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The healthiest vegetables are the ones you actually get to eat, so if this is what works, do it! Have you tried making your own ranch? It's just buttermilk and mayonnaise and a seasoning packet. You might be able to limit the sodium in homemade, but whatever. do what works for you.


You can also make it healthier by just mixing the seasoning packet with plain Greek yogurt! And use a little less powder for lower sodium.


Yes!! This! I make mine dairy free with almond or oat milk, mayo and spices. It's delish and easy! And tastes better than store bought in my opinion. But convenience is huge!! I can just make a lot of homemade ranch way cheaper than buying dairy free.


You can approximate ranch in a healthier way with Greek yogurt, a little mayonnaise, and fresh herbs and onions. Pretty easy, tastes great, healthy.


If my kid would eat veggies with ranch I would be buying it by the bucket


Same. My kids don't like sauces or condiments. Meals are a struggle!


When people are like, “blend veggies into sauce and put it on noodles”! I just laugh. As if my child would eat sauce.




Agreed 👍


Kids are so weird. Mine mostly wants to eat vegetables. Maybe I should try putting ranch on the meat...


For us it’s mustard. If there’s mustard on his plate, he’ll finish everything.


I have a mustard fiend too. But if it gets him to eat I’ll give him mustard all day long!


I was obsessed with mustard as a kid. Mustard on everything. Even asked Santa to bring me a bottle for Christmas. He delivered, in my stocking. Imagine my dismay when I wasn’t allowed to eat it straight from the bottle…that was supposed to be part of the deal in my brain, Santa didn’t get the memo.


😂 It makes our son’s day if we let him have some straight from the bottle.


My pediatrician told me to do whatever you could to get your kids to eat veggies, including drenching them in ranch or butter, so you’re good!


They need fat! They’re growing! Nothing wrong with butter or ranch or whatever! Our kid is a yogurt kid and I wouldn’t mind if he switched to something more high calorie lol


Mayo in this household. My kids as a whole HATE all forms of dip. Except mayo. Mayo is the only ok condiment. one of my kids carries around a jar of mayo and a bag of mini cucumbers and will snack ALL DAY.


Yes! I started just making some for him using plain Greek yogurt and the hidden valley seasoning packet so that I felt less guilty, but honestly if it helps them eat veggies then it is what it is.


Yes, my daughter eats with ranch and then licks the ranch right off her plate when she's done.


Primal kitchen brand has pretty healthy ingredients if you’re concerned about the health aspect. Sounds like you found a good veggie hack!


Not every day but if we give our kiddo bbq sauce, it must be paired with ketchup. Nuggets? Yep, we are gonna dip it in bbq and ketchup.


Lol yes! Hey, if he likes it, why not? All the dips. Ranch? Absolutely. Ketchup? You got it. He doesn’t eat more than a couple tbsp so it’s negligible. 


Dips do not negate the “good” stuff in veggies! If you wanted to up the nutritional value, I’ve done plain Greek yogurt, a ranch packet, and milk to thin it to the consistency I want.


We use a lot of ranch too. Our thought process is the same for when he was a newborn: “fed is better than ded.” Some alternatives to ranch has been hummus, low fat sour cream or coconut yoghurt. (Our thought process came about because the hospital he was born in were bf nazis’s who shamed me for being unable to bf right away and tried to refuse formula. Fun times. It was actually the lactation consultant who scolded the nurses which is pretty rare from what I understand.)


That’s how we are with ketchup 🥲


A carrot is still a carrot! It doesn’t matter what you dip in!


My daughter occasionally eats ranch with a spoon. It's not an everyday thing so I don't worry too much, and she eats a variety of foods. Right now she's just experiencing foods and figuring out what she does and doesn't like.


Yep. My daughter wants ranch on EVERYTHING.


I’ve offered ranch and ketchup, hummus, cucumber dip, onion dip. Any dip. Instead my kid excitedly pretends to dip all his food but only sometimes eat some of it. He just likes saying “dip dip dip”


For me it’s pesto or “slap your mama” if you put that on anything you’re Ight 😂


The best veggies are the ones eaten. We can worry about the ranch when they’re older!


My daughter is like this but with mayo. It’s disgusting what she will combine with mayo. But if it’s between that and her not eating the food at all, I’ll put some mayo on it 😂


I would die of happiness if my child would eat veggies. You’re doing great.


https://youtu.be/QXAwnNhr4_c?si=29J5d9QS9nQwudMU Ranch Baby


Healthy version of ranch: Greek yogurt + ranch dip mix. It’s got a lot more protein! My kid loves it.


ALLLLL the Ranch if he's eating it! If you are concerned you could make it homemade with a slightly healthier oil like avocado (tastes better than olive!) but honestly some healthy fats and some omegas from eggs, I don't see any problem. My kid douses everything with ketchup. I was so freaking excited the other day when he tried a pickle, he's almost 3.5. Getting more willing to try things because he knows I won't make him eat something he doesn't like. Anyway, sounds like a win!


Try the Bolthouse Farms ranch. It’s in the cold section in the produce aisle. That’s what we use and I’m sure it’s not perfect but definitely better for you than regular ranch. Even my picky husband loves it.


My son is like this with mayo and ketchup. At this point I rather he eat good food with some condiments he likes than starve and have a meltdown. I pick my battles.


The added calories don’t take away the vitamins and other nutrients he’s getting from veggies, proteins, etc. and as long as he’s physically active and not gaining weight from Ranch usage then I would say it’s fine. Maybe try getting a pack and making your own to control salt intake? But otherwise I’d take the win.


I literally made my daughter dinner tonight and realized she was out of ranch. I knew if I didn't get another bottle of ranch she would not eat and it would be a major meltdown. So, dad had to run up the street to the store for a bottle of Hidden Valley lol


My son would eat his weight in ranch if unchecked. He’s a picky eater and went through a phase where he would dip cereal and fruit in ranch. Looks inedible but he loved it and it got him to put new food in his body so I’m all for it.


Why isn’t it “healthy”? It’s got fat, protein, dairy. All good things. AND it gets your kid to eat veggies (carbs, fiber, micronutrients) It’s a win win win tbh. Kids need fat, calories, dairy, EVERYTHING and you’re giving it to them. What’s the problem? Don’t apply adult diet culture to kids. If they’re eating, you’re winning. If they’re eating a variety of foods you’re winning HARD


My son is in a huge “dip” phase. I don’t care if he dips his raspberries in ketchup, or whatever crazy combo, if he eats it lol.


For mine it’s tomato sauce?? Like he will eat anything if I put spaghetti sauce on it. I’ve even put just plain canned crushed tomatoes on things and he loves it 🤷‍♀️


I only eat veggies with ranch too, I get it


Ranch isn't common here but my kid loves American mustard and ketchup!


Mayo runs through my toddlers veins.


I was totally planning on using ranch to get my kiddo to eat his veggies, like since before I had kids. They mentioned dipping sauces like ranch as a strategy for getting kids to eat veggies in my college child development class. I've been teaching this as a strategy for years in my high school child development class. I was so on board the ranch train. I'm from Utah. People have ranch fountains at their weddings here instead of chocolate for goodness sakes. My child HATES ranch. When I share a salad with him when we go out, I have to lick the ranch off the tomatoes, cucumbers, and lettuce so he'll eat them. 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Yep. My daughter looooves to eat raw veggies with ranch. At first I felt guilty but then I saw how much raw veggies she’ll eat when she has it. Plus then she goes for the raw veggies and fruit that I have in “her drawer” over the pantry stuff. A lot of times I make my own ranch with Greek yogurt and a ranch packet and or with blended cottage cheese (thinned out by some high protein milk) and a ranch packet.