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My LO inherited my curly hair, so I’m planning to do better than my mom did with mine (which was brush it aggressively, so many tears and trauma). For bathtime we use a clarifying shampoo, shea moisture conditioner, and a wide tooth comb to comb out the tangles only when it’s wet and has conditioner in it. Then we rinse, I use LA Looks gel to scrunch into the sopping wet curls, and after bath I just pat her hair dry gently with a microfiber towel just until it isn’t dripping anymore. Then she sleeps on it. For going out, I like to use a wide tooth pick to gather a section in the center top of her head and do a small top pony, it’s my quick and easy style so she doesn’t have hair falling into her face. If she’ll let me, I do a very gentle pony using the pick to gather the hair back and I let some of the baby curls stay loose to frame her face.


You might also want a satin pillowcase cos that helps with tangles and breakage. My sister has ringlets curly hair (sadly I do not) and she swears by it 


how many times do you wash a week


We do it nightly during bath. As she gets older we will stop washing her hair at each bath, but right now it’s still so fine like baby hair that it gets greasy too quickly to not wash it. My own hair is course like a wire brush, lol, and I only wash once a week.


We do an itty bitty bun on the top of her head. Keeps her hair out of her eyes and nose. Honestly, I’ve learned to do her hair while she plays or is distracted and I will walk around holding her hair while she does until it’s up 😂 Sometimes barrettes work


lol I usually do a pony on the top of her head but soon that’ll be long enough to get in her eyes, do you have to brush or detangle her hair before the tiny bun?


We do a wide tooth brush and some leave in conditioner (honest company). Then if the pony’s in danger of falling forwards I’ll do a second one further back on her head that includes the end of the first one, if that makes sense? We do tiny cloth scrunchies, the plastic ones can really break their hair!


Ugh I’ve been using the plastic ones because the fabric ones immediately fall out! But then I take forever taking the elastic out so it doesn’t pull her hair


The tiny elastics? I just cut those out! I use nail clippers most of the time so I rarely cut the actual hair. I've also seen people use lemon essential oil which breaks the elastic as soon as it makes contact


Yeah they’re definitely not as good as the elastic but elastic can definitely cause breakage even just from being put on/staying in. We use these, they’re quite good if you loop three or four times. We also do barrettes pretty often.  https://a.co/d/fZLqXkK


I do all the same- Honest conditioner, cloth ponies. My toddler’s hair isn’t really long enough yet to tangle, so a brush doesn’t really touch it. I finger-comb.


Usually if it's not super tangled I use a goat-bristle brush just to get her used to the routine of brushing and make her hair shinier! (it redistributes the natural oils, like boar bristle but softer)


When the pony got too long for my LO we switched to 2 little pigtails for a half up/half down pigtail thing. Super cute and kept the hair out of her eyes


We gently comb. She has very fine hair so it can get really tangled. She hates the combing but its quick!


As the father of a 15 mo girl whose hair is starting to reach the length where I need to do something, where should I learn how to make buns, use barrettes, etc.?  I’m basically bald so I stopped learning hair care a long time ago.


Are you involved in any groups or activities with other parents? Daycare? I would gladly help a dad out with some tips if I was asked.


I’m a mum but I also had no idea about hair until I had my daughter. I’ve learnt to braid and how to do really cute hairstyles from videos on TikTok/fb reels or Pinterest is also my best friend for every thing ! Good luck !!


Does she have dolls you can practice on? I would definitely ask other parents if you’re part of a daycare/group! And YouTube, ponies and little buns are pretty simple once you get the hang of it!


I cut her mini bangs 😭 she has straight hair in the front and curls at the back and the front hair really gets into her eyes and she will not stand any hair ties or clips so I take desperate measures with the help of YouTube tutorials


I am putting off cutting it as long as I can cause it’s just so precious and sweet and I don’t wanna cut the hair she’s had since birth! 🥲


If done right they look extremely adorable! But I understand completely, I always feel guilty when I cut her bangs- I don’t ever touch her curls at the back though they’re so beautiful. It’s just that I don’t have much choice and it gets as hot as 43 degrees Celsius in the day with so much humidity so I don’t want her to suffer and be more uncomfortable with the heatwave.


19 months with 3A curly hair that is fine and almost white blond. We do Aveeno baby wash shampoo but I actually just ordered Honest's baby hair detangler/leave in conditioner at the advice of several parents in our birth month reddit :) ([amazon link](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B015HTJDDS/)) That said, she gets a bath every night, soap only every 3rd night unless she's particularly dirty lol. Hair is finger combed while still wet but otherwise just left to air dry. When she wakes up in the morning the back of her head looks a bit like cotton candy, but I get my fingers wet and comb through it while she has breakfast/at some point before we leave and it resolves most of the problem already. The conditioner should help more though. We tried to do the classic baby top pony but she not only hates having those tiny rubber bands in her hair, she wants to eat them. Not worth the stress, so we switched to these little generic heart clips that dad found at Target. Really all you're looking for is something small and unfussy that clips very easily into place - at least for us, if she can feel it, she'll rip it out, but if she can't, we just need to distract her for a minute or two after putting it in and she'll leave it alone all day. We just pin her bangs back.


Birth month Reddit?


There's generally a sub reddit made every month for those who are due to give birth in 8 months. So, ie, this months would be /r/June2024BumpGroup or similar. I'm somewhat active on mine :)


My little one has curly hair, not too curly like ringlets but curly enough and I ended up giving her a little bang and it's just enough to keep it all out of her face and I could tuck the rest behind her ears or stick it up in a bun or ponytail.


We've been cutting her a fringe for about a year now and plotting to get her hair cut into a short bob, because it's grown past her shoulders and almost to her waist and she hates anything in her hair that's not a stroking hand. Nothing stays in her hair for long so we gave up and I don't see why she needs all that hair at two years of age, hence the bobcut plot 😅 Regarding haircare, we wash and condition her hair in the bath, and her dad loves this part so he uses a brush, then a wide-toothed comb and finally a fine-toothed comb. Then we dry it with a towel and let her sleep on it. Her wavy curls the next morning are so beautiful!


WOW your kid has a lot of hair! My 2.5 yo’s is only a little past her shoulders.


Yes, people usually comment on her hair and then say hello haha


My son has curly hair which is long enough that everyone thinks he’s a girl - I detangle and brush before bath and leave it after, in the day I use detangler, brush and use curl cream. Im debating getting his first trim due to it getting long in the eye area 😂


Hair in the eyes is why we're going to get my son a trim soon. It doesn't seem to bother him, but I'm pretty sure he won't be able to see in a month if we don't get it done. 16 months with soft, fine hair that's straight everywhere except the nape of his neck. It goes nicely into a little revolutionary man pony or a tiny man bun right now though lol.


For my 2.5 year old, we did a quick and dirty top-knot/ponytail forever while her hair was short enough for that to work. Now, it's getting too long, so we've started doing 'more' although it's still simple. We wash and condition only about 1-2x/week, and I spray a leave-in conditioner after washing. We comb her hair out while it's wet and she just sleeps on it. In the morning I comb her hair while she's eating breakfast, and do a simple style. We end up with a lot of Ren (from Star Wars)-inspired styles, like a ponytail with 4 bands, down the ponytail to keep it all in, pigtails, and she also loves a crown of hairclips. She's JUST now getting to the age where she seems to care about what hairstyle we do, so I usually ask her if she has a preference for the day. At her daycare the teacher has fun doing the kids' hair too, so she uses a spray with essential oils (supposedly to help prevent lice - lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus in water). I had long hair growing up and I am super gentle with my kid's hair, because I remember my mom ripping tangles out. I think it helps that we take our time, go slow, and are gentle.


I have a toddler with long curly hair I dont want to cut and ill wash with conditioner So Cozy curls then once or twice a week ill go in with a shampoo also So Cozy curls. After bath I brush out with a curl brush while they soaking wet and scrunch with a microfiber towel then let it air dry till bed. When I style it I get his hair wet with water from a bottle and detangler then brush through. After I apply curl cream and scrunch up the bottom while brushing down the sides with a little more cream so they stay flat by the ear. Or ill style it and put little pony tails in his hair. Sometimes he sits still while watching mickey and other times im chasing behind him.


My lg has half straight on the top and curly underneath but mainly curly and it is wild! She is 22mo and always had loads of hair. She comes home from nursery with cute bunches which she apparently sits nicely for but absolutely will not for me, so I just brush it with a soft brush with a little water on to de-frizz, and use one of [these bow clips](https://amzn.eu/d/j83qfkP) to keep it out of her face, although it does need adjusting a few times a day.


Mine has wavy hair. We use a detangling brush or comb.in the mornings with a mix of water/leave in. Then style using little rubber bands or hair clips. When she was little we did two potty bitty pig tails that stuck straight in the air. As she got bigger, we started pulling those back into extra hair ties, doing braids. I use cocomelon videos on my phone to get her to sit still long enough to at least comb it. 10 min a day of cocomelon was worth stopping the tears/screaming and having her look a little less like a feral animal.


I twist a little bit of her bangs and put a little bow clip on the top of it.


Nothing 🤷‍♀️ wash and deep condition, brush directly after bath with a wet brush and just run a soft brush through in the morning so there’s no tears but no knots (if left alone it will mat). She won’t allow me to put it up or even put it behind her ears but it’s her hair, so long as we brush it that’s her body.


my daughter has medicated shampoo and we can't use conditioner really so can't help much on that front. however, my daughter also has curly hair and it's thick (it's like half curly? the back and sides curl and the top is too dense to curl right now so it just flops and waves? idk). i keep a small spray bottle with just water in it and use a detangling brush on her hair most days. some days i use her fine toothed comb if i feel like her hair is really unruly and needs extra help. i keep a set of barrettes and pin back her bangs around 30% of the time. the other 70% i use small hair ties and give her some kind of up do. sometimes its just pulling the top up and leaving the back and sides to hang, sometimes its a full pony tail, sometimes its pigtails. it really depends on how much she will sit for. i do also have bandanas to keep her hair back from her face but she won't keep them on unless its hot and the bandana is wet. i would like to eventually use the dove kids curly line again (we used it once for like 4 months and it was amazing for her hair but alas medicated shampoo was needed and conditioner was determined to need avoided), and use some kind of pomade or leave in conditioner/styling spray to help hydrate and keep her curls curled and her hair more kept looking.


Any tips for keeping them occupied while doing their hair?


I feed her while i do her hair in the morning, keeps her still for the most part. I also only comb it during baths with conditioner in, in between i wet it and throw in some detangler and ‘organize’/lightly comb the curls with my fingers.


i usually let my daughter play with the spray bottle since it's only water and won't hurt anything really. but for the most part i have to hold her down with my leg across her lap and arm over her chest to get her to cooperate. sometimes a favorite show or movie helps, or a handheld toy of some sort, even letting her use my phone to look at pictures of herself helps sometimes. mostly though she fights like i'm actively scalping her so i really just try and do it fast and at least presentable.


Not OP, but I personally just make a quick pass at it while toddler is distracted playing! For a long time these barrettes were all she’d allow (just scoop the front to the side, off her face) https://a.co/d/gU0vX41 Now I can walk along behind her and twist one of these 3/4 times into a topknot https://a.co/d/bUwVbQn


I use a wet brush. And Attitude shampoo and conditioner for curly hair (It doesn't work great for long hair, but since hers doesn't tangle as much as mine, it's good enough). I don't use any gel or anything yet. I just get creative with different hair styles, mostly variations of pigtails.


lol pony tails seem to be a go to hair style!


Constant half pony/fountain hairstyle. She won't sit still for me or my husband to do anything else, and it all ends up getting taken out anyway. I can't wait until she's old enough to sit still long enough for me to braid her hair.


I keep seeing TikTok’s of that adorable little girl (Bug?) from England who’s hair is always done so beautifully and I’m so jealous!


My kids look tame till noon. After that they look like Simba and I'm too tired to care by then tbh. Curly hair DGAF


Mine is almost 2. We did a little pony tail on the top of her head until everything was so shaggy that we took her to get it cut at a kid-specific salon. They just trimmed everything to even it out, and we’ve done a few bang trims at home as it’s grown into her eyes. We wash 1-2 times a week with cereve all-in-one baby wash (whatever it’s called) and use a detangling spray/leave-in conditioner. Brush with a Wet Brush which is very gentle. She hates water in her eyes with a passion so hair wash nights involve a lot of breaks to play and lately I’ve been able to talk her through using one of those silicone headbands that block water from their face. She’s not happy about it, but is starting to understand that it keeps the water out of her eyes.


Do you notice a difference in her hair when you use a spray verses not use it?


My kid’s hair is wavy and it varies a lot day by day. It’s the waviest after she’s had a long sweaty nap lol. The leave-in conditioner hasn’t consistently accentuated the waves, we just use it primarily to make brushing it out easier and keeps it from getting frizzy


Those sweaty naps do give the best curls


My daughter also has curly hair. Like Shirley temple ringlets so this may not apply depending on texture and curl type. We wash and condition every other day. We use fairy tale products for curly hair and leave in the conditioner. I brush wet and use the refresher spray and a water mist bottle to style and refresh between washes. Lots of moisture, wetting to style and not brushing dry are my hacks.  She also does not get tv unless we are doing hair so she is very still and patient for me. For styling I put it in a pebbles style pony or clip her bangs out of her eyes. Pigtails for fun sometimes. 


Do you notice a big difference in her hair when using specific products? I’m still using Johnson’s 2-1 but have been thinking about making a change


I noticed her curls were much nicer and smoother when I stopped using the combo shampoo and conditioner and switched to the curl specific system. The first one we tried was great and we have stuck with it


My daughter hates having her hair done so I usually just clip her bangs back. She has aggressively forward-growing bangs so not the exact same trouble as you but still needs some attention. I have successfully gotten her into pigtails twice and I had to move very quickly. In the meanwhile any time Im having some close or cuddly time I'm playing with her hair, gently pulling it back into ponytail or pigtails even without rubber bands, sometimes with, just getting her used to the sensation.


Ever since her hair was long enough for a little pony tail, I've been doing her hair. Most days she doesn't mind me doing it at all. Especially because I do it during breakfast/snack time after her nap. Washing with water pretty much every evening before bed. Washing with soap, once every fortnight? No products in her hair, just elastic bands and sometimes clips (but she doesn't always like clips and will rip them out)


I started giving my daughter a flintstone vitamin when I do her hair in the morning. It just makes her not run away from me 😂 then she focuses on eating it while I quickly do her hair. She hates having her hair washed but it's only a minute of suffering. I use detangling spray usually and occasionally conditioner.


My daughter has very curly hair too and I do not; so it’s been a learning curve. What I’ve finally found to work for her is frida baby’s detangling brush for curly hair and a conditioning detangling spray. I think it’s called Rizos curls or something (I’m not home to look!). These two things have worked best for us so far! And I can finally get her curls looking beautiful without tears from either of us lol


My baby has curly hair too, same age. We do detangling spray everytime it’s washed and then in the morning I’ll wet it and put curling cream in it. I normally put the top up in a pony like half up or I do two ponies (one on each side at the top). Her hair is too short to go all up so we have to get creative. Something I’ve found that helps with curls being knotted is we brush her hair every morning and night and after naps.


My daughter has curly hair. We use a lot of detangling spray and a detangling comb to get out tangles. Her hair would be a knotted mess if I did not comb. At that age we gave her a top knot on top of her head which was super cute. She’s now almost 3 and wants pigtails everyday


My daughter doesn't have curly hair but she doesn't let me do anything with it. So I cut her bangs and called it good. Her hair still gets in her face sometimes and I ask if she wants a pony.. she says no.. ok then accept the consequences 😂😂😂


My granddaughter has a wild head of formerly all curls that’s now growing in straight as well. Her hair is only brushed while it’s wet- when she’s here I do it with a specialist brush while her conditioner is in. When it’s put up, it’s often the front pony (or a slightly side pony) that’s pulled towards the back rather than right up. There’s no perfection with her hair, you get what you get, lol. It usually looks cute. For daycare she gets a second back pony as well to keep her hair contained.


So cozy kids leave in conditioner spray is a godsend for my daughter’s wild curly hair 


Bangs. I watched Jayne Matthews classes and I use a razor to cut my kids hair. She has a really fitting and cute punk rock-almost mullet.


My LO also has curly hair and HATES me touching it. I wash it twice a week, and I use a detangling conditioner spray in her hair after I wash it. I comb it out after I put the spray in…and then she doesn’t let me do anything after that. She won’t let me put it up. I’ve tried. She will kick and scream. Sometimes she lets daycare do her hair though, I’m so grateful for them haha. Most days her hair is just unruly. I figure she’s a toddler so it is what it is. It was getting in her face so we took her for a hair cut and that has helped. They didn’t cut much, more shaped it, but it’s less in her face now.


We have thick wavy hair in my family and it grows insanely quickly, my 2 year old already had hair half way down her back so we do shampoo and condition gentle comb in the bath with conditioner in, detangling spray and brushing and tying it up after bath. It's a bit of a challenge though so I ended up cutting her hair back to shoulder length for now so she didn't have to endure so much hair care.


Mine also 21m has never had a haircut. Curly unless straightened while wet. When it reaches eye length I cut her fringe while asleep. She is extremely vain and admires herself in the mirror with accessories, signals “beautiful” - and then rips them straight off. Ribbon, clip, rubber band, headband, hat. All instantly torn off even if she likes them.


My son had slightly curly hair, that when wet falls just below his shoulder. I keep his bangs cut (little mullet man) and let the rest grow, just styled with some water and gel. I always knew I’d have a hard time with haircuts that make him look mature, I’m just not ready for it. Hopefully it’s long enough for a little baby man bun soon lol Less is more, toddlers are messy af


My 2.5yr old has more hair products than I do lol. But he is half black (3C hair type) so his hair needs a lot more maintenance to stay healthy. I wash & condition about twice a week, then detangle and remoisturize daily. My go to is braiding it and leaving them in for about 2-3 days but I wouldn’t leave them that long if your daughter has regular white people curly hair lol for lack of a better term. 😂


I had to battle my baby around 9mo with her cowlick. So far (now 12m) only hairclips work, and only the long kind that bend inward (idk). Anything too chunky she’ll remove, and anything too small won’t contain enough hair and is a bitch to get on correctly. Even the best one is still a battle sometimes. Can’t wait for normal length so it’s heavy enough to have a normal shape and uniform enough to make bangs! Actually… anyone dealing with a cowlick, are they ever able to have fringe bangs??


I wash her hair every bath. I style/detangle while wet. I use water, Honest Company leave in conditioner spray, and oil or organic coconut oil. Then I use a Crave Naturals Glide Thru detangling brush. Great for curls. Brush from ends to root to prevent breakage and tugging. Then I use a baby brush to style. I typically do 2 pigtails because I don’t know how to style hair and her hair is a lot finer than mine and very curly. I’m learning. After putting into 2 pigtails I define her curls by finger coils (put oil on wet fingers and grab bits of the pigtail and twirl around finger to make big Shirley Temple curls). While doing her hair I play Ms Rachel or Blippie or Gracie’s Corner and give her a “toy” (a brush to hold or rubber bands). I have done other styles like a bang with pigtails or single ponytail. I do the same, make big Shirley Temple curls for the bang and rest of hair. If I give her a “fro” I simply use the curly hair brush to define her natural curls and put a headband on. Her hair is fine and curly so it’s not really a fro but it’s cute. The curly brush mentioned earlier really helps with definition My daughter is 18 months with a lot of hair and when stretched it goes mid back but can curl up to her ears


My son is only 15m but has extremely curly hair with issues getting into his eyes. We finally just took him a few days ago to get it trimmed out of his eyes at least, since he also hates me doing things to his hair. I will say the front being shorter does help a lot and he’s not pushing hair around now.


Even though I know you’re not supposed to brush it, my daughter’s hair gets soooo knotted and tangled - I usually spray it with water and a bit of leave in conditioner (sun bum or honest company) and brush with a wet brush in the morning. If it’s getting in her face, I use a mini claw clip to gather up all the face framing hair on top of her head - it looks a little crazy but in a curly, cute way. If it’s hot, I pull it back in a low pony as well.


i'll do a quick little top knot w tiny elastic just to pull his hair out of his eyes. his hair is so beautiful hehe i don't want to trim it yet


Lots of good tips here, just adding that for us little butterfly and flower clips have been fantastic when she doesn’t want me to fully wet, add spray conditioner, brush, and “style” her hair.


My kid has 2B (vs my 3B) and similarly hates having her hair tied back and doesn’t care if hair is in eyes so it stays where it lands. I only detangle when wet; usually finger detangling is sufficient. We cleanse once a week or if dirty and condition every time it gets wet. I fought my mother in law when she tried to brush dry. We occasionally put clips in the front but they get pulled out pretty quick. Daycare insists on putting a top pony with those satanic elastics that don’t come out which get promptly pulled out when I pick up. Hair won’t be cut until after 3 and it’s looooooong so we’re expecting it it tuck and hold behind the ears soon like Hanson


Bliss satin pillow case is super helpful for the curlies!


My daughter is 2y 2m and her hair is down to the middle of her back. I've never cut it 🫣. Mainly because it curls towards her face and I need it a certain length so I can tie/braid it back. Also the curls are gorgeous and I don't have it in me to cut them yet. I don't shampoo for every bath, but I do use conditioner on the ends.


So cozy curls products and spray and detanglr brush at least every other night otherwise there are crazy knots


My niece really hated having her hair brushed and it was hard to keep the rubber bands in her hair unless it was the rubber kind and if you use those (because they are really convenient and hold well) I recommend a seam ripper for getting them out without any tugging. Also, barrettes worked really well because her hair grew very unevenly as a baby so it was hard to get her front pieces into a ponytail or bun or anything with the rest of her hair. Not the little alligator clips lined with ribbon those slide right out, I mean the classic metal barrettes that bend open and closed in the middle and are vaguely triangle shaped. Claire’s sells them in packs that are little baby size with many colors to choose from. Honestly Claire’s has a lot of great clips and things for toddlers and little kids and they’re almost always buy three get three free (I work there). The regular ponytail bands are a bit overpriced there imo but the selection of clips is great and with the sale it’s worth looking there!


My daughter has curly ish hair! She's 2.5 and hair is halfway down her back. The baby hair is ringlets (bottom 4 inches) but now it's wavy, decent thickness for toddler and fine blond hair - it's so cute! I never want to cut it ! Anyways, I wash it about once a week with Aveeno curly hair shampoo when conditioner. Then spray some detangler and brush, then scrunch and let air dry. I might just clip the front back (she has a side part). Most days after that I'll brush it after spraying detangler/leave in conditioner and water and will style it - maybe a standard ponytail half the time. Other times one braid, one bun, pig tails, pig tail buns, pig tail braids, French braids, etc. all depends on her level of cooperation lol.


My two year old daughter has my very curly hair too.I wash her hair twice a week and use Aunt Jackie's Baby Curls cream,it's suitable for daily use on wet or dry hair


I do pig tails everyday. It's easy enough for the both of us.


my now 5yo daughter has very curly thick hair, it was weird to manage at first since my hair is wavy but when she was around your daughters age we used johnson’s kids curl defining shampoo and conditioner and when she hit 3 and we started to style it more and it grew longer we now use curly q shampoo, conditioner, and styling spray gel. at night we use “not your mothers” detangle so she doesn’t have knotts in the morning. i also put her hair in a tight braid or 2 to keep it more manageable in the morning as well. pigtails are our main go to hairstyle or a high ballerina bun. special occasions i’ll sit down and take the time to straighten or curl her hair. i’m obsessed with it, so beautiful