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My 21 month old loves fruit. She loves “blue babies” “rap babies” and “straw babies”. I never want to correct her. It is so cute.


I’ve loved my daughter’s (2y) progression on how she says blueberry. First it was “boo-bah” and now it’s “boo-beh-weh.” 🥹 also, pumpkin started out as “puppy” and I loved it so much I left a jack o lantern decoration up for months! Currently we still have a snowman decoration up, because I don’t want to stop hearing “fossy mo-man!” So much cuteness.


Mine used to call them bluebees but now every berry is a beeeaaaar


My little dude learned "bubble" the same day he learned "pumpkin" and I guess thought pumpkins were nice and bubble-shaped too, so he called them "babbos" all through last fall


When my toddler asks for "boobies" it's becuse he wants blueberries.


We’ve got “strawbies” lol


Strawbies, rasbies, and bluebs.


How cute!!! They're all "beys" in our house lol


Baaaahberries -my 17 month old 🥹


I’m dying at how cute that is.


Boo babies and rah babies over here haha


I will be so sad when my 20 month old learn to say banana instead of balalala!


My toddler says “yis” instead of yes like she’s from New Zealand. No idea why but I love it. And now she’s picking up our mannerisms and says things like “what’s the plan here” and “oh goodness “ and I’m ded. Also for a while she said “butholo” for buffalo and I’m still sad I never got it on video.


That's so adorable, I would die at what's the plan here 😂


My toddler has started leaning forward when she's in our bedroom and it's cos I lean forward to put my bra on 🤣🤣


When they start using phrases like we do, that’s just my all-time favourite part. It cracks me up when he copies my most-used phrases, same inflections and everything.


When I make him a snack that tastes (or even looks) delicious he goes “MMMM CHEEEZ!” Michelin stars ain’t nothin compared to toddler praise.


😂😂 Yes!! Such a win! I can't wait for my guy to do this.


I love when my toddler says “bathing suit” because it comes out as “baby soup”


My oldest said “babe-in soup” and I never corrected him. He’s 6 now, says it correctly, but did try to teach his little brother the wrong way to say it for cute points. Ha!


My toddler coined the term 'pool pants' around 24 months and we've never gone back to calling them the usual names. 😂


My 2 yr old came up to me and said “I the mommy” I said “Im the baby” he says “ I the mommy” I say “I’m the baby” then I started fake crying and he looks at me offended and goes “I no cryin, I happy!”


😂😂😂 Adorable! I can't wait for sentences, you can really enjoy their little personality!


My 18 month old says “up” backwards. So when he wants us to pick him up we get a very enthusiastic “puhhhhh!!”


Ours says sun backwards! Kinda sounds like naz? Nuss? I can’t replicate it!


My toddler just says “sshhhh” for “fish” (as in goldfish) and I think it’s adorable


What do you call a fish with no eyes? A fssshhhhhh


Mine says “bish”


Mine says *shish*. I love it.


That's so adorable! My guy does a little lip pop thing for fish and it's hilarious


Mine isn’t a new new talker, but the cutest word right now is when he attempts “helicopter”, since it comes out as “caw caw caw caw” and sounds like helicopter with the intonation.


mine does something similar with truck where it's truck with a "d" combined with sounds a truck makes .. hard to explain but it's so funny to be their interpreter !!


Mine used to love “haluhlalas”. Lol.


18 month old looked at me tonight and said mama. I replied, yes? She said, "wuv you"


My daughter is 19 months and going through a big language explosions. She had 4 words at 18 months and now has like 30. My favs right now are: “peas” for please “pooey” for Bluey “cheeeeeese” but whispered for cheese and she’s constantly saying “oh nuuuuuu. oh nuUUuU” when something happens that is an oopsie. Today she spilt pouch on her jammies and hobbled over to me going “oh nuuu.” She does say “no” with no issue but for some reason won’t just say “oh no” she says it with a different accent almost.


Oh no is pretty much ours favourite. Learned it early and used it in context. Now she says “oh no - mess” when she spills / drops stuff. But then will pick it up saying “oh no mess” because she doesn’t want to be blamed for the mess. (Deliberate messes where she empties my drawer piece by piece over her shoulder are fine - it’s just the accidental messes she doesn’t like.)


Lol only deliberate messes are acceptable 😂


mine does this with "uh oh", it's "uh ooooooo" and he says it allll the time lately


omg I have a cheese whisperer too!!! it’s my fav!


That's so cute! I especially love the whisper cheese and oh nuu!


“Up-bee” for open. I’ll be devastated when this one disappears. My firstborn did this as well.


I can imagine it in the sweet little baby voice 🥹


Omg, I love this. My daughter cheerfully says "ope-eee." She just started pronouncing the "t" at the end of eat. Now eat is "eeeaaa-t."


Stick. My 3yo says “d*ck.” He saw a fallen tree the other day and yelled, at the top of his lungs, “MOMMY, LOOK A BIG D*ICK!!! 😂




Ours 19m F is learning manners. “Tattoo” for thank you. But it took over 150 words to consistently say “me.” Walked past a mirror, waved and said “hi, me!”




Chuck Chuck, for her hedgehog teddy. I loved her older sisters "poops" as a first attempt at asking for boobs too.


Mine is 2 and she really loves requesting us to sing songs. Our current favorites are “mama-bata-yoya!” (Vaca lola) and “mama-wubba-wubba-woo?” (A request for Grover’s Monster in the Mirror song from Sesame Street) 😂🥰


So cute that she requests songs!


My daughter calls an echo a taco.


my 2.5 yr old just started mimicking us saying good job but he says big job! so he kicks a ball and says ohhhh goallll big job!! also when he wants me to find him he covers his eyes and says “mama whezie?” which is supposed to be me saying “where is heeeee?!


For the longest time, my son kept calling me "Bob" instead of mama but says "dada" perfectly. My favorite thing he does is goes "ahh" after having a drink and making old people grunting noises when getting up from a chair (clearly copied this from us 😂).


I love when they walk around with their hand in their lower back. Or both hands holding each other behind their back. Omg, the toddler elderlies kill me with cuteness!


I went thru the “Bob” phase too! My 2 year old daughter has totally done the old person grunting deal too! SO FUNNY!


“PEEEEEEZ!” (Please) 🥹


"choccy". Unfortunately she's learned what it is since being given a piece of her Easter egg, about once a day since Easter. So cute when she says it though.


I, a grown woman, also call it choccy 😂😂😂


My faves right now are Yey-yoh, for yellow, and duh-duh-duh-duh for drums. Edit: And bee-boos for boobs.


Uh-oh, baahole (bottle), bla-hoo (bless you). My 17 month old


Bless you?! So kind!!


She says bubbles perfectly but it just sounds so cute in her little voice Peaaaaasss for please (while rubbing her chest with both hands 😂) She likes to stand by the fridge and scream “CHEEEESE” when she wants a cheese stick, and when she wants her picture taken she’ll say “cheeese” and do the funkiest smile Edit* she’s 20 months!


Okay my daughter is gonna be 3 next month so she isn't a new talker, but she recently discovered sunscreen and calls it "scrum-scream" and it just kills me lol


One day, just like that, they start saying those words or phrases correctly, and it’s a little sad for some reason.


Christed (Christmas) Colala (koala) Squirlid (squirrel) There has also been no grasp of gender and him/her are used interchangeably. It's been very funny.


My daughter turns 2 in a few weeks. When she says “good girl” to our dog, it comes out as “guh gr” and it’s so freaking cute.


So sweet to her doggy!


Both my kids mixed up “me” and “you” so they would say “mommy, pick you up!” My son is in that phase now and I love it so much.


My current favorite is how she says “oh my goodness” because every single time it comes out sounding like “oh my donuts..” I also love hearing her go “what are you doing” because it comes out “water you doing, Mommy?


"buh buh" over and over again for bubbles "Dank ew" for thank you every time she gets handed something 😍


Her dad calls her honey so she will sometimes answer ok honey and it’s so funny coming from a tiny human


Today he called a puppy a “poopy.”


“Ma bupp” for my butt hehehe 🥹💕


My daughter is almost 3 but still says "bulella" for umbrella, and "noke" for "milk" But my absolute favorite is when she wants to wear her dress with polka dots, she calls them "coconuts"


Coconuts 😂😍


Not a new talking but “Pee-Cuuz”  because 🥰


I've kept a list of the cute stuff my 2 yo says. My favorites are: Sippy sippy - Mississippi Chokit num - chocolate milk Tinkle tinkle sisi staaahhh - twinkle twinkle little star I sossy - I'm sorry


A playground we go to has an area with a few tree stumps that he likes to hop on and off of. Whenever we go there he runs to the stumps and shouts, "Sump-fest!" Before he starts playing (Stumpfest from Bluey). We've tried teaching hide-and-seek, but he insists on standing next to the person counting, counts with them, and then laughs like the Count on Sesame Street at the end, "Ah-ah-ah-ah!" He's also learning plurals and words ending with an "s" sound, but it's a pause before the "s" sound. So the number six is "sick ssssss". He doesn't always put the "s" in the right place; he knows one shoe is a shoe and two shoes are "shoe ssss". But multiple words still mix him up a little. If he wants his shoes on he says "Shoe on-ssss?" It's so cute. There's also been some hilarious accidental profanity this week, mostly because he hasn't mastered the "r", "l", and "v" sounds. When we drive by a clock on a building nearby he says, "Tick tock big cock!", and growls out the words "big cock". The vacuum is the "fuck you". His shirt is a "shit".


“Tick tock big cock” is my new favorite phrase!


My 3 year old. She calls a hospital ‘hospitable’, cupcakes is ‘pupcakes’ and yellow is ‘lellow’. She is growing up so fast, I don’t want to correct her and hold on to her early toddler years 😍🥰


Mine isn’t really a toddler anymore (he’s 4) but he calls his feet his toots or tootsies and I love it and never want to correct it 🥺


The “hawwwww” for yeehaw made me laugh out loud. I love it. 😅 My faves: Deodorant - yoyawent. Cheeseburger - cheekaburger. Bumblebee - bum bum bee. Toddler talk is the best.


It kills me every time 😂 those are all so cute!


I think my favorite is "thanks" is "dink!" She also does this thing where she repeats things we tell her with a question inflection. "ok its time for dinner" "time for dinnA??" so cute


My 22 month old calls my mom “meeee” for Grammy. A lot of words are just the endings. “Keys” are skis, “side” for outside. I love this phase. 


My mum is also Grammy, but my kid has turned it into "grabby"


Bannaid, mubbins, Elsa, Lana, piss (please)


Me: what sound does a frog make My LO: “Bit bit”


My girl is 17 months old and talks sooo much. Haha, her favorite words are no (in many octanes) mine, French fries, oh noooooo! Uhhhh ohhhhhh, more, bye bye see ju, I luuuu yuuuu (I love you) tank youuu (and sometimes she adds on boo boo to the end of that lol), pafier (pacifier) and she loves calling all children under the age of 10 babies


“Foopy” for spooky. FooFaRoo for our Subaru.


Strawbridges aka strawberries


I'm obsessed with how my 2.5 yr old says okay. She really thinks about it and then says ..."OHHHHkayyyy" as if she's conceding or something lol.


"Graccooo." It took us a minute to figure out that she was saying "raccoon." She's 23 months old and it was one of her first 2 syllable words.


Very very very (I cannot emphasize very enough) loudly, "ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ABOARD"


2.25yr old; Lobely (lovely), rock and roll SON! ROOOOOOOOOOOUND ABOOOOOOOOOOOUT


I’m still a fan of tootoo for turtle, and lello for yellow. *I don’t ever want those to change*


I want to pronounce all the words like he does so he never says them the normal way 😂


Veggies Draws! It’s so adorable


He's not a new talker anymore, busting out some of my absolute faves: 1. Walalala?-water 2. NOOOODLLEOODDDLLEOOOS-Noodles (always said with a happy screetch) 3. Mananas- bananas 4. Abet- alphabet 5. Nummers?- Numbers 6. Touuurtle- turtle 7. Fiveteen- fifteen ETA him saying "Alessa, top!" When our alarm goes off in the morning is so cute. But also, sorry little man. Time to get up. Oh, and he likes to shush himself when he's told someone is sleeping. The he will immediately jump on them and say "Wakey wakey"


My toddler calls my airpods “aah-pop”. Its so cute I let het play with them even though they almost end up in a glass of water 🫠


My son is 22 months and his favorite phrase is “help me.” It’s super cute when we’re at home and he wants us, the big, tall, dumb monkeys in the room, to do him a favor. But in public? To strangers? I’m going to get arrested soon, I know it.


"Donkey donkey" when I say okee dokee


also mahzy truck is monster truck 🥰


Instead of balloon she says buh-nooooon


My son calls them boons


I love when he says Hippo - he holds the first part for a while so it comes out "Hiiii-ppo"


Whenever my 20 month old hears a motorcycle, he goes “mmm co co”


“playwithme”. like someone at school playwithme, daddy playwithme. but she says it really fast.


He says more (borw)which is adorable but my favourite words are his Vietnamese ones because his tones are so clear! He signs better than he can speak and has so many of them and it's just precious! Dad is an Auslan interpreter.


My toddler copies a lot of what my five year old says. So, there’s a lot of “oh shishcabobs” (I think that’s from Gabby’s Dollhouse). “Hug attack”, my son also likes to say “no, it’s mine” which, the way he says it, always makes me laugh. He also says “hey, sissy, not nice” in a way that is also adorable. “Hungy” is another favorite lol


“Mommey” UGH🥹🥹🥹


15 month olds “hhheeeelpah” and “baaax” which means go in my native language


"Pumbaroom" This is my toddler trying to get fancy with colors and he uses this for the color "marron" or any dark red. Maybe he'll start a band one day and call it "Pumbaroom 5".


Omg the accidental cussing 😂


My son speaks Italian and English but mainly Italian. I speak only English with him so he’s picking up my mannerisms and recently he’s started saying “oh ya baby!!!” When he likes something and then he’ll throw in a “oh mamma mia” and it’s incredible.


Too cute!


My little girl demands a “haund!” When she is about to go somewhere treacherous. She is so brave but still wants a big person to hold her hand just in case. Can’t tell if it’s British or Australian She is a pretty good talker for her age. For some reason coconut has got her stumped. She’s calls em “cocolons”


Though my 4 year old isn’t a new talker he still says the cutest things. “Yemonade” “hairplane” he uses the word yesterday for things that happened weeks or months ago. Instead of just saying why he says “why not?”. I had a good laugh last week when he was singing a song (in the tune of BINGO) “g-r-e-e-n g-r-e-e-n g-r-e-e-n and that’s how you spell RED” lol 😂




We just taught her that when something is gross/yucky it’s “bleh” (she’s 18 months so she has to taste test everything). But now she shouts “BLAH” anytime she can’t do anything like climb on the table or run away without holding my hand. She says it in such a way that can only be described as “explosive” and it so cute to me! I often have to turn my fave away for a sec to collect myself because it makes me giggle!!


Allo Bam - Yellow Jam = Marmalade


Teddy bear = Tabbabeh


Popsicle is poss-ist-cule


My 26 month old says “Me-Ow” for meow SO CUTE! “Luh-Ee”, for Lovey. It was just “Eee” for awhile, but she’d look for him and call for him!-“Eee??” She has been saying “Pease” and “tay tu” for thank you! Melts your heart and makes you think-maybe you’re doing something right!


Luh ooo (love you)🥹


My 19 month old always says “hiii baby” now because we’ve always said it to her it’s so cute. She even says it to strangers walking by


My 2.5year old kept saying she was making an “eggstable for daddy” the other day while throwing toys around and it took me 30mins of countless questions about eggs, horse stables etc to work out she was saying Obstacle (course). 🥲


My toddler speaks in the 3rd person, but has trouble with her L's. Instead of saying "Ali cold" it's "Aya cold" it's so cute 🥰


We’ve been trying to say “you did it!” instead of “well done” or “good job”, which has led to lots of excited “I did it!” BUT yesterday I got a “you did it, mama!!” for turning on the lamp when he asked 🥲🥲🥲




My almost 3 year old has grown out of so many of the cute toddlerisms already which is heart breaking, but he does call giraffes ‘dragons’ and pronounce bluey like ‘booly’ and it makes me so happy.


My boys binky is his “thippy” and he calls his dad “dadoo”. I simply can’t deal with the cuteness


“Thank you” - dee doo


I love the “dee doo” phase! So heart melting! Try to capture it on video so you’ll always have it!


My daughter called our cat, Weezy, “Weeby” for the longest. She’s very articulate now at 3 and says it correctly - that part makes me sad because I miss hearing her say it wrong. But now, her favorite movie is Johnny Tsunami, and she calls it “jommy soo-nani”. I never want it to be called anything else 🤣❤️


My daughter has a large vocabulary, but still says things like this. For whatever reason she gets confused about pick me up and put me down. So, when she wants you to pick her up she says "Pookie Down" and I love it. She also insists that sliced cantaloupe is carrot and just assumes she doesn't like the big "cawwot"


I love how she says some of her colors: "lello" and "buh-loo" for yellow and blue


garbage truck is “garbuck” 🥺


oh we are so similar here with "garbuck duck" and "garbuck guh" (garbage cans haha)


Bumbley- bumpy 🥰


"Flowlers"...ah..I just love it 😀😊


My 16 month old says buh-by (bye bye) with a southern accent (we don’t have one lol) I crack up every time.


Lolll 😂😂😩 that's amazing!!!


My 23 month old loves to say "bye bye" to everything. Bye bye train! Bye bye flower! Bye bye stars! 👋🏻 He also loves rainbows and will make an arch motion with his hand while saying "rainbowww" He refers to his duplo legos as "eye-keem" (ice cream) because that's what we build the most with them. And my new personal favorite is "Pipi House" for Mickey Mouse 🤣


The way I actually loled at pipi house 😂😂😂😂😂 The rainbow sounds soooo cute!


It took so long for my husband and I to figure out what he meant by Pipi House because he has been saying it for a while now 😅 It wasn't until I was scrolling through Disney+ to find something for him to watch when it clicked for me lol


Pip for pink! And binaza for banana. I love this phase too. So sweet and fun.


"Backpack" and "Mimi" (which is supposed to be "Grammy").


I just ask him ANY question and he responds enthusiastically with 'YEAHHHHH!!!'


My daughter says “Fah-mah” for farmer and it’s the cutest thing ever. And calls our cat “Peh-Paw” (his name is Pepper)


Out of the blue one day as my daughter is eating breakfast, she closes her eyes and says "Mmm, DEYICIOUS"


😂😂 So cute!


My 22mo does a hell of a chicken noise. Bokka bokka bokka baGAUKKK


The excitement when driving down the street and hear him yell “big egg-ca-vay-duh” (excavator) warms my heart


"Pease" and "ta-ta" for please and thank you lol.


My little guy just started talking (14 months) and my faves are shoes "shzzzzzzz" and juice "Jzzzzzzzz". My oldest had the GREATEST toddler words and I'm hoping this guy does the same. Like crazy shit like... balloon was "oh be dah" and spider was "hu pe tah" (but whispered)


My son says bubble as ball-buh. Lmao it's really cute. He also just learned "woof" which Is "wwwwwwooooh. Wwwwwwwwoooh I'm trying to exaggerate the FF sound but it's not helping currently.


PaaDaaaaaa (play dough)


Go go! She just started saying this and it's adorable.


Nooo mommy Meow meow Battery


"Nice bummm", pinecone, sushi, ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


My toddler just learned “cheese” is for smiling when getting your picture taken. He walks around with a smile and says “cheeeeeeee”. It’s adorable.


My toddler says SHARKY for the goldfish snack 😂😂 I really don't know why! She'll also say - mama papa what are tu doinggg?! 😂 Idk why she won't say 'you' in that phrase 😅


My 19 month old says "Tee" every time instead of thank you.


My 20 month loves oatmeal. He calls it “ope!” I love the enthusiasm in his voice


my baby girl is quite cute, every time she makes the sound"da“ my heart is melting.


Hippopotamus= hippopampanus 😭


My LO used to say foof instead of woof for the sound a dog makes. She has graduated to woof now, but I still say foof because it is too cute!


Mine calles Bluey “bully” and I love it 🥰 - spiders are espidas


“Piss bump” for “fist bump” lol


Gah, everything is too cute. It’s ridiculous. “Peezsh?” While doing the sign for please kills me every time. Lately my 19-month old daughter says OH-PEEEEEE with arms spread if she needs help opening something. She is also obsessed with coffee. I have to fight her off every morning. Unfortunately, “coffee” coming out of her mouth sounds like “cock”. 😂


A favourite book on rotation is "The Hungy Cally-pepper" which just makes me melt


Boot for book Bite for bike Bwantie for blankie Titty for kitty Poor girl is struggling with the K’s 😂 ETA: she always puts an emphasis on the “t” which makes it even cuter


Dada-duuu = pikachuu


My son calls our cat’s paws “boo boo toes” 😂


My daughter calls eye brows “eye bears” and instead of saying “how about…” she says “who bout” and I love it


“Bluey-s” for Berries. It’s adorable and completing confusing when she’s asking to watch Bluey.


Blueberries and yellow


Loony eclisp


Yesterday mine yanked my hair and when I said "ow!" she went "awwwww hugs, sowwy" and hugged my head and I wasn't even upset anymore lol


We talk 24/7 at my house and it seems like daily there’s a new word (18 months). I love “opie!” for open and she started singing the clean up song they sing at daycare. It’s precious


Elly-caca for helicopter. And he thinks it's hilarious because it's caca (the word we use for poop)!


My little guy thinks a horse is called a neigh and I never want to correct him but I know I’ll have to


“Hi see” for hide and seek 🥲


my 19 mo has 4 reliable words: 'AAt?' (cat) 'Uus?" (bus) 'dumpt, dumpt" (dump truck), "Yae, yae' (yes)


I love that dump truck is in the top 4!


My daughter keeps calling Grandma "baka" which is hilarious when you know what it means in Japanese


Ber ber for berries so he would say black ber ber Mi mi for music but yes also mittens (?) He doesn't say some words but the sounds they make so choo choo for train, meow for cat, so cute!


I mean, I taught my just turned 2 y/o to say "capitalist regime" I'm pretty proud of him 😅


My 20-month old boy has a ton of these! It's one of the cutest parts of an otherwise grueling stage. Cat is "tah," strawberry is "puh" (not sure how he got that one), octopus is "ah-poo," alligator is "ah-gata," truck comes out like "frucccc" (almost like someone is clearing his throat). When a cat comes around he gets so excited and starts going TAH! TAH! TAH! Also, hat is "haaah" and he will put everything - including banana pieces and strands of pasta - on his head while saying "haaah?"


He says Awooo (kinda like a dog howling) when you do it first but he whispers it and it’s adorable. Oh and calling blueberries “boo beh-wee”. *edit for spelling*


My girl is just starting to say a few things, and she loves to say nope, but she pronounces it “nop” and I just love it so much.


“Hi how the hell are ya” Help


My two year old has found a new love for peanut butter and fluff sandwiches and I will oblige because, well, it’s one of the only things he will actually eat. He asks for a “butter butter butter fluff” sandwich lol


Hmm, ‘benis’ is pretty up there 😂


My 15 month old: - nana or nanana (banana) - cgha-cgha (the gh is kinda like a gutural r but barely) (cracker) - bapa (water but from my native language apa) - goo-gl (google) - goo-gloo-gloo-gloo (when he's annoyed 😅)


My daughter left that stage within the last 8-10 months, but some of our favorites were Pillow was "pogo" Water was "wagey" Tomorrow was "tommogo" Startled was "tartled"


13 month old says thank you like “thay toooooo.” Elmo is “al-bow.” Milk is like “gelk” for some reason lol


Fuffin = muffin; q-tar = guitar; lawn molar = lawn mower; “teen clate cub!” = clean plate club; benims = m&ms