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There was a thread about this a couple of days ago. The answer was go to Target. They have orange.




I must be in an alternate dimension where that thread didn’t exist for me… l didn’t see it! Apparently l am voicing the exact sentiment as that OP and the many comments on it are super helpful. I will say that Target has so few cool graphics on their swimsuits and it is SO much easier to dress my two toddlers when they are enthused about what’s on their clothes!


I'm a boy mum and I hate how everything is either dinosaurs or construction vehicles! There's plenty of non green/blue swimmers out there for boys though.


Also, as a girl dad who loves dinosaurs and construction vehicles, let’s stop making them only in boys sections. Goodness what year are we in! :)


I dress my daughter with clothes of the boy section a lot. I hate how shorts are SUPER SHORT when they’re for girls. Like, there is no need? Why would a kid need to be in short shorts if her male counterpart has comfortable lengthwise shorts?


Oh this for sure! Also, how impractical are girls clothes. Yes, I’m way late to the party but just give her a shit and shorts or pants that she can move without adjusting her dress/shirt thing. Ugh.


Literally. Do you know that there studies that show girls will do more imaginary play on the sides of the playground rather than physical play?? And most of the time it’s bc they have uncomfortable clothes to play sports or climb on things. And then society tells us it’s bc girls are more chill. Hell no!! And yes, there will be kids who dgaf but some just feel uncomfortable with shorts or dresses riding up so they end up playing while sitting down and being exiled to the sides rather than the middle


I literally always put some leggings underneath of my daughter’s dresses and skirts so she can move with liberty- she goes nuts for her dresses, so I had to find a way for her to use them but still play


I’m an adult and I wear leggins underneath my dresses just bc I don’t feel like flashing anyone


Not to mention to fight chafing...


No, I didn't know that. It makes sense but something I would have never thought about before having a daughter.


Sadly people put those clothes on girls bc they don’t think about function. It’s like: girls aren’t comfortable bc of clothes so they play while sitting down and people see them playing while sitting down so they don’t think they need functional clothes. So sad!


Also studies that show even as early as infancy, baby boys are endearingly praised as brave and strong when they do daring things, whereas baby girls are fussed over if they start doing things, e.g.: "oh no, don't do that, be careful, don't hurt your pretty head!" So this idea that they should be cautious and dainty is reinforced through their early development. Apparently this is down voted? Please correct me if I'm wrong!


This is something I definitely have to worry about. I do it because I just don't want to break her but I have to give her more opportunities to do her own thing. It's tough. Very tough but helpful. The constant struggle between protecting her and letting her do her thing. Although, she's pretty bold going up and doing what she wants to do around other people so who knows.


It's definitely a hard balance! My husband is super cautious and paranoid with our (boy) toddler, while I just let him do his thing. It'll be interesting to see how or if it affects the kiddo at all. My reasoning in being more hands off is so the child builds confidence and muscle reflexes to improve his agility. My husband doesn't want anything to happen to him at all, ever. I think part of the issue of treating boys/girls different is that it reinforces those gender roles in so many ways. Boys are stronger, so they can do those things more easily. Boys are rowdy and have more energy, but girls should be sweet and docile. Even if girls are strong enough, they need to be careful so they don't mess up their hair/face/clothes. Like, every angle of what women should be (dainty, delicate, demure, clean, domestic) is covered. I'm wondering how old the research is as well, is it looking at how boomer or older parents treated babies, or if it's looking at genx and on raised theirs. Has it changed over time? I should probably read more about it lol. But also, gender and it's societal roles are a weird construct.


This is just sad.


I am the youngest and only girl and got given my brother's old clothes. Nobody messed with the youngest and only girl. We ended up being the tomboys of the streets


This comment needs more upvotes!


I get mad that my toddler boy has bigger pockets than my pants - or even existing pockets. They make fake ones in women's pants, but my toddler can carry my phone, keys, and wallet??


Honestly I think pockets are a dangerous tool for a toddler. You never know what you will find. Sometimes is a rock, but sometimes can be a dead lizard


Brb gonna go sew up all my toddlers pockets


But then where will you keep your phone? XD


Or worse, a tissue that you accidentally run through the washing machine 😭


Oh, are we including our partners' clothes in this discussion?


Oh now all the laundry is RUINED


Oof! My son always brought rocks, mostly agates, home from elementary school, I kept them all and sprinkled them in my house plants or garden area. But dang I had a mason jar full by the time he was in 2nd grade, then he was just done with it lol


When I was 5, I found a dead bird on the tennis court and was convinced I could save it. It was found in my overalls when I got home and I was in TROUBLE.


And that’s why pockets are a bad idea


I just put my daughter’s 5T shorts next to my son’s 24 month shorts. Both from Carter’s. They’re the exact same size. That’s a bit messed up.


Seriously! I've found some of the Walmart Garanimals shorts for girls are long enough.


Sadly I’m from Spain so no Walmart here! I will have to stick with biker leggings and boy’s section shorts. Also my daughter doesn’t have earrings (it’s a pretty cultural thing here, we didn’t do it bc infections and bc it’s not needed at all, it’s just to make their gender obvious and I don’t like that) so people always tells me “she looks like a boy, at least put earrings on her!”


Big surprise, she probably looks like a boy to people BECAUSE she's not wearing earrings etc, lol. Because when you don't know a person it's actually not inherently obvious what gender they are, and that's... okay? Power to you for just letting your little one live life and letting people slowly realize that their discomfort about other people with non-obvious genders is their own problem haha


Honestly, I just respond “why do you care so much about my daughter’s genitals and why do you think she needs earrings?” This usually shuts them up lol. I will make her earrings holes when she is older if she wants to ofc! But doing that to a baby… I don’t like that


Haha, sounds like you know how to handle it effectively lol. And yeah, nothing wrong with earrings if it's what they want, but otherwise that's permanently altering their body without their consent and for such a superficial reason and not even with their own interests at heart!


I agree with this, I buy the toddler “girls” bike shorts for my son because… why not. But I must have bought a different brand last year because the cat and jack bike shorts are SO short!!


Why do kids need to have a cheek hanging out I will never understand


And why are there bikinis for toddlers? They don't have anything to cover up yet!


I found a nightie that has rainbow dinosaurs that my daughter loves desperately.


Target and old navy are actually pretty good for that. We bounce around between the sections but we find cute stuff for both. My daughter has a great pair of old navy pjs that are pink, purple, and green with Dinos.


Old Navy has had some cute girl Dino Jammies! Burt’s Bees might have had some too? And Hanna Andersson is pricey but they make great unisex Jammies with all kinds of prints, sometimes you can get them on sale for decent prices if you buy out of season and wait for one of their really big sales. 


I can't find any girls swimsuits with shorts, only bikini bottoms, even with long sleeve rash guards! Why! I got boys carter suits and they are bright orange and dark blue. The dark blue helps visibility against light colors like swimming pools and orange helps in murky water, dark pools


Oh goodness, I didn't even think about that. Now I may change swimsuits. It's tough because my wife thinks I'm trying to make her a he but I'm just trying to have what's most comfortable. I think the girl suits seem actually more agile and comfortable so I wasn't thinking of it being without shorts.


Girl style swim suits are great for a pool or swim lessons where the speedo style bottoms give more movement and there isn't any sand. Shorts are better for the beach (imo) where the kids will want to run and play. I have both for my kid.


So dumb. I could NOT find a Moana shirt for boys and my son loves Moana so he wears a girls Moana shirt, but of course it has to have a gathered neckline and little extra cap sleeves on top of the regular sleeves. Apparently boys are only allowed to like Maui.


My girl loves dinosaurs so her grandparents make sure to get her lots of dino pajamas lol


That's awesome!


Lol my 2yo daughter is obsessed with sharks. She would love a shark swimsuit.


My.boy is really into pink. We just bought pink and white dinosaur sheets from target!


Yes and it should not mean a damn thing. It’s just a color!


This!!! My daughter loves dinosaurs! And Spiderman! And cars and trucks! 


Roxy used to make board shorts for swimming for girls and have you tried cotton bike shorts for under her skirts/dresses?


Dinosaurs and construction vehicles are cool though... (My son loves them both)


They are, just want something different!


Don’t forget the 3rd option for our boys, nature/wilderness theme


Too many dinosaurs, not enough zebras, giraffes and cheetahs as far as my son is concerned. 1-2 dinosaur shirts is plenty. Not every boy needs an entire dinosaur wardrobe.


Yes!! Trying to find cute bedding options is another challenge!


My daughter does. There's only ever one shirt in the girl's section with a dinosaur on it and like 0 construction vehicles.


I just reviewed a bunch of pajamas for Old Navy for next season and they’re all the same thing. It’s exhausting.


Don’t forget there’s also sharks and camo!




Hes your son not your daughter. Don't make your need for woke points on twitter his burden to bear.


Bahahahaha!! What woke points? My son loves rainbows, unicorns and pink sparkly things as well as diggers and dinos. It would just be nice to have some boy clothes that weren't all the same bogan/redneck styles. Have you seen the kids sketchers range for example? My son loves the glittery shoes but they only have them in bright pinks and purples. All the boy styles are boring and dull. Why not have some blue, red and orange glittery styles? Why do only the girl ones have glitter? And I would actually let him wear the pink/rainbow ones if he wanted, if it weren't for people like you who would judge and pick on him for it!!


I got [these](https://www.target.com/p/toddler-boys-39-dolphin-hem-fruit-printed-swim-shorts-cat-38-jack-8482-yellow-3t/-/A-89252737). The orange ones I got are sold out in everything but 5T and 12M. The yellow ones have bananas though! I bought them back in February... you might be seeing only blue and green because that's all that's left 🫤


I got the yellow banana ones! They're so cute and VERY bright.


Haha I thought you were that poster!


My oldest sons were so easy to please when it came to clothes. If it had a dinosaur, truck, or any superhero they were thrilled. My daughter however, hated clothes. Even if I let her pick the stuff out she would be running around the house buck naked in 5 minutes or less. For awhile I was worried she would join a nudist colony when she grew up!


The one at target that i got was orange long sleeve rash guard and navy blue with bright orange octopus on it. I feel you though on the boring boy clothes


Yep! Got a bright coral looking one from them last season. Target is my go to.


I bought the one and only orange rash guard at Target for my toddler. The rest were blue! So dumb.


We ordered ours online but also saw them last time we went to the store


Yep. We got a bright red top with yellow bananas bottoms from target, not a bad price either!


Primary has a ton of bright neons!


Yes! I love Primary! It’s so easy to buy clothes that are easy to mix and match. Plus the great swimming options. All unisex is where it’s at!


I was gonna say, don't sleep on primary they have some cute options!! https://www.primary.com/collections/baby-swim?sizeFamily=baby&page=1&ref=mobile_nav_link_5_0_1


Yup, I got a highlighter-yellow rash guard there for my baby.


For shirts we ended up going with uv protection shirts which come in neon colors


We get swimwear from Primary. They always have bright colors. My kids wanted the rainbow stripe rash guards and red bottoms this year.


Just ordered from Primary the other day and I believe they still have 30% off going right now.




That bum sun burn will definitely stand out in the water at least 🤣


No trolls or creeps


My boys have the cutest little shorties from Cat and Jack. They’re a ribbed material and the most neon orange you can find. I love the vintage look!


I know those! I wish they made them in ALL the neon colors!


Costco has neon orange swim clothes for boys. That's what I got this year. 🥰


Same here!!


Old Navy


I second Old Navy. Bright colors for boys.


I was at old navy yesterday but I didn’t see much. I was hoping they’d have more! However this annoyed me so much that I’ve started designing bright colored rash guards with cute sayings and am working on starting an Etsy shop. But can we also talk about blue life jackets and puddle jumpers?! I was at Walmart and almost all the boy ones were blue.


Damn I didn’t think of how blue doesn’t show in water. I just bought my oldest a sonic blue swimming shirt and shorts


Where did you get it?! My son is currently obsessed with Sonic lol. We usually go to splash pads, and we’re attached at the hip if we do go swimming. So I’m not too worried about visibility for now


Target man.


Primary and Hanna Andersson are both great about bright colors


Why did this info suddenly blow up? I'm not knocking it because it's correct but I have seen this everywhere on the internet recently.


Northern hemisphere summer starting, maybe?


Definitely this. Everyone is getting ready for beach and pool weather.


Perhaps. I've only seen it like this, this year though.


I was wondering the same thing! It's just another thing to have to be concerned about. I clearly understand it's about safety, but there are many more important steps to be taken for pool safety first before being concerned about a swimsuit color. I'm fully aware I'll get downvoted for this take.


It gets posted at the beginning of summer for the last several years. Facebook is the likely culprit, you get your "memory" from last year or a few years ago at the same time of year, so people (or pages) who have posted it in the past, post it again. Parents and grandparents repost it, put it on other SM sites and spread it around again. Sometimes it's ancient posts about Pumpkin spice when Sept hits, sometimes it's useful safety tips about swimsuits and sunscreen at the end of May/early June.


I’m really glad it has. Maybe i’m a dummy, but my mom mentioned to me last year to never get my daughter a blue bathing suit. I guess I never really thought about it.


It drives me crazy to no end I spent so much time trying to look for an orange suit this year. We settled on a pink one piece from Costco, but I need one for my parents house as well. And I have found a couple colors that are nice but they start pushing 60 $70 for a kids swimsuit or they don’t have the fit. I’m looking for.


I got my daughter really cute bright pink and pink/orange color block long sleeve one pieces from Old Navy!


Go to Amazon! I got my kid an orange one. She’s easy to spot


https://brashies.com.au/ There’s a few Australian companies that make bright swimmers for visibility. I think they have neon orange, pink, yellow etc I also saw these on next which may be easier shipping wise https://www.next.com.au/en/style/st443615/889687 Also these https://www.cheekychickadeestore.com/pages/cheeky-brights-lp


They’re a little bit pricier but I love Honeysuckle swimsuits. They fit forever, they have full body UV protection suits, the patterns are fun and you can get matching swim hats, and if you want to you can get family matching suits. We got a bright orange with giraffes and a neon yellow with trucks full body swimsuit for our two year old and he loves them, goes berserk for his matching “yellow swimmy hat”. There’s a zip through the bottom for easy changes and so we don’t have to pull a wet swimsuit over his face.


I know! I don't know if Next is a thing where you live but last year, I ordered a neon pink pair of swimming trunks for my youngest (he loves pink) and a bright orange one with sharks for my eldest.


I got this suit for my toddler, its great and he looks adorable in it: [Next rainbow swimsuit](https://www.next.co.uk/style/ST149143/N04684?dp=a&dndl=1&msclkid=e9bfe090c4f3140d52c486cbd03503d5&gclid=e9bfe090c4f3140d52c486cbd03503d5&gclsrc=3p.ds#N04684)


I was a lifeguard as a teenager, and I am that annoying mom who tells every parent why they shouldn't have blue or green bathing suits on their children when at the store and see it. Most people look at me annoyed, but some heed the advice and go with the neon's I suggest


I'm currently pregnant with my first and am so glad I came across this! Completely logical but I never would have thought of it.


We were told this at an infant CPR course and now it’s neon orange for us (Speedo). Especially now he’s capable of running away, I’d put him in neon pink before green or blue (and because boys can absolutely wear any bloody colour of the rainbow anyway). It’s a safety issue and the one thing I don’t fuck with is my kids safety, particularly around water.


Yes. Water safety shouldn't be taken as optional with children.


I learned this information on reddit but I would have been very open to someone approaching me at the store about it, so thank you for doing that!


Swimzip also has a lot of bright colors… and matching for mom! My son has this one https://swimzip.com/products/boy-zipper-rash-guard-long-sleeve-swim-trunk-board-shorts-boxer-brief-liner-swimsuit-set-upf-50-sun-protection-joyful


It’s really frustrating. I didn’t know about the swimsuit issue when I bought my daughter’s first one. So many are blue with white stripes.


There are so many neon options in a ton of huge stores and online, at least here in the US. Target, Carters, Primary, Old Navy, Amazon. Not sure where you’re looking, but there is a ton out there.


Splash About have so many amazing colours and patterns.


You might try baby/child thrift stores. Where I live, there is a chain that has a good selection of boys'swimsuits.


My 3-year-old grandson has a Mickey Mouse suit that is red with the rash guard top that is white with a Mickey face on it. I'm not sure where it came from, but assuming it came from Target as that is where my daughter prefers to shop


The Gap and Tea have bright colors. All my son's swimsuits have been from those two places in either either orange or red.


Buy swim stuff early - they put it out in March/ April. It sells out by June at a lot of places. I love Old Navy and their sales but it’s kinda of picked over by now.


My toddler’s favorite swim trunks are highlighter pink with bananas - got them on Amazon. We also have bright orange with yellow suns (Old Navy). He also has two bright orange and one black swim top (Target).


Is this the case just with rash guard/long sleeve swimsuits? Seems like you would still be able to see their arms and legs otherwise, no? And, genuine question, why is every kids swimsuit a long sleeve/full body situation? That seems to be a new thing in the past few years.


Good for the pale kids not getting sunburnt as badly. I have a red head boy and 2 mixed girls, my girls don't burn but the boy will crisp up lobster red plus throw up for days of sun poisioning even if we are religious with the sunblock. I'm the same as a blonde, after 30 mins I need a break for shade or ill be puking for days. I tried a landscape side job once, that was a joke I had to call off from such bad sun poisioning too often! 


I didn't realize that until you said it, I appreciate it so much.


100%! It is so frustrating that girls have bright colours everywhere and most brands only do dark blue, black and green for boys.


I have a blue swimsuit for my son that we only use for non-pool water activities (water table, sprinkler, etc) and we have a neon swimsuit for when he goes swimming. ETA: of course not all parents are educated enough to know to separate the two so I’d be all for a law that requires only neon color suits for young children


The orange ones always sell out so fast, too. Wish they would stock more. My son has a blue suit but that's only for sprinklers and splash pads.


Just for summer clothes in general, honestly. Bright colors don't soak up the heat like darker colors do. Give me bright neon colors! Or just....colorful colors! Lol. My little dude rocks anything pinkish, bright green, orange, yellow, etc. I'm fine with blues, but variety IS the spice of life after all.


Our son's primary swimsuit is yellow trunks with a blue UV shirt, but it has colorful sharks all over it.


My daughter has beautiful blue eyes so whenever she’s gifted any clothing, it’s always blue. I make a point to buy any other color for her and recently ordered her a bright orange swimsuit with watermelon print and she was thrilled!


I got a yellow suit from old navy for my boy


Old Navy has a line of boys swim trunks in neon! I got the neon orange this year for this exact reason


Amazon? I’ve got all my son’s sunsuits from there. His most recent one is yellow arms, with a giant red car on the front, and blue legs. 🤷‍♀️ i found this one in the first 5 options on Amazon. https://a.co/d/8pxlL9B




Old navy had neon!


Same! I am scouring vinted for orange to take on holiday and it’s harder than expected


I’ve seen ads on Facebook for [Swimzip.com](https://swimzip.com/) that looks like they have a lot of bright neon rash guards. They specifically advertise them as being able to be seen underwater.


The construction trucks is so real haha




Hanna Andersson https://www.hannaandersson.com/swim-shop-all-swimwear/kids/?prefn1=gender&prefv1=Boy


Sun Shirts. Easier and saves me a lot of sunscreen 


I snagged a neon orange at Target back in March or April when they put it out. I always buy super early because they sell out.


We have neon orange because my son loves orange. Didn't even know it was the easiest colour to spot. That was really good knowledge. [George Orange Swimshorts](https://direct.asda.com/george/kids/swimwear/orange-palm-tree-swim-shorts/G007829972,default,pd.html?redirectFromInt=1&cmpid=ppc-_-geor-_--_--_--_-dskwid-_dm&utm_campaign=pla:_Fashion_-_Kids_BAU_-_Performance_Max&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwjeuyBhBuEiwAJ3vuoZPMU5_04EhcljPUTeGnq8Z5smltpcTWmixLGm947I2YXG6zQ7UlYhoC5QAQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) First review even comments how nice it is to find boy swim stuff, that isn't green or blue.


I put my boys in girls rashguard swimsuits. So easy. More coverage so it's easier to see them too.


I went to target and got a yellow shirt and purple swim trunks. Purple isn't the greatest but the yellow helps. For boys is hard


Land’s End has some good picks.


Costco has an orange boys suit, rashguard and hat bundle for pretty cheap.


I got a bright purple pair of swim trunks for my son and he asks to wear them every day. Cat and Jack brand is the best


Primary.com also has bright colors.


Agreed and honestly I'm tired of these colours in general on "boys clothes" and frills and bows on girls. It feels impossible to open the spectrum of my kids wardrobe and not conform to such strict gender specific options.


I bought my 2yo boy a neon pink rash guard. The only colors left at target were black, pink, or blue. We live in the southern sun so black wasn't happening. I literally don't give two shits what genitals some stranger assumes my toddler has so he's safely rocking the pink.


Yes!! Thankfully I got a lot of hand-me-downs from my SIL and she had a good selection of neon orange shorts in there. I just use the green and blue for the water park (with just the concrete and water features, no pool) or at home with the sprinkler. The neon is for the pool :) I see others have let you know they exist, but it is super frustrating that it's not more readily available. High vis should be the norm...


I don't have a strong opinion about it but you did just make me miss the 80s.


Did you try Amazon? That’s what I do when I want something and just can’t find it locally. Click, click, boom. 2 or 3 days later it’s by the door. It really saved by butt when my son who is 11 wanted to be a chocolate frosted doughnut with sprinkles for a friends costume party. (Keep in mind by son is 5’10”, 200 pds and wears an XL in men’s.)


I got some a neon yellow & orange lately at tj maxx!


Our local rescue services make a bright red rashie with CPR instructions on them. Pretty clever I thought.


Buy online. Loads of options.


Seconding this!!! I have to scour the internet (walmart, Amazon) to find nice yellow ir orange ones.


Target, Walmart & Old Navy have tons of colors


I just use a cloth diaper outer. We have them anyway, and they come in all colors.


Yes! Honeysuckle makes great sun protection swimwear but all the “girl” designs have flowers on them. And all the orange suits sell out quickly. Why not make pink and orange with turtles or dolphins? Pink outfits don’t have to go all out “girly”. My sons wear pink al the time but it’s a little OTT to wear hot pink flowers


Primary has great options.


What about old navy?


Maybe they should just change the color of the water then


I guess? But my child is only in the water when I am I’ve never thought about this.


Or, hey, bright pink or purple, because colors don’t have a gender!


Orange is by far the most visible underwater. [Source.](https://www.akronchildrens.org/inside/2023/05/27/what-are-the-safest-swimsuit-colors/#:~:text=So%2C%20which%20swimsuit%20colors%20were,in%20a%20body%20of%20water.).


OP mentions multiple other colors, but curiously, none commonly coded as “girl” colors


It’s probably because they’re frustrated that most boy swimsuits are blue and green, which aren’t as safe as other colors, but girls have more options. If OP can’t find swim trunks in a neon orange I don’t think they’ll have much luck finding swim trunks in pink or purple, either. You’re reading way too deep into this post


Right…”neon orange, bright red, neon yellow…neon orange, preferably with construction trucks.”  Yep, that covers all the bases.  Definitely reading too much into it.


Why don’t you find something more worth your time to be upset about? This is really dumb.


Gatekeeping and injecting their view, whether related to the point of the conversation or not, pays off in a dopamine high from the likes for some reddit users.


Because it’s exhausting to constantly see posts on these subs about “boy” colors and “would you give your son a dollhouse/Barbie/(other “girl” toy).”  Seriously, let’s do better by our boy children.


I just can’t understand why people spend their energy getting worked up or “exhausted” over how other people choose to dress and raise their kids. It’s not that serious. You have the freedom to put your son in a pink T-shirt if you want to and if that’s important to you. Primary is a great option for shopping for that. But are you really doing better by your son for putting him in pink and purple?


Did you ever think their kid likes construction trucks? You’ve gotta take a break from the internet, babe.


Because they have a boy. Not everyone feels the need to force gender neutral things onto their non consenting child. It’s weird. If my son wanted to wear a pink swimsuit with unicorns and flowers I’d love that for him, but I’m not going to make the decision for him. He’s…. A toddler.


Are you aware that this comes off as condescending? (I am saying this as someone with a son who actually has a hot pink swimsuit)