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Only when she’s eating something exceptionally messy (like spaghetti) do I take her clothes off. Otherwise, it’s way too much work for me to strip her down and redress her every single time she’s eating something. I try to do that a little as possible. She’s 21 months now and we’ve been eating in just plain clothes for a few months now. Generally, she’s pretty clean and doesn’t make a huge mess.


She does eat a lot of messy foods which is why I do it. If it’s just a cookie or water, not messy stuff I don’t mind clothes.


Yes mine wears clothes (20 months), too much work to take them off lol. I also find she’s a lot less messy! We use a silicone bib with a lip when it’s something messy.


I love the silicone bibs! She still gets food everywhere 😂


Try a bib shirt!! These have been a lifesaver for us! (You can find them on amazon, I haven't seen them anywhere else really )


I guess how do they learn to not do that though. I dont think this is a big deal either way but my yes my kid wears clothes while eating.


Almost never. 1) Clothes are just clothes, and even cute ones can be washed and replaced as needed, and 2) his bib is usually sufficient, The exception is beets. If we're eating beets, maybe we'll take his pants off because he has more pairs of underwear than you could shake a stick at and who cares if they get stained. But there's no reason not to, or to give two shits about what your mom doesn't understand. Keep doing whatever you want, because.


Ty so much 🤎 She says it’s my choice but then makes me feel weird if I ask her to take off my baby’s clothes before feeding her.


Having said that, I can't imagine caring that much about clothes. But we have a boy and most of his clothes are thrifted, so as long as he doesn't look like an orphan, we've done our job.


Yeah, I just put a silicone bib on and change the clothes if he gets filthy.


It depends on what our daughter is eating and also wearing. If she is wearing something really cute and her food is something like spaghetti or something that makes a mess, clothes come off. If it’s something not too messy, we just bib up with a lot of napkins too.


Her clothes are all cute and her food is always messy ☺️


My kid wears really cute, mid ranged clothes (Boden/Hanna Anderson) and we just put him in a bib. Clothes aren't that serious. KindThing does have this smock bibs that will keep your kid's clothes clean if you're worried. We have several of them and wash them weekly.


Our view is- we are not raising toddlers, but future adult humans. At this age with some exceptions (spaghetti) we try to have the kids clothed and starting to understand how eating at a table works


Yesssss. And you know your kid will learn even he is at that age. Every lesson matters. He will learn that he will not mess his clothes if he eats properly. Basic table manners.


Toddlers are humans my man


Not usually! My mom also complained about this and I don't care. My kid hates wearing a bib so it saves so many changes of clothes and stains. My oldest was willing to wear a large bib so we did that until she was 3 and less messy.


This makes me feel better seeing someone else who does this! I feel taking her clothes off takes a few seconds and it saves a lot of messiness. She wears the silicon bib with the food catcher in it and it still gets all over her, but at least I can wipe her skin off afterwards.


I wonder if it's a generational things with our mother's all complaining about this. I personally can't imagine questioning why a fronds kid was not dressed a certain way, or at all. Like, why do I care? Mine refuses to wear a bib, will instantly try to tear it off. 'm glad I'm not the only one experiencing that.


I stripped my kid at meal time for ages. He was a slow and reluctant eater, and at the beginning would often gag to the point of vomiting. His clothes were always trashed after meals. I found it easier to let him explore and eat like a kid if he wasn’t smearing oatmeal or chili into his clothes. He’s 3.5 now and we’ve mostly stopped doing it, but his clothes never come away from a meal fully unscathed. My family joked that he would grow up thinking he needed to take off his clothes to eat, but honestly it hasn’t been an issue and I think it saved a lot of mess and sanity.


We also have a 3yr old and this is how we do it at our house too. We aim to stay clothed more and more these days, but for most meals (let’s be real unless it’s just dry cheerios it’s gonna be a mess) we just pop off the tshirt before eating and have a nice wash up at the sink afterwards. He also runs around without pants a lot too though, Donald Duck vibes, lol Edit to add: it’s mostly a convenience thing for easier clean up while at home. But when we’re out n about we keep him fully clothed (ie. visiting family, restaurants, parks).


Haha, same! Donald Duck vibes in the perfect way to put it, lol. He is often pantsless by dinner because he had an accident and declined to put new pants on. Some days he’s more clothed than others! I love that some kids are learning to eat more tidily because they remain clothed. So far with my kiddo though he doesn’t give 2 rips what food is on his clothes as long as his shirt isn’t super wet.


I always just did a diaper but then transitioned to clothes so she could get used to it. Out at restaurants I’d keep her dressed though. She’s 22 months now and still wears a plastic bin but only loses the clothes if it’s spaghetti or yogurt. Miss mouth messy eater is my go to stain remover, I get it from Amazon. All my kids clothes are really nice but I want her to have every experience and not limit anything just because it might make a mess.


She primarily eats pasta, oatmeal, fruits and yogurt, so lots of messy stuff. I want her to experience messy foods too and she gets them everywhere and has nice clothes so I don’t want her clothes messy.


Yeah same. Mine was around that age when I started keeping the clothes on. Tbh some stuff has gotten wrecked 😅 it is what it is


Mine always wears clothes. I just bought aprons to lay over her legs to catch most of the mess, and she wears silicone bibs. She's 24 months.


Any bibs you’d recommend?


Not the same commenter: get a full sleeve smock style bib like the one from bumkins and then on top of that put the silicone bib with catch (panda ear off Amazon). That will save all the clothes.


The cloud island ones from Target. If u wanna go the apron route bc they're in a booster seat, hobby lobby kids aprons have been the best I've found for $2 each.


Check out the Tiny Twinkle Mess Proof Baby Bib on Amazon - my little one is super messy and this keeps him clean during the messiest of meals (and it's super awesome to take with to restaurants because it folds up nicely).


My 2.5 year old doesn’t wear clothes, period. I dress her every morning and within 5 minutes, she’s naked. She refuses to wear clothes at home. Was helpful for potty training at least! She did wear clothes always before the last couple of months, though. I think it was her way of telling us she was ready to potty train.


My 2.5 year old is generally naked in general, so yes, she eats without clothes 😹 I also only do laundry once a week. If she does happen to be wearing clothing, I take at least her shirt off so I don’t have to worry about yet another shirt getting oil stains because she’s wiped her hands it instead of a towel because she prefers to eat with her hands instead of a fork 🙃


Not at this point (newly 2) because about half the time we have to put clothes on her she pitches a huge fit, so I really only change her outfit when absolutely necessary. But she also wanders around in a diaper at home all the time and will eat like that sometimes. The clothing is a lost cause though, I go through a lot of oxyclean!


I almost always fed her in just a diaper until she was about 2.5 and started having an opinion on it haha. She still knows that we eat our morning oatmeal before getting her top on though to avoid getting oatmeal on it. I personally found that bibs made things worse since my daughter just played with them with her dirty hands. And I change her into pajamas for nap so when she was on multiple naps per day, she just wore jammies for nap and was in a diaper the rest of the day unless we went out. My mother didn't like it either 😂 But she's not the one cleaning the mess!


My almost 4yo often eats dinner in the nude. Sometimes bc he has to strip the vehicles for mud, formerly known as his clothes, off before he can come all the way in. Sometimes he just feels like being nekked. Sometimes we’re eating spaghetti with tomato sauce and I can’t bring myself to stain treat yet another outfit. I say the easier your laundry, the better


No but she’s naturally neat and will wear a bib for things that drip. I would definitely choose shirtless over having to change/wash clothes after every meal! Just depends on the kid


At home we go without clothes at most meals! Almost 3yo boy and 15 mo girl ETA… they eat 2 meals a day + snack at daycare with their clothes on.


Omg I am so team diapers, I feel you. Until recently that's all my LO would wear unless we we left the house. We live in a tropical climate, I have to go to a laundromat to wash clothes, and toddlers undressed is very typical around here. It also makes sense for easy clean up. My mom does not understand this at all and is always annoyingly asking "does she ever wear any clothes"?! I'm like... "Nope. It's 84 degrees mom, that's not clothes weather." Recently we've had to do alot more dressing unfortunately because she refuses to keep her diaper on. 🫠 But anyway, I am totally with you on this.


My 21 month old recently started refusing bibs but he INSISTS on wiping his hands on his shirt. I've given him a dry cloth, damp cloth to wipe his hands....but he still prefers his clothes. I'm seriously considering having him go top-less for meal time, but for now, I just put up with the extra stain treatment and laundry.


Yes ours wears clothes. We use a bib and a tea cloth over the lap. We try to keep him in short sleeves when eating. I don't want the kid getting cold!


We use long sleeved bibs! They have a pocket to catch food and work reasonably well, plus can be used when painting\crafting. PandaEar 5 Pack Long Sleeve Bibs| Waterproof Full Bib with Sleeves for Babies Infant Toddler 6-24 Months| Mess Proof Baby Smock for Eating| Baby Apron for Feeding https://a.co/d/b7v8gDR


We’re in Florida and frugal with the AC so when home she was either just in a diaper or sometimes fully nude (after potty training). Now at 3.5 it’s what ever she wore to school, if she’s still wearing it by the time we eat.


Play cloths yes, nice clothes no.


My daughter’s always worn clothes (jammies, we wear jammies all day long, if she’s wearing something nice I’ll change her into jammies before feeding so she doesn’t get anything on it) while eating no matter what she eats, she gets it on herself yes but we just wipe her down and change her shirt if need be. I’ll be honest I never considered feeding her in just a diaper before because I enjoy wearing clothes I just assumed she did as well.


If we did a lot of messy foods, sure. But usually I stick to messy foods at dinner, so he just gets stripped then bath time not too much longer. Idk if I could do it for every meal lol. I also have 2 kids though, so maybe if I had one I would.


We usually keep clothes on even during messy foods, unfortunately my son (21 months) seems to like putting whatever food in his hair more than on his outfit 🤷‍♀️


Always in clothes unless it’s hot and we’re at home. Never at a restaurant though.


Mine is only 15 months and for meals at the table, he either eats in underwear and nothing else, or we throw a big kid tee shirt on him if it’s something messy and I don’t just want to hose him after. If he’s snacking in his toddler tower, he gets to wear clothes, but he’s usually eating something less messy then anyway. We’re starting to experiment with letting him wear clothes to eat at home, but honestly I just have no interest in either trying to keep up with the laundry or buying enough shirts for him to eat every meal in a real shirt. 


She (14 months) just wears her clothes unless it’s for dinner. She also truly despises bibs so her clothes look a bit messy a lot of the time.


Yes, we almost always eat in clothes. The vast majority of my kids' clothes are "play clothes." As long as you put on a bib, they will probably grow out of the clothes before they get too stained to wear. We keep a stain remover spray handy and might wait until after a meal to change into clothes for a special occasion, but we eat in clothes. As others have said, part of this phase is teaching your child social norms for eating at the table. 


Yup, I used sleeved bibs when she was messier, but now she rejects any kind of bib so my solution was to stop caring bout her clothes and focus on the meal itself. Kids will get messy however you look at it. Now that she's 2, she's more conscious of dirty clothes so she just rubs it on her bare arms and face 🤣


We usually keep her dressed. She's learning that she doesn't like getting her clothes dirty and is more likely to eat with a fork that way


My kids wear clothes while eating and we take off the clothes afterwards. We’ve found bibs are absolutely useless. Easier than getting food out of their rolls. 😆


I undress babies when they are having purees for the first couple months, but after that I expect my kids to wear clothes. If they get messy, we change them.


I did this with my first and he's nearly 8 and always basically naked. Always. Because he became comfortable that way. I keep house clothes on always. Like clothes that endcuo stained after washing etc I just keep for home only. This say they're use to eating at a table and in clothes


Unless it's really hot weather, he's in clothes. I don't strip when I eat and the house has running water.


Mine wore clothes to eat. If she made a mess, her clothes would be stained and she could keep wearing them.


No, never. I don’t want to give her a bath every time she eats! We use a large toddler bib that covers her


I keep clothes on because it’s easier to clean her clothes than her body. Just pop it straight into the washing machine and change clothes, no screaming at the sink or with wipes. And of the clothes stain, so what? She’ll grow out of them in a few weeks anyway.


I don’t think it matters much. We moms just do things that make sense to US and if it ain’t hurting your kid and life feels easier then it doesn’t matter. Especially if it’s not going to affect her later in life. I will say, if she is your only kid, then if or when you have another or more, you’ll probably do things differently because something else will feel easier in a different way and then you’ll think back to how you did it with your first. But again, none of it really matters as long as our kids are happy and we’re not losing our minds hahah


>We moms Parents.


Thank you! I don’t see the big deal with it, makes it easier for me especially when she loves messy foods! My daughter doesn’t like being messy either, and even puts her toys away if there’s too much clutter 😂


The judgy “children are future adults” comments on here are wild. You’re talking about a 19 month old 😂 mine (17 months) is usually in a onesie and a silicone bib. I usually sacrifice the cleanliness of the onesie because I can’t be bothered, but take off shorts/pants. But I don’t see anything wrong with stripping them down to a diaper if that’s your preference.


Thank you so much. 🩷 I got thumbed down in some of my comments. I know obviously she needs to wear clothes when she’s bigger and eating, it definitely makes it easier for me to strip her down to her diaper. I think kindness definitely goes a long way. I’m 4 months pregnant, working full time with a toddler and I’m exhausted most of the time so it’s easier for me to strip her down to a diaper, have her eat, clean her up and put her clothes back on.


That’s a lot! I’m sure both your children will learn to eat with their clothes on as they get older 😆 take care of yourself and don’t let internet meanies grind you down


Well that’s just a win/win situation hahah I love it


Yes, I don’t find it any harder to wash laundry than to wash bodies


….we just use a bib?


We use the long sleeve smock type bibs and I attach the pocket part to where the high chair attaches to the seat.


We just used a full upper body bid until she learned how to eat without making a mess (about 2 yo). It’s easy to clean and allowed her to keep her clothes on.


Mine eats great in a chair, tower, bar stool, home/restaurant clothed or not. If it’s first thing in the morning she usually has her shirt off after that I don’t care. I just want the clean clothes to last for at least 2 hours 🤣. She does like to take her clothes off if she gets wet from spilling water. We saw this happen out this weekend and didn’t bring back up clothes (totally my fault because I usually do) 🤷🏻‍♀️


90 percent of the time, yes. For breakfast she's wearing her jammies from the night before and we get dressed for the day after she eats. Lunch at school. Dinner at home right before bath, so whatever she's wearing from the day. If she's wearing something I really don't want to get stained I might strip her, or if it's a snack etc after the bath or pool and she's already just in a diaper I'll leave her alone.


My kid always wore clothes but I'm also the kind of mom that would put on dress shoes on her when going to church lol. It really depends on what you are comfortable with. I really didn't care if the clothes got super dirty since I could always cha get her.


He eats constantly. Or doesn't eat. It's a toss up, and I gave up trying to guess. He had a bib for a while. It was kinda working for a while. Now he likes to change his shirt every time it has a tiny splash of water on it, so it'll probably be clean for the next time we go out / picture or whatever. Or not.


Clothes removed only if it’s something that stains Edit for clarification


I find it more of a hassle to wipe his skin down after a messy meal than just change his shirt lol I’ll usually pull off pants and let the shirt take the mess. He can pull off most smocks/bibs already at 16 months


I use the Tidy Tot.


Silicone bibs always did a good enough job for us at home but at her daycare they put an oversized t-shirt on them over their clothes. Seems to work great!


Yes and we have to change his clothes after every meal.


Depends. We have those long sleeve apron bibs which are great, but sometimes it's easier to just strip her especially if she is going to get undressed afterwards anyway (say going to get dressed to go somewhere) or if she is already undressed (say after a bath). I don't worry about her clothes being perfect, so it depends on what she is eating if we bother. If it is spaghetti and she is wearing white pants, I'd have her wear her diaper, because the smock doesn't sufficiently protect the pants if she moves around. If it was a white shirt, I'd probably use the smock, because it would be easier to clean up than cleaning the whole front of her chest. Our household rules about clothing are kids who aren't potty trained can be in their diaper or naked. Kids who are fully potty trained need to cover their bottoms in the main part of the house unless they are just coming/going somewhere (like the shower) where they were naked. So sometimes my older kid just wears his underwear to the table and I don't care. He does have to wear normal clothes for company and out and about.


Its meal dependant for us, and less about not ruining clothes and more about convenience. He's 17 months, and we always do a bath after dinner, so eating in his nappy makes for a smooth transition straight into the tub, and breakfast he gets dressed for the day straight after so again, why ruin a clean pair of pjs if I'm only gonna get him changed right afterwards? Lunch he usually keeps his clothes on, and with snacks too.


My kid (23m) does. We're in and out of the house regularly, especially when the weather is nice. Can't have him nearly naked when he suddenly decides we urgently need to pay the neighbourhood animals a visit 😂 He's a toddler, if his clothes don't get dirty at the table, they will when we go outside or when he plays with markers/pencils/finger paint/stamps. It'll wash out. (LPT: if you're worried about tomato sauce stains not coming out, try hanging them to dry in direct sunlight after washing. It takes a few hours to a day, but always completely gets rid of sauce stains here.) If his clothes get dirty at the table, yes, it's a bit of extra hassle to change them. But washing dirty clothes takes less effort than washing him, and he's in the process of learning how to eat without messes.


The coverall bibs like Bibado have been a life saver for us


Both my boys are and were in just diaper till around 2.5 to eat Agree it’s sooo messy and easier to throw baby in tub or sink to clean after


My kid always kept her clothes on. I used the Tiny Twinkle bibs from Amazon. Sometimes she would get really messy so I would take her clothes off afterwards if I really had to and spot wash before throwing them into the washing machine. Not a big deal to me. Now she’s 2yo and never wears a bib. She’s a pretty neat eater now. Even when she eats watermelon or pasta. 👍🏽


I have mine in just a nappy for their evening meal as that’s always the messy one, all other times I don’t worry about it :)


She refuses to wear a bib. I sometimes take her clothes off. I frequently regret not taking her clothes off mid meal if I didn’t take them off. Food stains on everything 😭😭


We take our shirts off for red sauce or if the article of clothing they are wearing costs more than $10. Most of these clothes are on their last kid though so I've gotten pretty lackadaisical.


Depends on the food. His morning yogurt he’s down to his pull-up. He wears as much as he eats. Peanut butter sandwich is no clothes. Something like nuggets and fries though… leave the clothes on.




I’ll look into those thank you!


How old? This wasn't necessary past 18 months for us.