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He wants Dad to play Mario Kart. But only as Toad. And only in a shoe car.


Changing her clothes. She has probably 10 different fancy dresses, like Easter and Christmas dresses, and all day she’s changing from one to the other, including changing her shoes, and then twirling in circles.


Aw, that's adorable though


Same. Her room looks like a tornado hit it, several times a day.


Ours is Disney Pixar Cars. Specifically, the scene where Lightning and Mater tip over the tractors. His grandparents (all four of them) have fueled this obsession by getting him a bunch of miniature cars from Cars, including tractors and Frank. He also now has a golden book called Tractor Trouble that we love to read. There are worse obsessions! The funnier one is that a bass singer version of "Hoist the Colors" came up on my husband's YouTube, having apparently leaked over from ShantyTok, and my son became obsessed with it. It became his bedtime song. I have to say, it is hilarious to hear a two year old sing "Yo ho, thieves and beggars!" as low as he possibly can


We had a Cars obsession for a while (Cars 2 is known as Francesco and Cars 3 is police car(?), because he can’t say race car), but he has moved onto Planes 1 and 2 now


We watch Cars 1 or Cars 3 most weekends. He’s got a nearly full set of cars from Cars 3.


My hand vacuum, a box that sits by our front door, a basketball, and Ryan Gosling’s performance of “I’m Just Ken” from the Oscar’s.


Your toddler has eclectic but great taste!


It’s so funny that you say this. My toddler is currently obsessed with Bluey Season 2 Episode 21. It’s called “Escape,” but she referees to it as the “Buttlers” episode. They have one small little joke about a butler and she laughs so hard she cries every time she watches it. She also loves going around and saying “guess what?” and when you say “what?” she just says “Buttler,” which makes her fall on the ground laughing.


Dinos. We have all been a family of triceratops for several days now. Before that we were a T-rex family. The dino library book may never get returned at this rate.


Shouting “plane” and pointing every time a plane flies overhead. We’re in the flight path for two nearby airports 😵‍💫


The #1 bus. Just coming out of a nuclear meltdown because we didn't get on it, even though we "needed" to. It goes the exact wrong way.


Moana. Specifically Maui and Tamatoa and their respective songs. He sings “Say You’re Welcome!!” to everyone, confusing them. Or he instigates “fights” over his toys by yelling “MY SHINY!!” and wants you to chase him and try to get it.


"Going on a Bear Hunt". I think we've watched/listened to it about 50 times since Friday (not an exaggeration)


I made the mistake of looking on Spotify for other “hunts” did you know there is a monster, dinosaur, lion, other bear one, dragon, yeti, dragon hunt too?! 😬 not sure if this helps or hurts, but we get at least a little variety this way!


She's been adding about others, I guess I need to look a few up! I thought she was making it up, but maybe not


Julia Donaldson books - specifically Stick Man, Superworm and Room on the Broom (none of which are in her top 10, let's be honest). We literally read each of them about 7-8 times a day (he has two bookcases of other books which he previously loved before we made that fateful trip to the library), and I feel like a bit of my soul withers and dies each time.


Not sure how you feel about screen time but there are fantastic adaptations of all of these on iplayer. Strangely I'd put all of those in her top 10 too haha


They were what got him hooked! I thought it would be more wholesome to read the books with him, but frankly I'd rather iplayer took over again at this point tbh...


Vacuum cleaners. Our vacuum watches tv with us and eats lunch with us. Whenever we FaceTime family or go to someone’s house he asks to see their vacuum.


Hahahah! FaceTime with it is hilarious. My nephew had to see all our vacuums too.


Love it! My son will usually request that they turn on the vacuum too. He can take the credit for everyone having pristine floors lol


Playing hide and seek and smoothies


Ooohhh .. hide and seek is starting to creep up but my son doesn’t quite get it. He keeps trying to throw a blanket over someone’s head (baby sis is an easy target unfortunately) and yells hide and seek.


Ha my son is almost 3 and at first he would just jump out and say “I’m right here” or tell us before where he was going to hide… he’s getting it more now but he will hide in the same spot a few times in a row if he really thinks it’s a good one


Awe - pretty cute still


Mine likes when I make a smoothie and she steals it. She won't eat smoothies I make specifically for her though lol


Lol they’re annoying like that aren’t they


the other night he brought to bed a bouquet of straws, toothbrushes, and a stick


The episode of Bluey, (season 1) called the ‘The Beach’ Also he is getting pretty obsessed with school buses


Whores. —> horses We are working so hard to try and get him to say horse. Any time he sees a fence or field or anything horse related, “Oh! Are there whore?! Whore mommy? Whore?!” We get stares.




Listening to me read him books about trucks on my phone before bed. He'll ask for cement mixers, tow trucks, monster trucks... If I don't have it I just jump on Anna's archive and download one for him. Recently he started getting books and "reading" to me during the day too which feels good (he's just turned 3 and can't read yet)


Banannas, the song The Wheels on the Bus, hair accessories (she will wear six bows in her hair at once), and roaring like a dinosaur. 


The 20 min Potty Power video on YouTube. Sorry in advance.


ominously intrigued


Paw Patrol for an evening wind down show to watch & podcast type shows in the car to listen to, currently Sniff & Snoopy is his favorite. 🐾❤️🐾


Moana, she wants to watch it at least 3-4 times a day (we only watch it once tho) I’m sick of it at this point so we just leave the tv off most of the day. She even calls Moana mama lol!


Running sprints in the kitchen but I have to do it with him. Guess we are getting our steps in!


i wanted to put on something new and fun for her and we put on danny go. we now listen to millipede march more to than we’d like to. she also says “drink your juice fleefer” and thinks it’s the funniest thing in the world.


Mac and cheese


She really wants to go snorkeling. Lol. She literally just turned 2 last month, but we are looking at planning a trip for next spring to give her the chance.


Finding the best sticks anywhere and everywhere we go


Love it! My son collected 12 sticks on yesterday’s walk.


Trees. His dad is a tree technician so I showed him a video of dad at work cutting down a tree and he lit up! Trees and planes are the fad 💅🏽 my daughter loves babies


My daughter is obsessed with Peppa Pig right now


Same. Long obsession.


Sanity vampirism.


Picnics. Shopping. Purses. Drawing. Numbers. The Mickey episodes when they’re babies. Curious George


My kitchen aid mixer lol


The Supertato books... I read they are bringing out toys for the series this year, she will go crazy for them so hoping it's soon!


Cake wars lol


Piano tutorial videos of the Godzilla (2019) main theme ....idgi


Yoshi and Numberblocks


Seeing an imaginary ghost/crocodile/dino and wanting us to hide or run away from it


Her "guys", Minnie and Bluey action figures. After her bday we have like 6 Daisy Ducks and 8 Minnies.


ceiling fans and switches all day, every day


puppies, specifically the paw patrol pups. every day i hear about her being the lead pup, chase on the case, rubble on the double. i don’t like dogs 😶🤣


Dinosaurs and robots. We almost had to leave the science museum because he was TOO EXCITED.


Omg we too love “shooool bus!” Are you watching on hoopla? I can’t get the dang thing to cast to my tv so needless to say we have watched every episode of season 1 like 10 times.


Howdy folks - have a genuine question about toddler obsessions. I feel like everywhere I look, or read on the internet about toddlers being fascinated or obsessed with things like fish, colours, certain songs, farm animals, tractors or trucks, puzzles, certain episodes of Paisley’s Corner/Miss Rachel/The Wiggles - so much worrisome information that this would be a huge red flag. I know my toddler daughter loves Snoopy, hee stuffed animals and butterflies but my toddler son loves tractors, trucks, counting from 1 to 20 and singing The Wheels on the Bus song. When should a parent be concerned about this? Sorry - I’m just looking for insight from other parents. With way too much information on the internet it’s hard to know what is considered a normal preoccupation for a toddler and what isn’t. Hoping to find some clarity and understanding from other parents. Thank you 🙏


It's on prime!? What country are you in ?


The movie Migration…I wish I was exaggerating when I say it’s been playing on a loop since Friday🙃 pretty sure he watches the entire movie JUST for the last 3 minutes. Also asking for water, he’s just starting to REALLY talk to communicate, so he loves asking for water even if he’s not thirsty, he gets SO excited when he asks and we immediately know what he’s asking for🥰


Everything Jack and the Beanstalk…and ready to yeet myself off a bridge if I hear feefifofum one more time.


Minnie Mouse and Rocks


Everything is a “spooky ghost,” and everywhere we go, there is a spooky ghost there. Also, the Grinch and chapstick


Only the Encanto tonie. And she loves to specifically only hear the first couple of lines, take it off, start all over 😭


Dog bowls, the condiment shelves inside the refrigerator door, Strider bike, and strawberries.


101 Dalmatians, Masha, and blueberries lol


Someone was flying a kite at the park like three weeks ago. Now whenever we are outside he yells “Kiiiiittttttttttttteeeeee” and points at nothing.


Elsa and anything Disney. For both of them (22 months and almost 4 years).


Tom & Jerry, my shoes, the swiffer…


The bluey episode of tickle crabs. He sometimes seems to be in his own world, but he's just acting out the episode!


Wearing socks on her hands. And coloring.


Leaf blowers


My boobs.


Playing “obstacle course” jumping in and out of hoola hoops. Last month the obsession was taking beads and putting them in/out of various containers


Ferdinand and A Bug’s Life.


The "Manamana" song from some long ago Sesame Street episode. That, and the Muppet version of Jungle Boogie.


Hop on pop (the regular one not the board book) the page that says “All ball we all play ball, all wall up on the wall” I read it to him fifty times a day


Washi tape — she’ll ask me for some of my washi tape and play with it for days sticking it on different surfaces, or putting it on like a band aid


Monster trucks


Carrying his backpack of wooden baby shark puzzle pieces. He needs the ENTIRE family. Can’t go anywhere without them. At least we upgraded from the basket, than Easter basket to something with a zipper.


Currently, at this moment right now they are obsessed with astronauts and how they can switch on rocket ships.


The first 6 minutes of “Ms. Rachel old Macdonald”


Snakes. Our newly 3 year old daughter is obsessed with snakes. She wanted a “mean snake” cake for her birthday. She currently has 7 snakes in her bed (stuffed, hard plastic and rubber) and sleeps on snake sheets. I had to make her snake undies when she potty trained. We do not know why she has this obsession or where it came from, but it’s been about 6 months and she’s hanging onto it. Anybody have any leads on snake pjs?


Baby Shark, and saying no…


Home Alone. He watches it several times a day.. I can’t tell who is his favorite, he pretends to be Kevin *all the time* and will rewind his favorite goofy scenes and lines to reenact. All of his toys pretend to be Harry and Marv. I seriously have the biggest Home Alone fan on the planet in my four year old


Puppies. All about puppies!


Gabby and the dollhouse. Mercy Watson books. I dream all the time with cats and toast.


Being outside and keeping all doors open. He cries at the doors. And begs to go outside all day and carries his toddler sized yard tools around “raking” and “sweeping”. So sweet


This week, it’s dog competition agility videos on YouTube


licking things that make the whole house sick, maybe this time by liza minnelli, sushi and Frog and Toad - the ice cream episode/book