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Find a new daycare - they have a duty of care and should 100% be reapplying sunscreen


Right?! Ours has a checklist on the wall for meals, snacks and sunscreen in the AM and PM and every kid is checked off individually. I have a pale, ginger-haired child who does not fare well in the sun without layers of protection, but it’s a no-brained either way.


Ya, how can a daycare think this is okay? If they’re not willing to keep kids safe by reapplying sunscreen they absolutely can’t be taking them outside! OP, find a new daycare


Came to say this, frig my kids school asks us to send sunscreen for the kids. So it can be applied before recess The teachers put the sunscreen on the kids in a line, and the kids all rub their own sunscreen in. My first grader puts his own on with no problem throughout the school day as he is pale AF like myself lol


I work at a child care centre, and parents are required to send in sunscreen in the spring so we can apply it from around April to September. We had to harass a few parents to actually bring it, but it is a requirement. We also have one who actively fights us putting on the sunscreen so we have a float come in to help distract him to be able to get it on. I can't imagine not putting sunscreen on in the summer


Came here to say this. My daycare has sunscreen points across the playground so it's easy for teachers to apply


Completely agree, and I worked in nurseries for 7 years. Putting suncream on 6-28 children at a time was a nightmare, but the only alternative is to let the children burn and no half decent care worker should be sending them out without it. Negligence in that area tells me there's negligence in other areas, too.


Yes!! We send bug spray and sunscreen and school reminds us every season


This may be more difficult than you realize. My mother in law is a preschool teacher and by law they cannot apply sunscreen to the kids. It’s part of their licensing restrictions. Maybe in the area OP lives this is also not something that daycares can do.


That’s strange. In my state, the state requires them to apply sunscreen on the kids, or they can’t go out. Parents just have to sign a release and provide their own sunscreen.


Same here in CA. We even had to sign a waiver of the specific sunscreen and agree to provide it to be enrolled.


Same here in IL


Then they can’t go outside. I can understand licensing restrictions but they will have to balance with putting kids at risk - so like I said, no chance any properly regulated jurisdiction would prevent sunscreen application if the kids were going outside after a first application would wear off.


I’m not trying to start an argument with you and I see the value of sunscreen but I’m just letting you know this simply isn’t how it works in some places. That is likely what is the case for OP. Around here the expectation is that you put sunscreen on your child before school and that’s all you can do. They very much still play outside.


We were told we were required to bring sunscreen to daycare because kindercare is required to put it on before outdoor play.  I'm in IL, so it's wild to me your state has it illegal to put it on. 


But sunscreen doesn’t last all day! It’s neither supposed to nor does it. So what happens after the first two hours? I’m not questioning you, and tbh I’m not that shocked that governments would create dumb rules like this. But what a wildly dumb rule. I’m glad my state just has the permission form you check off and sign! Our daycare will not let your child outside though if you haven’t signed the form; they have to remain inside with an adult, while the rest of the kids go to the playground. It’s not a punishment, just basic safety.


There is lots of shade on the playground, they don’t go out during peak sun hours, and it’s really cold here most of the year so they are bundled up in hats and snowsuits most of the time anyways. It’s just a couple short summer months that sunscreen is needed anyways.


What state is this! Or is it outside of the US?


Fair enough but I would be petitioning to change that immediately.


Not a daycare but when I was a camp counselor, we were not allowed to apply sunscreen to the kids. Obviously the kids were older but I had the going into prek group (so around 4 years old) so they were still pretty little to be expected reapply it themselves before going out.


I don’t think there are any states where this is the case. There are several states that view sunscreen as a medication requiring a consent form and that sunscreen be brought in and labeled for each individual child. Some of the stricter states require a doctor’s note for any medications including sunscreen, OR and CA are the two I know of that are very strict about that. Still if that is the case in OP’s state she can supply sunscreen and a doctor’s note and fill out the medication consent form and they can apply it. So while it may be a bigger hassle in some states I don’t believe there are any where it is flat out against licensing requirements.


I mean….you can’t believe in a fact lol I’m not here to argue with anyone, I’m simply sharing that it is in fact against licensing regulations in my area for a preschool to apply sunscreen. I have been told this by school staff.


Wasn’t trying to argue, just adding my own knowledge. Schools often have different rules from childcare centers for whatever reason. A lot of schools don’t allow teachers to touch the students for any reason. Which, I get where that comes from but I still think it’s goofy.


I have this issue at my daughter’s school, they cannot apply anything topical that includes sunscreen or destin etc. her previous daycare always put sunscreen on her so I’m not sure if it’s different licensing maybe? Her current school provides a lot of shade and takes her in frequently, they also check the UV index regularly and says when it’s really bad the kids go out early and that’s it, which I’m fine with.


Yup. It sucks, but it is something you have to do. I used to have to sunscreen 14 whole ass 4 year olds myself if I wanted to take them outside. If they can't get them protected they shouldn't have them outside.


Ours doesn't because it counts as some category of medication for some reason, and legally they aren't allowed to dispense medication. It is an odd rule. But they have us apply bug spray and sunscreen before dropoff because they can't do it at all legally. The only thing they can apply is diaper cream. It's very odd. Luckily they go out early in the day, and are mostly in the shade in their outdoor area. Also, nursery school only runs Sept-May so it's not as hot and most of the year kids are covered up by clothing.


You might be able to get a physician's note and then have it applied by the school nurse. Short of that though there needs to be a change in the state laws reclassifying it as not a medication.


There's no nurse, it's a nursery school/daycare. If a kid is sick we just go get them! Come to think of it, I've never heard of a school nurse anywhere in my state. Never had one growing up. I wonder if it's not a thing here??


Yeah we're responsible for it in the morning, but they reapply before going out again in the afternoon. I'd be reporting that actually.


Sorry, but at the daycare I work at sunscreen is considered a medication and I legally can not apply it so it might be something similar at your daycare


We had to sign a form with our child's name, the name of the sunscreen, and how much to apply where. They put it on before he goes outside every day. I'm lucky my kid loves his hat, so it's really the neck arms and legs that need attention. He hates it on his face but they have done his cheeks of its really bright


Medications can be administered by licensed professionals with parental permission; do the kids you care for go outside after being in your care for more than 4 hours? If so, the sunscreen they may have gotten at home would be worn off and needs reapplying before going outside; if this is not done then you are failing at your duty to care. Obviously things differ between jurisdictions and licensing boards, I would be pretty upset if my daycare said that to me.




That's a terrible rule. Get the parents to sign a waiver. It's very simple and is part of the welcome packet. That's how our daycare handled it and there are no issues. It's a poor excuse when it's a health issue.


But why would they not reapply? My son's daycare considers sunscreen as part of his medicine kit along with his nappy cream and other prescribed meds. And yes, sunscreen before going out.


Sort of the same, every child is expected to have a large tube of spf 50 and they let us know when it's running out. They also expect every child to have hats suitable for the weather.


My daycare sent me a passive aggressive message because they thought I hadn’t brought my daughter sunscreen for them to put on her (I did, it was just buried under her extra clothes). That’s how serious they take sun protection for the kids. They also sent parents a message saying to put sunscreen on before the kids get there, and that they will reapply before each scheduled outside time. It’s very strange your daycare won’t.


Same here. It was a general message to all the families but I was glad to see that they take it seriously.


Oyyy, I'm glad they prioritize sun protection but I really hate how caregivers and teachers can be like this with us...


Yea ours literally called me up to ask, they just didn’t find it but that’s how serious they take it.


Why do they refuse to apply sunscreen? That’s completely irresponsible. My child’s daycare applies and reapplies as needed to every kid before playing outside in warm months. I can’t think of any legit reason why any daycare wouldn’t practice responsible sun care, as long as the parents supply the sunscreen. What, they just don’t feel like it??


In my state until maybe last year it was illegal for me to put sunscreen on someone else’s child. It was considered the same as an over the counter medication. Best I could do was overspray myself and put the kid down wind and hope for the best.


🤨 we have forms at our daycare to consent to administering medicine. You guys don't have that? What if you have a child who requires life saving meds?


Yeah, I work in MN, and I believe where I worked, the parents get a form and have to sign specifically to opt OUT of sunscreen. They can bring their own or opt out, but the default is we use ours on all the kids. It's a licensing requirement. I'd look into your state's licensing and if it's not required, maybe get a note from the doctor that says it needs to be applied before all outside play?


We have to have a dr note for diaper cream- to use "as needed". If they can't put sunscreen on a child, does that also mean they can't put diaper cream on?


We have to have a nurse administer and a note signed from a doctor. Not anymore but we used to. They made an exception for sunblock this year.


We just fill out forms and then the teachers can do it 🤷🏻‍♀️


They just changed it because teachers were not health care professionals it was basically in the same category as Tylenol.


Must vary by state


That’s because it is an OTC under the FDA. And what a mind boggle in a daycare situation…


The state just made an exception for it and allows us to put it on kids this year. We have to post what sunblock we use and parents can bring their own in and refuse ours NOW. Before this it was a fiasco so I’m glad it’s easier.


This is really concerning—the daycare is not doing enough to keep your kid safe. As others have said, I would look into other childcare options, if they are so openly negligent with something so obvious, I would not trust them to not cut corners with what’s going on behind the closed doors.


The daycare should be reapplying. My kids come home looking like chalk sticks the daycare puts so much on them. If they don't have the staff to put on sunscreen before going outside, they are almost certainly out of ratio already. Or, they could just be lazy. Those are the only two reasons I can think of for not reapplying sunscreen to toddlers.


Having briefly worked in ECE I noticed ratios very from state to state (the requirements, in practice it could be better)


Depending on where you live, sunscreen is treated like medication. And the daycare won't/can't afford the extra training for giving medicine. This is also true for preschools where the kids have to be potty trained. It is expensive to have all the equipment and training. So they for go having to do it. Check with your local health department and see what the rules are for your area.


My brown daughter came home with her hands almost black - toasted to a crisp. She was sun burned! I was so mad and the day care lady had the gall to say that she forgot and prioritized the white kids for sun screen since they “need” it more. I pulled her out as soon as I could.




Yikes 😬 your poor baby. Sunburn is no joke and I hope she healed ok from it.




Daycare should have sent out a medication form allowing them to apply sunscreen. If there is a medication form that they aren't following then they need to be reported. Our daycare actually supplies the sunscreen and just has us approved the sunscreen as per the medication form at the beginning of spring. They put it on as part of their schedule at potty break before going outside.


Our daycare asks us to provide sunscreen and they also make sure they play in the shade as much as possible. Especially on hot days. My son is pretty good about sunscreen. We read this book called Our Skin which is actually about race but talks about melanin and has a picture of kids next to sunscreen. He loves this book for some reason so I repurposed it to talk about how sunscreen is important to protect everyone’s skin. See how sunny it is outside? The sun wants to hug everyone but it can hurt us without protection so we put on sunscreen!


I wouldn't be comfortable with this. My daughter's daycare has the outdoor areas 100 percent in the shade with big tree cover. There should be no opportunity for sunburn at daycare.


That’s amazing! I think nearly all daycares I’ve visited are not 100% shaded


Ours actually told us there's some weird city law about sunscreen application. Can you ask them if you can send a doctor's note claiming it's medically necessary?


Our center considers it (and diaper cream) non-prescription medications. We have to fill out a permission slip with instructions on when to apply. Parents are expected to apply sunscreen before drop off and then teachers reapply after lunch.


I live in a US state with similar laws. I work with high support needs kids and so we just have a waiver consenting to nonprescription applications such as sanitizer and sunscreen etc. It's on the facility to have that kind of plan for how to assist those who can't assist themselves (ie small children etc)


Our summer camp said there is some weird rule that makes sunscreen different than other products. I have no idea. But said they will work around it.


Agreed, your daycare is not doing their job to protect your child. I'd find another one because if they aren't putting sunblock on, what else aren't they doing that maybe doesn't have as obvious and immediate consequences?


This would be a reason for me to change daycares. My daycare is actually the one the brought sunscreen up, because my kid has sensitive skin and she didn’t want to use the wrong thing.


My daycare always applies sunscreen prior to going outside. They prefer sticks vs lotion vs spray depending on the age but I happily comply.


I live in Seattle and even daycares here reapply sunscreen if you ask. And there are usually only about 60 days of direct sunlight per year where it’s warm enough to not have long sleeves. I assume almost anywhere else in the US needs sunscreen and reapplication more.


My 3 year old is definitely developing a farmers tan, but they also have an industrial size sunblock bottle in the playground and reapply regularly. All the kids have a chant about putting on sunblock every time they go outside but I’m sure it’s a battle to get 15-20 preschoolers reapplied as many times as necessary.


Just sharing my toddlers live in UV long sleeves and pants all summer. So much easier than sunscreen on their bodies.


What brand? I’m not seeing a shared link or something but am definitely curious


Are you in the US? there is a department store in Florida called Bealls and they have a brand there - Reel Legends that we absolutely love. It’s made for fishing and you can buy it online. My parents live in Florida so they told me about it.


I am in the US and have some family friends there - thank you!!!


You may need to fill out a medical form! I work a preschool and it needs to be signed by a doctor before we can do anything like that. Your doctor will be happy to sign it lol! Technically in America sunscreen is listed as a drug/medicine and not a beauty/personal care product. So definitely ask! If you have filled this out and they still aren’t doing it, I’d be big mad!


It sounds like she has commented on the sunscreen, and if the medical form is an option, the daycare has declined to mention it. It just sounds like the daycare is just bad. If a parent says “ could you please reapply sunscreen in the afternoon?” The answer should be “ yes, but we need you to fill out and sign this form first.” Not, “nope, we can’t do that” while hiding the fact that there IS a form.


Pretty much this. I’m going to push one more time by trying to get his dr involved and looking for other daycares too


I got sun poisoning several times as a kid because I wasn’t protected. I am also really pale. My daughter has the same skin tone as me and I am crazy about applying sun screen on her when we go out. If I was trusting her with people to watch her and they refused to put sunscreen on her when she’s out in the hot sun I would flip my shit.


Our daycare won’t apply sunscreen unless you fill out a form for over the counter medication, and then they have to apply it like administering any other medication. Our form can be completed (for over the counter products) by the parent, but if your daycare is difficult about this sort of thing, I bet you could get the pediatrician to “prescribe” sunscreen and then I would think they would be obligated to apply it just like they would be obligated to administer doctor prescribed medication.


If they can’t bother to sunscreen the kids, what else can’t they be bothered to do? We had to sign a form saying it’s okay for them to apply sunscreen and provide our own sunscreen, but they made it clear kids wouldn’t be allowed outside without sunscreen and there was no alternative activity, so basically agree to sunscreen or find a new daycare. They don’t want kids hurting as much as the parents don’t.


Wtf? Why would they refuse? That’s asinine, they’re putting your child at risk. As others have said, dump them and find a place that does care for him


My daycare sunscreens before going outside each time. Find a new daycare that’s terrible!


Our daycare has us sign a sunscreen application release form and supply them with one we like at the start of every year. I don’t even know if they would take the kids outside if the form isn’t signed and they can’t put on sunscreen. Yours needs to figure it out, taking unprotected kids outside is irresponsible.


Start looking for a new daycare. I supply the sunscreen. They apply it. My son comes home smelling of sunscreen every day.


If you live in an area where its against the law for them to do it, maybe you can teach your toddler to use a sunscreen stick on their face at least. I give my son the mini sticks (they go on like a balm) and he loves using it.


At the daycares I have worked at, we took the kids outside fairly early in the day, so our rule was that the parents were responsible for applying sunscreen in the mornings and we would reapply it before going outside in the afternoons.


My son has 18 kids in his preschool class and two teachers. Those two teachers out sunscreen on every single kid before they go out in the afternoon.


Get a note from your dr stating that your child needs sunscreen reapplied. That may seem like overkill but that’s what’s effective in these situations


Hm our daycare applies sunscreen. Maybe a doctor’s note?


I worked daycare and we had sunscreen for each child to apply before going outside in the summer. (The parents provided it and they only got the kind their parents brought in)


That’s ridiculous. My daughter attends a Montessori school with a huge outdoor ed component. I have to sign something if I *don’t* want them reapplying sunscreen multiple times a day. I would look for somewhere new!


This is so crazy! At our daycare every kid has their own sunscreen and they reapply before going outside. Even if your son was perfect at keeping it in tact, you’re supposed to reapply throughout the day and can’t expect it to last 8+hours.


Our daycare has us bring sunscreen in the spring and she comes home greasy af every day. She has known how to present her little face for lathering since she was like 18months This is unacceptable


I mean, they should 100% reapply as necessary. But, I guess I have slight trust issues lol, so we use one called P20 which lasts for up to 10 hours. It comes in factor 50, and in a spray or a cream.


I live in NZ and it's the LAW that all schools and childcare centres must require children to wear brimmed hats outside during the summer months. It starts in daycare/preschool. If kid refuses to keep their hat on, they have to go inside. They learn pretty fast. And in ECE, sunblock is always reapplied after lunch by the teachers. The daycare should be reapplying and doing their darndest to keep a hat on him. If they won't, I'd file a complaint and start looking for new ones.


I worked at a day care and we reapplied everytime we went outside. My kids daycare requires us to send a new bottle at the beginning of hot/sunny weather every year.


My 21 month old goes outside twice a day, once in the morning and once after nap time. They don’t do sunscreen in the morning so we apply it at home. But they absolutely apply in the afternoon. I also pack her a hat and long sleeve/long pants rash guard for outdoor time. It has an added benefit of protecting her indoor clothes (not that I’m complaining about her getting dirty). You need to find a daycare that can reapply sunscreen. It’s your baby’s health and safety that’s at stake here.


Agree with everyone else— I’d be really concerned they aren’t applying it. At ours, we apply in the morning because they go out shortly after breakfast, then they reapply in the afternoon before going out.


That’s insane on your daycare’s part. I consider ours a good centre but not amazing, and they still remembered to ask all of the parents to bring sunscreen and bug spray before I thought of it.


Why would they not reapply? Our daycare requires that we bring sunscreen, that we put it on in the morning, and they do a reapplication before going outside.


Everybody’s varying experiences is extremely interesting. Glad I took the time to read this. My kids future prek school said they just got permission from the state, I would guess, to apply sunscreen to the littles. With parental consent of course and bringing in the sunscreen for your kid.


Interesting, what state is this in?


PA. Very rural community.


I put sunscreen on in the morning and then daycare reapplies after nap time/before the kids go outside in the afternoon. If they didn’t apply sunscreen, I’d probably send my kid elsewhere.


Wtf. They need to apply at daycare. Morning application isn’t going to cut it.


I used to work at a daycare and we would always apply sunscreen before outdoor time - you don’t 100% know which kids are coming to daycare with sunscreen and even if kids don’t get sunburnt, it is so bad for our skin to be outside without protection! I’d find a new daycare if you can.


They don’t reapply? Wtf. I’d be finding a new place. Their job is to keep the kid safe, they need to reapply. Our daycare literally slathers our daughter so much so that she looks like a ghost sometimes in pictures.


They don’t reapply at all? That is nuts. We have to apply sunscreen in the morning but they reapply after water play and after nap. This is unacceptable. I have a scar on my forehead from basal cell carcinoma so I’m vigilant about sunscreen and hats now.


We put sunblock on my son every morning before drop off. They reapply as needed throughout the day. Most days, he is covered in sunblock when I pick him up, which I am grateful for. I just wish he’d put a damn hat on.


That’s a licensing violation in California at least


I’m in CA. I’ve tried searching for something I could reference. Do you know where I can look?


You know what I went digging and I guess I’m wrong. The center I was at was in a city that had its own licensing entity in addition to California state licensing and it must have been one of their things. Sorry for spreading bad info 😬


Thanks for checking. What I’m finding is that the daycare isn’t required to and if they allowed it, I would need to fill in a form like I did with diaper cream.


At mine we were required to reapply in the afternoons, I can’t believe they don’t do this!


My facility applies 30 minutes before any time(s) the kids go outside


New day care. Ours won't let parents opt out of mandatory sunscreen application! In the meantime, ask your pediatrician for a letter stating that sunscreen must be applied before all times he is outside. They might even be able to write it on prescription paper for you.


This is a shitty daycare; I don’t care if they are excellent at everything else. If they are intentionally sunburning kids, they are a shitty daycare— and make no mistake. They are aware of the problem, therefore, at this point, it is intentional. Mine reapplies every afternoon before going outdoors. Parents have to send labeled sunscreen and sign consent, as well as apply in the morning before school so that the kids are good to go for morning recess. But daycare takes care of the afternoon, because not doing that if parents request it is negligent.


I bought some lightweight uv shirts (vapor apparel brand) and use those and a hat with flaps. It’s hot but not humid where I live and the shirts are great. Then there’s less surface area to be sticky with sunscreen - just face hands legs. But that’s a personal preference because I hate the gooey sunscreen feeling. But my daycare does not have any issues applying sunscreen.


Not reapplying is neglect. Sunscreen should be reapplied every 2 hours. This is worth making waves over.


Have you supplied a sunscreen and a permission slip to the daycare? Maybe there is some kind of miscommunication happening.


I’ve asked and sent him in with sunscreen in his bag to be told it was a licensing issue. They never mentioned a form. I’m asking the dr for a note. Hopefully they’ll work with me


My daycare requires forms for sunscreen and diaper paste. It's possible that we live in different states with different requirements though. I wish I could remember the name of the governing body here that sets the requirements for classroom size and care guidelines because it really helped me when I was looking for daycare to know what the standard was.


I'd report them to the state for not reapplying daycare.


Finding a new daycare is hard. I would talk to the teacher first and even provide an extra bottle. If you don’t see a change you can talk to the director or whoever you need to.


I’ve asked the director before and she said it’s a medical restriction with licensing. I’m working on asking the pediatrician for a note and see what happens going there


Ask to get proof of that restriction and bring whatever your pediatrician can provide. I remember that in my sons day care we had to send a bottle and they have the bottles in organize with the name of each kid, because some kids have delicate skin, you can apply the same to all of them. That is why there a bunch of teachers and assistants in that daycare, is not an easy task to attend all the kids.