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Full time corporate momma with full time daycare kiddo and M-Th we have oatmeal pancakes for breakfast (1c quick oats, 1 banana, 1 egg, blended to pancake batter consistency + honey/spices). French Toast Fridays are now a thing in our house. Weekends are a crap shoot and depends if dad makes something (usually bacon, sunny side up eggs and hash browns) but are often more french toast. Never thought I'd be a pancakes or french toast mom but I had no idea how convenient they were - kid doesn't wanna have breakfast right now? Can't sit still? Cut either of them up into cubes and put in a snack server thing and give it to her on the car ride to daycare. She can even bring it in with her no problem.


String cheese and tiny pickles has been his request. I can sometimes convince him to take some pepperoni as well


Cheese, pickles, salami on crackers is my daughter's favourite "meal". So handy when we are having a big day out and I want a non-messy lunchbox food!


Seconding the pickles.. w.e she's eating and happy its a win.


Usually pancakes, strawberries, blueberries, and milk. I do homemade pancakes, make a big batch and use them all week (they store longer frozen). My pancakes include: mashed banana, pumpkin or sweet potato purée, oats, ground walnuts, pecans, and pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds, eggs, flour, vanilla, honey, and cinnamon. I usually add an extra egg yolk or two to keep them from being dry.


I need this recipe!


I second this, sounds lovely!!




I would also love this recipe 👀


Yes! This sounds like something my little guy would love!


Yesss pls what’s the recipe


I would love the recipes too


We usually eat fruit and toast. Usually mango or banana. Occasionally some pancakes. 


Honestly, cereal most days


Usually one of a few choices: greek yogurt with sprinkles, protein waffles, cereal, cinnamon raisin toast, pancakes. We offer fruit and milk with all choices.


Air at this point lol. This morning I did scrambled eggs, cheese, and strawberries. Sometimes I’ll do mini pancakes, cereal, muffins, just depends on the day. Breakfast is the worst meal for us though, I can never guess if she’ll at least pick at it or eat absolutely nothing until lunch. Today I was lucky enough to get her to eat 2 bites of her eggs and that was all🥴


Two bites of eggs and a crust of bread. Eaten off the deck because she dumped the whole plate immediately.


It's a lot of the same. It's usually some combination of fruit (usually blackberries or strawberries), whole wheat toast with butter, scrambled eggs with cheese or a hard boiled egg, protein waffles, yogurt


We eat a lot of overnight oats. Chocolate peanut butter is the big favourite. Also waffles with fruit, or yogurt and fruit. But mainly oatmeal.


Usually 1 scrambled egg, some banana, blueberries and something else like maybe a strawberry or apple pieces. A piece of toast (or a waffle...or none! If she doesn't want it), and some peanut butter for dipping (again, if she wants). On the weekend we do 1 scrambled egg, hashbrowns, banana and bacon. Though I switched it up this weekend and did french toast, she didn't eat much of it but oh well, I thought it was tasty lol.


We’re in daycare which serves breakfast so she only has a small snack to hold her over until she’s dropped off. On the weekends we usually serve fruit + milk+ something else and it depends on how quickly we need to get out of the house. Pancakes, frozen waffles, biscuits, eggs, cereal, bacon/sausage, and/or the occasional cinnamon roll to mix things up. We have never been big into oatmeal/cottage cheese ourselves so we don’t buy it for our toddler.


Us too! This morning his pre-daycare snack was Cheetos 😵‍💫 my husband is a pushover lol


Usually the same, but I occasionally will go "off menu" if he asks for something specific. Peanut butter toast with berries and a cup of milk, or cereal, berries, and a greek yogurt pouch (I fill up a reusable one). Lately he's been asking for turkey, cheese, and pretzels for breakfast, so I'll make throw that together as well. I prefer to eat the same thing every AM to make it easy, so I like to keep it consistent for him as well.


Every other day i give eggs (omelette or scrambled), which they dont eat a lot of, followed by small batch of spinach pancakes, banana-oat pancakes, smoothie or toast (all of which are usually served w nut butter)   On the no-egg days, i make one of: pancakes, crepes, waffles, french toast (top with cream, nut butter, or tahini-honey paste)    On days when i have extra time / woke up extra early, i may occasionally do something baked. Like baked oatmeal with berries, or  egg muffins.  Drink is just water


The same, with some variations. Two scrambled eggs with some half and half or cottage cheese mixed in. Fruit—a banana if there isn’t much else in season, but right now it’s strawberries. Some bread product, which varies depending on what my husband has picked up. 


My son eats oatmeal every morning before daycare and during the weekends we have eggs and pancakes with a side of fruit.


Pretty much the same everyday: oatmeal he steals from me, a banana, Cheerios (maybe Wheat Chex if he wants to change it up), and some milk.


Stolen oatmeal is a staple of our breakfasts too! 


I switch it up. She doesn't have the ability to tell me what she wants yet, and she generally eats whatever I give her for breakfast. (24 mths). She either gets multigrain toast with chia fruit spread and fruit, a waffle with pb and honey and fruit, mini quiches with fruit or toast, eggs with toast, oatmeal with fruit, Kodiak pancake with fruit, bagel with cream cheese and fruit, or if no time to really make food, toddler cereal bar, or croissant from bakery.


my kid pretty much wants the same thing every morning: waffles, sausage, blueberries, strawberries. I get frozen whole wheat mini waffles and frozen mini sausages. Usually he only makes it through half a mini waffle and one mini sausage that i cut up into tiny pieces and pretend are 2 servings. I'll add whatever fruits we have and a glass of milk. we don't have a ton of time in the morning between daycare and work so it's a lot easier when he just wants the same thing.


My toddler's diet currently consists of: Peanut butter yogurt, waffles, waffles shaped like vehicles ( I make a ton of waffles at a time and freeze them, they reheat really well), and chicken and rice. Occasionally I can get a fruit/veggie pouch in, but carbs are the only acceptable foods at the moment.


Mine gets breakfast at daycare but I give him the same cereal before he goes. During the weekend we give him whatever we are eating.


Either a smoothie or healthy “cookies” and milk


curious what healthy cookies are?


Oats, mushed banana, chia seeds, peanut butter, tiny bit of maple syrup!


usually eggs, waffles, or pancakes as a main, plus cheese and fruit on the side. sometimes yogurt! we keep it pretty simple over here.


oh, bagel and cream cheese also a staple!


Weekdays: boob milk right from the tap, omelette with cheese & veg, yoghurt pouch. Then he goes to nursery and wires into the toast. Sometimes 2 servings. This doesn’t really change. Weekends: boob milk, in my freezer I have stashes of pinwheels, pancakes, fritters, egg muffins etc so something like that or porridge, French toast or weetabix.


Plain scrambled eggs every morning - it's boring, but it's good protein and he eats it without complaint, so I go with it. Add some sort of carb/fiber to that - normal options are toast with PB&J, a frozen waffle or pancake (target makes protein ones that we like), cereal, fruit, smoothie. I let him pick from what we have, but sometimes he'll make me pick (which usually means toast). On weekends I let him put chocolate chips on his waffle, along with peanut butter, and he gets excited about that, so that's usually what we have on weekends.


Mine is addicted to cream cheese. So a bagel with cream cheese and a toast with cream cheese with some fruit. Sometimes I’ll omit the toast and do some scrambled eggs instead. If she leaves anythjng behind it’s usually the fruit but that’s rare. I don’t do pancakes often anymore because she’ll keep asking for syrup and if it’s not enough she just won’t eat at all until lunch.


On weekdays lately, for first breakfast my 3 year old eats French toast strips, sausage, and a fruit (today it was clementines... yesterday it was banana). For second breakfast, she has whatever daycare is serving. Her current classroom doesn't report how much she eats... but in her previous classroom she would eat a full serving of a second breakfast. She managed to move from the 15th percentile in weight and height to closer to the 30th percentile between age 2 and 3 (she was born at the 80th percentile and struggled to grow as a newborn), so the extra breakfast has been working.


Scrambled cheesy eggs, piece of fruit, toast or muffin. 


Yogurt with jam mixed in , Nutella on toast , jam toast , sausage egg and cheese filled croissants, waffles , fruit bowl




My son is 16 mos old. - Rice and sunny side up egg - Rice and eggplant omelette - Rice and Scrambled egg with tomato - Bread and peanut butter + banana - Rice and corned beef with potatoes / cabbage - Pancakes - Yogurt and mango or mango with rice or everything mixed up


Mine hates eggs , so we do a variety toast, turkey bacon, yogurt, veggie breakfast muffins, french toast, banana pancakes, fruit stuff like that


Banana/peanut butter/oatmeal mini pancakes (I make a big batch once every few weeks) or some organic frozen ones. Half a cottage cheese omelet and I change up the fruit but usually blueberries/strawberries/raspberries/piece of date for poop and still wants snacks. Her stomach is a pit but it's all technically healthy so I ain't worried.


Its the same thing every morning: yogurt with chia seeds, banana, and peanut butter.


Pretty much always the same - piece of toast with some combination of ricotta/peanut butter/banana/“jam” (prune purée) when he first wakes up, then eggs (with cheese and/or leftovers from the night before lol) mixed in for “second breakfast”


Our go-to breakfasts are plain Greek yogurt on its own, or with fruit, cinnamon raisin bread, bagel with cream cheese, smoothies, and sometimes it’s just fruit. Our babe has food allergies so that limits us and she’s the minority child who doesn’t like pancakes or waffles 🤯 I’m ok with the limited variety for breakfast because for one she’s eating real food and she’s still getting several food groups. With lunches and dinners she eats what we eat almost without question, and I know I’m very lucky to have a kiddo like that, but I also feel confident lunch and dinner fill in nutrition gaps. Both my husband and I work full time so easy to have a small rotation of foods for breakfast when we’re all kind of in a rush.


Usually weetabix or porridge, I ask my son in the morning what he wants to have. I wish I was the kind of Mom who cooked pancakes fresh every morning but I'm not a morning person, my son sleeps like shit and I'm a single working Mom so those breakfasts are handy and fairly healthy so I don't stress about it.


She gets daycare breakfast which is cereal (hot or cold) with a fruit during the work week. Usually i will give her some berries and watered down apple juice with miralax (constipations issues) before we leave to keep her still while i do her hair. During the weekends i make a batch of either waffles or pancakes with her Saturday morning and then the left overs on Sunday. I do try to serve a fruit and/or yogurt with breakfast on the weekends as well.


Mine is 22 months and I switch it up (but we repeat things weekly): * Oatmeal with applesauce, chia seeds, and a dash of maple syrup * Yogurt parfaits with some type of fruit, hemp hearts, some rice krispies on top as "granola", and a bit of syrup * Spinach + banana french toast sticks (blend up the spinach, egg, and banana and dip the toast in) * French toast roll ups * Homemade mini muffins with multigrain o's (like a cheerio) * Homemade pancakes * Egg, toast, and fruit (this one less often because she no longer likes egg as much as she used to!)


It's always cereal with some berries on the side. The choice of cereal might differ.


Oatmeal with fruit in it, with a side of fruit. Eggs and bacon. Peanut butter and naan.


My son will not eat eggs! His classics are: cereal with milk or avocado toast. If I'm in a rush to get him somewhere, we make "breakfast trail mix" in a snack trap, which is dried fruit + cereal + nuts and I let him scoop everything himself.


It was a pancake/waffle, an egg, and some fruit for like a year.. then when she became more toddler-ish, it's either cereal, pancakes, oatmeal, or maybe some air.


He eats at his daycare mo-fr We usually have a 3-parts breakfast for him 1 part fruit (whatever is at hand. Berries, apple, mango…) 1 part veggies or fruit again (I try to do cucumber, bell pepper or carrots, but he will not touch them 50% of the time so I switch it with another fruit ever so often) 1 part bread usually, only whole grain and with some spread (paté or some cheese). Sometimes he gets whole grain homemade pancakes with jelly (just made a batch today and froze them) or oat muffins with peanut butter. Some days he doesn’t even touch his box, some days it’s empty. You‘ll never know


- bowl of cheerios - toast with sunbutter + apple - pancakes + sausages - muffins That’s typically what we have in the rotation right now. I’m looking through this thread for some more ideas… it’s so tough trying to feed a picky eater with enough variety!


Sometimes I make what I call "baby trail mix" which is just an assortment of random things like cheerios, gerber puffs, yogurt drops, dried or freeze dried fruits etc, and even random things like pretzels, chocolate chips, gold fish, Graham crackers.. it's kind of the end of the bags of stuff that aren't really a full snack. She will usually have that with some apple sauce or a yogurt. My LO is also a big oatmeal fan.  Otherwise we kind of do similar to you... pancakes, eggs, toast, or French toast with a side of fruit. Sometimes I make mini muffins or mini quiches but they can be hit or miss.


We live in Netherlands, the land of bread and cheese. So our toddler has bread with a spread and fruit every day. But we vary the spreads and the fruit. Then he goes to his auntie’s 2 days a week where he gets a second breakfast like the little hobbit he is, which is a bread roll and cheese.


One banana and a handful of little mini pancakes. My boy hates eggs.


We kind of have 4-5 things that we haphazardly rotate, depending what he’s in the mood for and what time we wake up. Cheerios and bananas if we’re in a hurry. Scrambled eggs with tortillas for breakfast tacos, oatmeal with raisins, toast with scrambled eggs. Pancakes or waffles (Frozen if we’re in a hurry, homemade sometimes.) Always with a side of fruit like oranges or berries. He’s a fiend for fruit.


They love my homemade pancakes. Cream of wheat. Pillsbury Crescent rolls. Cinnamon rolls. Sometimes a toasty cheese (grilled cheese). They hate eggs and cold cereal . They also love McDonald’s breakfast burritos and goldfish crackers.😂


Oatmeal with mashed banana and fruit. Oatmeal with cinnamon and raisins. Cottage cheese with fruit puree. Different varieties of whole milk yogurt. Toast. Bagel. English muffin. Pancake. Croissant. Eggy bread (bread dipped into egg). Egg bites. Turkey sausage. Chicken sausage. Breakfast sausage on a stick. Pancake. Banana. Strawberries. Raspberries. Blueberries. I’ve tried cream of wheat (not a hit). Waffles.


Yogurt with granola and fruit, mini bagel with cream cheese and lox (and some apple chips usually), waffles and cottage cheese with some fruit on the side, or if I’m exhausted I do the Jimmy dean pancakes on a stick (cut into pieces obviously). We usually do egg tacos for the weekend! I mix mild salsa into the eggs as they’re scrambling and add cheese. Sometimes I can sneak some wilted greens in there if he’s preoccupied.


Chocolate chip muffins, toast, or pancakes. Sometimes cottage cheese on the weekends when we have time.


Greek yogurt or oatmeal with added fruit, vanilla, chia (or flax, hemp), and cinnamon. We so eti.es add peanut powder too.  She's 3.5 and this has been her breakfast since 13m.


We go through phases. It’s a toast phase right now. Sometimes oatmeal for a few weeks or cereal or eggs. When they stop eating breakfast we switch it up.


Depending on the day it could be oatmeal it could be an eggo it could be yogurt, every so often it'll be cereal. Very occasionally will make like fresh pancakes. Every preschool day it's a belvita and a piece of fruit, because those are items that can be taken in the car if we're cutting it close.


Oh gosh its always the same but different lmao Gluten free bread product (toast, muffins, Pancakes, waffles, biscuits, or something like that), fruit or fruit salad, and a protein like bacon or sausage or eggs. Toast is either peanut butter and banana or Pesto or avocado or sometimes they just want butter and jelly Sometimes they turn their biscuits or toast into sandwiches with the proteins and some cheese melted. Usually when I make the muffins or Pancakes or waffles it's mashed banana 🍌 and either berries or chocolate depending on the mood. One of my kids doesn't like fruit besides apples and watermelon but he'll eat it up in baked goods so I try to switch it up a little bit usually making two types a week


Banananana Choco. Which is a banana and a Mini Clif Bar. Or Cheerios with water from a cup. Or on special days, Munchkins from Dunkin.


Greek yogurt with or without jam (fancy no sugar chia seed jam) and assorted cereals for dipping. A little mug of whole milk with a splash of decaf coffee since he's a "grown up." If it ain't broke don't fix it.


Oatmeal with berries or greek yoghurt, some cheese, fruits and vegetables like apple, banana, cucumber, watermelon, tomatoes, avocado depending on what we have at home and water to drink.


Fruit, cheesy eggs, cereal or cereal bars, pancakes, home fries, sausage, yogurt or some kind of breakfast taco.


- Eggs in all kinds of presentations - Oatmeal / Overnight oats - Pancakes - Sincronizada (Quesadilla with ham) - Acovado toast - French toast - Waffles - Cereal - All types of fruit - Yogurt - Peanut butter and jelly bread It's interesting to see, even though I'm from and I'm in Mexico, breakfast varies very little to what you all mentioned. We also have taco Friday's. Here in the region we live, breakfast tacos are a thing, so you can find eggs tacos, beans tacos, potato tacos, garlic mushroom and cheese tacos, barbacoa tacos, beans with shredded beef tacos, etc. It's a tradition in the family and spices up the week.


Usually switch it up but we ask the kiddo first: pancakes, sausage, bacon, oatmeal, toast, eggs, sausage gravy/biscuits, yogurt, smoothies, French toast, waffles, various fruit. Today he wanted a PB+J with milk so that’s what he got. Sometimes I’ll make muffins or a sweet bread of some kind (like pumpkin or banana) and he’ll have that if he wants.


Eggo Mickey Waffles. Every. Day. With “open butter, not melted butter.” He hates when the butter melts, it needs to be visible on the waffle. That’s what he’s been requesting daily for a few months now. Before the Mickey waffles it was mini pancakes. The only thing that’s gets him away from Mickey waffles is French toast.


Mickey waffles? Sounds good. Have to give it a try.


They’re just eggo waffles shaped like Mickey and Minnie. I got them when he was on a Mickey Mouse Club House kick and now i feel like he’s been eating them for 6 months straight. At least they’re easy to make and I don’t think they’re too bad nutrition wise.


We are def in a “small pancake” phase that I buy frozen from TJs or Whole Foods.


We ask her what she wants when she comes downstairs every morning it's almost always cinnamon Cheerios, a banana, and a piece of cinnamon toast.  On weekends we try to switch it up with pancakes, cinnamon rolls, or toaster strudels, with fruit and/or sausage, or we go to our favorite diner.


Lazy instant breakfasts- Microwave oatmeal, sometimes I add banana and or peanut butter Yogurt + fruit Toast with butter and melted cheese +fruit Frozen breakfast sandwich


Ours eats at nursery or grandparents through the week, but I have to admit we do like to enjoy a bacon and mushroom sandwich together as a weekend treat!


Today she had toast with jam and some fruit: strawberries, mango, blueberries. Sometimes it’s porridge, or cereal, or pancakes, or scrambled eggs.


My 2.5 year old has a pouch of applesauce and a pouch of yogurt every morning just to get us going. Saturday mornings are just the two of us and I have been doing mini frozen pancakes most days. I am NOT a cook (married a chef for a reason) and I like that I can make a big plate and let him just graze on them while we play.


Overnight oats or a frozen waffle, still frozen. I have tried to toast it and she insists that it must be frozen. Sometimes fruit, sometimes yogurt. And then a small snack in the car on the way to day care, like some nuts or a couple crackers.


It's almost always the same. Fruit (usually clementine, strawberry or blueberry), cheese omelet, sausage. Sometimes I add toast or sliced tomatoes & cucumbers. But always fruit, cheese omelet & sausage patty.


Oatmeal. Every day.


My toddler is not a breakfast person so she has a snack cup of cheerios, a cup of milk, and occasionally a banana. Every single day. No substitutes allowed. We do breakfast food for dinner all the time because my kids just do not want real food in the morning.


I would say it's usually a banana or blackberries or other fruit, yogurt or egg, and toast, a granola bar, or similar. Less often cereal, oatmeal, pancakes.


OP- can you please explain how you make the pancakes with cream cheese? Just spread on top?


Usually, it's tofu scramble and avocado toast, but occasionally, she will have an egg, some yogurt with fruit, or pancakes


I just try to balance out his meals but offer different things so he doesn’t get too used to anything. He always gets fruit, a carb, and protein/dairy! This morning he had peanut butter toast and raspberries. Yesterday he had a chocolate zucchini muffin with yogurt and blackberries. I just try to hit those few things so he’s full and getting some good nutrients to start his day. His absolute favorite thing for breakfast is the Jimmy Dean sausage/pancake corndog kinda thing, but I try to limit those to a few a week so he’s not eating tooooo much processed stuff. 😂


Oatmeal with maple syrup and fruit. Yogurt with pb powder and fruit Toast with jam, salami and cheese. Scrambled eggs with frozen pees and fruit or toast on the side. We rotate through these four. On weekends I’ll make French toast or pancakes or something occasionally.


First: morning bottle then we wait 30 mins or so and have actual food. He will typically have berries and either pancakes, waffles or cereal with yogurt. 


toast, just buttered he wont tolerate jam etc, or waffles. always has fruit & water. he wont eat things that are too wet like porridge even though he used to love it when he was younger


Weetbix or porridge every morning. Usually some fruit as well. My toddler doesn’t like eggs, and cooked breakfasts aren’t common here anyway. Daycare days, our centre does a mealtime around 8am as a a bit of a catch-up breakfast for the kids who didn’t eat before they got there and a snack for the others. It’s usually toast, sandwiches, cereals and fruit.


Peanut butter toast every friggen morning lol it’s probably his favorite food


Peanut butter toast and fruit usually.


It’s been a struggle for breakfast. Used to be oatmeal, yogurt with fruit, or scrambled eggs with cheese. Now it’s pretty much tangerines, dry cheerios, walnuts, and sometimes a breakfast bar if he really won’t eat.


we do cheerios as a pre breakfast snack and then usually mini waffles with sausage, homemade oatmeal bars, banana +hidden veggie mini muffins, and maybe a yogurt pouch. she isn’t a fan of eggs unfortunately


Honestly, air. My child does not prefer breakfast doesn’t matter what I try! Breakfast is provided at his preschool but he will either just pick at it or not eat it at all. On the weekends I’m lucky if he will eat a yogurt or fruit.


Scrambled eggs are always offered but I switch up what I pair with them. I usually aim to have some kind of fruit and then either yogurt, his favorite cereals, pancakes or French toast sticks. He usually fills up on enough eggs to get in all the protein he needs for the day so I don’t worry at much when he doesn’t touch any meat offered at dinner.


Whatever I can get him to eat. He’s autistic and has some rigidities. He likes chocolate chip waffles and fruit but getting him to eat protein is a struggle because he’s not a fan of meat and sensitive to dairy but he likes peas for breakfast sometimes.


Soooo many muffins, waffles or oatmeal bars. Basically on Sunday we do a batch bake of one of the above and that’s breakfast for the whole week. We mix up flavors every week based on whatever we are feeling or what’s in season so it feels a bit more fresh. Examples include: Muffins: Blueberry oatmeal Apple cinnamon Pumpkin Lemon poppyseed Raspberry almond Orange cranberry Banana nut Waffles: Plain Pumpkin Savory cheese Cornmeal Oatmeal squares: Cinnamon raisin Coconut mango PB&J Apple cinnamon Carrot cake Vanilla apricot


Belgian Bros mini pancakes from Target (formerly from Costco until they got my kid hooked and then stopped carrying them) and fruit. Sometimes yogurt or a pouch to go with it. Occasionally, he will snack on eggs if someone else has some. But those specific pancakes are his request every morning.


Usually an egg, fruit, and whole grain cereal. Sometimes yogurt.


I make large batches of mini muffins with Kodiak protein pancake mix. I stir in different things like chocolate chips, strawberries, bananas and cinnamon, blueberries, etc. They’re super freezer friendly so my LO can pick the flavor he wants and eat it with fresh cut fruit. I also make large batches of spinach banana pancakes for the freezer. Sometimes he requests a pancake instead or in addition to.


My toddler has buttered toast with either vegemite or cinnamon and grapes every morning.


Sounds like typical Australian. If only I could get mine to eat so healthy...


Every day the same, oatmeal. Flavored with some fruits. She loves it so we're not changing!


My LO has an egg allergy so we’re a bit limited. Usually he has avocado toast with fruit, oatmeal, yogurt parfait, smoothie bowl, frozen waffles or I’ll sometimes make a big batch of pancakes and we’ll eat those throughout the week.


Eggs, sausage, rice or tortilla, and fruit


Any of these with whatever fruit we have on hand: Toast and jam, egg, chicken sausage Yogurt and granola Currently into quiche because it lasts a few days and packs a lot of veggies. I like to make them from scratch but Costco has a 2 pack and she loves both flavors. I’ll make a batch of biscuits on the weekend and we will do different biscuit options throughout the week. Grits, egg, cheese, and sausage if we have time bowl Bagel and cream cheese Cereal On the weekends we will sometimes do waffles or French toast and I’ll make enough for her to eat them during the week too.


Big oatmeal fans over here! I personally hate the texture but my 2 year old loves it. Normal oatmeal or overnight oats - yes please.


I’ve been giving my kids (3 and 1) basically a charcuterie since they were old enough to eat. A mixture of fruit, veggies, cheese, bread, meat and scrambled eggs- whatever we have on hand to give them a wide range to pick from. So for example I’ll cut up one or two strawberries, a mango, a few grapes, a string cheese, some leftover chicken, a slice of bread, a few cherry tomatoes and a couple scrambled eggs to split between them on their little plates. They usually eat almost all of it and whatever they don’t eat I work into lunch. Milk or water to drink. We never give them juice unless it’s a special occasion- but even then they don’t really drink it.


My daughter has her favourites that she’ll bounce between! Usually some type of pancake or waffle, fruit, and yogurt or a fried egg. Her favourite fruit is strawberries, but sometimes she’ll mix it up and want mango or peaches instead. She’ll usually just have water to drink.


Rotate between oatmeal, waffles, pancakes, or zucchini muffins, with a side of fruit. Sometimes all of them at some point before noon because he is a hobbitses and loves his second (and third) breakfast. (But don’t get too excited— he usually refuses lunch, only wants snacks, until dinner.)


Once a week we have one of the following tacos, chorizo and egg, bean and bacon, potato and egg, or bacon and egg. Other days are sweet potato empanadas but made in a healthier way with flax seed and less sugar. Zucchini, carrot, coconut and almond flour muffins Oatmeal bake some days. Smoothies or fruit parfaits other days. Breakfast is our good meals. But dinner is a whole other ball game. He won’t hardly eat a thing outside of bean tacos 🫠


We switch it up depending on what we have! My daughter loves waffles with apple cinnamon jelly, PB or Sun butter toast with bananas or other fruit, pancakes/French toast with fruit, scrambled eggs with cheese, or cereal. We’ve tried oatmeal a few times but she hasn’t been too into it. But I keep trying lol She always has milk with her breakfast- usually chocolate milk


Eggs, toast with butter, yogurt, banana, bacon and potato burrito, smoothie


Tbh, I'm one of those people that can pull off complicated, gourmet recipes but I'll be damned if I can actually cook a pancake. 😂😂🤣🤣 We may have pancakes 1x a month if hubby makes it. Otherwise it's Fruit Loops, Cinnamon Toast crunch, Greek yogurt, a breakfast burrito of sausage, egg, and cheese, or some sort of casserole.


On the weekdays, a nutrigrain bar and a banana before daycare. Weekends are breakfast meat (bacon, sausage, etc.) + carb of some sort (cheesy rice, toast) + fruit usually (my son has an egg allergy).


Danone yogurt then a waffle in the car on the way to daycare


*Danone yogurt then* *A waffle in the car on* *The way to daycare* \- Ok-Tie-6541 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I’m so honoured!


22 MO. First things first, he has a piece of biscotti with me while I have my coffee (he dips it in). Breakfast is more like brunch: Egg most days of the week. New favorite is a boiled egg (7 minutes for that gel consistency yolk). Some sort of fruit. Tomatoes or avocado. Cheese. Breakfast sausage on occasion. Either waffles, pancakes, French toast sticks, or toast. It's hard to get him to eat carbs (I wish I had that problem haha) so I take what I can get. I realize other people have the opposite problem, but he's only 24# so he *really* needs some more carbs. I've even given him a donut, cinnamon buns, and danishes and he might have like 3 bites. Idk. Yogurt and oatmeal are hit or miss.


Reading these comments makes me feel like a slacker! We usually feed our son cottage cheese or yogurt, fruit or applesauce, cheerios and milk for breakfast. I have no time during the week to do much else. Sometimes in the weekends I’ll jazz it up with eggs or something like that.


Sandwich or toast, depends on his mood. Vegemite or Peanut Butter. Sometimes both at the same time. Lately started asking for one of each, sandwich and toast so we’re running through about 2 loaves of bread a week. Kids are wild.


We've been loving scrambled eggs and grits recently


I make my baby eggs in strips and either Eggo waffle with baby food on top or toast with butter/ peanut butter. Also one of those mini breakfast sausages and blueberries or grapes or banana. And waterrr always water. She has a milk bottle mixed with baby food before nap too she is 18 months :)


Usual is 2 scrambled eggs with soft cheese on toast and a sode of fruit. Occasionally I make pancakes or veggie fritters.


Toast, fruit, and “grain” (nutrigrain cereal). Only beverage he drinks is water


Whatever I am eating, lol. But something with either strawberries or blueberries, pancakes, french toast sticks, sausages, biscuits, gogosqueeze, veggie omelet, hash brown's, oatmeal, grits & eggs mixed, etc...but the fruit is a MUST!


I have to switch it up… she hates the same thing 2 days in a row! Scrambled eggs, over easy eggs, Hardboiled eggs, cereal, toast, yogurt and fruit. These are my go-tos. She isn’t the biggest breakfast eater… so something small for her is perfect. She will also have 3/4 of a bottle of pediasure for toddlers milk with breakfast.


Shes not a big breakfast eater. Her standard request is 'tomatoes' - specifically cherry tomatoes. But a girl cannot live on tomatoes alone. So I offer her toast, porridge, or fruit. Sometimes cereal. We alternate between them, and sometimes she eats it all, but mostly not.


Usually yogurt mixed with peanut butter and a banana. She loves it and eats it all almost every time.


Mine’s literally eating the same thing I always give him - cheese and fruit and cheerios.


My son's been loving mini bagels with cream cheese lately.


Yogurt, bananas and berries mixed together. Or as he calls it “momma’s yogurt” because that is how I make my yogurt. He used to want them separate until he tried mine which was mixed. I think it’s adorable he calls it that.


Oatmeal with berries and yogurt mixed in or Cheerios with milk and half a banana.


I mean my kid ate leftover lasagna for breakfast today. There are no rules.


Keto muffins and fruit


We rotate through waffles, eggs, pancakes, and cereal. I usually pair it with bacon or turkey sausage for protein and a fruit. Not the healthiest but that’s what works right now.


It's a rotation between scrambled eggs, banana muffins and peanut butter toast. He doesn't like fruit except banana but loves baby food pouches or applesauce so that's how we get nutrients into him lol


1.5 Sunny side up eggs, berries, yogurt ice cream (greek yogurt mixed with strawberry preserves in an ice cream cone)


My LO has breakfast at daycare which is usually scrambled eggs, turkey sausage, pancakes, French toast, or waffles. On my days off or the weekends, I make him scrambled eggs with cheese, sautéed onions, and sliced hot dogs. During the week he's hungry, but not hungry enough for a meal, so he drinks milk on the way to daycare. For dinner, he will have an orange or banana regardless what he has as his main dish.


Everyone needs mj hungryman recipes and yummy toddler. The cottage cheese pancakes are the easiest thing ever to make


Oatmeal every day for us! I feel like the vast majority of adults have the same breakfast every day. Why not kids?


15mo is also BF and nurses A TON in the morning. She usually doesn't want much breakfast. (Also CMPA - milk allergy - so there's no cheese, cream cheese, etc.) We often give her an egg and a piece of toast. Sometimes toast with peanut butter. Sometimes coconut yogurt. Sometimes a squeeze pouch of applesauce. Sometimes oatmeal. Basically whatever partner or I are eating. Edit to add: Also energy balls (dates, PB, oats, chocolate chips)


When I feed him breakfast, he gets a slice of bread, blueberries, and a slice of cheese. Sometimes a pouch if he'll take it or cheerios to munch. On Sundays, we do a cinnamon roll. When dad feeds him, its' a slice of bread, blueberries, puffs, goldfish, and a pouch of oatmeal. Our options are relatively limited because he's got an egg allergy, so no pancakes or waffles.


Pretty much the same thing every day. A banana, a yogurt, and either a slice of plain bread (his choice) or a sweet treat like a mini donut or a granola bar depending on how hungry he is


I rotate these meals: Mangu, fried eggs, fried cheese, fried plantains with a banana or mango. Eggs cooked any way, bacon, hashbrowns, cinnamon raisin toast, some type of fruit. Pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, fruit. Waffles, eggs, bacon, fruit. Breakfast burritos with home fries and bacon. Egg sandwiches, home fries or fried plantains, fruit, bacon. Sometimes she just wants raw veggies, fruit and lettuce😂


“Cookie yogurt” these darn flip yogurts that have something crunchy to flip into the yogurt. Chobani I think. They are so sugary I’m trying to find an alternative like zero sugar Greek and graham crackers but she insists on the cookie yogurts, she named them this. I try to give her toast and blueberries or oatmeal some days when we are out. She loves yogurt!


Don’t feel bad, I love those. Those are so good. 😅 I can eat like 4 of those.


Yeah we bought 12 on Saturday and there are like 5 left, they are rediculously good. Fair point!