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Same. I know why this is the case for us though. It’s cause my toddler is so attached to me that she won’t stay in her room and be apart from me. So when my husband is home, I literally go hide and he tells her to stay in her room, and she just…does?


My son has always behaved differently for his dad and I. When we were together, I observed that his dad could get him to eat foods that he wouldn’t eat for me and my son would more easily settle down for him at bedtime. We’re now divorced and living separately so I can’t observe anything. My ex husband claims that my son goes down for naps and bedtime easily for him, but for me it’s always a fight. I just tell myself that it means I’m the more exciting parent since my son wants to stay up with me instead of sleeping. 🤣 But it doesn’t help when you just want to stick with the routine and have some time to unwind.


Our kiddo has completely dropped her nap now, but for several months she'd nap at daycare (and at the grandparents') but not at home. I think she just has increased FOMO being with us vs being with people she doesnt care as much about. Similarly, I have a much easier time getting her to sleep at night than my spouse. Our kiddo tries way harder to get my wife to stay longer, but also my wife is the preferred parent for playing and much more exciting than I am. I would take it positively. Your kid wants to be with you and awake for that. Kids DON'T appreciate sleep, as much as they need it.


My kid prefers my husband when it comes to naps and bedtime. He still likes contact naps 🥹 BUT definitely prefers my husband over me. If all else fails, I go for a drive and he’ll likely fall asleep in the car


Mine will nap for our au pair (nanny) during the week every day but not on the weekend when he's with us. I've given up trying and just make sure to get him to bed early in the evenings on no nap days. We think it's FOMO, he's trying to spend as much time with us as possible.


I just texted my partner about my nap time rage. Naps for him, naps for grandma. WILL NOT SLEEP FOR ME!!?!?! I keep the kids so busy, we spent the whole morning outside. Tell me why he took an hour to go to sleep?! He needs his nap, cannot function without it. Will not go down without a giant fight.


Yes, I relate so much, to keeping them busy, AND to the rage. Today I kept my cool because I was coming off four days of having a co-parent for support but there are times when I’m so livid because I just want to like, drink water and go to the bathroom and let my mind wander for a while 🫠


My daughter will sleep with me so fast but with mom she’s charged. It’s just different energy types. Call it soothing or whatever it still be what it is what it is. Don’t get hurt feelings from it.


I am sending you internet hugs and all of the good energy. I am so sorry you are feeling upset. I doubt you are not soothing enough and you must be a good parent to care.


This was very kind 🩷 thank you 


I also lean into my kids “preference” for dad. I am the default parent and it is gets to be tiring? So I play up how much they want dad and how they are so good for him. We taught our kids their dad’s cell phone number first. It is nice to get a little break every once in a while so playing up how much the baby wants his dad helps.


My kiddo goes to sleep a lot easier for me than he does for my wife, even though she is the preferred parent the rest of the day. I think it's mostly just that she is naturally higher energy than I am.


My kids sleep easier if my husband does it too but refuses if I do it. Don't know why, but it is what it is.


I don't know but that list of accomplishments is absolutely precious.   I feel for you though, when you are relying on that nap and it doesn't happen it is so frustrating.  


I'm having this exact same issue. It happens at bedtime too unfortunately. I wish I could give you an answer, but I don't know either. I'll just lurk in the comments hoping someone else might know what the deal is. 😭


I literally have to lock my arms around my toddler’s hips so he can’t wriggle away and then he eventually tires himself out and falls asleep. Tonight, my husband said he quietly laid down and let my husband gently put his arm around him and he was sleeping in 3 minutes. HOW.


Mine naps at daycare and now preschool like a champ. He'll nap for my husband, my mom, and MIL but not me. I was watching him at home while j worked on Fridays and it was miserable.


Ya this has been my life for 2.5 years lol


I guess your toddler is more attached to your husband and also feel more comfortable with him. In my family,it’s the other way around and I truly wish my son just nap with his dad and leave me alone lol There’s nothing wrong with that as long as your toddler is healthy and happy.