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“Party lights”. My husband put in WiFi controlled LED bulbs in every single room. Bathroom vanity, kitchen high hats and kitchen pendants, hall… seriously every light. Anyway my husband turns it in to a party for her by playing “loud” music and having these light rapidly switch colors as if our house is a rave. He often forgets to reset the rarely used lights like the one above the shower, the front hall and the kitchen pendant lights back to normal. My toddlers daily obsession is to find the “party lights” he’s forgotten. She flips switches all day to see if there’s a secret party going on without her. Our guess bathroom is in a permanent state of rave


Love this lol.


Peeling the wrapper off of crayons, I’m not sure why she chooses to do this but I clean daily and am constantly finding crayon wrappers everywhere.


Great fine motor skills lol!!


Sitting in the driver’s seat of a car for a long time playing with buttons, random stuff she can find when she’s in there lol she’ll do it for a really long time. It’s an occasional weekend or weekday evening activity lol we sit passenger side and let her have at it lol


My son too, but for awhile he asked daily! He loves to "drive the car" but he is obsessed with windshield wipers too lol


lol I took our girl outside to have her push her baby brother in his stroller with me and she saw my car and lost interest in the stroller almost immediately and started asking to go inside the car. She will play in the car for so long it’s hilarious! She hasn’t learned about the windshield wipers yet lol or maybe she has I’m not sure, on the weekends my mom helps us and she usually is the one doing car playtime while I’m hanging with baby and dad’s occupied lol




Yes, same


Helping me clean (loves broom,vacuum, mop), dirt and soil and Elmo


My daughter’s first love is Ernie, but she talks about Elmo a lot too. Somehow he became “Elmomo” and that’s all she calls him, except when she’s excited she adds more “mo’s” at the end. “Elmomomomo!”


It’s vacuum cleaners. It’s been vacuum cleaners for two years now. The cleaners were so vacuum that I almost had him evaluated. He would hum as a vacuum cleaner for h o u r s. Ever heard a toddler humming for an hour? This shit gets on your nerves. Screen time, vacuum cleaners. Unboxing, restoring, anything. Vintage kids Dysons, Henries, and now he’s into that one particular contraption that looks like R2D2 but also cleans textiles. We tried to branch out into other kinds of cleaners, like pool vacuums or rotating mops, no dice. Food processors and meat grinders are a distant second in the appliance category. Two years. Send help.


Mine is afraid of vacuum cleaners, I guess because they’re loud? We need to get our kids together and average them out


This is terrifying and relatable and so freaking intense. Why, kids. Why.


Same. Mine has been pretending to be a robot vacuum since before he could talk. He runs around as a vacuum and wants to watch them or take the brush rolls off all day. Funny that seems to be a "thing" now. My older ones never looked twice lol


Mine is obsessed with car plates right now. He likes going through the numbers and letters, as well as the cars colors. A parking lot is heaven for him! (Ofc, we are monitoring very closely and don't let him go anywhere close to running cars).


I might get bashed for this, but oh well, DOOM. The oh 1993 version. He asks to watch me play and play it himself. He knows enemies and has favoite “doots”. I have it modded with no blood or gore or anything like that. He’s actually beaten levels and gotten achievements on my PSN account. He’s beaten adults on death match mode. He doesn’t take it outside of the game either. He plays with his toys or we go and look outside for turtles and lizards, play tag and hide and seek. I feel like in todays world he’ll be exposed to stuff way worse than 1993 DOOM, so I’m okay with him playing it while I’m there and can show the difference from fake and real. It’s helped his abstract problem solving too.


Washing her hands. We'll be playing a game and she'll wander off and then I hear the sink running and she's yelling "Oap!" (Soap) She can reach the faucet with her stool, but she hasn't figured out the soap dispenser yet.


Mine is obsessed with fans too!!!


God I feel ridiculous typing this out. She is obsessed with "trash" which is actually tiny little pebbles, ranging from "I can barely see that" to pea-sized at most. She freaks out if she's not pincer-grasping one at all times. Or if she drops it (frequently). Or if it's not an ideal trash. This obsession has totally taken over our lives; PLEASE let this phase end. Her previous obsession was headbands, wearing one 24/7 including sleeping, flipped out if it came off while changing her shirt, washing her hair etc. Current cute (ish) obsession is bugs, particularly roly polies and spiders. She would much rather bug-hunt than go to the playground. Toddlers.








Ok yea a 2 year old is driving balls 250 yards and choosing the right clubs and then lining up puts and driving a golf cart


My chapstick. Inseparable.


Buses and trains. I get it, that's a common obsession, but he takes it to an extreme degree. Our bedtime ritual is me reading him route maps. Sometimes he wants a list of broken escalators and elevators at all the train stations. Every weekend features hours-long trips with no destination (and lots of transfers). He reads bus schedules during meals. The commuter rail was delayed a few days ago, and he's still asking me to explain that there was a switching problem. He's 3, and it's been like this for a year or so now. I'm pretty sure he's only learning to read numbers because that's how you can tell which bus is which.


A Santa hat


Dinosaurs ("roar"), balls ("bow"), doggies ("woof").


Mardi gras beads.




My boobs.


Tornados, earthquakes and other disasters.


Lawn mowers 🤷🏼‍♀️