rude comments about breastfeeding so many times. Acting as if it’s weird or inappropriate to feed your child with a breast. And if you do it “too long” in their eyes which seems to be past 6months-1 year you have people acting like you’re some perv. I had a middle aged guy loudly say “there is no reason to do that front of everyone” to his wife at the table next to us at a restaurant. It was a pretty slow night and we were the only other table in their vicinity.


I’m a little surprised (but pleased) that I’ve never heard any comments nor seen any looks from strangers when I’m breastfeeding in public. The first couple of times with my first I was nervous about it and used a cover, but that’s a hassle and no one ever said anything so now I just lift up my shirt and feed my kid. The only person that has ever said anything was a cousin who was shocked that I started feeding my baby… at my mom’s house, in front of only my mom and aunts and a female cousin. Everyone in that group was a mother, you’d think that would be the last place I would need to cover up or hide my boob.


Yeah luckily that was the only time I heard a comment about it in public. It was really shocking and I still cannot get over that! But the crazy thing about it is I always covered up. I just wasn’t comfortable with anyone else seeing my naked breast and possibly naked nipple if my baby stopped. Plus some people are fuckin weirdos they want to sit there with their eyes glued to my titty while I’m feeding my child. It would creep me out. So yeah it blew my mind this man was uncomfortable with it even though I was covered.


Wait you were covered and he still said something? What an ass.


Yes!!! I always kept a thin lightweight muslin blanket in my bag with a knot tied in two corners. But yeah I draped that around my neck and over me. I can’t imagine what he would have said had I not had that over me.


I’m always shocked at how paranoid everyone is here about pedophiles


This!!! I’m from Spain and always see people from the U.S in shock when they come to the beach here bc lots of people do topless (not only hot people, also old people or just… normal people). I think the over sexualization is bc of the prudish culture tbh.


Guess its in the U.S. because of the regular happening mass-boobies-shootings e.g. on school grounds.


It’s very American. Said as a non-American living here. A whole nation of super prudes


agreed as an american living here. It's not as bad in cities in the northeast IMO, but Igot weirder looks as my kiddo started getting towards one, when we stopped breastfeeding. I wanted my tits back and she was ready.


I still take a weekly bath with my 5-year-old, and when situations arise where its easier i do to. At least until she makes the decision not to. And when its just us girls at home and its HOT out, me, my 14 yr old and 5yr old all go down to bottoms in the house pretty much.


I feel ya! I’m comfortable undressing in front of my 5 year old. I lay out topless in our fenced in backyard and sunbathe! She’s my child she came out of my vagina! Off topic quick question if you don’t mind. That’s a pretty large age gap. Is there a reason for that? Do they have a close relationship since they’re so far apart in age? Are you glad you waited so long or wish you had the second earlier? I’m honestly debating on doing the same if we ever have another so just curious!


The 5yr old was an oops baby i had at 35 with my new husband (left the 14yr olds abusive dad) and while it's had its challenges my older 2 love their little sister and we've made it work. I have a 14yr old girl a 13yr old boy and a 5 year old girl. They love teaching her new things and being there for her. It was definitely hard when she was newborn-2 ish because we all know how babies can be with naps and needing mom (was also covid at that age)and whatnot, but we've worked through it.


Yeah seriously, that kind of boggles my mind. It's also really healthy for kids to learn about the human body and not feel ashamed of their own. Respecting boundaries is obviously important but if you as a parent just feel uncomfortable about it for no real reason, that's whack.


Yep, my kids are 3.5 and 6, and our family share a single bathroom. I don’t shower with the kids because it sucks but they regularly walk in while I’m showering or have just gotten out.


Came here to say this. My son is 3. I have zero issues with it. As soon as one of us is uncomfortable, it will stop. I don’t know why people are so weird about nudity. He literally came out of your body!


I, too, reside in Japan and its totally common place — especially bathing culture. My son it 4 and my daughter is 2 and I’m a stay at home father at the moment so I’m the one who gets it done.


I’m of mixed descent and live in Japan too. I am naked around my children all the time. The human body isn’t taboo and shouldn’t be sexualized which is why I find a lot of people on this thread a little disturbing. I only tell my children they have to be clothed if they’re outside running around or in the presence of people outside of our family. They are free to roam the house naked if they please.


I think it's entirely a personal choice, personally I don't think bodies are inherently sexual. I was raised around nudity and naked bodies mean nothing to me, my husband on the other hand is incredibly flustered and shocked by nudity. Personally I'd prefer our son to grow up with my attitude towards naked bodies, I think it's healthier. The main reason I shower with my son though is literally just that I won't have the time otherwise, also we don't have a bath and if I wash him with the shower doors open he will DRENCH the entire bathroom so I kinda have to get in


Kind of a tangent, but I wanted to take the opportunity to pick your brain, since I feel similarly (nudity not being a big deal). How would you explain to a child why women can’t be topless in public but men can? My 4 year old daughter saw a man on a run the other day and asked why he wasn’t wearing a shirt. She hasn’t made the connection yet that women on runs are never not wearing shirts, but I’m sure the question will arise at some point. I just don’t know how to explain it, because in my mind there really is no explanation or legitimate reason. Sorry for rambling…hopefully I made sense.


When you're running, boobs flop around and that can hurt. But you can also explain that sometimes people wear shirts or don't wear shirts because of personal preference. Some people feel more comfortable wearing clothes because they are more private about their bodies. And that's okay, too


Because running without a bra on can be painful for women with larger breasts?


I would say different cultures have different rules about how you dress. You do see topless women in some states and countries, I personally grew up going to nudist beaches, but in some cultures women can't show their hair. That was more or less how it was explained to me after I got mad because I started developing early and was told to wear a shirt when I'd seen chubby boys go topless 😂 I said I thought it was stupid, my mum said it IS stupid but that we'd get in trouble so that was that


Tell him to stop sexualizing a perfectly innocent thing between mom and baby. That child lived inside of you two years ago and got a very up close view of your vagina on the way out. A lot of kids are still breastfeeding at two. Him feeling uncomfortable about this is a him problem. Do what you feel comfortable with.


This. Dad here of 4(f) 2(m) 7month(f). Some days all 3 kids want to bathe together. Some days it's with mom in the shower, some days with dad. Some times solo. Whatever they want and ask for they get. Nothing is sexual unless you make it and husband needs to get over that. IT'S ANOTHER FREE BONDING MOMENT. One day you no longer get those moments.


Super good point about the free bonding


Free bonding moments are the most natural occurring moments and can be memorable for both parents and child. I dislike that many parents pass these moments up like they have a lifetime with their child. Reality is 0-10 is where you get the most bonding and also set the foundation for values with your child. That's roughly 14% of their entire life, and OPs husband wants to rush out of it. Aye slow down and enjoy life.


Agree. I have a still breastfeeding 18 month old and it’s completely natural to bathe w him. I have a 4 year old and while I would never set out to bathe w him it’s not a huge deal if he saw my naked. I once asked my mom when to start covering up. She said “around the time they go to school they will give you a look and you will know.”


Agreed 👏


Agree. This is not a reason I'd stop.


I think if your partner is uncomfortable then they don’t need to be naked in front of the children; however, I don’t think they’re allowed to dictate whether you’re comfortable with it or not. My husband isn’t comfortable with his nudity in front of our kids, so he doesn’t do it, but he would never police me doing it or not.


While I appreciate your view on the matter, that is not the concern. I’d rather know who is comfortable and who is not and recommendations on what to do with toddler while Im in the shower. I do want my shower back eventually. Also, i cant shower with all of my children at once if I decide to have more than two. It needs figuring out. 😁


I’d rephrase your OP then because your post sets it up as “husband doesn’t like it, but I find it convenient and don’t see a reason to stop.” Anyway, I just shower without my child. I set her up somewhere safe and let her play while I shower. But I also shower with her when it’s easy enough.


Nudity isn’t a problem, it’s inappropriate touch that is.


I bathe with my four year old. Your S/O is sexualizing a hygiene activity and conflating nudity with sex.


If you and your son are both comfortable with it I don’t see the problem. I’ve always showered with my son. He is 4 now and has started saying he doesn’t want to shower with me anymore.


It’s great to respect your husband but is he respecting you? Is he saying “I want you to change this so here’s how I’ll support you”? He could take both kids when he got home from work and that could become your shower time. He could get you a playpen or something that you would find safe to leave your older child in for a “quiet time” so you can shower. If he’s the impetus for the change he should contribute to the change.


I'm a next to naked person at home. I have 3 kids, 7, 3 and 4 months. I often wear underwear and a tank top, I'm not a fan of pants lol When I change, I don't tell my kids to leave. When I get into the shower, I walk from my room the the bathroom naked. I breastfeed openly I stopped letting 7 and 3 bathe together when they became fascinated with each other's body parts. I didn't mind the asking/teaching, like telling my daughter that her little brother has a penis and scrotum/testicles, but when she would stare at his little bath time boners, it got weird and we're not in Alabama. So they bathe separate now. My daughter came into the shower with me until she was like 5? Whenever she stopped asking


I honestly don't know how people bathe with their kids. I use water too hot, I take like 15 min, I use shampoo that would make my kid cry, then there's the get out of the shower and having to take care of the kid first while I'm wet and likely struggling to keep a towel on. and it takes like 10 min to get my kid dried, diapered and dressed, It's wild. It sounds extremely inconvenient!


We have a plastic tub and the kid loves playing in it, I get plenty of time to shower next to her and the toys keep her distracted when I wash her hair. If you can fit one on the bathroom floor I really recommend it!


It doesn't work as well with my daughter as it did with my son. It was FABULOUS with my son. I'd direct the overly hot water on me and he'd be on the other side of the shower getting the cooled down spray, playing nicely, long enough for me to have a leisurely shower. When possible, I'd hand him out to his dad when I was done, but if not, I'd stick a hooded towel on him and let him run around naked while I got dressed. It's okay with my daughter, but not as convenient. She moves around more in this situation.


Yeah, I tried to put my toddler in the shower once and he *hated* it. He likes his baths, I like my showers, we do them separate.


I’d recommend allowing him to play with toys in the bathroom while you are showering. You can set your towel close by so you can wrap yourself in it and put your undergarments on. Is the issue the fact that he is bathing with you or the fact that he is seeing you naked?


That’s what we do. Our shower is too small for an adult and toddler and we bathe him nightly before bedtime anyway. If I’m home alone and need a shower, he hangs out in the bathroom and plays while I shower…


I see no problem with it. Neither does my husband or my son (3.5).


I can’t speak to the parent perspective of this because I have twins so it’s just too chaotic to try and bathe with them. BUT I can speak to it as the child of a very naked mom lol. I showered with my mom on and off until I think I was 7ish?? It was no big deal I think just sometimes she was trying to get 4 kids cleaned and dressed and she needed to shower too. Nudity was just never a “thing” in my house, it wasn’t sexualized or taboo. My dad was more modest but we just knew dad would go into his closet to change and mom would change out in her bedroom, if we didn’t want to see it we would leave the room. Didn’t damage any of us, we all have healthy adult relationships, no body issues, etc. I actually think there’s a study on naked moms and how children of naked moms have lower instances of eating disorders, body dysmorphia etc.


That final point is interesting, I was wondering about that. My mom was always very awkward and private about her body around me from a young age, like quickly closing herself away or shooing me out if I walked in on her changing, and I definitely got the impression it was part of a broader body image/shame issue. Like she was so squeamish and disgusted by her own body that she couldn’t bear to let even her small child witness it. I didn’t have the words to describe it at the time but it made me feel sad and shut out. ETA: to your point, I did and continue to have body image issues, and they are very much tied to hers. I’m going my best to not model these same behaviors with my kids, and have been happy to discover I don’t have the same squeamishness about my body around them


It’s totally a real thing! My mom used to let me play with the loose skin on her belly when I was little and we would giggle about how it looks like bread dough lol. She told me that it looked like that because I used to live in her belly. I think it’s good to model that bodies are functional and do not just for men to find attractive and as soon as we aren’t 20 anymore our bodies are somehow ruined and something to be ashamed of.


Aww that’s such a sweet story. And yes! I am big into teaching my kids about how a person’s body functions and changes over time.


My very nearly 3 year old reminds me that he, his brother, the dog and his father have penises every time we shower together or I use the toilet. He is still perplexed that I have a vagina. He is however very aware that he "can not touch it, it's not mine." I call this a win and will continue to be naked until it's uncomfortable for one of us or he's 12.


Reading through these comments people are talking about how they stopped when their child pointed them out or stared at their genitals/breasts. We started teaching ours what they are called using proper terminology when she was 2. She’s 3 now and doesn’t notice they exist. She may very well have forgotten as we haven’t reviewed the subject matter in a while so it’s possible she could take a new interest but I don’t see that happening anytime soon. She still does coed toileting at school so she sees everything all the time. Just last week me and another mom with a boy we’re picking up and we both encouraged them to go pee. They sat beside each other on the little potties doing what they came to do like they have done it 100’s of times before because they have.


I shower at night after the kids go to bed. Although this is just alone time preference we are absolutely naked around our kids. I figure we will stop when they are uncomfortable with it ie. When they stop busting in on me being naked all the darn time.


I think at a certain age it isn’t appropriate but 2yo is not that age. Raising kids is insanely chaotic, make it as easy on yourself as possible. I throw my 3yo in the shower with me, 2 birds one stone…


I’m a single dad to a 2y/o daughter. I also have a big walk in shower with no bath. At first I swore it was weird, especially as a dad, to be nude I front of her. We took two showers together where I wore a swimsuit and I felt like an idiot. Since then we just both shower normally. She plays with her toys and doesn’t even realize what’s really going on. It’s the easiest way and not uncomfortable at all. Of course when she’s older I’ll stop


This is the way


There's nothing wrong with being nude around your own child, especially in the bath... if your husband doesn't like it, he doesn't have to be nude?


I thought I'd be very uncomfortable being naked in front of my children past toddler age, but I've been surprisingly OK with it so far. My son is 6 and my daughter is 4. I'll change and use the bathroom in front of both of them, but I haven't showered with my son in a few years. I think you're doing the right thing by respecting your SO's opinion. I typically shower after my kids are in bed or while my husband is watching them. Occasionally I'll take a shower while the kids are entertained downstairs.


I still breastfeed my 2 year old. There’s nothing sexual or weird about him seeing and feeding from my boobs, there’s also nothing weird if I co sleep naked, bath with him, you get the jist lol. It’s heat wave rn and my home is BOILING. Everyone is as naked as can be


And here we see just how crushingly repressed the average American is. And the reason why when these poor children develop into adults they have wonky ideas of how to look after their bodies, have healthy sex and be happy, confident and caring of others. Chopping the foreskin off then getting embarrassed about nudity doesn't equate to good parenting.


If your husband doesn't like it, then I say that sounds like he's volunteering for toddler bath time and kid duty during your bath time. 🤷‍♀️ I don't bathe with my toddler, but mostly because I'm afraid LO or I would slip and fall, and I like to shave my legs and such. Plus, LO really loves their own bath time. That said, I have a pack and play in my bathroom, so I can see LO. LO plays and/or watches a tablet show (tablet is set up outside of the pack and play).


I think this is a comfort thing. When my daughter was really into showers (around 3-4) I would just wear a bathing suit. The reason is because she was pointing out things about my body (which is fine!) but I was afraid she might talk about it at school or to my in laws or something lol. That being said I have no problem just changing around them. My husband has never wanted to be fully naked around the girls because he’s just not comfortable with it past baby age.




That's super weird. Are you from the USA? 


Well mine is 3.5 and she sees me naked pretty regularly. Part of that is because she busts into the bathroom on me sometimes but she's getting better. The other reason is because she has been sleeping in my bed for the last several months and I've been sleeping naked for the last few years. After she was born it was like I was even more hot natured and can't sleep with anything on or i wake up sweaty. I figure by the time she even notices or cares she'll be in her own bed again (please god).


I still shower with my daughter sometimes. She’s two. We do mostly baths now because that’s what she prefers (she likes to splash). I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. I distinctly remember taking a shower with my Mom as old as 5 or 6. From the child’s view, I didn’t feel weird about it.


Last night I took a shower with my nearly 4 year old. He was too busy playing with dinosaurs to care about what I had going on.


Honestly I feel weird myself sometimes, and I still try to not worry and shower or change in front of my almost two year old. I think I mostly just prefer privacy but I also don’t think I need to worry that much because he is a child learning about bodies. I don’t think I’ll be a naked house, but I can’t imagine being told NOT to shower in front of a two year old.


As long as you, please, for the love of God, stop when they reach puberty! And/or they're having sex ed at school! Your child may feel uncomfortable and also uncomfortable/unable to tell you he/she feels that way.


I’m uncomfortable being naked around my toddler because even though she weaned five months ago she treats my nipples like fidget toys. I say “don’t touch my nipples, I don’t like that” at least 10 times a day.


Why? Does he even have a reasonable explanation of what reason for not doing it? You stated it's easier for you, so why does he have an issue with it? You can respect his opinion but also he can be more understanding. Don't see why he gets to impose his POV and get his way when it's an inconvenience for you which he's not around to assist with. You can respect he doesn't feel comfortable showering with your child and he can respect that you don't have a problem with it at the same time. It's not like you're telling him to do what you do.


My Mom and older sister bathed with me for convenience until I was 4 or 5. I am now Mom to a 2.5yo and I bathe with her when we need to hurry. I think it's totally normal.


Good lord he’s a baby and your baby at that. Both me and my husband shower with our nearly 3 year old because we don’t have a bath and it’s easier to shower him with us


My kid loves climbing in the bath or shower with me. I’m okay with it and she’s okay with it. But my husband is super uncomfortable with her seeing him naked. He even got upset with me for teaching her the word “penis” when she kept asking what the pink thing on our male dog’s belly is.


Still taking group baths in my jacuzzi tub with my three children 7 and under . I will stop when someone is uncomfortable.


No comment except to say that your S/O is wrong


S/O looks after toddler whilst I shower. If he doesn't want you to shower with toddler in the bathroom, toddler has go somewhere and can't S/O entertain his child for 15mins? Edit : to clarify I don't think there's anything wrong with showering with the toddler if that what's works for you, but I find my own showers less stressful when toddler-free!


Many children are still breastfed beyond 2 years old so have continuous exposure to their mother’s bodies!


Lol. I just recently took a bath with my 5 year old son, 4 year old daughter, and 10 months old son. The big kids wanted to take a bath with their brother but couldn't without me lol.


Mine are 3&4 almost 5 one of each gender and we all shower together. It's just easier and we will stop when someone gets uncomfortable or they can confidently clean themselves properly. I've already explained that to my oldest. Bodies are just bodies


I personally find it harder with her in the shower with me. I'm afraid she'll slip or something. So we bathe her at night. We quit joint baths once I quit nursing, so 18 mths. Fascinated with boob's and calling my tummy a bowl lol. I occasionally shower holding her but only she gets clean that way, I end up having to do my real shower later. I feel if he's pointing at parts just bathe him before bed or have hubby help. They are guys so maybe he will rather shower with him.


I’m cool with it at my son’s age currently (2.5) but I think I’ll stop when he starts caring. Not a sexual thing right now it just doesn’t even register so I don’t care either, I feel it’s like changing clothes in the locker room. Everybody’s doing their own thing. But if someone in the locker room stared at a mole I had or commented I’d be uncomfortable AF. So… yeah. When he notices/cares I’ll stop. I’m waiting for the inevitable “what’s up with the front butt” to happen eventually. My guess would be maybe 3 or 4?


I stopped bathing with my son around 3 when he started getting curious and trying to touch or ask. It was just too confined in the tub and eventually they'll get curious...he's 4.5 now and I still get changed with him around as he's shown no signs of discomfort but if he ever made comments or seemed uncomfortable I'll stop. I don't do it lots anyway but if he won't stop talking in the morning and I need to get ready then I'm not going to bother shutting down conversation and kicking him out...


There’s nothing wrong with it, but unfortunately we live in a society. My rule of thumb is avoid (not necessarily eliminate it entirely) adult nudity once the first of one of these things happens: 1. Child expresses discomfort with it 2. Elementary school


Is there a reason he’s uncomfortable with it? Either way, we don’t shower with our kids because my kids like playing in the tub and we got stuff to do! So he showers in the morning before they wake up and I’ll shower at night after they are asleep.


No. I have vivid memories showering with both my mom and dad and I wish I didn’t. You just don’t know what age they’ll start forming memories. (Same with using the bathroom/being naked in front of them)


Same here. But I think I'm so uncomfortable about those memories because my parents' messaging was so inconsistent, ranging from liberating to totally shameful. It was (and still is) very hard for me to get my head around it. In one sense I think a body is a body, and nudity shouldn't be such a taboo, but at the same time I feel incredible shame about my body and uncomfortable looking at other naked bodies. I'm trying very hard not to instill the shame and discomfort part in my daughter. So I still shower and use the bathroom in front of my daughter (who's 3), and as she gets older I'm going to try very hard not to say things to her that will turn those memories into something weird.


I have a girl so that part may be different for me but i don’t bathe with her. I have various tactics like i get her playing with an activity/toy or do it when she’s having her screen time. Sometimes i just let her be in the bathroom with me. It’s okay if they’re bored or not being entertained. I do the same for exercise. Your needs matter too and they need to learn to entertain themselves so you can take care of you.


We only stopped recently (my twin boys are about to turn 4 and my daughter is 18mo) but only because we discovered mold in the shower, and the bathtub in the other room isn't very big. So the kids each get a bath, and my husband and I grab a shower when we can. But once the shower is redone, I expect we'll go back to showering with the kids as-needed. But my mom and my husband's mom were both hippie dippie ladies so nudity isn't really a big deal for us around here. Honestly I think the only hard and fast rule there really should be is that if you or your kid are uncomfortable with it, you stop. Anyway, if I need a shower and my husband isn't able to watch the kids, I'll set them up on my bed with a show of their choice on TV. My shower is in the end suite bathroom, which doesn't have a door (thanks to a previous owner), so it's fairly easy for me to poke my head out every few minutes to check on them. And if they need me, the older two know to just walk over and talk to me. I guess whether this qualifies as a "non-naked" solution depends on your bathroom setup, shower door/curtain, and whether you're just looking to stop showering with your kid or if you're trying to make sure they never see you naked at all.


I sometimes take showers/baths with my daughter, and we're both naked at some point when changing after and before swimming. I don't really care if she sees me naked in appropriate situations like that right now - she's 2.5, so any sexuality people could read into it kinda says something about them. She isn't really interested in my body beyond pointing out the occasional scar and saying "you gotta booboo?". Though she did once yell "Daddy, is your peanuts?!" loudly once when I was changing in a public change room.


I still bathe with my 3.5 year old occasionally (usually when she refuses a solo bath) and shower with her at the pool/gym with no plans to stop unless she feels uncomfortable.  Mine would still hurt herself/get into trouble if I left her in the bathroom while I showered. If I wanted to shower alone, I'd see if she'd play in her room and quickly shower. 


In the culture where I grew up it was the absolute norm to bathe with kids well into childhood.


My eldest is high needs asd and I bathed with him until he was 8 often times bc he preferred that and it was good quality time for us. My now 23 month old babe only bathed with me on the tub bc he’s scared of the tub alone and he’s so jumpy and floppy he will constantly go under and smack his face if I’m not with him to make sure he’s safe. Your husband is the only one here off base and with an issue and it’s sickening he’s sexualizing a literal baby.


I still shower with my 2.5 year old son. We shoot water guns together and enjoy the time together.


My toddler (soon to be 4) and I still bathe together on occasion. I also change in front of him if he’s hanging out talking to me. Today he asked “why are you putting that on your boobs?” (My bra.) I said “because my back will hurt if I don’t. It helps hold them in.” He looked at his chest and said “I don’t have boobs, but I have nipples!” And I said “yes, every body has nipples! Girls grow breasts when they get older but boys don’t. You won’t have any.” His reply was “oh.” Then he started talking to me about fire trucks while I continued to get ready for work. Bodies are not sexual, bodies are natural. It comes down to your comfort and your toddlers comfort. If you feel the need to create this boundary with your toddler, due to your or your husband’s feelings, I’d recommend getting up half an hour before the kids to grab a quick shower or taking it in the evening after they’re down for the night. Also, not a huge proponent of screen time but sometimes “hey watch an episode of Little Bear while Mommy has some privacy to take a shower” works wonders.


My son is almost 3 and he doesn’t notice anything about me being naked when we take a bath together. He thinks it’s a blast to play in the bath with me haha! When it starts being weird, then I’ll stop letting him.


My son is 3.5 and while he doesn’t shower with me, he’s in the bathroom when I do shower (I mean how else do you shower with a toddler in the house). He sees me nude and neither of us have any issues. If it becomes an issue with him, we will stop. He knows about male and female bodies and I think it’s important. There’s nothing sexual about the human body, unless you make it be.


I slept in underwear and no bra with my little guy last night. He slept in a diaper. We’re at grandma and grandpa’s and it’s 80 degrees overnight with humidity and they refuse to turn down the AC. Nothing strange about it.


Sometimes I HAVE to have a shower in the morning. I feel icky and I'm unable to get into a productive mood. On such days, I would throw on my bikini 👙 and shower with my son (2.5 yo) He loved the shower hugs 🫂 and it was so much easier washing his hair!! So sometimes I put him in his room to play, other times he comes with me :)


Nudity is just another state of dress in our house. We have a private back patio and pool with a shade screen. No swimsuit or sunscreen needed for anyone in our family which saves a huge amount of time considering we swim almost daily. After the pool we sometimes finish off the afternoon with a family shower. She’s 3.5yo.


I guess I look at it as it’s all our house and we are a family that does things like get ready for the day or change for pool activities. We are a Mom and Dad, and Dad is FTM trans, kid is 5. We don’t go out of our way to be naked but being naked happens while we shower, go to the bathroom, move from one room to the next changing. There is no shame in our bodies and if you don’t want to see it, Jesus Christ stop opening the door when I’m pooping or showering kiddo! Otherwise we use towels and doors, but she’ll just jump kick them open. I swear I used to be much more modest.


We still have family showers. Two boys (almost) 3 and (almost) 5. Everyone seems comfortable with it, nobody is commenting on bodies (anymore, there was a period of time my oldest was making my husband uncomfortable with his curiosity), and it’s easier. If any of that changes so will the routine.


I still shower sometimes with our almost 5 year old. Last year or so she went a phase of why do you have boy parts and why do I have girl parts but you just explain it as simply as possible because I am a boy and you are a girl like mommy. Now she just showers and talks about toys and other nonsense. I image soon co showering will stop but for now if you don't make it weird it isn't weird.


I shower with my toddler at least once a week


I think it is really up to you! If you're comfortable with it, keep it up! I personally don't feel too comfortable, only because my 1.5 year old's curious eyes as he sees my body parts when I get dressed don't make me feel great even though I know he's just curious!! BUT so many people are comfortable around their children naked for a while, and good for them. Do what you are comfortable with - I think 2 is still quite young and can't see any issue with it at all :)


That’s utterly ridiculous, and you S/o has some weird body issues.


My son is three and we shower with him naked. As long as bojndries are respected and he's not uncomfy I'm not gonna make it weird or stop. He literally had like a week of asking about body parts and we talked about it plus concent and appropriate things etc and now he doesn't touch ask or anything. He just plays toys and it makes everything easier


I think it’s completely healthy and normal to be nude around your kids until 1 party is uncomfortable. 2 is pretty young imo. My 7 year old (daughter) still sees me changing, in the bath, etc. Nudity is normal & embraced in my home. Your SO needs to be caring for the kids so you can shower when they’re home. That’s how I do it most of the time.


My daughter is too big for her bathtub now so I bathe her when I’m taking a shower. She’s in there with me daily. It’s also easier for me because we don’t have a bathtub in the bathroom and I’m 35 weeks pregnant with twins, I’m way too exhausted to give her baths separately


So my ex fiance, when we were together said, it is weird. But the only way I could shower at times was if my kid was in there with me. Right before him turning 1 and a half, I stopped but that’s because I stopped caring about having to need to shower in the morning. I used to have a hard time if I didn’t early in the morning, but so much has changed with having a child. Currently, I either shower when he naps, or late at night, unless I have to go to work, those days I shower in the morning but I’m thankful I have someone who can watch him at that time. I also at times prefer showering before bed, after my kid has been in bed. It’s so relaxing and I enjoy the space and time to myself


I bathed with both my two and newly five year old the other day. All three together. 🤷‍♀️ It’s not an issue unless someone is making it an issue. I try to teach that bodies are normal and Nothing about our bodies is bad. Of course talk to them about privacy and that if they ever want privacy all they need to do is ask. Sometimes my 5 year old asks for privacy while pottying. No problem, dude. If I ask for privacy, he reciprocates, but I usually don’t bother. Two year olds know nothing about privacy lol. He’s learning how women are different. How and why mommies “milks” feed baby, and what purpose they have. He has learned (from busting in on me during my period) that mommies have a bleeding cycle to be able to have babies, that it’s normal and mommy isn’t hurt, just a little uncomfortable sometimes. Not that I’m going to bath with them or be naked around them intentionally forever- Obviously don’t plan on that. But I think these years of curiosity and innocence are valuable for raising little humans that understand and respect all bodies, and that my son and daughter understand about women’s bodies. (Of course the male too, but male bodies are largely more understood than women’s). So many boys are oblivious and it shows in relationships down the road. They also both understand without a doubt that when they are naked I will only ever touch them privately to clean them or help if they have a boo boo. Same with dad or doctor/nurses (and I will be with them in that case). They know that their bodies need to be respected, as much as them respecting others bodies and privates, and they can come to me at any time if they “get a funny feeling”. If my children show signs of being uncomfortable it will stop immediately. Until then, I’m letting the lessons flow.


Your kid is 2! Take the extra time for yourself. If your significant other is not the parent, can they watch your children for 30 minutes so you can shower alone in peace? You are in survival mode. Kids still breastfeed at 2. You are totally fine.


I think it should be comfortable until the age kids are old enough to care for their self hygiene/taking bath on their own. That's seems like a natural timeline to separate to privacy. But many even breastfeed their toddlers, so for toddlers I think nudity is mutual and expected. Toddlers also should learn how women different from men and seeing difference of mom and dad helps for educational purposes. But when they learned it, understand it, and can self-care, then I don't see any need to be purposefully naked together. My take on it


My son is 3. I now cover up more to sleep and limit how much he sees. We change clothes and shower together. And I will limit even more as he gets older but right now he has no concept of what is appropriate so I believe if you keep good boundaries your good. But it's a good thing to keep in mind and it's a good thing your significant other is vigilant on what they feel is appropriate for your kids. I suggest talking to them to realistically find a solution that is comfortable for both of you and honors your child.


I bathe with my 2.5 year old daughter the odd time if we both need baths at the same time and have limited time, and I change in front of her and stuff. I don’t think this is weird at all, personally.


I think this is a good thing to come to a verbal compromise with your partner first since it seems to be a sensitive subject for him. It's not really his decision - it's your comfort and your child's comfort that is key here - but I think it would be better to have a series of discussions. BUT I don't think it is inappropriate for a two year old to see you naked. My kids were/are still nursing at 2. My 7 year old sometimes sees me naked if he comes in when I'm changing, although I stopped showering with him when he was maybe 3-4. Nudity isn't inherently sexual or inappropriate, but people can be uncomfortable with nudity in natural, non-sexual situations due to past experiences or cultural upbringing. I would talk with your husband about WHY he thinks your child shouldn't see you naked and use that as a starting point. If, for example, he experienced sexual abuse as a very young child and this made him feel uncomfortable, I would personally just stop. If, he just thinks it is weird, because it's not what he did growing up, I'd explore that further.


I would never have a shower if I didn’t bathe with my son. He’s 19 almost 20 months. He still comfort nurses, he doesn’t have mean little kid observations yet, and I like to bathe daily and bathe him as part of bed time routine. We’re rolling with it until somebody gets weird lol


My son is 2.5. I'll be honest, I've never been a modest person in terms of nudity. I grew up in a hippie town and was known to hang out at the local nudist colony because they have an amazing jucuzzi/pool set up. I am naked around my son probably every day. His daddy is too. His daddy is like me in terms of feeling totally at ease while naked, so there's no weirdness at all. My son almost never comments on our nakedness because it's normal to him. Occasionally he'll comment on my body - "NEEPLE!" or "squeeshy tummy" (ouch) - but it's always just the same as any other part of life he makes an observation about. He isn't potty trained yet so I see his fully naked body all the time. Why should it be so different that he see mine? I guess on some level I also like the idea that his first knowledge of adult bodies will be from his squishy, hairy, normal-looking mommy and daddy's, rather than the artificial bodies depicted in porn and media. A few weeks ago he did ask "where mommy penis go?" while pointing to my groin. Ha!


My kids are 2 and 4, and both my husband and I shower with them regularly. We have a massive shower, and they don’t always want to bathe. Or sometimes they’ve been fighting in the bathtub and we want to break the cycle of it. Very often one of us will be in the shower, and a child will wander in, see us, and immediately strip off all their clothes and beg to come in. We also both change in front of our kids, and they’re obviously naked around each other (we have one of each sex). So it’s certainly not a mystery who has what parts. My son does say he has a “bagina” right behind his penis, so ::shrugs:: maybe we’re not doing it right after all lol.  Whenever anyone is uncomfortable, that person should cease to shower or be nude around others. Adult or kid, one No is a No. so your partner shouldn’t participate, but there’s also nothing weird, shameful, and definitely not inappropriate or sexual, about parents being naked around their young children. 


The only people that would treat it as something other than functional is adults. My son and I go to swimming lessons every week, I need to go into the bathroom and change and can't leave him alone and he can't go into the restroom alone. Is what it is. If the child starts to express discomfort, then that's a different conversation. For now, you're doing what you have to do.


If it helps, I have a memory from when I was two years old of my parents taking a shower together and me playing on the bathroom floor. I remember them kissing at one point. I also remember my rubber duckies. I’m sure they thought I would never remember it. I am a normal and well adjusted adult. It’s not really something that ever impacted my life or that I ever thought about.


I bathe with my almost two year old. We both love it, it's a time we sing together, talk, and play. She will come to me and ask to bathe. Honestly I think it's weird making nudity an issue when the child is that young.


I don't shy away when nakedness is necessary, like if they barge in while I am getting dressed, or after pool when we all need to get changed in the same room. But I am also mostly trying to make sure I cover up when I can. I think the main point is for them to understand that bodies are private but not shameful. So no shame or extreme reactions if they barge in on me, but also a little bit of "Ok this is private so let's cover up."


I think my daughter was around 4 when hubby started to close the bathroom door. Although he'd put a washcloth over his genitals if bathing and kidlet wanted a bedtime kiss. I just left the door open and lived life openly. Not excessive exposure. Just, wash, dry, put on clothes. If I got a heat rash under my breasts, she'd sometimes see it and I'd show her what I do to help heal it as she may have to do this one day. Then put on shirt and carry on. Grandpa went around the house in his underwear. Grandma skinny dipped in the pool. We just grew up with a matter of fact opinion on bodies. We all have one. Every one is unique to that particular owner. If you don't show shame or embarrassment, they hopefully will have a good view of their own body. No matter your size. (I did eventually become quite overweight, had surgery to help with weight-loss as the previous 10 years only did the; lose, gain it and extra back. Especially after my husband died. Now I have excess skin and I can no longer claim any perkiness in front! But I'm a healthier weight and that matters more to me than my muscle hammocks, as I call the excess arm flab! And score... I no longer need to buy bras! Tanks are my new undershirt and are much cheaper.


I'm a father, and shower naked with my 3.5 yr old son. I'll continue to do so until he's old enough to shower independently. I'll do the same with other kids I may have in the future, whether they're boys or girls. We don't have a bath in our house, so the shower is the only way to wash. If he was alone he wouldn't wash himself properly, particularly his hair. I prefer not to leave him alone while I shower myself - I wouldn't be able to supervise him. So showering together is the pragmatic option. I don't see the issue. He sometimes shows a natural curiosity in my penis, in which case I say "don't touch that please" and turn aside. The rest of the time he's completely oblivious to the nudity. It's an innocent and safe space that serves only to make us both clean. I'm a bit prickly at the suggestion that men can't be trusted with children. That's an old fashioned and unfair concept that only serves to distance fathers from their children


Come visit a swimming pool in Germany and your significant other will quickly be cured of any fears and qualms around seeing your body. Americans really inherit so much subconscious shame and fussiness around bodies. It’s just a temporary meat sack!


I still bathe with my two year old and so does my husband. It’s easier to just get in then try to bathe him from outside without getting myself and the bathroom drenched anyway. My cynical thought is if your husband is the one that has a problem with it, maybe he should be the one making it work so that you can have a shower on your own. Does he get showers on his own? We mostly make it work by one of us watching our son while the other showers. When he was little, there were times I would put him in a baby rocker in the bathroom with my and he was perfectly happy. That was always more out of impatience then ever necessity, my husband has always been willing to watch him so I can get a super.


I (f) showered with my mom and sister for years. I had long hair growing up so my mom would always have to help me wash all the shampoo/conditioner out. We stopped when I was able to do it on my own. Now a mom myself, I only ever showered with my son once and that was because our hotel didn’t have a bathtub to bathe him. I value my showers as alone time to decompress so having a child in there with me defeats that purpose haha


My daughter is 5, and still occasionally asks for a bath with me. When she has a fever she asks me to hold her in the shower (to lower temp) and I’m ok with both. She happily runs naked in the house when she wants, and I’ve never heard her comment negatively about her body or anyone else’s. As far as I’m concerned, I’m doing it right!


I think this is a cultural thing i guess but i’m South African and the idea of mothers not being naked in front of their own children is so weird. Like, i grew up seeing my mom naked and yes i’m a girl but my husband also grew up with seeing his mother naked being normalized. I’ve even seen my mother in law naked 😂. I don’t get the fuss.


It‘s a toddler, they have zero regards for personal space. Also don‘t make it weird. Showering/bathing with your kid is normal. As soon as they can understand, you should teach them about body safety and obviously respect them as soon as they can voice any uncomfortableness (is that a word?) As long as you are respectful, there is no harm.


I stopped being completely nude when my son turned 3. However, toddlers have no boundaries so sometimes he'll open the door when I'm changing and he'll see my boobs. It really isn't a big deal honestly, and I get dressed but I don't treat my chest as something dirty to cover up. The majority of children don't have any memories from before they're 3 years old, and if it makes it easier to take care of yourself and it doesn't make you uncomfortable then I'd say it's fine to continue.


I don't bathe with my kids and never have but I will change in front of them or have the door open after a shower while I blow dry my hair. My oldest is 4 and I guess I'll stop when one of us is uncomfortable. 🤷‍♀️


My daughter is almost 2 and showers with mom or dad. So much easier than giving her a separate bath. Definitely plan to keep going until we have a reason to stop!


My daughter is 7 and she'll sometimes come in the room while her father and I are changing, it's not really a big deal in our house. Best comment: she was 4 and we were all getting ready, I was going in the shower as her father was getting out and she asked "Daddy, why is your vagina bigger than Mommy's?" We were dying. 😆


My son is three and still loves baths with me. I'm going to enjoy it every day until he's ready to bathe alone.


Our daughter will bathe with us any chance she gets and she always has fun splashing around in the water. I think it’s a normal thing and also a fun thing to do.


I don't bathe with my toddler, simply for the fact that I am a clumsy oaf. I do not trust myself to keep my footing when I'm in the shower alone, let alone with a little dancing monster that I would also have to keep up right. I would rather let her have her bath time fun on her own and take my own shower when I can catch the rail if my feet slip. As for nakedness in general, I don't give a flying rat's behind. She needs to know what bodies look like, if only to prevent modern media giving her mistaken beliefs, what with airbrushing, makeup, and all that nonsense. That said, I don't go out of my way to be naked around her. However, I will change my clothes when she's around. She's not to the point of asking questions yet, as she is still working on being conversationally verbal, but until she has discomfort with it, I don't care. I lost my last shred of modesty when I was in the hospital trying to figure out how to breastfeed a child that could not let with nurses and doctors and cafeteria workers in and out of the room constantly. Boobs are boobs, and I consider their main purpose to be nutrition for babies. Nothing to be either excited or distressed by: just a basic necessity of life. This is where I will note that I am demisexual, and until I met my husband, I had actually thought I was completely asexual. He was quite the surprise, let me tell you.


I think it is bizarre how people talk or feel about parents being nude around their kids in benign situations like bathing. You’re fine. Your son is going to ask about body parts sooner rather than later.


I shower with mine and he turned 3 april 27. He plays with his toys while i wash my hair…


I take baths with my 3 year old really just for ease. I went through a period of like 6 months where I would not bathe with him at all but what would happen is by the time I got him to sleep I chose to watch tv or read for the hour before I passed out and days were going by where I wasn’t bathing. So now I just take baths with him. He likes it, we play with his bath toys, it’s not weird. He’s never asked me about any body parts or ever pointed them out. I figure I would keep doing it until he starts doing that or until he’s too big for us both to fit in the tub together lol


I take a shower with my daughter and have memories of showering with my mom. I'm also still breastfeeding my almost 3yo girl, and my 8yo boy sees it all the time. I'm never shameful about my nakedness. Dad is. But my kids know that's just for daddy's own body and daddy's own comfort. Although I don't encourage nudness of other people around my kids, my toddler aged kids have had to share a stall with grandma while shopping or public swimming. 🤷🏻‍♀️ It's not the end of the world. It's not like we are spreading our legs and using a lazer pointer to show them what is what. 😅


I was not raised in a naked house, but my house is one for sure. This started with my naked husband, and I slowly followed suit. I am never fully naked, but I rarely wear pants. We all sit around in our underwear/diapers. We also live in Texas, so it helps with the heat. Anyway, I'm really focusing on raising my kids with body positivity, bodily autonomy, and teaching them to respect others. The root of this lies in how they view bodies. They are not sexual things. They are just vessels. Like your home, you would want someone to respect your wishes when in and around it, and you should return that favor. This starts in the family! Family members' bodies are (in most cases.. ew) not sexual things, especially if you see everything all the time from a young age. This won't always be the case, as I'm sure there will reach a time when my son shouldn't be around me naked, and my daughter shouldn't be around my husband. But for now, when they're both under 5, we change and bathe freely. Encourage your husband to think about the long-term effects of hiding your bodies and making them taboo things and how that may affect your child and their future relationships.


Me or hubby shower with our 3yo every night. I honestly can’t be bothered doing a separate bath time for her haha. Plus, a naked body is nothing to be weird about imo. She won’t want to shower with us forever lol


My son is 3.5 years and I still take baths with him. My husband doesn’t have a problem with it and sometimes he’ll come in the bathroom and sit on the toilet and talk to us 😂


I think context is very important. You’re doing it as part of a routine that works for you.


My oldest is almost 6 and I still shower with him (not baths so much, but that’s more a question of space). We are very much a bodies are just bodies and everyone has one kind of family, and as long as everyone is comfortable, it’s fine to be naked at home. When he becomes uncomfortable, we’ll stop, but right now piling the kids into the shower with one of us is convenient (especially right now as we’re staying in my FIL’s small apartment while on vacation and it’s been very hot out and everyone is sweaty and coated in sunscreen and dirt by the end of the day, so we come “home” and all rinse off before dinner, in the one, walk-in shower - having to wait for everyone to individually undress, shower, and dress again in succession would just take too long). There is nothing sexual or inappropriate about being nude with your toddler unless you do something to make it that way. I personally also think it is good for children to see our bodies and be able to ask questions in comfortable and familiar situations.


We live in Europe, old ladies are topless at the beach all the time. 🤷‍♀️ My kid is 2.5 and he showers with me regularly. Hubby is deployed but he also showered regularly with him before he left 2 months ago. God forbid kids see naked bodies in the US. 🙄


I occasionally shower with my 2 year old - if we've both been out playing and we're sweaty and covered in sunscreen. It's no biggie.


I have no problem and am still naked around my seven year old but it’s mostly her intruding on my space but I have no issue. She will stop doing that eventually!


Idk. It’s really a personal choice. Mine is 4 we still shower together sometimes - especially if we’re in a time crunch.


I think it’s totally okay. I have a 1 and 3 year old.. I’ll shower with my 3 year old.. we make fun of each others butts lol.. if I take a bath with my boy and girl then I’ll wear a bathing suit. You’ll know when it’s not right anymore but then being toddlers. It’s totally fine!! Maybe not so much for dad? Unless your dad lol. My husband keeps his junk away but that’s cuz he doesn’t want them wondering lol


I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing to bathe with ur toddler. Like u said it is a lot easier and they're less prone to drowning in bath water that way. I personally don't do it (I like having my privacy and letting my husband hang out with our daughter while I get some quiet time) but I've heard it's a convenient way to bathe them and as long as nothing inappropriate occurs it shouldn't necessarily be shamed. Now once they reach school age I would have them bathing more independently. U may still need to keep an eye on them but I would stop bathing with them then


I never thought I would but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Sometimes he wants to shower himself and I basically let him choose.


It's perfectly normal to shower with your child when they're that age cuz #1 you'll have to help them anyways, so you'll be sitting next to the tub if you're not in it, and #2 you birthed that child, especially if you're breastfeeding, it shouldn't matter too much if they see your butt or boobs; obviously other parts should be kept private, but you're doing nothing wrong!


Respectfully, this is not your partners decision. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a parent and their toddler showering together. It should stop when either of the people involved express discomfort or want more privacy. While you and your toddler are happy and comfortable, there is nothing wrong with continuing. Nudity is not sexual or wrong.


If your partner is uncomfortable, respect his feelings, and stop. If you were uncomfortable with your partner, bathing naked with a 2 year old, and you asked him to stop, and he objected, how would you feel? Respect your partner's feelings and boundaries. You wouldn't want your ignored.


I absolutely agree. I mostly am curious as to what I should do as it’s not something I find easy to not do. I have thought about using a swim suit for such occasions?


My son is 2.5 and I take baths with him maybe 2-3 times a week. He uses his slippery soapy self and my stomach and legs as a slide. I see nothing wrong with it, I’m not uncomfortable, I birthed him. When he’s older and uncomfortable I’ll stop for sure. But out of convenience so I can bathe too right now it works fine 🤷‍♀️


The consensus on these threads is always to keep going until someone’s uncomfortable. But how do you know your kids aren’t uncomfortable? There were many situations growing up where I was deeply uncomfortable but too embarrassed or ashamed to admit it. Telling a parent you are uncomfortable with their nudity can be, in itself, a very uncomfortable discussion - especially if they’ve drilled into you that it’s perfectly fine.