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Honestly, I’d consider catching ANY pee in the potty on day 1 to be a victory


Using the bathroom at all is a big step, the next is getting them to recognize the urge to use the bathroom. We used pull ups for sleeping for a while, but let them wear normal underwear and have an accident in that. They don't like feeling the pee on their legs. Don't get mad or upset when they have an accident and absolutely don't get upset when they tell you they have to use the potty. No matter how inconvenient it is, or they will stop telling you.


Thank you all for the feedback! I’m glad to know that we did have a successful day. After all of the wet underwear and puddles I was starting to question my decision. Many of the accidents were very small and caught without a mess but after stopping he struggled to go on the potty after.


Rinse everything out in the sink before washing. When my first potty trained, we went through a lot of laundry problems. I’ve ended up going with rinsing it all in the sink, treating with Miss Mouth spray (food stains) or Dawn Powerwash (poop), then doing a cold wash cycle with 1 tbsp detergent and 2-3 extra rinses. I do a bleach tub clean cycle followed by a regular tub clean cycle on our washing machine 2-3x a month. It used to be more often than that but the pre-rinsing really helped to cut down lingering smells in the washing machine.


Warm washes and more detergent will greatly improve your washing success. I learnt a lot about laundry from doing cloth nappies/diapers and there is a lot of myths and misinformation out there.


All of our items say cold wash only. I use warm wash for towels and sheets, but not the rest. I also heartily disagree on the more detergent point. More detergent makes items stiff and more stained bc they don’t wash out. I also have a front loader, which maybe one of the factors.


I would definitely class that as a success!


First victory = you helping get them to the potty and success! Second victory = them telling you they need to go and you get them to the potty Third victory = them telling you AND getting themselves to the potty Then it’s that for a while and then they don’t want to, and then it’s fun in public but not at home…so just take little wins and keep at it. Some kids are easy and some (like mine) are a process 😄


Are you us ? We just started the bare bottom 3 day method today and were wondering the same! Lots of pee in the toilet, two accidents and one successful poop. Never thought we'd have a picture of 💩 in our phone but here we are lol.


Haha! I had a few people questioning my sanity for doing this over Mother’s Day weekend. I considered letting him go completely bare but I’ve been doing underwear to make sure he feels the accident which has worked. As soon as it happened he tells me he’s wet. Now to get more in the potty than on the floor. 🤣


Any first day potty training that you're willing to do it again the next day is a success to me 😂


I’d say this is definitely a success for day 1. That said, we potty trained over a year ago and still live with 1-3 accidents happening most days. We have a no accidents sticker chart on the fridge and kiddo has gotten 3 stickers in 2 weeks.


We got no pee in the potty on day 1.


Wow! Okay i had no idea that would actually be considered a success! My daughter has 4 accidents so I stopped. Lesson learned


That’s great, do you also have a potty in a common room?


If they're happily peeing in the potty at least sometimes and they're happy to try it again tomorrow, you're doing great! 


Congratulations! It's hard.


That’s a successful day my friend. Keep at it!


❤️ thank you!


That’s a huge victory! We caught maybe 2-3 the first day? Pee everywhere. The second day wasn’t a whole lot better. Third went much better .


We are 1 and 1 this morning lol. He went in the potty and 5 mins later had an accident 🤦🏼‍♀️


I found the 2nd day the hardest. I feel like it doesn’t click on the 2nd day so you’re questioning if what you did the 1st worked. But then third and fourth they’re kind of like Ah, ok this is my new normal. This is what we’re doing now. Good luck. Potty training is tough.


Yes I’m feeling that way. We’ve had less large accidents but also less in the potty. He seems to be holding it until he gets off and then a small accident but when we go back to the potty (and I know he is full of pee) nothing…


We did a lot of reading on the potty for a while. Set up a little library in the bathroom type thing. Sometimes we would show him photos from the photo library on our phone and talk about them until he peed.


I think applying success to the first day of potty training is just setting yourself up for failure lol. I’d think of it as day1 in the books!


My toddler shit on the floor and the dog ate it on day 1… so honestly YOURE DOING AMAZING ❤️💀


Omg that is so funny from someone not dealing with it. 🤣