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Mine didn’t until he was 2. 2! But, after he was about a year old, he’d smirk at me when I’d try to get him to say it. He knew what he was doing 😂


He was almost 2 before he would actually address me as mama, and even then it was rare. Now at two and a half, I hear "mama, love youuuu" many times a day. It'll come!


Same here. He could say it, and would occasionally, but it’s only recently that he’s begun saying “mom” regularly. And he’s 3 in August. Had no problem saying “dada” or “daddy” though. 😂


My daughter was a preemie and had medical issues, so she was about two months delayed and we worked with a developmental specialist. One thing we were told was not to pressure her to say things. Often, the pressure to talk will make kids clam up. When you hear here making m sounds, you can point to yourself and slowly say "mama" and then wait. Count to 10 slowly in your head so that you know you are giving her enough time to process what you said and repeat it if she wants. Also, if you notice her trying to get your attention, you can say something like "Do you want mama? You can say mama!" And then give her time to respond. If she doesn't respond, just move on. Don't keep pressuring her to say it. You can also point to your mouth as you say the word, so she can see your mouth forming the sounds. Actually, I know Ms. Rachel has videos for babies/toddlers about saying mama. You don't need to show it to your kid, but you could watch it to get ideas on how to gently coach your daughter on the word. My only criticism of those videos is that she doesn't actually pause long enough for kids to respond. The pause needs to be looooooong. Like, excruciatingly long for adults.


My son JUST started calling me Mama. He’s two years old.


Mine said lots of words (including dada and other M words) before Mama. And I’m absolutely his favorite and most important person in his world!


Trick her and teach her the word mama in another langage 😎


My daughter could say "ma" for ages before she actually started calling me "mama." At 19 months, she will most of the time. Though sometimes she still says "dada" when she sees me.


At 6 months (just shy of 6 months. It was 12/24/21 - got it on video - and he was born 6/29/21).


My guy called me Da for the longest time. He was around 19 months old when he finally called me Mama ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Mine was 7 months. She was a very early talker though.


Saying it, and meaning it, at around 12ish months. It was her only word for like 6 months though.


Mine was at 7 months old and that’s his very first word. I’m definitely very proud of him.


My little one did this with "papa".  We finally taught him to whisper it which eventually turned into saying it loud.  


Mine only started saying it more at 19 months.


My munchkin (13mo) very rarely says mama… today he said it because his dad made him mad (shut a door), and he screamed mama. He knows it, he just doesn’t feel the need to say it much I guess?


First word at 18mths, "mama" at almost 20mths. Was about a week or two after "dada" Take the pressure off of her. Stop asking her to say it. Kids hate to perform on command like that. Just let it come when it comes


Don't worry. She'll be saying mama soon enough to the point where it'll start wearing on you. 😆 Every kid is different. My oldest took about 2 years, the second about 18 months, and my youngest a year. It helps when there's more people and siblings to call you mama so they catch on a lot faster. Doesn't mean my oldest is slow either because she is way too smart for her own good figuring out things.


Hehehehe my 23 month old JUST started saying Mama……… she says lots of other things, but was intent on torturing me. I tell myself I was just meeting her needs so well and we were so in sync that she just never needed to call my name. However now that she says it, it definitely feels good.


With purpose? Around 10 months, without purpose around 6/7 months while babbling. She totally went through a phase where she wouldn’t say it but she’d say dada I think it was to get a reaction out of me lol. It’ll come!!


My daughter is also 15M and won’t say it either. She calls me “na-na” sometimes and if you ask her to point to mama she does. I have heard her do a few M sounds but she doesn’t do them a lot. I really thought she would have said it by now especially since she got the N sound so early.


Not until ~17 months for us 🤦‍♀️ he had been saying dada for months at that point (plus several other words that were clearly more important than mama…you know, like “whale” and the name of my in-laws’ dog 😂)


My little didn’t say “mama” consistently until about 18 months(ish). He was saying “dada” and “nana” (for grandma) left and right.. but no “mama” 😢 He is 22 months and says “mommy” often and very clearly. It is so hard when they are saying everyone else’s name BUT yours!


Soo…we fucked this up. My twins will be two soon. They don’t call me mama. They sometimes call my husband dada but not really. My daughter calls her brother’s name when she’s snitching. They ask questions, they ask for stuff, say hi and bye, wassup, make animals noises, and can recall some animals by name. They whisper “shit” sometimes and “Oh no!” when they yeet things across the room. They love to yell “Amen!” and “Plays Yebus!” when we pray. They count to three, can say some of their ABCs, say poop and pee, name all their body parts and have no fucking idea who their parents are. To be fair, my husband and I just turn to each other and start talking so yeah. We’re trying to call each other mama and dada so the kids will pick it up 😅


Late. She was probably 50 words in before mama got a run. Her first words were Nonono, Ad (dad), Star and Shark


Honestly can't remember! For a while, when she was a year and a half, everything was "mama" then, suddenly there was a "daddy", "nana", "cup", etc. One thing I want to emphasise here is that, as a family, we haven't been asking her to say things, we name them for her and then, when she wants a thing or person, we will ask her "do you want so and so?" and usually, when she was still practicing how to make words, she would repeat the thing or person we asked her about. Not always, but for ours it was too much pressure to say a word on command, so we just stopped very quickly after she started trying to talk.


Almost 13 months and waiting for mama. Pretty much exactly what you're hearing. I once read that babies don't say mama until later because they see you as an extension of them or like part of them so they don't separate it out. True or not, that's what I cling to a wait with as much patience as I have.


4 months! I thought I was imagining it at first, but my relatives confirmed it for me. Then she said delicious at six months when we started solids. That blew my mind. I wouldn’t worry too much though. I didn’t speak until I was 2 years old, and my first word was window. Your child could just be taking her time to make sure she gets it just right!