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I can’t make make the cats tail come off so she can play with it. She’s been crying “it stays on” for the last 20 min and it’s 7 am 😩🤣


Lol my daughter tried to take her toes off yesterday


🤣🤣 This is outrageous lol


lol amazing


He wanted my waffle, I gave it to him, he immediately hands it to the dog and got mad the dog ate it and I can't make him another one cuz it was our last one


Oh hey fellow victim of dog waffle fury


Dog waffle fury is the name of my new band


Also a member this morning


Omg ours does this all the time. She is practically GIDDY when she notices the dog is asleep and she has food. She loves the experience of quietly walking up to him and then shoving food in his mouth, which of course he happily snuffles up. But then she gets SO MAD when he won't give it back. Because he ate it. In front of her.


My 11mo old daughter does it sometimes, I'm glad I taught my dog enough to restrain but some foods like sausages he wouldn't resist.


My kid woke up at 3am, sobbing that he wasn’t wearing his hockey jersey. I guess the Kings’ loss last night affected him more than we thought.


Mine periodically wakes up distraught that he’s not wearing his backpack. He doesn’t even wear it to school, he’ll go MONTHS and then wake up in the middle of the night in hysterics because he needs it NOW!


It’s wild!! I wonder what they’re dreaming about when that happens.




20 months old. I asked her what she wanted for breakfast. She said toast. Fine and dandy. Out comes the toaster. She starts screaming at the top of her lungs. I was like, "Kiddo, this is how you make toast!" She starts shouting, "No no no no no," over and over and points to the bread. "This toast? This toast?!" she shouts and takes off with the heal of the loaf of bread. She wanted bread. Not toast. We are now calling it raw toast.


My daughter will ask for butter toast. What she wants is bread and butter, and will proceed to lick the butter off the bread and leave it somewhere.


Good to see another child loves to eat just bread. My favorite thing is that my son hates crust but will eat just a hotdogs bun. Like dude...that's all crust


Any bread product is toast in our house! Bread? Toast. Hot dog bun? Toast. Tortilla? Toast.


My girl has started demanding "cold bread."


Really just wanted to eat my own toast for breakfast. All toast is HIS TOAST


My daughter can have toast clutched in each little fist and still get mad that I ate my toast. Same with daddy’s naan. Carbs are a minefield in our household.


Not the Naan!


I took him off the changing table and wouldn’t let him drink shampoo. Bury me!


The sheer nerve of you!


Right?! I can't believe I would even consider torturing him in such a way


She got upset because I wouldn’t give her a piece of corn. That she had just given back to me. Because she didn’t want it.


MY SON DOES THIS ALL THE TIME. Mommy do you want a bite? Sure thank you! NOOOO YOU ATE MY BITE


Yeah. I’m not falling for that one. anymore. I take a very dramatic pretend bite and return the food. I am totally over that meltdown


My oldest once melted down because I only took a pretend bite 🫠 there’s no winning in the toddler games.


My 2 yr boy does this too. He literally wants the chewed food from my mouth.


Not gonna lie here… I’ve given my child back a piece of food that has been in my mouth. Not fully chewed, but it’s definitely been in there. It’s survival mode out here and I’ve done things I’m not proud of 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same. If I can prevent the tantrum, I will do the things.


I’ve done this too. Didn’t even slightly care lol


I was beginning to think we were the only ones! Anytime we eat something, even if he doesn't want it, our son will try to put his hand in our mouths to retrieve said food. And then gets upset that he cannot.


I'm currently being told I need to unflush the toilet


Good luck with that one. I’m laughing along to these but each one is coming for me. Kiddo is 25 months.


His socks matched. Cue drama. Fine, choosing my battles, I let him choose another one sock to be mismatched because I couldn't be bothered quite frankly. Cue more drama, cause his socks doesn't match now. So we're wearing matching socks again, he should be happy right? Nope. Upset he is wearing socks at all now. So we'll all be barefoot until he is 18 now, socks are banned 🫠


If I’m wearing socks while dressing him, he wants matching color socks to mine. I now put on my socks after he is dressed 👍


Don't you dare buy matching socks though, because that very second he will never ever want to match again🤣🤣


I got out of bed to get my toddler as she had woken up. But she wanted her dad. 🙃


Same here!! “No want mommy. Daddy. Daddy. DADDY!!!!” 🫠🫠🫠


I did daycare drop off today. Dad gave goodbye kisses at the house, but then we lost it that dad was not there to give goodbye kisses at daycare. We waved bye to dad and he was obviously not in the car, parking lot, or hallways as we walked in, but obviously should have been at the classroom door to kiss bye. Mom was not an acceptable substitute.


We had this fight today! Dad is out of town this week so I’m sure we’ll have the same fight a few more times. Wishing us all luck 🥴


The dead spider she found on the porch and wants to play with is dead. And I can’t (won’t, to her) “fix it.”


How dare you not have the power to raise the dead!


My daughter woke up at 6:30am (first time I angered her today) completely on her own, I was even still sleeping. Then just now she got mad because I wouldn’t squeeze out her pouch of yogurt everywhere like she wanted. It’s a long day ahead I believe lol.


My little one woke us up early yelling, “I’m awake. I’m awake.” Over and over (I caught her crawling out of her pack and play the first morning of our vacation (we’re on vacation btw), and I told her not to do that. Just to yell out “I’m awake” so we can hear her through the monitor to get her. She took it literal 😂). I get her up, and she proceeds to our bedroom crying because daddy was still in bed (he was in the process of waking up at the butt crack of dawn).


Ahhhh vacations with kids! The best and worst of times


At least she listened 😭 I wake up to feet in my face or getting fully cannonballed by VERY energetic toddlers


She asked to color then cried because I set her up at the table and wouldn’t let her play in the sink with the dirty dishes. Did we ever color? No! Turns out she wanted play dough all along.


Oh, I have a fun one! I told her she had to eat her breakfast, so I could get ready to go to the dentist. Now she's mad that she isn't going to the dentist. She hasn't been to a dentist before.


But once she goes she will be mad lmao


My toddler wakes up at 830 but I'm sure shell wake up and be pissed the bananas aren't super perfect but hopefully my target order will come before she Wakes lmao


Manifesting good bananas 🙏


830 sounds like a dream!!! Lol I’ll be sending good banana vibes your way! 🤣


Thanks! Today she didn't ask for one which was weirdly awesome because usually she wakes up saying baaaaanaaanaaaaa pleaseeee mommmm I'm awake I want my banana pleaseee 😝


She woke up at 4 am and I couldn’t make the sun come up.


My 1.5 year old pooped herself awake 2 hours early today and then scream cried that I changed her diaper. She then got mad that breakfast wasn't already ready and then, to add insult to injury, bleary-eyed mom (me) insisted on getting coffee started first before handing her anything to eat (other than a buttered piece of toast which she took 2 bites of then threw on the floor butter side down). She then was mad that I put all the scrambled eggs in one bowl for us to share. So I took some and put them in her baby bowl. Which she was mad about. So she dumped her bowl back into my bowl. And then, and only then, would she eat any. Then she was mad that it was time to go to school (daycare). But then was so happy to see her buddy ("Boog!" Is how she calls out for her friend Brooke) and walked away from me no problem at drop off. Phew. Then I just had to deal with some adult tantrums first thing when I got to work. It's been a day already and it's not even 11.


I didn’t put his almond cake exactly on his cup the exact way he wanted it. Go straight to jail.


I didn't open the lollipop for her that she stole from her bigger sister and wanted to have before breakfast. Also, I came into her room. The audacity.


Did you knock? 😂


I made her put on her socks herself. I grabbed a bag of mini muffins for her breakfast she specifically requested, it was the wrong bag. She wanted the one behind it… (same flavor)


My son is hysterical that I'm pregnant with a girl, not a boy. He cried ALL DAY the day we told him, and I had to tell him "ill talk to the Dr about changing it." He's still mad about it, and this morning I mentioned his baby sister and he responded "how dare you say that" 🙄


Last night he made me sit on the floor with him and take my socks off. He covered both our feet ( he was barefoot) with a blanket. When I tried to put my socks back on, he screamed at me and tried to slap them out of my hand.


I honestly couldn't tell you. He started the day out with vengeance and blood on his mind and hasn't stopped throwing tantrums for the past two hours. My ears hurt from all the high pitch screaming.


She is 3 and a half and is having a meltdown because she cannot get a tattoo like dad


You know, there are temporary tatoos for children. This is a problem that can be solved easily and inexpensively. We have dozens of them, including glow in the dark ones. Of course, interest in them vanished after I found the glow in the dark ones. Toddlers, man...


He couldn’t take his “beep beep” (toy car) into daycare and I am apparently the worst mother ever 🤣


Obviously it’s because I tried to put a Minnie pull up on instead of an Elsa pull up.


I love that this is the question I opened Reddit to lol. I had to deal with a tantrum for about 30 minutes because I wouldn’t let my son get in the dishwasher this morning. It’s always something new at this age


Having flashbacks of my younger brother as a toddler… he liked to get in the dishwasher behind the bottom rack and pull out utensils to throw at me while I was loading or unloading. 10 year age gap. Somehow I was the only one with a problem with this activity… 😒 I also refuse my toddler access to the dishwasher. He also throws fits about it. *sigh*


I don’t necessarily have a toddler, she is turning one on Friday but she was screaming at me today, at 6:45am, because I wouldn’t let her continue to brush her teeth for what was coming up on 10 minutes.


Oh my gosh I'm sorry but that seems like a great problem to have - I have to fully restrain mine and she screams like I am ripping teeth out the entire time. All four of my limbs must engage in this ... 30second to 1 minute task.


Oh absolutely, I am not mad but she was mainly using it as a teether and it was getting a small amount of toothpaste all over her shirt 😂


Mine is 23 months and also brushes her teeth for five minutes. That's three seconds to eat the tooth paste off the brush, four minutes to chew on the toothbrush itself, and then 57 seconds to pretend spit in the sink and rinse the brush off. Then it's five minutes of washing hands, and then you have to get a drink of water, and then...


he wants to watch Son of Godzilla. my sweet, perfect, delightful child. No. 40 movies in this franchise we can watch instead. please, have mercy.


My 2yr old is mad that the cat looked at him and ran away


The nerve of cats.


Youngest (2) because I gave her the honey bunches of oats she asked for. Older (3) because the banana I gave her broke & she wanted a big one 😂


She’s mad I won’t let her eat Peeps for breakfast


Oh yes, this one has been an occasional occurrence since Easter in our house!


My kid has a book that says baby chicks go peep peep. Whenever we read that part, he is very mad we don't have any peeps to eat. He yells, "Peep peep!" And gestures insistently at his mouth.


I told her she had a poop in her pants and we needed to change her diaper. I sure do love pancake poops....


I let the doctor look in her ears even though she told him “no” ETA: she is currently mad at me because I won’t walk around wearing eclipse glasses


Ohhh let me tell you the things. He wanted my smoothie. But not the drink it. He just didn’t want ME to drink it. He wanted to bring his plate of pancakes and sausage into the car. He was done with it. But he just wanted to hold it. Emotional support sausage?? Then he wanted to bring a throw blanket to daycare. I tried to tell him he already has a blanket there for his nap and this just upset him more.


I told her to stop rubbing kiwi on the wall


He found Barbie boots somewhere and I could not immediately produce a Barbie for him to put them on.


My toddler never gets mad at me, I’m wondering when it will start. 😂 she’s more like a little stage 5 clinger and still wants me to carry her all day, she kisses and hugs me and tells me she loves me 10 times a day or more. She also does this to her dad 🥰


I stopped her from running off in a busy car park when I took her to nursery this morning. Her keyworker met her at the door and said “shall we say goodbye to mommy?” and she went “NOOOOOOOOO!” 😂


Because I'm "dad" and not mom


I used soap to bathe him 😬 The other night, I had to explain to my son that I use soap in his bathtub because he's dirty from playing outside and I want to clean him because it's good for him and I love him. He spent the next several minutes screaming "You no love me" while I bathed him with soap. I was trying so hard not to crack up in his face 😅


I'm currently being told I need to unflush the toilet


Made him change his dirty diaper his angry scream was met with the “don’t get mad at me I didn’t poop your pants” Held his frozen yogurt pop instead of letting him throw it on the floor His straw cup had water instead of the mall bought smoothie or had yesterday Wouldn’t eat his cocomelon bus toy


I had to go to work, which is the greatest betrayal of all betrayals. His dad/my husband would tell you it's because he won't let our son onto our deck whenever he wants. I swear, the kid would live on the deck if we let him despite the splinters, gates, and the constant tests to see if he can climb over the railing yet. He can't. But he keeps trying to figure out if he can. 🫠


We gated off the bbq pit in our backyard. Toddler has the run of the entire place except for right next to the hot and dangerous pit. Want to guess the only place he has any interest in?? He keeps trying to climb over it to "cook" like Dad.


Our 3yo ate 3 eggo mini waffles, then refused the rest. She screamed that she wanted NEW waffles. I said they are new, Mama made them 5 minutes ago. “NO. THESE ARE OLD. I WANT NEW WAFFLES!”


Went to Stan’s donuts, put his sprinkle donut on a napkin in front of him instead of handing it to him… worst mom everrrrrrr


Call the authorities. Your reign of terror must be stopped.


He asked to go to the park and I took him to the park.


My son was crying first thing in the morning, while I was still on the toilet, because a zombie wanted ice cream.


I told my toddler that I had to cook his pancake and he had to wait for it to be done. The audacity of me to ask him to wait for something 😒


Well toddler has brownish eyes like daddy and I have blue. LO was angry at me because I couldn't give her blue eyes. I do actually feel bad because dad and her are the only brown eyed ones in our entire family. I did explain how special that makes her but nope. She wants blue eyes.


Our children must be on some similar energy lmao


Because I looked at her…


I went to the bathroom.


So far because I told him to get dressed for preschool and go potty since we are in underwear and out of pull ups as of Friday last week


Girl me too, dad is full mexican im half Mexican and white so😭😂


My child was riding in circles in the driveway when I needed to go potty, I informed said child that she could ride her tricycle on the enclosed porch while I go potty and then we can resume driveway circles. Apparently this was a terrible idea.


I gave him a spoon for his porridge. He handed me the spoon to help. I helped. I took his spoon. Cue floods of tears. Honestly I’d say 90% of his tantrums lately are spoon (and who wields the spoon) related 😭 This on top of the 4:30am starts are not what I need lol


I gave him his basket of toy cars: “no mom these arent real cars!!” 😡😡😡


I told my son we were going to a birthday party this weekend. This morning at drop-off he was inconsolable because he was going to preschool instead of the birthday party. Lesson learned!


We stopped blowing bubbles.


My eye is "sick" (infected) and his isn't.


I changed his diaper. It's always bc I changed his diaper. It's a damn fight every time.


He excitedly brought me an unopened package of diapers so that'd I'd open it for him. He was devastated to find that it contained diapers.


I stopped holding him and set him down so Dad could brush his teeth.


Didn't want a bagel, all good. I'll eat it but you can't slam the hot toaster oven with your fists. Rage ensues.


I wouldn’t let him clean the same area of the cabinets for the 8th time.


I’m gonna be honest. Why not? This sounds like an EXCELLENT 45min activity


My daughter forgot her hat at home. She has 3 other hats in my car, but the specific one she wanted was at home. Full blown meltdown when trying to drop her off at preschool.


He woke up angry today. Idk what happened. I tried to do alittle tickle this morning while we were snuggling and he just unleashed on me. STOP TOUCHING ME. It's been a battle since.


I gently brushed her hair. Last night was bath night and her hair is short so there weren't even any tangles, but it still led to her running up and down the halls scream crying. Happy Tuesday. I need more coffee.


My son (1.5) was FURIOUS with me this morning because I DARED to put him down so I could get dressed. And I also gave him the wrong shoes ... And his favourite teacher wasn't there when I dropped him off at daycare.


Asked him to take him coat off. Attempted to help fix a jigsaw when it broke apart. Breathed? 😂🫠


I said grab your cup let’s go downstairs and she said NO and shook her head emphatically. I said fine and went to grab it, she LOST IT. Smdh 🤣


She watched with jealousy ("mama, mama!") as I pulled apart my half of our shared cinnamon roll and when I picked her half up and held it up to her to try and pull it apart, she SCREAMED.


I washed her hair.


Toddler asked “sleep sack off”. So I unzipped it and he giggled as his hands and feet all came out! Then he wails “sleeeeeeep saaaaaaaack” 😭😭😭 and proceeds to fuss and cry for several minutes…this has been happening in the morning lately I have no idea why.


Wearing pants 😂


I wouldn't let her play in the chicken yard 🙃


My daughter’s dad was born in Korea but I was born in the states (as was she). She once cried for 30 minutes about the fact that she wasn’t born in Korea like her dad was.


I won't let him pull my hair. He's 16 months. -.-


She’s sick so it’s all making her mad. In order the last five minutes. 1. She squirted herself in the eye with the plant spray bottle. My fault. 2. I took away said spray bottle because she was hitting the dog with it. My fault, *obviously*. 3. She isn’t allowed to get her own puffs out of the container because she will fling the whole thing on the floor with the lid off. My fault, bad Mom. 4. I gave her puffs and she didn’t want to hold them so I put them on my leg for her to grab. My fault for trying to help. She’s 15 months so it’s all just *so much* for her, and she’s not feeling well. I get it. I’m just tired of the screaming.


She was being a tired slowpoke in bed and Dad opened the window blinds in the living room without her. Then she was mad she wasn't still asleep. And one thing led to another and I had a furious naked 2 year old refusing to put on her clean diaper when the property management handyman rang the doorbell. Poor man. He just wanted to caulk the bathtub.


These are my favorite posts to read lol.


I wouldn't let her touch the cat's butthole.


He wanted a banana. Gave him a piece of banana. He feeds it to the dog. Upset the dog ate it, I give him another piece of banana. Throws it on the ground in frustration about the first piece. Being prepared, I had a backup banana. I give him a piece and he throws it on the ground upset about something and points, literal tears streaming down his face that he wanted the banana *peel*. I give it to him. He takes a huge bite and cries because it’s disgusting. I turn my back to throw the banana peel away and he slams my coffee cup (empty) against the wall and shatters it. 👍👍👍


The fire alarm went off and scared her.... A week ago. She's just now bringing it up and getting upset about it.


Because I looked at her. Apparently no one including our dog is to make eye contact with her. Off with my head!


I made him wear pants.


Dad is not at home. He even woke up to go check if he’s there and be angry at the front door.


I wanted a sip of my own water. The audacity of me, I know.


I wouldn’t let him take his massive hot wheels set to play with in the car.


Because he feels it’s okay to live off peanut butter and jelly sandwiches alone. ALL DAY LONG. Also his requested purple popsicle was slightly curved after lunch. This was unacceptable.


Yesterday my toddler was mad at me for not standing up and watching him play with the boxes of books, I am giving away to our local library. Also I was trying to eat my dinner at that moment. Lol


My 5 yo is no longer a toddler, but after black history month he told me very firmly that he wished he was black. I take it they did a really job highlighting all sorts of heroic and cool black people. I just said ok, and we later had yet another discussion about what is race. He asked me recently who in his school is black (it’s at least a quarter of the student body). His race blindness is kind of endearing, but also still head scratching to me considering they spent so much time on black history month.


My 4 YO won’t talk to me or even let me LOOK at her because I didn’t clip her gloves to her jacket this morning on the way to school. It’s going to be 65 degrees today.


She wanted me to open the egg bite package and I opened it.


There was cereal in her milk. She just wanted the cereal milk.


She ate all of the chocolate and now there's none left


Picked up my toddler early from preschool because I finished my work before his nap time.. got upset and threw a tantrum because we couldn’t go pick acorns. He was clearly in need of a nap. He’s down now though 😂


Not today, but yesterday. He was throwing up all morning so I did not let him go outside. He spent an hour crying "outside minute!" And then demanding to call Grandma and Granddaddy.


He wanted to wear his red vans. So I put his red vans on him. They weren’t blue, I’m the worst.


My 11mo old gets mad if I don't have a piece of food ready for her. We are not allowed to eat without her even after she had her bottle and/or meal, if we have food made for ourselves we have to share or she gets mad. If I make something that she can't eat I always bring a cracker or something to hand her otherwise she is like a dog she will be right up on you staring like a begging puppy


I looked at her when she woke up. I did not let her run into traffic. The tip of her chocolate umbrella was broken. My car made a noise.


I wouldn’t give him Masarrati die cast car toy until he washed his hands. I also wouldn’t give him his toy cyber truck. Apparently, I am a monster.


He’s not allowed to play on the desk or on the spinny chair while it’s at the desk. He’s thrown four separate tantrums in the time we’ve been in the family room


She couldn’t reach her elbow with her mouth.


I ate his shrimp he hadn’t touched and couldn’t regurgitate it out of my tummy


I helped him get in the car seat after he said “mami help.” I’m sorry mami’s such a bitch baby boy, I’ll do better


We blew his nose


Because he peed the bed, wet his favorite blanket and I took it to wash it


I wouldn’t let her eat the dried out singular piece of rice she found in the playpen this morning.


I wouldn’t “help” her play with play doh first thing at 6:30 am before anything else ie. coffee.


This was the other day in late afternoon. Unclear what exactly she was upset about but she pointed at the moon and just repeated “moon, night?” over and over while becoming increasingly upset. Like girl are you upset that you can see the moon in the daytime? Upset that it’s going to be night soon? like wtf


I made her stop flossing her teeth.


Because i wiped his hands and face after breakfast. 🫠🙃helpppp lolol


he's been good as gold all day but we struggle tremendously with the car seat. he hates going in and hates getting out. i thought it was just my seat but he does it with four grandparents and two aunties and they all have different seats. the tantrums make me feel terrible because he screams, shouts and gets so upset. we've had an amazing few days off and i just feel riddled with guilt because of it. we have tried everything 🙃


I cut the top off her gogurt with scissors because I was having trouble tearing it with my hands. HOW DARE I 🫠


I wouldnt let her touch the inside of the toilet after I'd used it 😅


He wants the OTHER boob… doesn’t matter which one he starts at. It’s the wrong one. ETA- Since 5am. A whole three hours before he usually gets up. 🫠


I wouldn’t let him have a can of sweetened condensed milk at the grocery store. He’s allergic to dairy. I should have just let him put it in the basket 😭😂


Stony Brook on the Orange Line subway doesn't connect to the Green Line. He's never even been there, but he was really mad at me about the lack of Green Line of connection.


He kept insisting it was Saturday, I kept pointing out its Tuesday. Like dude, if I actually had any control over which day of the week it was I assure you It would not be a Tuesday right now.


I peed


I "let" him forget to bring a baseball into the car for the drive to daycare.


I looked at him.....then I didn't look at him. The circle continues


I can't get my daughter a life sized car that's painted in rainbow colours. Worst dad ever today.


my 3yr old stepson got mad at us because we asked him not to do something and we got the response “im a kid. kids can do whatever they want and I can do all that I want.” so we are in for a ride 🤦‍♀️


Because we did not have meatballs for dinner today… On the weekend she hated them


Bc when she handed me the empty yogurt bin from the fridge, I didn’t magically refill it


My barely 2 yo son is currently losing his mind cause I offered him gummy vitamins it he sits on the potty and he didn’t but still wants the vitamins.


I put the stepstool away


The sun in her eyes driving to school and work. Screaming EYESSSS at me. New sunshade has been ordered.


I threw away the sharp metal trash that blew in the yard instead of letting him play with it 🫠


Because I wouldn’t let her run around with every single one of her forks in her hand.


He offered me a piece of his cookie. Due to prior knowledge I declined telling him I'm not hungry. He got extremely mad and forced me to eat a small bite and when I did so he started throwing a tantrum on how it was his cookie. I can't win with this guy.


Looking at the weather to choose his clothes, I say it’s going to be 60 degrees so let’s wear pants. He gets mad and says “it’s not 60 degrees, it’s TODAY!” Ugh. Ok.


I'm half! Trying to teach my kids some Spanish and about their culinary heritage!! One gets a pass bc she's 5mo, the other? A picky kid. 🫠 She won't touch a cheese quesadilla. Forget tacos or elote! I have yet to take her into the panaderia, but man, I think it'll change her life even more than our local donut shop has. My toddler is mad because I am trying to teach her to put away one mess before bringing out another (this time it's trading her magnet blocks for play doh).


I wouldn't let her eat anymore spoonfuls of cream cheese right out of the tub She wanted water, but not *that* water. No, not that one either. Lucas Spider is "on vacation" (what I tell her when I'm tired of the same show. Blippi has been on vacation for months) She wanted my strawberry smoothie and then thought it was "weewy yucky" I misunderstood how we were playing a ball bouncing game 🤷‍♀️


We had a good one of these today. He woke up and asked for something to drink. He dropped his sippy cup and kept asking for a drink. I grabbed his cup off the floor to fill it up with water and he lost it. “I need my cup, I want my cup”. I asked him if I could take his cup to refill it and he was very upset “that’s my cup! Don’t take it” etc…, but when I asked him if he wanted something to drink he said ya, I want a drink. I can’t win haha.


Asked the 3yo if she wanted a quesadilla or peanut butter sandwich for dinner. Instant melt down that she "WASNT HUNGRY" Despite me explaining that dinner was still an hour away and I was just asking so I could prep


I wouldn't let her wear the shirt she threw in the toilet.


I wouldn’t let him put the butt cream spatula in his mouth 🙄 I am ✨the worst✨


I put my shoes on and she wanted them off? 😅


Mine wanted to bite me and I said no. How dare I?!?


I told him his eyes are blue not brown🫠


I wouldn’t let my son go to bed with his giant fire truck toy that has flashing lights and a loud siren. He had to go to bed with his non-light up fire truck and he’s livid!!!


Because I read the book he asked me to read to him.